MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 110 time traveler 7

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"You go downstairs quickly, there is not much time. The task this time is a trap, so the other party is likely to find it. In this case, protecting yourself is the most important thing. Zhufu Jingguang, please evacuate immediately. !"

On the other end of the phone, the boss's exhortation was sincere, as if it were true, and he was extremely worried about his situation.

If he didn't know anything, if he hadn't found the undeserved piece of news revealed in the other party's words, would he just believe it?

Would he still be grateful for the boss who "cared" so much about him?

Will he run towards the trap, face the destruction, and think he has a new life?

What's more, just now he really thought about entrusting the younger generation behind him to his boss. If he really did that, did he push the junior into the fire pit with his own hands?

The chill crawled into his heart and into his mind little by little along the gurgling blood. Every inch of blood was frozen, and he couldn't even maintain his composure on the surface, and the whole person began to tremble.

At first, when he found out that the mission was likely to be a trap set by the organization against the undercover, he just panicked, but it was far from the point of despair. As long as you follow the boss's arrangement and pay more attention to yourself, there is still hope that you can escape the pursuit of the organization.

But now, the identity of his long-trusted boss is in doubt, and the organization that has been undercover for a long time has been exposed. Facing the backstab from the Metropolitan Police Department and the suspicion of the organization, under the attack from both sides, he has nowhere to go.

Get moving, Zhufu Jingguang! Get moving, staying here will only bring danger to the younger generation.

Even if he shouted like this a thousand times ten thousand times in his heart, his feet still couldn't move.

Where can he go?

The boss's people may be guarding downstairs, and Ley on the tower in the distance should have noticed the difference. If, if he is taken away alive, no matter if he is taken away by an undercover agent of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the organization, the other party will do everything possible to pry his mouth open and follow his line. Continue to look down.

Even if he believed that he couldn't say anything that would be unfavorable to the juniors of zero-sum, the drugs in the organization were all kinds of strange, and most of them were methods to force him to tell the truth. At that time, no matter whether it is zero or the younger generation behind him, it will all fall into an unprecedented crisis.

He can't contact the Metropolitan Police Department because he still can't determine whether the undercover is the boss himself or someone close to the boss. It is impossible for him to contact Zero. At this time, even a text message may become the fuse for the disclosure of Zero's identity.

Zhu Fu Jingguang squeezed the gun in his hand and looked at the edge of the rooftop not far away. This is the sixteenth floor, jumping from here, no one can pry his mouth open again. All secrets will be kept there.

There is always someone to sacrifice.

If his sacrifice can be exchanged for the safety of Zero and the younger generation...

"Mr. Zhufu?"

The junior not far away suddenly spoke again, with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Zhu Fu Jingguang raised his head blankly, but did not respond for a while.

The sound of normal volume is recorded by the sound hole of the mobile phone through a not too far distance.

"What sound?" The boss on the other end of the phone asked in a strange tone, keenly capturing the subtle sound.


Zhu Fu Jingguang immediately hung up the call from his boss, quickly turned off the phone, pulled out the SIM card inside, and broke it off.

Before, when he was on the phone with his boss, he had been very careful to hold down the phone's radio jack to prevent the phone from recording the voice of his conversation with his juniors. At that time, he did not actually doubt the identity of his boss. The reason for such a move is just a habit of prudence developed in years of undercover life.

But just now, the information about the potential undercover identity of his boss brought him a huge impact. In a moment of panic, he didn't press the phone's radio hole in time.

The voice of the junior was recorded!

If the boss is the undercover spy hidden in the Metropolitan Police Department, isn't the junior...

What the **** is he doing!

Originally, it was only something he could solve by dying alone, but now the younger generation is also involved!

"Mr. Zhufu, are you alright?" The young junior frowned slightly, and his amber eyes were full of worry.


Zhu Fu Jingguang's mind was blank, and for the first time he didn't know what to do. If he was the only one who exposed his identity, he could have died calmly, but now the younger generation is also involved. If he really committed suicide in this apartment building, the people of the organization will definitely find the younger generation.

What should I do?

Is he going to run away with his juniors?

But if the undercover agent is not the boss, and the boss didn't hear the voice of the junior, didn't he just ruin the future of the junior?

And even if he brought his junior with him, where would he go? Undercover agents in the Metropolitan Police Department, or people from the organization, they may arrive at the scene at any time. If they go downstairs, wouldn't they just hit the muzzle of the gun?

"Mr. Zhufu, what happened to you?" The black-haired young man said hesitantly. His words were hesitant at first, but they soon became smooth.

"Uh, I, um... Although I don't know what's going on, and I don't know what your mission is, but I don't think you have a place to go. If you don't mind, you can actually go to my house. My house is downstairs, Thirteenth floor, very close."

Go directly to his house?

Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes lit up.

Right now, the undercover agent hiding in the Metropolitan Police Department is likely to set up an ambush downstairs, and Ley on the opposite tower may arrive at the scene at any time. He couldn't go to the rooftop or the bottom of the building.

At a time like this, any resident in this building would be a good choice.

It can not only leave the rooftop, a place with great goals, in the shortest time, but also avoid the ambush of those people when going downstairs.

But what if the other party also considers this after finding out that he did not go downstairs, what to do with the investigation and monitoring? Once it is found out that he went to the junior's house, the junior will not...

The black-haired young man in front of him seemed to see the reason for Zhu Fu Jingguang's hesitation, and said like a patch:

"Uh... If you're worried about surveillance, don't worry about it. The people in the property are rather lazy, they think that the tenth floor and above will not be stolen, so the surveillance on the tenth floor and above is just a decoration, and no images can be taken. We go in through this security door and take the stairs, so we won't be photographed by the elevator's surveillance cameras."

Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart shook slightly.

Not even monitoring...

Then no one would know that he hid in the younger generation's house.

This apartment has a total of sixteen floors, and there are dozens of households on each floor, and there are hundreds of households in total. Even if the other party is really so public, it takes enough time to search for each household.

Now, what he needs most is time.

Time to figure out the current situation, time to find a solution, time to judge the undercover inside the Metropolitan Police Department, and…

Zhu Fu Jingguang raised his head and stared solemnly at the black-haired youth in front of him.

This young junior, without knowing it, may have been involved in the disputes of the organization by him.

He still needs enough time to think about how to pull out the young man in front of him.


Downstairs of the Mosan Hotel.

Gu Ling maintained the action of opening the safety door, facing the two black muzzles, his mind was blank.

What did this guy just say?

He said he was a Japanese police officer?

Who is the Japanese police?

He obviously didn't pass the news back, and the person who passed the news was Jing Guang.

Why did the Japanese police come and why did they arrest him? Where did these guys get the news, and were they deceived by someone?

His eyes quickly glanced at the two in front of him.

These are two middle-aged men with glasses. They are very good-looking. At least in the short training career of Jianggu Ling, they have not seen these two people in the Public Security Bureau. They were dressed in suits and leather shoes, their muscles dangling slightly, and the black pistols in their hands were motionless at him.

Wait, no.

The guns that Japanese public security officers are equipped with are generally HKP7 police pistols, but the two people in front of them are using M9 automatic pistols. Moreover, in order to prevent the target from escaping and the subsequent disaster, Japanese police rarely report their home before the successful arrest.

These two people call themselves Japanese police so bluntly, they don't look like real police at all, but they look like they are disguised as police.

But why are they disguised as police officers?

What's the point of doing this—

and many more!

Organizational temptations, false targets, traps, leaks...

This must be the next step in the organization's tentative plan! Pretending to be a police officer to defraud him of his trust. If he really was the undercover agent who leaked the news, he would definitely choose to reveal his identity and seek help from the public security when he was desperate to escape.

The person who can pass on the information is Jing Guang. If they really want to deceive the trust of the "undercover", they should pretend to be people from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Thinking of this, Jiang Gu Ling suddenly figured it out. Really good calculation! If the other party really pretends to be a Japanese policeman, on the one hand, it is too coincidental, and on the other hand, the "undercover" is more familiar with the Metropolitan Police Department. In this way, they may arouse the suspicion of the "undercover".

It is by disguising as a Japanese public security officer. This "undercover" from the Metropolitan Police Department is not so familiar with the field, so as to be able to deceive successfully to the greatest extent.

If so, what should he do now? What should an ordinary member of the organization do when faced with the arrest of the Japanese public security?

Everything should be done to escape. If the other party is really a member of the organization, what is the most likely to cause the other party's reaction at this moment?

The blond man looked surprised, his purple-gray eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something extraordinary. He shouted to the front: "FBI?!"

The two men holding guns shook in shock, and looked back subconsciously.

Jiang Gu Ling seized this opportunity, shoved the safety door in his hand to its original position, turned around and ran upstairs.

There is no way to go, there are other ways for him to go.

Read The Duke's Passion