MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 599 Immortal domain into a bureau, deceiving the sky arrangement

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After sending Sun Qu away, Li Jing went straight back through the passage leading to Chentang Pass.

Just came out of the tunnel.

He saw a group of Yingying Yanyan from Xianle Palace wearing standard OL uniforms, with long legs in black and high heels, coming here under the leadership of Ji Qing.

This battle, nothing to say.

The disciples of Xianle Palace are all good-looking signs.

The OL uniform was set up, and the figure was fully hooked at that time.

Career line, small waist.

Everything you need.

There are also OL standard package hip skirts and black and silk...

Oh my god!

Even if it was Li Jing, he was completely amazed when he saw him face to face. To know. There is not an OL in front of me.

It's a big group...

Ji Qing led the team at the front. Seeing that Li Jing, who looked like a Taoist, just came out of the passage, he frowned and stopped.

"Who are you, and where are you from?"

Greeted and asked, Li Jing laughed.

"it's me."

While speaking, he turned back to his original appearance.

When they found out that it was Li Jing, the eyes of the disciples of Xianle Palace in the rear lit up.

This is the Lord of Chentang Pass.

They haven't been told to worry less recently.

After coming to Chentangguan, the disciples of Xianle Palace fell in love with the environment and life here in minutes.

In addition to learning some strange knowledge every day, the environment and life here are multiplied by the colorful outside.


The key is that you can enter the Small Universe Realm anytime, anywhere here.

Inside, there is Tianyue City, which gathers all the modern essence of Blue Star, Qingyuan Fairy Palace with a large Enlightenment Stone, and hidden dragon mountain with infinite vitality.

The disciples of Xianle Palace think so.

There must be more interesting and interesting places in Li Jing's Small Universe, which can also promote spiritual practice.

However, the world of Small Universe is really too big.

Although there is no danger at all, they are unable to go through the entire Small Universe within a limited time, and who knows if there is any restriction set by Li Jing?

If you want to know if there are other good places to go, it is undoubtedly the most practical to ask Li Jing to act like a baby.

However, this all-day dragon sees the beginning but does not see the end.

After finally catching Li Jing, the disciples of Xianle Palace were ready to move.

But their discipline is quite strong.

With Ji Qing around, they didn't dare to mess around.

Don't look at Ji Qingxiu as low.

Man is now their teacher and leader.

This cannot be easily offended.

Ji Qing has the final say on what kind of position he can be assigned to in the future after he succeeds in his studies.


Ji Qing was taken aback when he saw that the Taoist was Li Jing's change, and said in surprise.

"What is your ability? Why did the smell change after the change?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a transmutation power."

Li Jing smiled.


Ji Qing.

Supernatural powers.

It's no big deal?

In the Immortal Realm, it can be called a supernatural power, and it must be higher than the various secret methods hidden in the major sects.

As he was speechless, Li Jing glanced at the disciples of Xianle Palace who were looking at him with big bright eyes behind him, and said doubtfully.

"You guys... what can I do for you?"

Li Jing took the initiative to talk, and suddenly a courageous female disciple of Xianle Palace stepped forward.

"Immortal Master Li, the sisters like life in Chentangguan very much. We want to know, is there any other interesting and fun places in your Small Universe?"

Li Jing was dumbfounded. Fun and fun?

Are these sisters using their own small universe as a playground?

Shaking his head dumbfoundingly, Li Jing said.

"There is no other good place for now, maybe there will be in the future."

Upon receiving this response, Yingying Yanyan, a member of Xianle Palace, suddenly showed a slightly disappointed expression on her face.


Their expectations for the Small Universe world are very high.

Looking at their appearance, Li Jing couldn't help laughing, then looked at Ji Qing.

"How have you been? Is it going well?"


Ji Qing responded, looked back, and said.

"The group behind me is a computer student. They have basically learned most of the professional knowledge in the computer field, and many of them have the ability to program independently. The infrastructure related to signal towers is lagging behind, mainly compared to the computer field. This one is more hard-core, and few girls can control it."

Li Jing nodded upon hearing this.

infrastructure field.

This must be hardcore!

There are relatively few girls studying civil engineering in Blue Star, and that makes sense.

Tilting his head and thinking about it, Li Jingdao.

"Understood, if there is a chance, I will help you find some rough people to come back. Since the progress of the infrastructure is very slow, you can let it go first. You can't become fat if you eat a bite. We have a lot of time. Let's focus on getting the smoother aspects done first. . "

Ji Qing's eyes lit up when he heard that someone would bring back a rough guy for him.

It's not that she cares about rough guys.

It's just that today's Chen Tangguan is really extremely yin and yang.

In terms of infrastructure, it is obviously more appropriate for rough people to learn.

"Okay, I see, then hurry up and arrange the staff for me."

In response, Ji Qing said.

"You are busy, I have to take them to study. In addition, Jin Ling, Jin Yue and Wei La have made an appointment with my Immortal King Glory 2V2, so I can't keep them waiting."

? ? ?

Li Jing.

Ji Qing has been very busy recently, which is understandable.

So what happened to the second half of her sentence?

Jin Ling, Jin Yue and Vera are waiting for her 2V2?


Shouldn't these three be reading books at this stage?

By the way, when will the three of them get mixed up?

When did Ji Qing become game friends with the three of them?

it seems...

I seem to have neglected the situation in the Small Universe recently...

Just as he was reflecting, Ji Qing greeted behind him, and led the Yingyingyanyans from Xianle Palace into the Small Universe Realm.

Li Jing looked back speechlessly, hesitating whether to talk to Jin Ling, Jin Yue and Vera who are currently in Tianque City to talk about the truth of losing one's mind when playing with things.

But thinking about the entertainment that should be there, it is really necessary to have these three people holding all kinds of books to eat all day long, so he gave up such thoughts.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Jing glanced at the Zhenyuan Pagoda standing on the side, and moved directly across the space to the floor suitable for practice, and found a separate quiet room.

Standing in front of the quiet room, Li Jing raised his hand and gently knocked on the door.

"Sister Zixuan, are you awake?"

Not long after the words were finished, Shi Zixuan opened the door and poked her head out.

Seeing someone, she stared at him strangely, looked up and down, and said.

"Are you asking me for something? Sister Zixuan has already called out. This is not like you."


Li Jing coughed and said.

"We're all on our own. Sister Zixuan, you're older than me. I won't suffer if I call you sister."

Who is Shi Zixuan?

The former Emperor Beiming.

She is not that kind of innocent person.

Throwing a supercilious look at Li Jing, she turned sideways.

"Come in and talk about something, so as not to disturb your little lovers' retreat."

Hearing this, Li Jing glanced at the other quiet rooms where the gates were confinement, and nodded to enter.

After entering the quiet room, the two sat down.

Shi Zixuan opened the conversation first.

"Tell me, why are you looking for me all of a sudden?"

"Two things, one at a time."

Li Jing responded.

While speaking, he took out the Qingxin tea that he had just obtained from Jing Huan and poured two cups.

Shi Zixuan is the master of goods.

Seeing the special jade vase in Li Jing's hand, and watching it pour out tea, her eyes lit up.

"Qingxin tea from Jingjia in Zhongzhou."

Li Jing was taken aback when he heard the sound, and nodded with a smile.

After being confirmed, Shi Zixuan was not polite to him, picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp, and then smacked her little mouth.

"Jingjia's Qingxin tea is still good, especially when you are in a state of restlessness, its magical effect is much more than that of spiritual objects."


Li Jing made a question mark and said in doubt.

"Sister Zixuan, have you had any troubles recently?"

Before the words finished, Shi Zixuan smiled wryly.

"If I want to go smoothly, can I see my own path but can't really touch the threshold of return?"

Responding to these words, Li Jing suddenly said.

"Even so, Sister Zixuan, you don't need to retreat for the time being. I recently learned that when the ancient fairyland was destroyed, the saints of the human race took action, smashing the passage leading to the upper three realms and also breaking the rules of the big world that can be promoted to return to Yuan. .She looks half-dead now, because of the backlash from Dao. There are no rules in the big world. Even if you, sister Zixuan, have clearly found your own path, I am afraid that it is impossible for you to really take this step. "

Hearing someone say this, Shi Zixuan's expression changed slightly.

"Where did you get such news?"

"A player in the game."

Li Jing responded.

Hearing the word "person in the game", Shi Zixuan was stunned and said strangely.

"Where have you been recently? How did you meet someone in the game?"

Apparently Shi Zixuan knew about the situation of the players in the game, Li Jing's eyes lit up, and said.

"I was walking in Zhongzhou recently, and by chance, I met three people in the game one after another."


Shi Zixuan stared and said in surprise.

"I really missed a lot when I was retreating with you. You can meet three players in the game if you just take a stroll in Zhongzhou. It seems that the time has come. Those old immortals lurking in the fairyland can't help it anymore. .”

Hearing such words, Li Jing's eyes lit up.

"Sister Zixuan, can you tell me about it in detail?"

Before Shi Zixuan could respond, he said again.

"Before I came back, I went to Donghua Immortal Palace and tried to find out about Xiangdong. However, that kid was unkind and wanted to eat alone. He told me to wait for news from him and said that he would contact me if necessary. Sister Zixuan, you know me well, I This man is the last one to be left behind.”

Hearing someone say that, Shi Zixuan grinned silently.

Is Li Jing unwilling to be left behind?

Ya is a **** stick.

For any benefit, you must be the first to get the **** stirrer.

Shaking her head, Shi Zixuan said.

"Actually, I don't know the details of the matter. I have heard of the incident of the in-game man. The main reason is that the emperors of Beiming must know and pay attention to this matter. This is an order handed down from the first emperor of Beiming. "

Li Jing frowned upon hearing this.

The Sifang Emperor knew everything about the players in the game, and he had predicted it in advance.

But he originally thought that the four of them, as the emperors of the four directions, had hands and eyes all over the sky, and they couldn't hide anything from them.

She never thought that this matter was something that Shi Zixuan had to know and pay attention to as the Great Northern Uncle.

And this is derived from the instructions left by the first Emperor Beiming.

Shi Zixuan is like this here.

The other three guesses are not bad.

Just as she was thinking about it, Shi Zixuan took the jade bottle on the table and filled herself with a cup of Qingxin tea, and talked about it.

"Regarding the matter of the player in the game, the first Emperor Beiming

The instructions did not explain too much, and the emperors of Beiming also tried to explore, but they never got much. What I can tell you clearly is that since the people from the ancient Immortal Realm migrated to the Immortal Realm, there have been top powers in the upper three realms who have deceived the Heavenly Dao to make arrangements. "

"Of course, after so many years, the Dao of the Great World must have known about this. But the situation has already been established, and it cannot be said to interfere at will. Unless there is a problem affecting the normal operation of the Great World, the will of the Dao of Heaven must not interfere with anything. "

"As for the ultimate purpose of this game, I don't know. The only thing I know is that this game is related to the causal cycle that Buddhism pays attention to."

Hearing Shi Zixuan's repeated words, Li Jing frowned.

The top power in the upper heavens deceives the layout of the heavens.


Could it be something that the great world Tiandao said before that he hoped to help?

But she hasn't come out recently!

By now.

To prevent certain incidents from happening, he has initially possessed that ability, doesn't he?

It's not Li Jing who swells.

At least in the big world without rules, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

Secretly guessing, Li Jing raised his eyes.

"Sister Zixuan, that's all you know?"


Shi Zixuan nodded and said.

"I really don't want to know anything else. On the contrary, this game is very big, and it must be beneficial to get in. It's all about what kind of benefits. You can find Xiang Dong or Jin Ritian for this, and I guess they will say the same. Can't come up with an exact number."

With that, she continued.

"At this stage, the fairyland has not changed, which means that it is not the right time to officially enter the game. You can try to investigate, but don't act rashly. It is related to the arrangement of the top powers of the Three Realms. If you try to mess around, you may attract the attention of the other party. If you ruin someone’s good deeds, you may not be remembered, and if you have the opportunity to go to the upper three realms in the future, you may suffer.”

Li Jing heard the words and nodded thoughtfully.

Just about to say something more, Shi Zixuan didn't stop the topic.

"This should be the first thing you do when you come back to me. Is there another thing?"

Shi Zixuan changed the subject, obviously she really didn't know more.

Not to mention that she is from Chentangguan now.

She, who is no longer the Great Beiming, has no idea of ​​getting involved at all, so if she knows more, she will definitely say it. Li Jing is an interesting person, so he didn't ask the topic to continue.

"The second thing is to ask sister Zixuan for a favor."

After saying something, Li Jing moved Vera out of the small universe with a thought.

? ? ?


A second ago, she just followed up with Ji Qing from the Small Universe, and Jin Ling and Jin Yue, who were already "ready for battle", to start the game.

She was pulled out at once, can she not be confused? Seeing that he came out holding a mobile phone, Li Jing twitched his mouth and said.

"I have something to do with you, so don't worry about it." Meeting Li Jing, Vera certainly didn't dare to say that she had an opinion.

This, now is the big thick leg she has to hug.

Nodding silently and putting away the phone, Vera was about to ask a question when she caught a glimpse of Shi Zixuan who was sizing her up, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Vera the High Elf, I have seen the Emperor Beiming."

Seeing this, Shi Zixuan waved her hand.

"I am no longer Emperor Beiming, so there is no need to be so formal. Since you followed Li Jing, it means that you are also from Chentangguan. You and I belong to the same sect. You don't need to be so particular, just call me a guardian."

As she spoke, she looked at someone strangely.

"I know you're good at abducting people, but you're really capable. This chick is a high elf. Sure enough, Karan's people didn't run away. You can even abduct his people back?"

"Basic exercises don't be six."

Li Jing spit out four words calmly.

Shi Zixuan was dumbfounded.

"She is not only from Karan, but also the leader of Tianluo Sect."

Li Jing opened his mouth and said.

"Besides, she has another identity. She is one of the seven Sovereigns of the Tanlang organization active in the Eastern Immortal Realm. She wants to be the Sovereign."

Hearing that Vera is the leader of the Tianluo Sect, Shi Zixuan's expression began to be strange.

Before she became a living dead because of the elixir of immortality, she was a native of the Eastern Immortal Realm.

In the early years, he traveled all over the world and learned about the major practice systems.

Dao Ji Domain Tian Luo Sect.

Not only has she heard of it, but she has also been in contact with it.

A high elf who became the leader of Tianluo Sect.

There is no doubt that this old bastard, Karan, is doing something in the Eastern Immortal Territory!

Hearing that Vera was one of the seven greedy wolves who threatened to pull Xiangdong down, Shi Zixuan's face became even brighter.

"There is a master like her in the Eastern Immortal Territory, does Xiangdong know about it?"

"I didn't know it before, but I know it now."

Li Jing responded indifferently, and then smiled implicitly.

"In fact, I went to Central China for this purpose. By the way, I went to the Temple of the West Earth with him, and then asked for half of the existing resources of the Temple of the West Earth as a hush money."


Master Zixuan.



One of the two is the former Emperor Beiming, and the other is simply a member of the Xishi Temple.

Both of them understand what it means to have half of the existing resources of the Temple of the West.

This hush money is a bit powerful.

At this moment, Vera was also inexplicably confused.

she never thought of...

The self who can be abandoned by Karan at any time can be so valuable...

It was in a mess against the wind, Li Jing waved his hand.

"Don't talk about these unimportant things."

As he spoke, he smiled.

"Sister Zixuan, I originally planned to recruit Tanlang into my subordinates through Vera, but I couldn't care less about meeting someone in the game. Could you please help me with this matter?"

"Incorporate Greedy Wolf?"

Shi Zixuan blinked and said.

"What are you doing? Rebellion? Conspiracy?"


Li Jing smacked his lips and said.

"Do I look like such a boring person?"


Shi Zixuan looked at him twice and said.

"It's really not like that."

Li Jing laughed, and then said.

"Actually, I just wanted to see if there were any benefits worth reaping from Tanlang, but I changed my mind now. I am currently in the process of employing people in Chentangguan, so I hope to formally recruit Tanlang."

Hearing such words, Shi Zixuan frowned slightly.

"I understand the truth, but who is not good for you to absorb? Do you have to absorb this kind of force that is always thinking about rebellion? Let them join Chentangguan..."

Before finishing speaking, Li Jing shook his head.

"I didn't seem to say let them join Chentangguan?"


Master Zixuan.

"Do you know what an X slave is?"

Li Jing smiled.


Good Xuan.

"I don't need them to be submissive, but to control them so that they can be fearful from the bottom of their hearts and be my wage earners with peace of mind."

Li Jing said flatly.

"Of course, the wages that should be paid will not be less, but the work they have to do will be more difficult and tiring."

As he spoke, he smiled meaningfully.

"Sister Zixuan, you should be able to handle such a small matter?"

Shi Zixuan was silent for a while, and said aggrieved.

"Are you calling me to be a big villain?"

Before anyone could respond, she let out a breath and said.

"All right, I'll help you with this matter. Anyway, I learned from you that the rules of the big world are missing.

While speaking, she rolled up her sleeves to reveal her snow-white arms, showed off her non-existent biceps, and grinned.

"Relax, although I am no longer the living dead and I am no longer the Emperor Beiming, but using violence to spread fear is my strong point. Those dead things in the Beiming Immortal Territory back then, who would dare to fart even if they saw me? "

Li Jing smiled without saying a word, and nodded.



As one of the Seven Sovereigns of Greedy Wolf. She was really pretty in the past.

However, just a few words from these two people in front of them decided the future fate of the entire Greedy Wolf. Should she be trembling?

Or should we be glad that we are ahead?


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