MTL - House Witch-Chapter 619 618. Policewoman, Criminal and Pork Chop Rice

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  Chapter 619 618. Policewoman and Criminal and Pork Chop Rice





   "Native place?"

   "I'm not sure about this, should I say the kingdom of dragons, or the countryside on the 18th line?"


  In the Dongying Island Security Bureau, Konoe Marin raised his head and glanced sharply at the reporter across the bar, wondering if this guy was looking for trouble.

On the opposite side, imprisoned in the prison at this time is a witch who looks very bad, with colorful hair, messy makeup, and this is obviously already in the prison of the Security Bureau, but still calm and a little too much , everything shows that this guy is very problematic, very wrong.

   This looks like a habitual offender, an old fritters.

Interrogating such a habitual offender is undoubtedly difficult for a novice policeman like Konoe Shinin who is still in the internship period, but the young policewoman is confident that she can complete the first record in her career .

   "I am a member of the Konoe family, so I must not embarrass the family."

  Marin Konoe cheered himself up a little in his heart, then adjusted the timidity of the novice in his heart, and put on the majesty of a "senior policeman".

  She frowned slightly, her lips were slightly pursed, her face was stern, and she was not angry.

  Well, she used to do this when she watched the elders in her family interrogate prisoners, and now she has learned how to do it.


   "Miss Police, you are a newcomer, how many months have you been in the industry?"

  Before the young policewoman had time to ask, the bad witch on the opposite side asked first.

   Konoe Marin: "."

   Damn, this transcript can't be done.

  In the cell, Dorothy looked with interest at the young policewoman opposite, who looked a bit aloof from her appearance.

  After all, hei is long and straight, and she has the cool aura of the flower of Gaoling. If Dorothy keeps her mouth shut and doesn't reveal her funny nature, she will actually be quite cold.

  Although she was already in prison at this time, the house witch didn't panic at all. After all, she was not afraid of the shadow, and she didn't really commit a crime. There was nothing to be afraid of.

   All of this is just a misunderstanding, and it will be fine if the explanation is clear.

  Besides, adding up the two lifetimes, this is the first time she has been invited into this kind of place for tea, and it still feels quite novel.

   "Miss Police, do you also serve pork chop rice here?"

  She remembered this classic old stalk, and then asked curiously.

   Konoe Marin: "."

   This is really a repeat offender, he even knows pork chop rice, how many times have you been here, why are you so proficient.

  The young policewoman screamed speechlessly in her heart, she really couldn't hold back anymore.

  Damn it, as long as the elders put on such a face, the prisoners will be bluffed, and then they will honestly explain why they didn't develop according to the plot when they came to her? What is wrong with this? Her "police majesty" posture should be imitated without any flaws. She practiced in front of the mirror every day.

   "Hehe, it's not about the expression, it's about the temperament. Miss Policewoman, the senior policeman's expression is pretty good, but the temperament of the chick is still too obvious. You should be more confident."

   Just when Konoe Marin was puzzled, the bad witch on the opposite side spoke again, saying so.

  As soon as this remark came out, the young policewoman felt as if she was facing an enemy. She subconsciously crossed her arms, stood up, and took a few steps back.

   Not good, this criminal suspect is still a psychic witch, she can read minds.

   Konoe Marin thinks so.

  The house witch in the cell smiled happily.

  Laughing to death, she was molested by the boss in the past, but today it is finally her turn to moles others, this feeling is so good.

   "Relax, Miss Police, I don't read minds. Look, I still have a magic chain on my hand. How can I use magic?"

  Dorothy smiled and comforted the frightened policewoman, then raised her hand, revealing the chains of forbidden magic in her hand.

   That is a special prop made of forbidden magic materials that can seal the witch's ability to cast spells, but now she only wears handcuffs, which can only block the flow of magic power to her hands.

However, this is enough to control ordinary witches. After all, although the high-end spellcasting skill of wandless casting is not uncommon among witches, almost a witch can do it once or twice, but most witches can only do it once or twice. That's it, except for some special occupations, very few people would specialize in training this special skill which is particularly difficult to practice, easy to learn but hard to master.

  After all, although trees can be plucked with bare hands, most people choose to use an ax to cut trees instead of thinking about punching a tree through exercise.

  Most witches' wandless spellcasting skills are only at the elementary stage, and they can cast some low-level magic without a wand. However, if they want to cast intermediate or even advanced magic without a wand, they need to work hard and practice hard.

  So, generally speaking, blocking the flow of magic power in the witch's hands is basically enough to make ordinary witches lose the ability to release mid-to-high-level magic.

  As a witch, Dorothy is only 5w Mana's weak chicken. The Security Bureau will think of controlling her with a full set of anti-magic devices when she is full.

Of course, as a magic master who can actually cast forbidden spells without a wand, even a full set of forbidden magic devices may not be able to control her for too long, let alone simple magic-proof handcuffs. She's just a toy.

  However, the young policewoman on the opposite side was visibly relieved when she saw the forbidden chain in Dorothy's hand, and then sat back opposite the house witch, her face flushed slightly, and her expression a little bit annoyed.

  After all, she is an elite witch with 28w mana in magic power, so it is a bit embarrassing to be afraid of a little witch.

The house witch who couldn't help but look at it shook her head. If she trusted a "criminal suspect" so easily, this policewoman is really too young. It's a good thing that she is not a bad person, otherwise she would be such a naive and pretty girl. Sister Police, it's probably time to appear in some weird sets soon.

According to the concept that a witch's 16-200 years old belong to the juvenile period, this policewoman sister who should not exceed 30 years old is undoubtedly a girl, and she is about to touch the threshold of a big witch at such a young age. Although the aptitude is not a monster, it can be regarded as a genius. It belongs to the level where you can still see the hope of reaching the peak after working hard.

  But obviously the strength is not bad, but the person is so simple. It must be that the family is quite powerful and well protected. It is estimated that the eldest lady of some family came to the security station to be gilded.

Of course, the house witch didn't think there was anything wrong with this, she needed to be scorned, after all, who is not a young lady, and she herself was in a similar situation, but she went to the Tribunal for gilding, so the eldest sister didn't laugh Miss.

   "Okay, let's stop teasing you, Miss Police, can you tell me what's going on? Why did military warship materials appear in the building materials market, and who did you report?"

  After the joke, Dorothy shook her head, her face became serious, and then she asked.

  At this moment, the roles in this small interrogation room were reversed, the house witch became the interrogator, and the policewoman became the person being interrogated.

"How do I know what's going on? I know, so why ask you? It's just that the security bureau received an anonymous report letter early in the morning, and then we dispatched. No, what kind of magic did you use, you Are you trying to trick me?"

  Marin Konoe answered subconsciously, but she suddenly woke up halfway through the answer, and then stood up again, looking very vigilantly at the somewhat wicked guy on the other side of the iron railing.

  However, she was quite sure this time. The other party didn't seem to have used any magic, it was just a change in aura. Although the policewoman was unwilling to admit it, she now understood why this guy said that his temperament was no longer good.

Just now, after the guy on the opposite side became serious, her aura suddenly changed from a harmless little witch to a giant dragon grinding its teeth to allow blood, as if a phantom of a giant dragon rose from behind the opponent , those ruthless icy dragon eyes were staring at him, and they might pounce over and tear him into pieces at any moment. Say what you know.

  Is this the function of momentum?

   Konoe Marin was greatly shocked. Compared with the other party, his previous "police majesty posture" was indeed like playing a house, which was not worth mentioning.

  As for the question from the female policewoman opposite, the otaku witch returned to her previous appearance as a harmless little witch, she shrugged her shoulders, as if she didn't understand what you were talking about.

   However, she was also relieved.

  The subconscious words of the female policewoman just now are obviously not lies, so it means that it is completely unlucky for her to get into the situation this time, and she was just involved, and it is not that anyone is targeting her specially.

  Thinking about it, she is just a tourist who came to Dongying Island. She doesn't know many people on this island. Whoever is full and bored will target her.

   Tsk, this wave of unwarranted disasters, next time you go out, you have to read the almanac, don't lose the protagonist's life, but get the disease that accidents will happen wherever the protagonist goes.

   All right, then you can rest assured and wait for someone to fish you out. Presumably Aunt Zi should receive the news soon.

  So thought Dorothy.

   And just as she finished thinking this way, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room.

   "Miss Konoe, are you there?"

Konoe Marin, who was staring at Dorothy with wide eyes, had to get up and open the door. Standing at the door was a witch who was also wearing a police uniform. Her appearance could only be considered average, and she seemed to be of a good age. A few hundred years old, she is considered a middle-aged witch.

   "Senior Ono, what's the matter? My interrogation is not over yet?"

  The young policewoman first greeted her senior colleague politely, and then asked.

  The middle-aged witch looked into the room with her head, and was relieved to see that the bad witch on the other side of the iron railing was normal and had never been tortured.

   "Miss Konoe, there is no need to interrogate them anymore, someone came to release them on bail."

  The middle-aged witch said so.

   "What? Senior Ono, this is against the rules. This is a major crime of smuggling military materials. Who is eligible for bail?"

   However, Marin Konoe became excited all of a sudden.

  The middle-aged witch obviously didn't dare to offend the director's own sister, so she had to pull her aside and whisper in her ear.

   "Miss Konoe, please keep your voice down. It's not that we don't follow the rules. It's really that the person who comes here really can't be provoked. It's Mr. Yayoi who came in person."

   "Master Yae? Which Yae?"

   Konoe Marin was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

   "Does there still have several Yae in Dongying Island? Of course it's the one at the top."

  The middle-aged witch pointed to the sky in awe, and then dared not say more.

  The young policewoman was also immediately discouraged, and she realized that the interrogation really couldn't go on.

If that adult came here in person, don’t say that there is no evidence to prove that the other party smuggled military products. Even if the other party did smuggle, then there is nothing you can do about it. It could be considered smuggling.

The police lady who failed in her first mission was very depressed, but when she dejectedly took the key from her waist belt and was about to release the handcuffs for the bad little witch, she was shocked to find that the guy shook his hands lightly, clicked twice With a sound, the forbidden magic handcuffs were untied by themselves.

   "Thank you for the hospitality. I had a great time. The tea in your bureau is good, but I don't know how the pork chop rice is. Can you get me some?"

  Dorothy stretched her muscles and bones, then walked up to the two stunned policewomen, grinned and said, showing her white teeth.

   "Okay, my lord, wait a moment, I will arrange it right away. The pork chop rice in our bureau is the best in Japan. Everyone who has eaten it says it is good."

  Marin Konoe was still a little sluggish, but the middle-aged witch quickly came back to her senses. She said so with a smile on her face, and then trotted to the back kitchen.

  Dorothy: "."

   Ah, there is actually pork chop rice to eat?

  The house witch was taken aback, but she was looking forward to it. After all, there is no pork chop rice in the menu of the forest witch. This time, I can finally taste the special delicacy of Japan.

  Hey, I never thought that the first local delicacy I ate when I came here was at the police station. This experience is really amazing.

   And Konoe Marin finally came back to his senses at this time, she widened her eyes, pointed at Dorothy, you, you, you, you for a long time, but she didn't say a word.

   In this regard, the house witch couldn't bear to tease this naive but still responsible policewoman, she extended her hand towards the other party in a friendly manner.

   "Hello, Miss Police, let's get to know each other again. I, Dorothy, the secret police, we are colleagues."

   she said so.

   This is not a lie, after all, the judge is indeed a kind of secret police.

   However, Konoe Marin looked at this guy more warily at this time. Although he reached out and shook hands reluctantly in the end, his expression seemed to be guarded by Dorothy who was playing with his feelings.

  No, it’s not like, this is the fact, a naive policewoman who was full of enthusiasm was indeed played by a witch just now, and that was her first time. (Interrogation).

   It's just that, no matter how Konoe Marin glared at her, Dorothy didn't really care about it, because...

  The delicious pork chop rice is here.

  Happy House Witch

   Is there really pork chop rice in the emmm bureau? Is it delicious? Is there any professional to answer



  (end of this chapter)