MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 4

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However, Leidian Meiyi and the others showed concern, and they could see that the state in front of Kiana was very bad.

Sure enough, after the fight with the Honkai Beast, Kiana performed very badly, and she was bruised and bruised in less than a moment.

She was panting heavily and watched as Honkaiju raised its spear, ready to strike her with the final blow.

"I... can't die here..."

Kiana was sluggish, murmured in her mouth, and her left eye instantly turned golden.

"Leave this body to me."

Not by the ear, but by a voice that came from the depths of my heart.

This is not the voice line of Qiyana and Fu Hua. This voice carries a pleasant ridicule, as if everything is in his hands, and he is bound to win what happens next.

"Kiana!" Fu Hua shouted in horror, trying to wake up Kiana's consciousness, but was a step too late.

Kiana's eyes slowly closed...

The girl once heard someone say that when she was dying, everything she had experienced in the past would fly by in front of her eyes like a revolving lantern, but now, there is only darkness in front of her eyes.

"Shouldn't I have been pierced by Honkaiju's spear?" - The girl's heart was in chaos.

It should be like the victims who can do nothing but run away and cry, watching the Honkaikai beast fall from the sky, pierced, trampled, and slaughtered...

"Why am I still alive..." the girl thought to herself.

—Because I have committed too many sins, I need to live to accept the punishment of fate...

- Do you think that you can resist the personality of the Herrscher, that you still have a chance to save everything?

—Or, is there a last shred of fantasy in my heart, hoping that this is all just a nightmare and that everything will be back to normal when the class bell rings?

She has no way of knowing, there is only darkness in front of her eyes, a never-ending darkness...

"Kiana..." Leidian Yayi covered her mouth, she could feel Qiyana's despair and helplessness in the video, and began to resent herself, why was she not by Qiyana's side at that time.

Bronya didn't send a single glance, it was just the beginning of the video, and the secret revealed shocked her greatly.

Three months after the Great Honkai, the crime that Kiana committed, that is to say, Kiana became the Herrscher of the Sky, triggered the Honkai outbreak...

Kiana stared blankly in Yayi's arms, the idea of ​​​​posting in the past was gone, she seemed to feel her helplessness and despair in the video, it was so dark and dark...

Theresa in the office couldn't sit still. She planned to use the chat area to discuss first, and then go to Qiana after the video was over, but now she had to do it earlier.

Among the selected, those who cared about Qiana rushed to the Valkyrie's dormitory, the people of Destiny reported to Otto again, Anti-Entropy also took action, and the World Snake was also prepared in advance.

The information revealed in the video opening is too great, and Kiana is indeed a Herrscher.

The video is still playing.

Kiana gritted her teeth, trying her best to control her sanity that was about to get out of control, recalling everything worth remembering in the past...

In the end, the memories were fragmented and rushed towards her. Unfortunately, those were not the memories the girl expected, but the source of pain...

In the first recollection, Kiana, Theresa, and Raiden Mei stood face to face, and a despised purple figure floated in the sky.

"Theresa! Mei!" Kiana exclaimed and stepped forward, but her arms passed through the bodies of the two of them. "How could..."

"Those who said empty-handedly that they wanted to take you home..." The pleasant voice sounded again: "When they have seen your true face, are you still willing to let you approach them and hug them?"

Kiana's movements froze, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"At this moment, in their eyes, the girl named Kiana no longer exists, and the only way to save you now is to destroy you..."

As soon as the words fell, Leidian Mei and Theresa moved, their eyes showing fierce light,

"Kiana, I'm sorry..." Raiden Mei held a weapon and swung a deadly slash at Kiana.

"I had to do this..." Teresa held Judas high and slammed it down without hesitation.

"Theresa, Mei... What are you going to do?" Kiana dodged the attack subconsciously, and the two kept moving and continued to attack.


In the joyful laughter, Kiana, who was already tired, was no match for Raiden Mei and Theresa at all, and was quickly knocked to the ground.

Qiana, who closed her eyes and was about to meet the stranger, found that the two were gone, replaced by another person, Fu Hua.

"Remember this hateful face? Kiana? She betrayed your trust. In the school, she was very strict with you. You thought it was just her cold personality, but it was not." The pleasant voice seemed to be With magic.

Kiana staggered to her feet, looked at the person she hated and loved, and whispered, "Squad leader..."

"She treated you as a monster from beginning to end, kept watch over you, guarded you, and finally, when she destroyed you with her own hands, handed you over to Bishop Otto..."

Theresa stopped running quickly, turned around and ran towards the training ground. Fu Hua trains late every day, and most likely is still at the training ground. She has to find her and ask.

"For her, what you have is prey, look! Now she's hunting you again~"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Hua shot at Qiyana, but strangely, her words and actions were completely opposite.

"Don't trust her, Kiana, don't let her dictate your mind."

After a few fights, Fu Hua's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by the figure of Bishop Otto.

But what Otto said next shocked everyone in Saint Freya.

Chapter Seven Titled The Cruel Truth of K-423

"The experimental body number is K-423. The donor cells are from the direct descendants of the Kaslana family and the Shaniat family, and have been transferred into the genetic genes of the Second Herrscher."

"Same as the previous experimental body, although the embryo has completed development, it is now in a vegetative state without any ability to move autonomously."

Otto's words were full of regret, and then the words changed.

"However, this time, after the Herrscher core was implanted, K-423's brain spot map began to produce regular waveforms..."

"This is..." Kiana's eyes widened, unable to imagine what she heard just now...

"This is your birth." The voice replied to Kiana, breaking the fluke she wanted to deny: "Indeed, it was the day I was brought back to the world."

"It's not true." Kiana's tone was obviously flustered.

Then, one after another 'Kiana' appeared around and attacked Kiana.

"It was these stupid humans who created our tragedy, and they summoned God's punishment with their own hands, and you are a container, a prison that humans use to bind me."

Inner grief, physical exhaustion, mental breakdown.

Kiana was very passive in the face of the other "Kiana" attacks, or rather, she hardly resisted.

The happy voice continued.

"Your name and past are all made up lies, they never belonged to you, you and I are both victims, since that's the case..."

The voice became more and more high-pitched, and Kiana seemed to feel the touch...

The teacher who taught her fell into the sky, her beloved family shed tears, and her close friends left her...

Why should I suffer such a crime, I don't want to, I did nothing, I am also a victim...

why why why…

So... whose fault is everything?

"...Why don't you join me in mercilessly gathering these human beings who are looking forward to us and manipulate our destiny?"

Kiana's movements changed, from passive counterattack to active attack, the attack became more and more violent, tough and ruthless, one by one 'Kiana' fell at her feet.

Negative consciousness rendered Kiana's will, the relief brought by the killing concealed her guilt, and the voice of sinking into the abyss crowned her...

"Very good, just like this, keep killing and destroying!"

The mockery swirled in the air, like a raucous flock of crows circling the dying.

Suddenly, the wild laughter was interrupted by a calm voice—

"Fortunately, it's not too late for me to come."

With white hair and red eyes, covered in fire, and walking in white clouds, Fu Hua, who was completely different from the usual temperament, appeared.

"It's time for you to be quiet."

Fu Hua took out a pink feather, the feather lit up, and the dark space seemed to lighten a little.

"Hey, you bastard."

As soon as the screen turned, compared to the Sky Vault Ranger, the more arrogant and domineering 'Kiana' appeared in the eyes of everyone, and the owner of that pleasant voice was her.

Her expression was very angry, and she snorted softly:

"But it doesn't matter, how many times can you help her? I can feel her emotions...anger, sadness, depression."

The expression of 'Kiana' became happy again, and she lay on her side on the void.

"Her existence is getting weaker every day, and I just have to be patient..." Her voice was getting smaller and smaller, but the confidence in it couldn't be concealed.

"One day, you will see with your own eyes that I completely dominate this body..."

The video gradually fades into darkness and ends.

After watching the video, everyone couldn't help smacking their tongues. The information played by the second video was much more explosive than the previous one.

The Herrscher of the Sky is not dead...

Kiana is not the real Kiana...

And... when the second collapse, who actually rescued Sirin from the anti-entropy leader.

Einstein: Miss Rita, destiny should give us an explanation.

Rita: I will ask the bishop, Dr. Einstein, if you are interested, you can come to the Destiny headquarters, and the bishop will welcome you.

Einstein: Do you think I'm Tesla?

Tesla: Chicken Nest, do you think I don't exist?

Due to the old days, the chat area became chaotic again.

"Is this a joke, is it a joke, it's not funny at all..."

Kiana took a few steps back, her face dazed, she suspected that it was a lie fabricated by the Herrscher of the Sky to break her spirit.

But is it really so?

As if someone else was whispering in her ear...

She's not Kiana, she's just a clone, a puppet of Otto to revive the Herrscher of the Sky...

Kiana covered her head, and the strong blow made her whole body lose her strength, and her legs went weak.

Vaguely, her azure blue pupils flickered a little bit of golden light, if she hadn't lowered her head, she would have been found abnormal by others.

Unlike Kiana in the video, there are close people beside Kiana today.

"Kiana, you are Qiyana, you are the one who saved me in Changkong City, the one I know and depend on."

Raiden Mei shook Kiana's shoulders, anxiously trying to call back her friend's spirit.

"Bronya doesn't care whether Kiana is a K-423 or not, what Bronya cares about is a single-celled idiot like a paramecia, Kiana, you forgot about the tragic 36-game losing streak last night. ? You said at the time that you wanted to find your way back, so did you just admit defeat?"

Bronya uses aggressive tactics to try to arouse Kiana's self-esteem.

However, it failed. If it was Kiana in her usual situation, it might work, but now...

The golden light in her pupils became more and more dazzling, and Qiyana couldn't hear the movement from the outside world. The only sound in her ears was a hysterical laughter mocking all human beings.

"Fortunately, it's not too late for me to come."

A pink feather fell from the void on Kiana's head, and the wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Same scene, same voice.

Raiden Mei and Bronya looked at the door.

Fu Hua held Yu Duchen and stared at Qiana, then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fu Hua, since you rescued Qiyana and proved that you have no malicious intentions, can you tell me who you are, the spy sent by your grandfather?"

Behind her, Teresa held Judas with a rare serious expression.

Qiyana was taken away from the Destiny headquarters by her at the beginning. If the video is true, then the original action was a game set up by Otto, and she and Siegfried were the pawns. Thinking of this, Teresa's face changed darker.

"...I have my difficulties. The dean first let me deal with Qiana's problem, and then...I will tell you the truth."

Fu Hua took a few steps forward, came to Qiyana's side, squatted down, and placed Yu Duchen in front of her.

During the period, Leidian Meiyi wanted to stop it, but finally gave up.