MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 149 The prince of the interstellar

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The first encounters of Lu Heng and Zhao Jingjia are not pleasant. The elite class and the preparatory class are not far apart, and it is normal to encounter each other. Zhao Jingjia’s side is always surrounded by a group of people. Lu Heng, everyone has retired from him, for fear of being infected by his suffocating breath.

Especially on this day, even the summer is clear because Lu Heng is not in the college, it seems that Lu Heng is more unique.

Perhaps Lu Heng’s reputation in the Guozi school was too strong, and the girl next to Zhao Jingjia said something in her ear. Lu Heng saw Zhao Jingjia, who was like a scorpion with frost, moved over, and then seemed to move indifferently.

However, Lu Heng felt the faint hostility and contempt on her body. For this sentiment, Lu Heng did not understand it. How could he be indifferent to being hostile to Zhao Jingjia? If you just scorn and disdain everything is normal, after all, this second ancestor, who does not learn anything, is a mouse in this country.

Ah, how can you say this yourself, is there a mouse that looks so good?

Lu Heng looked at himself in the mirror and carefully looked at it for a long while. In addition to these arrogant colors, they are still outstanding. Even if it is too arrogant, people can't get close, and they don't make a stranger hostile.

That Zhao Jingjia, certainly not an outsider. Because of the unclear reply from the plane maintenance department, Lu Heng speculated that the world apart from Xia and Xia Ming, only Xia Lingyi was an outsider. Then her hostility to herself came from.

She just entered school, and she couldn’t be like the students of the previous Guozi school, because she felt that Lu Heng’s airborne elite class had a feeling of indignation.

You must know that even if Lu Heng is now carrying the name of this class, there is still a handful of supporters of his control in Guozi. From the forum of Guozi Xue, we can see that Lu Hao did something that was deceptive and was exposed to the forum. There will always be such a reply that "the little child grows really beautiful, and I can forgive him for his face".

At this moment, Lu Heng heard the footsteps coming from behind, and he didn’t have to look back to know that Xia Mingming was back.

"Xia Liangming, what do you think of this generation of children? Is it really a bit ugly, then how can Zhao Jingjia be fully hostile to me?" Lu Heng sideways face, still some do not understand.

Xia Mingming came over and reached out and squeezed it behind Lu Heng’s neck. Because of the young experience, his finger skin is very rough, and the back neck of Lu Heng brings a strong sense of current stimulation.

Lu Heng was pinched by him and said: "What are you doing!"

Lu Heng turned back and took the other hand's hand. His back neck is actually not a sensitive place. However, in every world before, when this person was on the bed, he always liked to pinch Lu Heng's neck. So now this action, for Lu Heng, has a strong dark indication.

Xia Mingming seems to have some disagreement about why Lu Heng’s reaction is so big, but the other’s fried hair, he has always been a slap in the face: “I’m sorry for Ah Heng’s young master, I’m over the moment. Your hair is too long, Trim it."

All things Lu Heng does, Xia Mingming will not fake others.

With the sound of rubbing and rubbing, the black shreds slammed on the ground.

"Master A Heng. You care about Zhao Jingjia?"

"Zhao Jingjia? Who?" Xia Liangming's hand was too soft for Lu Heng's hair, which made him feel like a cat-shaped chin. He completely relaxed the whole person, and his mind was almost a state of emptying.

When I heard this strange name, Lu Heng didn't even react to it for the first time.

Xia Liangming has been tightening his chin and relaxed slightly. He bent over and his right hand gently licked the broken hair of Lu Heng's shoulder: "The one who just let you worry."

Xia Mingming’s voice is very close, and Lu Heng can feel the smell of his spray on his ear.

"I am so close to me." Lu Hengyi pushed away the face of the other party. "You know my abilities. Xia Lingwei is very concerned about this Zhao Jingjia. Zhao Jingjia’s attitude towards me is very strange. I always feel that What is the secret?"

"Broken hair." Xia Liangming said, and then blown on the neck side of Lu Heng. The look is very serious, there is nothing wrong with it.

Look at his serious look, plus the feeling of flatness. Lu Heng is not sure whether the feeling of being eaten with tofu is his own illusion.

Lu Heng has not had time to find an opportunity to find out about Zhao Jingjia and see where her hostility towards her comes from. Empress Huining sent this opportunity.

On this day, Lu Heng received a newsletter from Huining, and asked him to enter the palace for dinner. For this Empress Huining, Lu Heng feels good. After all, it is a pleasure to feel pure love and affection from a person.

After entering the restaurant door and turning the screen, Lu Heng saw a person who made him very surprised.

Zhao Jingjia.

She sat on the right hand side of Empress Huining, and talked with the Queen Mother with a soft smile on her face. Zhao Jingjia wore simple Chinese costumes, and the black long hair was randomly set up without any extra hair accessories. The whole person sat there, and even the background seemed to be a bit more clear than the side.

No wonder that the sons of Guozi learned to be the goddess of the college. This unattainable and pure temperament is the type that the arrogant students can't resist. Lu Heng thought so, his feet kept going and he went in.

Seeing Lu Heng coming in, Zhao Jingjia did not show the color of surprise. He just looked at it faintly and nodded. It seems that Lu Heng would have come over.

"Xiaoheng, come and sit." Huining's first sight was Lu Heng, and the smile on his lips was a bit deeper.

After the ceremony, Lu Heng sat in the vacancy on her left hand with the gesture of Empress Huining.

"Xiaoheng, Jingjia, you must have heard the other person's name in the Guozi school." Empress Huining said, "After all, both of you are the limelight."

"Bo Niang, don't hurt me, can you still know what is the limelight?" Lu Heng made a fortune.

"You know it, you go to the Gothic underground handcuffs to let you enter the elite class of the country." Hui Ning's face expression is not without any blame. "You are good, when you go in, it will be full of wind and rain." A few days ago, the magistrate's fold was filled with your cousin's desk."

"Cut, those officials are quite wide." Lu Heng snorted.

Zhao Jingjia just smiled on the side and couldn't see the indifference of her when she first saw Lu Heng in the college.

However, the hostility in her body was not reduced for a long time. Lu Heng shook his head in his heart, but the topic was pulled over: "Bo Niang, you did not say that you have more than one person to eat today?"

Lu Heng’s words are not too polite. He did deliberately say this. He wants to see how the mask of Zhao Jingjia’s calmness can be worn.

Zhao Jingjia on the side smiled a little, and Empress Hui Ning took a look at Lu Heng, and then appease Zhao Jingjia’s hand comfortably.

"Jingjia, Xiaoheng was spoiled by me and I am still a child's temper. I have never spoken in the brain. Don't worry about him."

"No, His Royal Highness is a straightforward person, and he is more suitable as a friend than those who are deeply minded." Zhao Jingjia said.

"Xiaoheng, Jingjia, your mother, are my best friends." Hui Ning is behind the color of nostalgia, "unfortunately since Gao Lanyuan married the Suzaku Galaxy, I entered the palace again, and the three of us never again I’ve got together. I can see you today, and I’m seeing a child like Gaolan sitting in the same place with me. I always feel that I have returned to a young age.”

After the meal was finished, Zhao Jingjia first retired and returned to Guozixue, while Lu Heng was routinely left behind by Mrs. Huining to talk with her.

"Xiaoheng, what do you think of Jingjia?"

As Lu Heng expected, the Empress of Hui Ning directly led the topic to Zhao Jingjia.

"It's still a success." Lu Heng coveted tea, his face was careless.

"You, this child, what is the return. Give me a serious point." Empress Huining said, "I see this girl, it looks like a red lips, it is a mature and gentle temper, just to neutralize you and burn it. Firecracker. In the same year, the three of us had an appointment..."

"Wait, wait!" Lu Heng quickly interrupted the other party, "Isn't you talking about what I thought?"

"Which do you think?" Hui Ning said with a smile.

"The fingertips are married."

Empress Huining did not answer directly, but said: "You are not too small. Seeing your cousin, you have been married for more than a year. You are still in trouble like a child. You can do good things in your country." I am wearing it in my ear. I see, getting a family can make a man grow up."

"Right right, that's right, fill the cousin with the harem, let him grow and grow." Lu Heng said, "This Zhao Jingjia is good, there is a favored qualification."

"What nonsense? Don't pretend to be crazy in front of me." Hui Ning was soon laughed by Lu Heng. "You go back and think about it. How does Jingjia marry you to be a child? If you don't care, I will Just talk to Xia Zefang directly."

Lu Heng screamed: "What ages are you, you still play with the words of your parents. Let me develop freely, do you have to find this Zhao Jingjia?"

Empress Huining’s brow was silent for a long while, and said: “You know that Zhao’s status in the dynasty has always been so respected?”

"Why?" These things are probably in the category of Royal Mishin. Lu Heng really could not find the reason from his memory.

"Because of the blood of the Zhao family, there is a chance to awaken a special spiritual gene chain." Empress Huining said, "A person who awakens this special gene chain will produce a spiritual ability."

"Psychic abilities?" Lu Heng hearted, this is the first time in addition to the small assistant, he heard the words of spiritual ability in this plane.

"This kind of spiritual ability can promote the awakening of the returning gene chain. This ability can only be used once. The Zhao family has always been left to the most important person. Xiaoheng, you have not yet awakened the gene Chain, now that you are an adult, the probability of spontaneous awakening is almost zero. The life expectancy of ordinary people is only a few decades, and Bo Niang does not want white hair to send black hair." Hui Ning's look is dignified.

"Zhao Jingjia is awakened by this special gene chain?" Lu Heng understood why the Huining Queen suddenly wanted to bring this red line to himself.

Empress Xiaoning nodded: "But this matter is naturally based on the wishes of both of you. After all, it is impossible to forcibly tie two unaffected people together for a lifetime because of this."

"No matter what I think, the girl Zhao, but I can't see me. Didn't see me at the table, she didn't even give me one of the corners of her eyes?" Lu Heng said.

"That may not be the case. Although the agreement of the fingertips for marriage was a melodic ingredient, we exchanged the tokens." Empress Huining said, "Today Jingjia comes with a token. I don't believe Gaolan did not disclose it to her." Too much."

After listening to the words of Empress Huining, Lu Heng did not decisively veto the matter. He promised to start with Guo Zixue and start with Zhao Jingjia from ordinary friends to see if they are suitable. He naturally has no special meaning for Zhao Jingjia, just want to understand the serious doubts of Zhao Jingjia.

There are also Xia Lingqi, Zhao Jingjia's appearance, but let this passerby be ready to move.

Back in the dormitory, Lu Heng always felt that something was wrong with him. He thought that he was in the palace and had been paying attention to perceive Zhao Jingjia’s emotions, resulting in excessive consumption of power. So he became a cat-shaped, thinking that the speed of recovery would be much faster.

However, there is no improvement.

"Master A Heng, are you hungry?" Xia Liangming's fingers poked the other person's stomach. "Isn't dinner enough?"

Lu Heng thought of this, only in the Empress Dowager Hui, there has been only self-observation of Zhao Jingjia, did not eat anything. After returning, I was thinking about the things just now, and I didn’t even think about the meal. No wonder you always feel that you have no strength.

At this moment, after the reminder of Xia Mingming, he felt a little bit hungry.

Lu Heng jumped from Xia Mingming's thigh and lifted his chin to indicate that he was going to prepare himself: "I want to eat golden carp."

Xia Mingming went to the kitchen downstairs to open the refrigerator, but found that the golden carp had no stock. Think of the picky kitten, since he named the golden carp, if he didn't eat it, it would be boring for the whole night.

The production of golden carp is scarce, and it is almost exclusively for the royal family. It is difficult to buy outside. Therefore, Xia Mingming decided to go back to the Prince’s House to take it. At his speed, it was only half an hour.

Take the dish of milk and let Lu Heng first pad the stomach. In the summer, he will go back to the Prince’s House.

Zhao Jingjia wandered among the imperial cities. She didn't want to go back to China. That place is a prison for her.

With the qualification of Zhao Jingjia, in fact, I can enter the Guozi School for study. However, due to her precious and rare abilities, Zhao Wang has not reluctantly agreed to go to school so far away from home. This time I can come to the emperor star, and it is actually the blessing of the deaf child. Because Rong Rongwang’s nephew returned to the emperor’s star, he also entered the Guozi school.

"Your Majesty has been wary of the different surnames. For the sake of the safety of the whole family, the Prince of the Prince is the most suitable marriage partner."

"Why! Why must it be the second ancestor who did not learn to practice, even if it is to marry the Emperor Star as a hostage, it is not only this choice!"

"Rong Prince is a wise man. He has abolished his nephew, and he has shown an attitude to His Majesty. You marry the past is also a statement of our Zhao Wangfu." Zhao Wang said, "And the marriage of the Prince of Rongrong will also be married. There are some taboos, and it won't be easy to get started. No matter from that aspect, Rong Prince is the most suitable candidate."

Zhao Jingjia thought about what the father said to himself before leaving the Suzaku Galaxy. What is this, it is already the Star Ages, and there is such a marriage that is involuntarily. I do not know how many people envy their noble status, but can not see the bitterness behind this noble identity.

The prince of the glory, who was born, is indeed a good looks. It’s just that Zhao Jingjia can’t see the embroidered pillow. What she appreciates is the ability to be outstanding.

However, Zhao Jingjia, who came to the emperor for the first time, did not notice that he had stepped into a dangerous place. In the dark corner, there are already bad eyes on her.

Xia Mingming walked out of the Prince's House, raised his hand and looked at the time, and found that it was a bit slower than expected. Thinking that Lu Heng might have waited to start frying, he took a step and decided to take a shortcut.

However, this shortcut, but encountered an accident. Xia Liangming’s footsteps, just stepping into the dark path with few traces of people, heard the sound of struggling and fighting in front, and seemed to be mixed with the exclamation of the woman.


"Through." Xia has a faceless expression, he does not want to intervene in such troubles. You know, spending a second here means that his Ahengdo is hungry for a while.

However, those people do not buy much. After all, what they are doing now, if they are discovered, the Prison Department’s prison must be on the way.

Several people gathered around.

Xia Liangming frowned, and calculated it in his heart. The result was that these people were able to solve the problem more quickly than the detour. The result of the matter is naturally as good as that calculated by Xia Mingming.

Xia Mingming stepped on several people who fell to the ground and stunned, and continued to move forward. When passing by the places where those people were surrounded, there was a voice calling him.

"Wait, thank you for saving me, what is your name?" The shadow that was sitting on the ground was a woman.

Xia Mingming's footsteps kept going, and the figure disappeared into the alley in a blink of an eye.

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