MTL - House Witch-Chapter 620 619. Whose Bad Luck

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  Chapter 620 619. Whose bad luck

   "Thank you for the hospitality. Help me tell the chef that her cooking skills are really good. This is a dish with a soul. She must be a very gentle person."

  Dorothy put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, and nodded with satisfaction. This was the most delicious meal she had ever eaten in Dongying Island.

  Although purely in terms of chef skills, the skill of the chef who made this pork chop rice can only be regarded as mediocre, not even professional, only amateur level.

  However, whether the food is delicious or not is not only determined by the chef's cooking skills, but also has something to do with the chef's heart.

   This is a very metaphysical system.

  Dorothy is not the kind of Soul Eater who requires a soul for everything and eats souls, but when it comes to food, she believes that excellent cuisine has a soul.

  The soul of cooking, the existence called food spirit is a food spirit born from the mind of the cook, and has the wonderful magic power to turn decay into magic.

how to say?

  If we only talk about cooking skills, then the magic of the witch's kitchen series is undoubtedly the absolute pinnacle of the world's gourmet system. It is impossible for any other chef to be better than the automatic cooking program set by Dorothy herself.

   It's just that the principle of cooking magic is a set of cooking procedures that will never go wrong, and it is not fundamentally different from a cooking machine.

   It stands to reason that the taste of the meals made by everyone using this set of cooking magic should be the same, but in fact the taste of the finished dishes made by different people is very different.

  Some people make it delicious, but some people make it taste bad.

   There is certainly a part of the reason for the magic proficiency, but more differences actually come from the mind of the cook.

  Cooking is the same as magic, it is something that pays attention to the heart. The heart that believes is the best magic. Similarly, the heart that thinks about diners is the best cooking.

   And this is why most people think that the food at home is the best and most suitable for their own appetite.

"Mother's taste" is not a malicious ridicule, but a state that is difficult for chefs to achieve. After all, few chefs care as much as your mother about whether you eat well, whether you are healthy or not. .

  And in the bowl of pork chop rice just now, Dorothy felt a tender heart, and it was that tenderness that made the ordinary pork chop rice extra delicious.

   "Okay, my lord, I will definitely tell Ms. Tiansuo."

  The middle-aged policewoman Ono, who had been waiting by the side, nodded happily when she heard this, as if she was very proud of her colleague's craftsmanship.

  She is indeed really proud. Compared with this pork chop rice, it is indeed a must in the security bureau. It is very fragrant and never gets tired of eating. Not only the police love it, but the prisoners also love it.

  Many inmates who were originally very stubborn suddenly burst into tears after eating this bowl of rice, and then repented and changed their past.

   It's amazing anyway.

   It's just that there are always some people who are slightly spoiling the scenery.

   "It's not so exaggerated. If it's really delicious, it must be the craftsmanship of Baiweifang."

   Konoe Marin muttered softly.

  The young policewoman with a strong sense of justice is very dissatisfied with the rampant appearance of this guy who was a prisoner not long ago.

  What kind of place does this guy think of the security bureau? He molested the police officer, unlocked the lock without permission, and now he even orders food directly.

   Konoe Marin has never seen such a rampant guy in her life. In short, she is very upset. She is singing the opposite tune subconsciously now.

   And the Baiweifang she mentioned is the most popular restaurant in Dongying Island recently. It is very popular with dignitaries and celebrities in Dongying.

  As an aristocratic lady, the young policewoman once went to Baiweifang to eat several meals, which were the most delicious dishes she had ever eaten in her life.

  Although the policewoman's voice was very low, Dorothy could still hear it clearly, and she couldn't help shaking her head.

"Not always."

  The otaku witch has not been to the Baiweifang, but she did eat the food of the Baiweifang, just at the oiran banquet last night.

The Witch of the Forest series dishes that were served at that time really made Dorothy, the witch, feel very uncomfortable, but other people liked it very much. Aunt Zi told her with a weird face at the time, saying that these dishes were all made by the chef of Baiweifang It is very rare to make it at home.

   Dorothy didn't pay much attention to this at the time, but in retrospect, she suddenly realized a problem.

  There is no magic net on Dongying Island, and the residents on the island are isolated from the outside world. Then the question arises, how did the chefs of Baweifang learn the magic of Forest Witch’s Kitchen that is only published on the magic net?

   Tsk, it seems that the magic net ban on Dongying Island is not so strong. I am afraid that there are many witches behind the scenes who secretly climbed over the wall and went online.

  Baiweifang is probably one of them. Those people completely used the magic of the witch series to carry out dimension reduction strikes on this isolated Dongying Island.

Really, as far as their craftsmanship can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, it is impossible to open a shop in the outside world. After all, every witch outside can learn the kitchen magic of witches, but because of the special situation of Dongying Island, which is isolated from the world, this is not Suddenly it became profitable.

  Damn it, the price difference was made by the middleman.

  The witch of the forest suddenly trembled coldly, and felt a little upset in her heart.

Moreover, what do the top-notch people in Dongying Island do? Others can't resist the magic of the Witch's Kitchen series, and those who have the qualifications of the magic net can't recognize it. Why is there no one to control the rampant behavior?


  Hiss...Could it be collusion between government and businessmen, or simply stealing?

  The house witch suddenly thought of a certain possibility, and immediately took a deep breath.

   This broken place is really hopeless.

  She shook her head, too lazy to think about it any further.

  However, looking at the empty rice bowl in front of her again, Dorothy felt a little better.

  Although this broken place is a mess, it is not full of bad people, and it is somewhat warm.

"I don't think you've ever eaten this pork chop rice. If you have the chance, it's better to try it. If you haven't even eaten the rice in your bureau, you have been holding the airs of the young lady, and there is no way to integrate into it." Collectively, they cannot become a good policeman."

  Dorothy looked at the young policewoman who was still arguing with her, dropped the words, then got up and left.

   But Marin Konoe was stunned for a moment, then thoughtful.

  She has never eaten pork chop rice in the bureau. Although many colleagues in the bureau have recommended it to her, and even her sister who is the chief of the bureau is full of praise for it, she has never had the opportunity to taste it.

   After all, three meals a day must be eaten at home on time. This is the teaching of the mothers and the rules of the family.

  Different from her elder sister who was rebellious since she was a child and made mothers worry a lot, she, Konoe Marin, has always been a good boy, a good boy.

   And, am I big? Impossible, I have never bullied others by relying on my status, and she has always treated the seniors in the bureau equally and respectfully...

  The young policewoman didn't understand this very much, she felt that she had been slandered.


   "Senior Ono, have I really been acting like a young lady?"

  Marin Konoe turned to look at the middle-aged policewoman beside him and asked.

   Ono: "..."

  The middle-aged policewoman was silent for a moment, then said with a smile.

   "Miss Konoe, you are joking, you are the kindest lady I have ever met, so why not put on airs?"

   "What about my sister?"

  The young policewoman asked again.

   "Maki-sama is different from you, Miss Konoe, you really don't have to think about it."

  As soon as she heard her chief, the middle-aged female policewoman immediately had a solemn expression, and she said so with admiration in her eyes.

   Konoe Marin: "..."

   All right, she understands.

   Also, what grade is he, how can he be compared with his sister.

  The young policewoman who had been living under her sister's shadow clenched her fists unwillingly, and walked quickly to the kitchen.

  Hmph, isn’t it just a bowl of pork chop rice? What's the big deal? Others can eat it, but my sister can eat it. Is it possible that I can't eat it?

  ...The lady policewoman is shaking and cold...

   On the other side, Dorothy also came to the reception hall at the entrance of the Security Bureau. She searched her head a few times, but failed to find Aunt Zi who came to rescue her.

   "Eh, I'm greedy for a bowl of rice, so I won't get impatient with my aunt waiting, shall I go first?"

  Dorothy thought with a guilty conscience.

   But don't care, she has a special way to find her aunt.

  At the moment, the house witch looked up at the sky, and then blinked.

  The imprint of the wonderful talisman in her black and white peach eyes flashed away, and then the huge eight-headed snake in the sky came into view.

  The otaku witch looked in the direction of the largest head of the eight giant snakes. That was the position of Aunt Zi, which was unmistakable.


   "Huo, good guy, buy one get two free."

  Looking at the snake heads, one large, two small, and three overlapping, Dorothy's eyes widened in surprise.

   Could it be that the dragon family members are also attracted to each other?

   She thought so in her heart, but then shook her head, too lazy to think about it.

It's none of her business, whatever happens to these dragon family members, even if Dongying Island is wiped out, it has nothing to do with her, a Cinderella witch who came to travel, as long as she and the teacher can get it in the end. Just pay for the project.

  At that moment, the house witch followed the location she saw just now, and soon came to a special reception room next to the reception hall.

  Boom boom boom...

   Knocked slightly on the door, and soon a witch with a familiar look opened the door.

   This is a very sassy-looking witch big sister. She is wearing a police windbreaker uniform that fits well, and the long knife worn on her waist makes her even more heroic.

   This can't help but make the house witch's eyes shine, the strike zone...

  Forget it, the strike zone is still not to blame, she has a showdown, she is very shy, as long as she is a good-looking young lady, she likes it.

  She just likes to look at beautiful girls, and has no other ideas, just for her own pleasure.

   It's just that, seeing the familiarity between the eyebrows of the big sister witch, Dorothy thought for a while, and then remembered the young policewoman who interrogated her just now.

  The two look a bit alike, probably related.

   And she looked past the witch who opened the door, and saw Aunt Zi, Teacher Spider, Junior Sister, and Senior Mia in the room.

   Besides these old acquaintances, there is the last witch in the house.

  The sour witch's mood suddenly became happy again.

   Okay, another beautiful sister.

   It's just that it's different from the heroic attitude of the big sister who opened the door. The beauty in the room who also has conspicuous blond hair is much more elegant, and she looks like Aunt Zi.

  However, this elder sister does not have the deep mystery full of secrets of Aunt Zi, but is as sunny as the blond hair.

   This is a sister who looks very sunny and cheerful.

   These two should be the two new dragon family members.

  So thought Dorothy.

   "Little fairy, are you finally here?"

  As soon as she saw the house witch at the door, senior sister Mia stepped forward first. She came up and took a closer look at her sweetheart to make sure that she was not injured or anything, so she was relieved.

   "Why did you come so late? I can't help but look for you if you don't come."

   She asked a little worried.

  The little fox also walked to the side of the senior sister. Although he didn't have the courage to ask, he looked at her worriedly with those watery fox eyes.

   In this regard, Dorothy had to scratch her head, a little embarrassed.

   "It's nothing, it's because the police ladies are too enthusiastic, and I feel sorry for being wronged, so they treat me to a bowl of pork chop rice. It's delicious, and you should all try it."

   She was babbling like this.

   Seeing that Dorothy was fine, Yaezi and Noelos, who were drinking tea comfortably, also got up.

   "Since people are here, let's say goodbye. Director Konoe, Director Yuan, thank you both for your hospitality. The tea is delicious."

  Eightfold Purple said so.

   "Where is it? It's because our people are ignorant this time and have disturbed Master Yai. We must prepare gifts some other day and come to apologize."

  The two witch policemen in police uniforms also stood up quickly and said the same.

  Anyway, after some courtesies that even Dorothy found troublesome and hypocritical, the two groups said goodbye.

  The house witch ended this short one-day tour of the security station.

   It's just that, except for her who is full and happy, when she leaves the door of the security station, everyone else's face is not very good-looking.

  Aunt Zi narrowed her eyes slightly, Mr. Spider looked unhappy, Senior Mia frowned, Audrey...

   Well, it’s the first time for the little fox to enter the game, so he was really a little scared.

   On the other side, in the reception room of the Security Bureau just now, the two security chiefs also looked solemn.

   "Finally, we have been fooled, Boya, do you think Lord Yai has seen through us?"

  The valiant Konoe Maki asked his colleagues and girlfriends.

   And the big sister Sunshine is not sunny at this time, and her smile is a bit forced.

   "Hehe, what do you think, Maki, my sister-in-law is a half-immortal, unfathomable. I have never hidden a secret under her nose since I was a child."

  Yuan Boya said so with some headaches.

   "Tsk, it's a pity. I thought I could get that batch of goods into my hands in the form of stolen goods. Now that this is happening, it's really unlucky. How come I just met those foreigners shopping."

   Konoe Maki was also very troubled, complaining with a wry smile.

   "That's no ordinary outsider, we captured the golden princess on the spot, but we can do it."

"It's a good thing that the matter didn't make a big deal, and it didn't really anger that princess. Otherwise, our Dongying Island might be gone, and this is the mother of the gold master. Hurry up and find a way to apologize, or else Without the channel of the Golden Town, our plan will not be able to continue."

  Yuan Boya said even more fearfully.

   Afterwards, the two big figures of Dongying Island looked at each other, and they both saw depression and bewilderment in each other's eyes.

  Hey, what a perfect plan, how could it be so unlucky to run into a variable?

   Besides, is this bad luck for me and others, or is it the bad luck for those outsiders?

  You foreigners don’t go shopping in so many stores, why do you have to visit a building materials market? What a **** thing.

  ...The two witches are full of resentment...

  (end of this chapter)

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