MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 5

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"Trust me, I will bring back the Kiana you know."

Fu Hua opened his mouth softly, slowly closed his eyes, and fully mobilized Yu Duchen's power to enter Qiana's spiritual world.

Chapter 8 I'm Kiana Kaslana, also K-423

'It's so dark... where is this...'

Kiana's eyes were pitch black, as if she was floating in the sea of ​​nothingness.




The confused consciousness suddenly woke up, and Kiana opened her eyes: "Where is this? Didn't I wait for Mei's fried chicken nuggets in the dormitory?"

The girl felt that everything in front of her had a sense of sight, and she seemed to have forgotten something...

"Kiana, you almost lost control just now." Fu Hua's voice sounded in the dark world: "Because of an accident, your Herrscher personality has begun to wake up, you need to learn to control her well, don't lose your mind controlled by her."

"Squad leader...I'm not Kiana...I'm just a clone, an experiment, a container..."

Fu Hua's voice awakened Kiana's forgotten memory, she curled up, hugged her knees, and buried her face in it.

The identity is fake, everything she knows seems to be mocking her, telling her that everything she has experienced should have belonged to the girl named Kiana Kaslana, Mei, Bronya , Auntie, Teacher Jizi...

Will everyone stay away from her and discriminate against her because of human cloning...

Difficulty has no memory from before the age of eight...

No wonder her father's expression was so complicated when he told her it was Kiana...

If... what Auntie rescued was the real Kiana, then how would everything be...

She's a thief, a thief without a name...

Kiana's heart was in chaos, all kinds of thoughts eroded her brain, and the suppressed Herrscher personality showed signs of recovery...

Outside, Fu Hua frowned and continued to increase Yu Duchen's output, and the few memories began to disappear.

"...Kiana, in fact, I was a spy sent by Otto to St. Freya to monitor you. Otto has been paying attention to you, although I don't know what her purpose is. Obviously, you have a great effect on him. ."

"It's been a long time since you entered Saint Freya. I have seen everything you've experienced, the amusement with your friends, the affection with the dean of the academy, the battle of wits and courage with Teacher Jizi, your laughter, I see your complaints, your touches, and everything in your eyes..."

"The relationship between you is not fake at all, Kiana, K-423? What does that matter? No fake attention, sincere feelings, so real... I'm envious."

"I believe that your past must also be very exciting. What you have experienced, what you have encountered, and everything you perceive belong to Kiana Kaslana's girl, that is, you. Everything you have experienced is someone else's. A bond that cannot be taken away."

"You are you, the Kiana Kaslana who will overcome the past no matter what difficulties or hardships she faces."

"Now, it's time to wake up."

The pink light illuminates the dark world.

Qiana slowly opened her azure blue pupils, and as soon as she entered her eyes, Fu Hua was shaky.

"Squad leader, are you alright?"

Kiana hugged Mizuki to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Theresa frowned and said, "Kiana, let go of Fu Hua first..."

Before Teresa could finish speaking, Kiana interrupted, "Auntie, I trust the squad leader, she saved me twice."

Kiana looked directly at Theresa, her eyes were full of firmness, with light shining, she completely broke away from the confusion, and strengthened her will.

"I'm Kiana Kaslana, also k-423, Sky Ranger, St. Freya's student, Mei and Bronya's best friend, Auntie, your good niece, and the hero who will save Sky City in the future , will also be the most powerful Valkyrie candidate!"

Kiana stood up, hugged the beauty in one hand, pointed to the sky with the other, and shouted.

"I promise in the name of Kiana that the squad leader is a reliable friend."

After speaking, Kiana looked at everyone.

The others looked at each other.

"Hey, who asked me to put on a niece like you." Teresa put down Judas and sighed helplessly.

"Bronya has her own judgment, and the squad leader Fu Hua can trust it." Bronya remained faceless.

"I believe in you, Kiana." Leidian Yayi echoed, but she looked at Fu Hua with inexplicable hostility in her eyes.

Kiana breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's attitude was the same as usual, which made the girl completely relieved.

"By the way, Jizi, didn't she say she was already on her way?" Theresa suddenly found something wrong, opened the chat area @ Someone to ask, and then...

"What, you ran to the next city, and it takes an hour to do a helicopter, really..."

Theresa had a pained expression on her face, she should complain about this subordinate who ran out to play while his boss was working overtime.

"Okay, Fu Hua, I believe Qiana's judgment, but you have to give me the bottom line, so I can decide my attitude towards you."

The question of principle is not a simple word of belief and it can be solved, at least you need to know what grandpa wants to do.

"I understand, I will tell you." Fu Hua did not hesitate.

The dimensional question and answer system, but even the future has been exposed, she is not sure, and will not expose her past.

She has lived for more than 50,000 years, and she has never seen such a thing.

Rather than passive exposure, it is better to take the initiative to speak out. The difference between active and passive is big.


The corner of Fu Hua's eyes turned to Qiyana.

In her capacity, she knew that Kiana would become a Herrscher, and after causing the Great Collapse, she should take action immediately to avoid future troubles forever.

But, why did he take the initiative to weaken himself and save Kiana just now?

Is it because of what you did in the video?

No, although she is on a mission to monitor Kiana, the bits and pieces of living together in Saint Freya are not fake.

As in the sea of ​​consciousness, Fu Hua's advice to Qiana is a true portrayal of her heart.

She formed a bond with Kiana and others.

In the memory, there are pictures from the distant past, when she and some people did the same...

So, she can't do it.

Especially after knowing from the video that Kiana can master the power of the Herrscher, it is even more difficult to do so.

Since the Herrscher of Reason can betray Honkai, why can't Kiana.

However, Shenzhou needed the help of Destiny, and when Fu Hua was worried about whether to tell him calmly, a system prompt sounded beside his ears.

【Question 3...】

The atmosphere in the ninth chapter suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

[The third question, what was the last sentence that Otto said when he held out the mimetic Skyfire Holy Inquisitor and fired at Fu Hua's head? 】

[A: Your sacrifice has a price, for my love. 】

[B: The Valkyries are not your harem, scumbags. 】

【C: Immortal Chiyuan, I didn’t lie. 】

[D: Everything is Dr. MEI's plan. 】

For a time, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

Fu Hua couldn't believe what she saw for a while.

He was shot by Otto pointing at the head, using the imitation of the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition?

He wants to kill me?

No, has it killed me?

Or is it wrong, is it killing me in the future?

Even though he was as calm as Fu Hua, he was in chaos for a while.

Over the years, how much dirty work and tiring work she has done for Otto, this old boy, is there no sympathy at all? !

"Here, squad leader, are you... alright?"

Kiana's heart almost jumped out, and her eyes swept over Fu Hua's head, trying to see the old injury.

"...It should be something that will happen in the future. Even if it were me, it would be impossible for me to survive if my head was hit by the Mimic Skyfire Holy Inquisition."

Taking a deep breath, it didn't affect her in the slightest. Maybe her memory was burned by Yu Duchen, but with Fu Hua's understanding of Otto, if the other party did such a thing, she would never be placed in Kiana. beside.


Fu Hua's face was gloomy, she didn't like Otto, and there was a possibility of disagreement, and it was very likely.

In the same camp against the collapse, as long as the bottom line is not touched, she will endure it. On the contrary, if she is not suspected of Otto's bottom line, Otto will also turn a blind eye. easy.

But she didn't expect that the difference of opinion would make Otto kill her by himself.

"It should be something happened in the future, the squad leader and Bishop Otto fell out, and they were shot by the other side."

Raiden Yayi speculated, but looking at the four answer options, black lines could not help but appear on his forehead.

A and B are the most exaggerated.

Does the former mean that Fu Hua robbed Otto's woman?

The latter is even more unreliable, Valkyrie harem and scumbags, how to fall in love between the same sex, even if the squad leader has good grades, is all-round in sports, treats people with gentleness and seriousness, exudes heroic spirit, and there are female classmates and friends on the road on weekdays. She greeted her, and even Kiana sometimes looked at the monitor's eyes...

should be... no...

Raiden Mei was frightened by his own guess.

"Class... Monitor, do you have any clues?"

Raiden Mei hurriedly changed the subject and couldn't think about it any longer.

"Headmaster, you and Bishop Otto are the most familiar to us. Do you know what he would say if he kills someone?"

"Excluding A and B, I know what Grandpa did is not clean, but Grandpa did it himself..."

Theresa was hesitant to speak, and the things that Bishop Destiny could do in person were either secrets that could not be known to others, or Fu Hua blocked his way.

At least it will never be an emotional problem. Although she is not angry, in Teresa's heart, Otto is such a wise person, and the emotions of mortals cannot affect him,

"Who is Dr. MEI? The researcher of the destiny?"

Kiana wondered, she was very self-aware and must not know.

"There is no such person in the Destiny Database." Bronya shook her head.

"There is no artificial Lawyer in Dr. MEI's plan to exclude D."

Fu Hua's eyes are complicated. Dr. MEI, the smartest scientist in the previous era, left many plans before the arrival of the Herrscher of the End.

Stigma Project, Hengsha Project, Ark Project, Tinder Project...

Although there are only a few bits of relevant memory left, Fu Hua can be sure that there must be no artificial Herrscher plan in it, and the Herrscher of the previous era has no precedent for leaving the collapse camp.

"This question is suspected of me, so let me answer it." Fu Hua took a breath again.

She wants to know what happened to Otto to kill her.

Kiana answered two questions correctly, and the rewards were obvious to all. However, among the chosen ones, Tesla, Einstein, Rita of Destiny, and Raven of World Snake were not rushing to answer.

Maybe the answer could not be determined, maybe it was because of scruples about punishment, or maybe there was another conspiracy, but Fu Hua answered the question very smoothly.

[Fu Hua submits the answer and chooses C. 】

【correct answer. 】

[Get reward: activate the hypervariable factor in the body. 】

[The girl reluctantly avoided the attack of the Honkai Beast, but the fragility and despair of the year were entangled in her heart like a demon, making the girl feel confused and giving up.

die? escape? But an excuse for cowards to escape the truth and the truth!

Under the extreme pressure and the experience of dying, the girl saw the figure of the warrior who gave her courage and a reason to survive, but fell into the evil spirit and showed her fangs and malice to mankind.

The unwillingness of the inner struggle and the perseverance and determination become the fuel for gaining strength, and the will to unwilling to bow to death and fate becomes the wings soaring in the sky.

The girl's pupils are as bright red as blood, she flutters her wings, and she is condescending, showing the tenacity and unyielding soul of human beings and the will to never bow to fate and death to the beasts of collapse! 】

Read The Duke's Passion