MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 111 time traveler 8

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On the roof, it was cold and windy.

Zhu Fu Jingguang shivered and looked at the black-haired youth in the distance with a deep gaze.

To go or not to go. Time is running out now, what should I do? Any more delay, and their danger may increase. Instead, it's better to break the boat.

He tightened his fingers as he held the package, as if he had made a major decision. He raised his head, stared at the young man in front of him, and walked over with big strides.

"Let's go?" The junior raised his head blankly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.


Zhu Fu Jingguang said one word succinctly.

But just as they were walking towards the safety door not far away, and when they were about to head to the safe room, a strange sound suddenly came from the fire stairway on the left—

It was a vibrating sound from the toe of a shoe stepping on a steel stair clapboard.

"Boom, boom, boom,"

One after another, slow and steady, neat and rhythmic, as if hammering his heart repeatedly.

The two people standing on the rooftop turned their heads at the same time and looked in that direction.

someone is coming!

Zhu Fu Jingguang straightened his back and forcibly suppressed the blue veins on his trembling arms. He immediately opened the package and took out the rifle that he had been carrying with him.

"Hide away!"

He turned his head to look at the young junior, and said these words quickly, while reaching out and pushing the junior who had not recovered to the narrow corner separated by the safety passage on the roof of the roof. That location is a rare dead spot that is rarely found by people coming up the fire stairs without looking closely.

It may be safe for the younger generation to stay in that place for the time being.

"Zhufu..." The black-haired young man looked back at him, looking a little flustered, but still obediently hid in that direction.

Zhu Fu Jingguang clenched the gun in his hand and stared at the direction of the fire stairs. At this point, the only people who knew him were the undercover officers in the warning hall and members of the organization.

Is the person coming up now, is it the boss who can't wait on the phone, or is it Ley in the building opposite? Judging from the footsteps, there should be only one person who came up. If he fought the opponent to the death with a gun, would he still be able to win a chance for the younger generation hiding behind.

Everything turns around before the dust settles.

Time is infinitely stretched in the even and rhythmic footsteps.

Zhu Fu Jingguang held his breath unconsciously, squeezed the gun in his hand tightly, and felt that all the blood in his whole body had gathered on his finger stuck in the trigger.

On the fire stairs not far away, a figure with long black hair slowly emerged—


The members of the organization he had always been on guard against, he did not expect to be the first person to arrive at the scene. Luckily he was the only one.

The young man with long black hair was wearing a black coat in the same style as Zhu Fu Jingguang. He carried a package with a sniper rifle on his back, and his dark green eyes narrowed slightly on his expressionless face. His right hand was in the pocket of his coat, and it seemed to be filled with something bulging.

What else could it be, Ley's sniper rifle was already on his back, and there must be a pistol in his coat pocket. At such a short distance, the flexibility of a sniper rifle may not be comparable to that of a pistol. If the opponent takes the pistol out of his pocket and points it at him, it will be too late...

The finger stuck in the trigger tightened slightly.

Just as Zhu Fu Jingguang was about to shoot, the man suddenly spoke up—

"Don't do it yet! I know your identity."

The young man with long black hair pulled out his hand from his coat pocket little by little, and slowly raised his empty hand above his head. There was a stiff smile on his expressionless face, more frightening than when he wasn't smiling.

Zhu Fu Jingguang froze in place, his mind was blank, and his fingers stuck in the trigger slowly loosened unconsciously.

What does the other party mean?



After Akai Shuichi quickly left the tower with a sniper rifle on his back, he struggled for a few seconds as to whether he should go under the Mosan Hotel to guard Bourbon, or go to the apartment building behind the Mosan Hotel to find Scotland.

At no time can a qualified undercover agent be swayed by emotion.

Judging by reason alone, the possibility that these two people are undercover is obviously 55%. No matter how much Bourbon pretends to be a qualified member of the organization, or a ruthless villain who does all kinds of evil, it may still be the mask he pretended to be. His undercover identity cannot be completely ruled out.

But emotions, such a mysterious and mysterious thing, are not controllable in the first place. They always inevitably prevent or even influence people's judgments. From his point of view, based on how he has been with these two people for so many days, if he were to find a person who might be a Japanese policeman among these two people, his brain would only repeat it over and over again. One answer - Scotland.

So he finally chose to run in the direction of the apartment building.

Along the way, he has been thinking about a question - how to judge whether Scotland is undercover.

If he is an undercover agent, after the undercover agent finds out that the matter is exposed, he should choose to escape this extremely dangerous rooftop as soon as possible, and may even connect with the warning hall and withdraw directly from the organization. Conversely, if he wasn't undercover. After finding that something is wrong, he should contact Jinjiu as soon as possible, or get in touch with the other two executors of this task.

Only undercover agents need to escape, so what he really needs to judge is whether the other party has any intention to escape.

When he climbed up the outdoor fire stairs one by one, but never saw the Scotland that was supposed to be fleeing, Akai Shuichi's heart was actually shaken.

Did he judge wrong? Was Bourbon stopped by the FBI at the Mosan Hotel the real undercover agent? But even so, he would have no problem stopping Scotland. Only by stopping Scotland can the real undercover Bourbon escape.

The height of 16 floors is nothing to the well-trained Akai. The steel fire stair made a lot of noise when he stepped on it, but his long-term sneak training made his footsteps extremely light and did not make the slightest sound.

So he just happened to hear that passage, which can be called a self-analysis full of true feelings.

All the previous entanglements are unnecessary.

Or what to say? A Japanese policeman's undercover road?

The black-haired young man couldn't help laughing.

Sure, it's him.

Every step he took after that was extra loud and rhythmic.

Barely, a warm reminder to this timid Japanese policeman.


Tsubaki Zero slammed the safety door to the inside, turned his head and quickly climbed the stairs.

It's hard to control the phone during high-speed movement, so he quickly hid in a men's toilet cubicle on the second floor, endured the bad smell in the narrow cubicle, tapped the keyboard of the mobile phone with five fingers, and put the known The information was compiled into a text message and sent to Jingguang. Text messages are always the worst solution, because there is no way for him to guarantee - can the various Jingguang be in a state of panic or even flee, can he see his text messages?

But there is no other way now. The people from the Black Organization have already guarded the exit of the hotel's safe passage, and he may have to work hard to leave the hotel.

What should I do? Is there any way to help Jingguang without leaving the hotel?

Jiang Gu Ling smashed his head on the cold compartment door, hoping to make the chaotic brain regain a little bit of sobriety, and restore the completely blocked brain to its original state of normal operation.

Think about it! Come up with a way!

If he is Jingguang, if he is going to flee on the roof of that apartment building, since the organizer can block the exit of the Mosan Hotel, can it also block the exit of that apartment building? If the exit of the apartment building is blocked, the rooftop will undoubtedly become a very large target point. What should we do at this time? Where to run? The organization has taught a lot of skills, which naturally includes the skills of picking locks. If he is Jingguang, in that state, he should choose to pry into someone's home and avoid the edge for the time being.

right! Pick the lock and hide in someone's house.

If he can think of this, can the people of the organization think of it too?

Gu Ling slowly stood up straight, his purple-gray eyes gleaming faintly in the dim toilet cubicle.

Because of being overly excited, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

There is a way. He needs to contact the real Japanese police.


on the rooftop.

Even if the other party spoke like this, Zhu Fu Jingguang did not let down his guard at all.

"I don't understand what you mean, are you the undercover agent who exposed the information?"

Holding the gun, he spoke righteously, with a forced expression of anger on his face, his tone was full of accusations, as if he was really the member of the organization who caught the undercover.

"It's already time like this, you don't need to pretend anymore, I understand your mood."

The young man with black long hair still maintained that stiff smile on his face, and said in a strange tone.

"I have no ill intentions, and I don't plan to do anything, er, or deal with your identity. You can directly confess that the Japanese police in the Mosan Hotel are you looking for, right?"


Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart was startled.

What's the meaning?

The other party's information has already been mastered to this step, why is he still having such an attitude towards him? It seems that Ley has clearly determined that he is the undercover agent of the Japanese police in the organization.

But why didn't he do it himself? And he knew that he was an undercover agent, but as a member of the organization, he dared to come here alone to wait for him. He also put the sniper rifle on his back and raised his hands above his head. What kind of cards did the opponent dare to be so unscrupulous. Could it be that a sniper was already aimed at him in the distance?

The young man with black long hair raised his hands above his head, looking without the slightest threat, he walked towards Zhu Fu Jingguang step by step.

At this moment, Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was holding a gun, was at a disadvantage. He unconsciously wanted to take a step back, but when he thought of the junior hiding in the corner behind him, he stood there and said angrily:

"Stop, I'll shoot if you take one more step."

"You can put down the gun in your hand. If I really intend to deal with you, I can take out the pistol and kill you immediately. Your marksmanship is indeed very good, but at such a short distance, the flexibility of the sniper rifle The level is far inferior to that of a pistol." The dark-haired youth's tone had no ups and downs, as if he was just stating a fact. "You're an undercover agent from the Japanese police, but I'm not going to do anything to you about it."

"Because I'm also an undercover agent."


Zhu Fu Jingguang's mind went blank for a moment.

After a while, the broken string was reconnected again, and his thoughts were coherent again.

Who is the undercover?

Wait a minute, make it clear. Is he an undercover agent sent by the Japanese police to the organization, Zero is an undercover agent sent to the organization by the Japanese police, and Ley is also an undercover agent? Are all three of them undercover?

Just kidding...

This must be the new tactics of the Black Organization. Is it because you want to deceive yourself as an undercover agent by pretending to be an undercover agent, and then extract information about other undercover agents from your own mouth?

As expected of Ley, his scheming is so deep, so terrifying.

"Don't look at me with such a shocked expression. I didn't expect that two people in this mission are undercover. Let me introduce you formally. I am an undercover agent sent by the FBI to the black-clothed organization. Ley."

The young man with long black hair tried his best to make a kind expression, but his overly cold facial features twisted this kindness into a threat.

For a while, Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't know how to respond.

How could there be three undercover agents at the same time? What a joke. If this is the case, what is the need for the existence of black organizations?

The other party is obviously a member of the organization posing as an undercover FBI agent, trying to deceive his trust. The other party chose to pretend to be an undercover agent of the FBI, rather than the Japanese police or the Japanese public security, which was clearly to seize the weakness of his unfamiliarity with the FBI. It's a pity that this kind of disguise is so crude, and the other party doesn't think about it. When will the FBI take care of the Japanese police, those guys are probably eager for him to die here.

And to be honest, with this appearance and personality, there is really no way to imagine him as an FBI investigator.

But on the other hand, this might not be a chance for him to escape.

Since the other party wants to obtain information from him now, he should not do it at will, and may even help him escape in turn. If this is the case, can he use this guy to achieve the purpose he wants to escape.

On the premise of not letting the other party discover the younger generation, use the other party to complete the escape. Zhu Fu Jingguang doesn't like acting, but years of undercover life have really honed his acting skills.

"You, um, are you really an undercover agent of the FBI?" He pretended to believe, and asked hesitantly.

"I know you may not believe it. But I can prove it to you, I just want to help you escape. This incident is the trap of the organization. If it can help you successfully escape from the organization, Gin should acquiesce to three people this time. The undercover agent is you. In this way, my identity can be concealed. So helping you is actually helping me."

The young man with black long hair deliberately made a sincere expression. But honestly, it's hard to believe.

What he said perfectly explained his motivation to help him.

Sounds good to say, would you really do this?

"If that's the case, can you go downstairs to help me avoid the ambush of the organization?" Zhu Fu Jingguang's tone contained a trace of deliberate dependence. His sky blue eyes gleamed faintly. There was a hint of excitement on his face. "Didn't you say you wanted to help me? What I need most now is someone to distract me from the pursuers downstairs."

If the other party can really help him divert the pursuers downstairs, then he and the younger generation can safely hide in a room in this apartment. Wait until he and the person who is really safe in the warning hall get in touch.

Akai Shuichi was stunned for a while.

He couldn't even judge whether the Japanese policeman in front of him trusted him. It's not impossible to help him drive away the pursuers. The FBI investigators are nearby and can be dispatched at any time.

Just after the chasers are drawn away?

"Why, didn't you say you could help me? Can't you even lure away the pursuers?"

"I tell you the truth, there is no ambush downstairs. At least when I came up, I didn't see anyone in ambush there."

Zhu Fu Jingguang suppressed the anger in his heart. Will he believe such nonsense? How could there not be an ambush.


Akai Shuichi calmed down and re-examined the black-haired youth in front of him.

Although the other party's expression was submissive and even trusting, but his toes were faintly facing the right back, clearly trying to escape from him. This progress is not quite right. He originally just wanted to help the poor, exposed Japanese police officer escape the scene, but now he seems to be putting himself in the spotlight of suspicion.

"Don't you believe what I said at all? You don't believe I am the FBI at all, and even suspect that I am someone sent by the organization to deceive you?"

The black-haired youth in front of him paused for a moment, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

Sure enough, I really didn't believe him. However, it is normal for the other party to think this way. After all, it is indeed beyond imagination to have two undercover agents at one time in the same mission. But he can't do anything to prove his identity now, neither has the time nor the need.

And what he just heard was obviously a conversation. Where is the other young man named Xinhai in the conversation? They sounded like they wanted to move together. If it's just a transfer, I'm afraid there's no way to survive the organization's pursuit, and if this guy really escapes, Jin Jiu might suspect him.

Rather than that, let him "die" simply and neatly.

Only dead people are safest.

It's a win-win outcome.

"I can help you, not only help you lure away the pursuers, but also help you fake the scene of your death."


Zhu Fu Jingguang's pupils shrank, and he raised his head in disbelief.

What does fake death scene mean? If the other party is really someone in the organization and just wants to defraud, wouldn't it be better to pretend to flee with him?

"You can either distrust me or be wary of me, it's up to you. You just need to flee at your original pace, and I can help you with the finishing touches. It's impossible for you to return to the organization. I will kill you here as Ley."

What exactly does that mean? Is the other party really undercover? No, you can't trust him so quickly, maybe it's just a smoke bomb.

Zhu Fu Jingguang forcefully maintained his emotions, and said calmly, "I don't need a suspended animation. If you go down from here now and go downstairs to help me confirm that there is no ambush there, I will trust you."

The black long-haired youth twitched the corners of his mouth. "Of course I'll go down. But it's not up to you to decide to fake death. It's reasonable, and I should kill you here in my capacity. I'll remind you one last time. From today onwards, you are a dead person. The dead can no longer pass on any information."

After saying this, he turned around, followed the original path, and disappeared into the fire stairway.

The footsteps gradually faded away. Zhu Fu Jingguang was still not very relieved. He leaned into the edge of the rooftop and saw the black figure appearing at the bottom of the building.

Is that really all right?

"Mr. Zhufu, what should we do now?"

The junior who was hiding in the shadows quietly stuck out his head and couldn't help asking when he saw that only Zhu Fu Jingguang was left on the rooftop. The voice of the younger generation awakened Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was still confused.

Whether Ley was undercover or not, at this moment, he should have fled the scene first.

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