MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 598 A Different Kind of Confucianism and Taoism No. 1

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How do you say something?

It's better to come early than to come early.

When Li Jing came to the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion, Sun Qu was organizing some scholar-like Confucian and Taoist monks to clean up the ruins, trying to find some relatively complete calligraphy and paintings.

He saw it from afar.

A Confucian and Taoist monk was overjoyed and took out a pair of calligraphy and painting from the ruins and shouted, "Xiaosheng has gained something", and then ran to present the painting to Sun Qu. Treasure-level spirits were half buried in the rubble.

But literati!


Seeing Sun Qu from afar, Li Jing raised his hand and called softly.

"City Lord Sun."


Sun Qu, who was looking at the calligraphy and painting sent by Confucian and Taoist monks for confirmation, turned his head with a question mark.

Seeing Li Jing, he was slightly taken aback, then hurriedly stuffed the calligraphy and painting into the hands of Confucian and Taoist monks and told him to keep them away.

Then, he hurriedly greeted him, bowing his hands respectfully.

"Master Dao."

The majestic Lord of Haoran City showed great respect to Li Jing, which naturally attracted the attention of the busy Confucian and Taoist monks.

To know.

This identity is not just a Confucian and Taoist leader today.

At the same time, he is also one of the few people in Confucianism and Taoism who has the ability to rely on his righteousness and emperor-level skills.

Seeing the Confucian and Taoist monks who were busy looking at them one by one, with curiosity and suspicion in their eyes, Li Jing had a thought and brought Sun Qu into his small universe. Suddenly, he was brought into the Small Universe, and Sun Qu was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that he was on a high mountain at this time, surrounded by fairy clouds, he couldn't help but look at someone strangely.


Not everyone can do it.

Becoming Emperor Zun doesn't necessarily mean how strong he is.


It is Confucianism and Taoism's cognition of orthodox immortality.

Confucianism and Taoism are one of the few special systems that do not have an independent world, and at the same time do not need an independent world to be able to compete with the emperor level with awe-inspiring righteousness.

That's why.

Their understanding of the orthodox immortal emperor level is different from ordinary people.

But this was not the reason why Sun Qu was surprised.

Taoism system.

In fact, you don't need an independent world to compete with the emperor level.

Of course, the premise is that the individual has a high enough control and perception of Taoism.

It is different from Confucianism and Taoism.

The Taoist system can have a world in the palm of your hand.

The palm world is actually an independent world, but it is presented in a different way.

One is the circle of heaven and earth that exists based on the individual, and the other is based on the world in the palm of your hand.

What Li Jing presents in front of him is obviously the circle of heaven and earth based on the individual, which shows that he is following the orthodox path of immortality.

Just practiced Taoism.

And obviously.

His orthodox immortal attainment is far better than Taoism.

This made Sun Qu not surprised.

It is amazing that two systems can be so powerful.

And someone obviously doesn't just practice these two systems.

Not long ago, when he made a sudden move to forcibly break the ban on Confucianism and Taoism, he did not use Taoism or the orthodox immortal way, but magic way.

When I met Sun Qu before, he showed his way of physical cultivation again.

one person.

Control four different systems.


It's a bit outrageous...

The key is that someone is really powerful.

Physical cultivation, can beat a half-demon who is more powerful than ordinary emperors.

The way of magic can subdue the terrifying ancient demons.

The orthodox immortal way is at the emperor level.

On the contrary, Taoism is the most inconspicuous in him.

At least until now, Sun Qu has never seen him use the aisle method seriously.

But you don't have to think about it.

His Dao Dharma practice will not be bad.

Otherwise, how could he be worthy of his Taoist robe! ?


This was Sun Qu's wishful thinking.

Seeing Sun Qu looking at him in shock after entering the Small Universe Realm, Li Jing didn't care what was going on in his head.

Confucianism and Taoism.

There is something wrong with the brain more or less.

The problems that came out of gnawing on the book.

It's nothing to be concerned about, and there's no need to figure it out.

The brain circuits of scholars are different from those of ordinary people.

Li Jing stretched out his hand and made a gesture of "please" to the pavilion on the top of the mountain, and Li Jing smiled.

"Don't be nervous, Master Kong. I just want to ask you something. How about we sit down and discuss it?" Facing Li Jing, the great benefactor of Haoran City, Sun Qu certainly would not say "no".

This would be in an independent world, and he wouldn't be able to say "no".

It is true that he is capable of contending with Emperor Zun with his aura of righteousness, but he is unable to go out from the independent world by himself.

"That's right, Daoist, you're being polite."

After clapping his hands and saying something polite, Sun Qu followed Li Jing to sit down in the gazebo.

Just sat down.

He felt wrong.

I don't know what lies under the mountain, and it condenses an unbelievably huge vitality.

Subconsciously, Sun Qu looked down the cliff.

very naturally.

He saw the island in the middle of the lake at the foot of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

Seeing the four trees of life swaying in the wind like towering giant trees, Sun Qu's eyes twitched.

He is a man of good sense.

He recognized the legendary tree of life at a glance.

Sun Qu was a good guy on the spot.

Ordinary people don't even have the chance to see the last time the tree of life, Li Jing, actually had four plants, and they were still so big, as if they were going to develop in the direction of the immortal medicine as recorded in the ancient books.

But the four trees of life are not the point.

The focus is on a woman in white lying on the lawn under the tree.

this woman. It's breathtakingly beautiful.

A mere hue would not be able to attract Sun Qu.

The point is.

As soon as he saw this woman, he had an inexplicable understanding.


It is the person who needs to worship.


How does this exist?

Sun Qu was horrified.

Obviously, the appearance of this woman is no different from that of a dead person, so why can it bring me such a feeling?

If she was pure and strong enough, she wouldn't make him want to worship her.

The character of Confucianism and Taoism is notoriously mighty and unyielding.

I want to convince them from their hearts.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on strength, only to convince them in every way.

The woman in front of her didn't do anything, she just lay there like a dead person, which made Sun Qufa subdue her heart, how could he not care about it?

This former...

Could it be a sage! ?

Because the human sage was too observant, Sun Qu didn't even pay attention to the original sarcophagus that was thrown aside to block the opening of the space passage to **** and desire.

Li Jing was about to ask a question, but noticed that Sun Qu was looking down the mountain in a daze, and couldn't help frowning a little.

At this time, Sun Qu looked back.

"Master Dao, can Sun Qu ask me a question?"

Li Jing blinked when he heard the sound, knowing that what he wanted to ask was related to something down the mountain, he took out a few leaves of the tree of life to make tea and said casually.

"Ask, but I may not necessarily answer you."

Sun Qu is also a sensible person. Li Jing is definitely not waiting for nothing.

After entering the Small Universe Realm, he understood even more.

A certain person is not only powerful, but also has a lot of different things behind him.

A well-known secret.

Since it is a secret, it is natural not to let everyone know it casually.

But in front of me.

You should still ask.

Otherwise, he will not understand.


The impact of the woman on the island in the middle of the lake was really too great.

As a Confucian and Taoist, he is indeed more sensitive to sages and the like.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Qu hesitated to speak.

"That woman at the foot of the mountain is a Confucian or Taoist sage?"

Li Jing was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Human saints are indeed very special.

As long as the human race sees it, they will have different feelings.

But she is in this state now.

What ordinary people see at most is that they have a little bit of a different feeling, and it’s not a big deal.

If you don't know its true identity, you will only be curious.

Looking at Sun Qu's serious face and brooding hope for an answer, his feelings are obviously different from ordinary people's.

And his guess was almost on the standard answer.

For Confucianism and Taoism.

Isn't a human saint a sage?

Although he is not a Confucian or Taoist sage, there is basically nothing wrong with him.

Looking at Sun Qu who looked hopeful, Li Jing tapped the table twice with his fingertips and said.

"This person is indeed a sage-level figure, but he is not a Confucian or Taoist sage. Daoist, I can only tell you this, and it involves some secrets, which you should not know."

The plain and vague voice stunned Sun Qu for a moment.

Immediately afterwards.

Under Li Jing's strange eyes, his expression changed suddenly, and he stood up "squeaky".

"This woman! Could it be a saint of the human race!?"

The corner of Li Jing's mouth twitched when he heard the sound.


Can this be covered?

For Confucian and Taoist people, it is not only saints and Confucian and Taoist sages who can be called sages.

Confucianism and Taoism are not bad.

However, people who have both ability and political integrity are most respected and even recognized by Dao, and they are not limited to individual systems. People with corresponding qualities are all sages in their eyes. There is nothing wrong with this view.

It's easy to talk about having both ability and political integrity, but it's important to be recognized by Daoist.

Those who can be recognized by the Heaven and Earth Dao, there is no problem in calling a sage seriously.

Seeing someone's mouth twitch, even though Sun Qudang understood that what he saw was the "standard answer", he was not calm at that time.

Human saint...

In Li Jing's Small Universe.

Then it was still half dead.

Seeing Sun Qu's expression changed in various ways, Li Jing smiled wryly and waved his hands.

"Sit down and don't stick around."

With that said, he said calmly.

"You guessed it right, the woman at the foot of the mountain is indeed a saint of the human race, but I don't have any thoughts against her. As you can see, her current state is not right, and I am looking for a way to wake her up."

Hearing what someone said, Sun Qu felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and his suspicions became less.

Although the human saint was thrown casually on the lawn, he was surrounded by four trees of life that were blowing in the wind and growing vigorously.

There is nothing to say about this treatment.

If this is an ordinary person who has not been dead for a long time, he will be revived by the huge vitality "milk" emitted by the four trees of life every minute...

Looking at Li Jing, Sun Qu wanted to ask but felt that he shouldn't ask such a thing, so he cupped his hands and said.

"Master Gao Yi."


Li Jing.

Why are you so righteous?

But after thinking about it, he roughly understood that Sun Qu probably made up something in his head. With a wry smile secretly, Li Jing asked.

"May I ask, how did City Lord Sun see the true identity of this woman?"

Faced with this question, Sun Qu also


Glancing down the mountain in awe, he sat down and told.

"We Confucians and Taoists are relatively sensitive to sages and sages. In my practice, I still pay attention to having a pure heart. I am even more sensitive in this regard. Just take a look at this woman, and I know that she is the most sage. Great man. The only ones who can make me feel this way are human saints except Confucian and Taoist sages who are shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. Seeing that the other sages can also feel it, but it is not so strong. "

Li Jing nodded when he heard the words, and then spoke again.

"So, besides the related feelings, what else can you see, City Lord Sun?"


Sun Qu hesitated, then said.

"Saint, she... seems to have suffered the backlash of Dao. This is an extremely serious situation for her who is recognized and honored by Dao of Heaven and Earth. It is a miracle that she did not die directly. It is also a manifestation of the strong luck of my human race."

Li Jing just asked casually with the idea of ​​not missing something, but Sun Qu really saw what the "sickness" was, and he saw it quite carefully.

The saint was backlashed by Dao, and he only found out after hearing what Nalan Que said.

Sun Qu saw it right away.

Thinking that Confucianism and Taoism have a lot of research on sages and sages, Li Jing nodded to express his approval of what he said, and asked.

"Is there any way to improve this situation?"

Seeing that someone approved his story, Sun Qu was shocked.

The saint of the human race was indeed backlashed by Dao, what did she do to cause it! ?

Secretly startled, Sun Qu hesitated to make a sound.

"Backlash from the Great Dao... Theoretically, there is no rule. The reason why sages and sages can be called sages is that they are high-spirited and brilliant, and their talents are only second. In a sense, it is a voluntary abandonment of the recognition from Dao..."

In the middle of speaking, Sun Qu paused and said.

"I can't say anything more specific, but according to my Confucianism and Taoism records, in the past, there were many sage-level figures who had to abandon the Dao's approval when they had to, and they were backlashed. All of them died silently."

With that, he continued.

"Such a situation of surviving in a state of suspended animation like this, there are indeed a few records in the classics. However, there is basically no precedent for waking up again. Only a blessed Confucian and Taoist sage moved the world because of what he did. , After the death of all beings, I was once again blessed by the Dao and woke up."

Hearing Sun Qu's narration, Li Jing frowned slightly.

There is only one case in which a sage who survived the backlash of the Great Dao came back again.

But this statement is a little mysterious.

All beings***?

This really works?

Under the Dao of Heaven, all living beings are equal.

The Will of Heaven will not pay special attention to which group you belong to. In Heaven's view.

People are no different from cats and cats.

At best, it is an ordinary creature, at most it is just a little bit smart, and then it can do a little bit.

But the immediate solution does exist.

The favor of the Dao can awaken the saints of the human race who have suffered backlash.

It's just that the difficulty is a bit high.

The so-called affirmation of the Dao does not specifically refer to someone who has been recognized by a certain will of the Dao of Heaven.

It's like the bully got something like a brand, so that sages and sages can be recognized by Dao everywhere.

Li Jing was not able to handle this kind of thing well.

If he wants to be able to do this, he still wonders what to do to develop Chentangguan?

Isn't it nice for everyone to be a sage?

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing didn't let the topic continue.

"Enough gossip, let's talk business."


Sun Qu.

It's about the saints of the human race, is this gossip?

if it is possible,

He really wanted to use the topic to learn about the inside story of how the human saint became like this.

However, people don't want to continue chatting, so he can't help it.

Barely suppressing his curiosity, Sun Qu cupped his hands.

"The Daoist went back and forth to find out what's the matter with me, just ask."

Li Jing nodded.

There is nothing to say about people's attitude.

He then called to inquire.

"The half-demon Kongzhi I met before, City Master Sun, do you know if he had any connection with Confucianism and Taoism in the past? When did your grievances between Confucianism and Taoism and the half-demon take place?"


Sun Qu blinked and shook his head.

"I really don't know if Kongzhi has any connection with Confucianism or Taoism."

With that, he continued.

"As for the grievances and grievances between Confucianism, Taoism and half-demons, it was mainly concentrated in the ancient fairyland period. The ancient fairyland collapsed, and the surviving people, demons, and aliens came to the fairyland. Confucianism, Taoism, and half-demons did not have much. Because of various factors, Confucianism and Taoism are declining day by day, and we didn't say to provoke anyone." Hearing this, Li Jing nodded and continued to ask questions.

"So, what is the specific situation of the grievances between Confucianism and the half-demon?"

Facing this question, Sun Qu showed a somewhat unspeakable expression, and finally faltered.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. When Confucianism and Taoism were prosperous and even occupied a place in the ancient fairyland, people in my Taoism were somewhat inflated. Daoist, you also know that we people who follow Confucianism and Taoism pay attention to integrity, and we often don't like this. I can't stand it, and I like to meddle in other people's business."

Li Jing smiled upon hearing this.

This one is quite transparent.

As a person of Confucianism and Taoism, I know very well what is wrong with Confucianism and Taoism.

Just as he was laughing dumbfounded, Sun Qu coughed dryly.

"I know what's wrong with me. But it's just related to our practice, and I can't change it or shake it."

With that, he continued.

"In the eyes of Confucianism and Taoism, the half-demon is the product of incompatibility between humans and demons. In the past, the half-demon was also an extremely powerful force in the ancient fairyland. It can be said that the conflict between the two sides has almost never stopped, but at least there is restraint. Then one day, a tyrannical half-demon accidentally obtained a taboo thing from the Three Realms, which was related to my Confucianism and Taoism. An irreversible contradiction arose like this.”

"Because my righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism naturally suppresses the way of demons, demons, and even ghosts, half-demons are suppressed and beaten almost all the way. Those taboo things end up being suppressed by Confucianism and Taoism. Both sides killed and injured a lot of extremely strong people. At that time, Liang Zijie was not a big deal, and the half-monster Confucianism and Taoism would definitely fight when they met."

After saying two words in succession, Sun Qu sighed softly.

"It's just such a thing to talk about grievances and grievances between Confucianism and Taoism and half-demons. Of course, I also learned about the corresponding situation from the classics that have been handed down. It's hard to say what the situation was in the past." Shining light of wisdom. "History, after all, is written by the victors." Upon hearing these words, Li Jing looked strange.

There is nothing wrong with Sun Qu's last sentence.

But that's not the point.

It's that he, the number one Confucianist and Taoist in the Immortal Domain today, obviously has some negative views that should not be normal for Confucianism and Taoism in the ancient Immortal Domain in the past.

It is a good thing that today's Confucianism and Taoism in Xianyu can produce such a person.

There is nothing wrong with Confucianism and Taoism.

It is too traditional and old-fashioned, so that many times Confucians and Taoists in the past thought it was right, and it is right in the eyes of Confucians and Taoists in later generations.

Right or wrong, all come from the past.

Once it's set, it won't change.

It's as if people of later generations don't have their own ideas.

This will definitely not work!

To put it bluntly.

Times are changing.

Cognition also has to keep pace with the times.

Taking a step back, the decline of Confucianism and Taoism in Xianyu today is not unreasonable.

All day this problem and that problem, Confucianism and Taoism are not familiar to anyone, how about you just want to choose the way of practice

When people see Confucianism and Taoism, do they choose this virtue?

It may have to be "true love" before choosing Confucianism and Taoism.

Shaking his head and putting these things behind him, Li Jing sorted out his thoughts.

The information obtained from Sun Qu is limited.

But Li Jing guessed.

Kong Zhi should be a character in the period when the conflict between Confucianism and Taoism and half-demons broke out in the ancient fairyland, and it is very likely that he is directly related to the taboo things that were taken away.

Today, I don't know how many years later, he came to take away the sacred objects of Confucianism and Taoism.

Most of the sacred objects of Confucianism and Taoism were taboo things at the beginning.

To put it bluntly, people in Confucianism and Taoism snatched the treasure obtained by the half-demon, and in order to pass it on to future generations to make it sound better, they changed it in their own history passed down.

Of course, Kong Zhi may have done this for revenge.

Of the two possibilities, the former is more likely.

In view of what has been gained, it is impossible to ask for more, Li Jing opened his mouth.

"Thank you, City Lord Sun, for answering the questions for Pindao, so that's all for today. If you have any questions in the future, I will come to you again. Regarding the saint, I hope City Lord Sun can keep it a secret."

While speaking, UU Reading he sent Sun Qu out of the Small Universe.

? ? ?

Back to Sun Qu at the door of his house.

He didn't expect that Li Jing sent himself out just like that.

He didn't even have time to drink the tea on the table...

When it was over, Li Jing didn't come out by himself, did he have other ways to go elsewhere? Where should the independent world come in and out?

Looking around, Sun Qu scratched his head and chose to give up thinking.

Originally, in his opinion, Li Jing was unpredictable.

Now that he knows that the saint of the human race is in his hands, he can't even imagine who the saint is.


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