MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 542 lucky miss coco

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  The name Chanel represents ladies and ladies. In 1921, Chanel made a bold decision: invited Russian court perfumer Ennis Bow to create a bottle of "perfume that smells like a woman" for her. Perfume No. 5 was born. This first bottle of abstract fragrance perfume in history has achieved a legend that no one has surpassed so far. The influence of No. 5 perfume has long gone beyond the category of perfume and has become a symbol of modern spirit. With its unique charm, it fascinates women all over the world.

Just like that day, Megan Fox sprinkled Chanel No. 5 on herself in a cute and funny way, trying to make Zhang Dongcheng notice the beauty of her. This bottle of legendary perfume fits so well with the movie he made Chanel couldn't help noticing him.

  So, they came, just like Nike's humiliation in front of Zhang Dongcheng, they also offered the best conditions.

  On Zhang Dongcheng’s yacht, he received representatives from Chanel, Chanel general manager Nix and his assistant Miss Amy.

   "Please take a seat, Mr. Nix, oh yes, and Miss Amy." Zhang Dongcheng sat down in front of the two guests who came from afar, and handed over the yacht to the captain, who is very free now.

   Jessica Alba is also here, but without Megan Fox and Laticia, she is alone with Zhang Dongcheng.

It is true that Jessica did not reject meeting Zhang Dongcheng as much as she did at the beginning, nor would she blush and run away in fright when she saw him. Although she still prefers to text Wenai with Zhang Dongcheng in the quiet night, It is acceptable to meet face-to-face alone.

This may be due to the fist-struggling and **** battle. In front of Zhang Dongcheng, he was half struggling and half forced to leave only a little underwear. He even watched Laticia and him in Megan and herself. After doing such a thing in front of her, Jessica finally relaxed a little. Anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of. If he wants it, give it to him!

   It belongs to him anyway, so I can’t even run away!

   Zhang Dongcheng called Jessica here purely out of his own petty thoughts. He didn't want to do those things today, he just wanted to chat with a girl, but he didn't expect that someone from Chanel would come to him directly.

  Actually, when Chanel came to the door, Zhang Dongcheng could already guess what they were going to do. They just wanted to use the movie of perfume to advertise their perfume!

  Jessica sat quietly next to Zhang Dongcheng. Now she is dressed in simple and generous clothes. Her natural beauty and clothes hanger make her have an aura that is not inferior to any top model.

Mr. Nix seems to be in his forties, and he belongs to the category of human beings, while Miss Amy is as young and beautiful as a vase. When the two men met, they held out their hands and faced each other. The girls in the world are all alike in heart, and they only belong to men's smiles.

"Aha, I finally met Director Smith and Zhang Da. This is Jessica, the girl who sells yellow plums in the perfume movie, right? She's so beautiful, so beautiful! She's even prettier than in the movie!" Nichols said with a mouthful He kept saying compliments as soon as they met, looked at Jessica with admiration, and said sincerely to Zhang Dongcheng.

"Hehe, your assistant, Ms. Amy, is also very beautiful, no worse than a big Hollywood star!" Zhang Dongcheng also responded with a smile. A woman who is praised by two men as soon as they meet is relatively smarter and easier to draw closer distance communication.

   Jessica and Amy both smiled and shook hands.

   "Please sit down, Mr. Nix, come on, everyone sit down." As the host, Zhang Dongcheng naturally wanted to be more enthusiastic.

  After the host and guest were seated, Nix smiled and said, "First of all, I would like to congratulate Director Smith and Zhang Da! The new movie perfume once again occupied the Halloween schedule and became the box office champion, earning more than 100 million U.S. dollars!"

Zhang Dongcheng replied with a smile: "Thank you, actually when you guys called me and wanted to come and sit for a while, I guessed that Chanel has always been synonymous with top-notch perfumes, and I just happened to make another movie called Perfume. Didn't you want me to help you shoot a commercial for the next time? Like Nike?"

"Haha, Bingo! Mr. Smith Zhang is really smart. Yes, our Chanel company is planning to find a new spokesperson for its Miss Coco perfume, and we also need to launch an advertisement for a new Miss Coco perfume. Now, the most suitable Mr. Smith Zhang is the most worthy director to make an advertisement for Miss Coco Chanel!" Nix's chubby face was full of smiles.

"Miss Coco is a fragrance dedicated to a young woman, representing depth, sensuality and positivity, who is clearly satisfied with her life and indulges in the enjoyment of life. She interprets the other side of Ms. Chanel's personality in a modern way, relatively In the baroque beauty, she appears low-key and unobtrusive, fresh and sensual. Compared with the classic Chanel No. 5, the liquid that shines like gold is replaced by an elegant and light pink liquid." Although Miss Amy is a vase, But the vase also has the function of a vase. When she uttered this sentence, it was much sexier and more pleasing to the ears than the chubby Nix.

"Sounds good? Jessica, may I buy you a bottle?" After whistling, Zhang Dongcheng said to Jessica jokingly, isn't the Jessica in front of him the best embodiment of Miss Coco's perfume? what?

  HOHO, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly made a decision in his heart.

   "Haha, so you have no objection to being the advertising director of Chanel's Miss Coco perfume? Don't worry, our bid will never be lower than Nike's." Nix said with a smile.

Nike provided 10 million US dollars for the filming fee, and that was when Zhang Dongcheng did not win the title of the youngest Oscar director in history, and when Zhang Dongcheng won the crown and became the best, Nike took Zhang Dongcheng to shoot again. Take out the advertisements and show them fiercely, and the sales in North America alone have increased by more than 40%!

   This ten million dollars is so worth it!

  All investment analysts say so, and Nike's vision has always been praised, but they have made many superstars popular.

And Nix said so, it must be that the fee given will not be less than 10 million U.S. dollars. After a few days, another 10 million U.S. dollars will be pocketed. This kind of life can only be said to be too **** cool. up.

But Zhang Dongcheng smiled, but sat up straight, changed his laziness on the sofa just now, stared at Nix's small eyes seriously, and said almost word by word: "I agree. To be the director of a campaign for Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, but I don't want a cent."

for free? Zhang Dongcheng shoots an advertisement for Chanel, don't you want a penny?

  Amy looked at Zhang Dongcheng strangely, not understanding why he suddenly became a righteous man who treats money like dirt.

And Knicks is also well-deserved of its reputation, immediately smiled: "Mr. Smith does not need to shoot newspapers, so what are the conditions? Our heroine, um, the new spokesperson for Miss Coco has not yet been fully determined. Mr. Smith has What would you recommend?"

   Jessica, who was a little bored on the side, immediately admired the chubby Knicks. He even guessed in a few seconds why Zhang Dongcheng gave up tens of millions of dollars in proposals, not to flatter others!

  The question is, who is holding it?

Is she in the thriving world of hosting, becoming Allen on The Allen Show in the United States, the same name as Oprah on Oprah's talk show, Patricia, the top three hosts in the United States, or famous as an elf girl in Lord of the Rings, so hot The all-American Scarlett Johansson?

  These two girls are very suitable for the title of Miss Coco Chanel in terms of age, identity, appearance, and even future development. These two girls are destined to shine.

"Haha, you're right. I want to recommend a girl. If she becomes the spokesperson of Miss Coco Chanel, I don't need a penny. I will help you shoot TV commercials for free and provide you with perfect ideas." Zhang Dongcheng smiled Then, he snapped his fingers, expressing that it was interesting to talk to a smart person like Nix.

"Who do you want to recommend? Although Miss Coco is just a bottle of perfume, she already has her own spirit. Is it Miss Patricia that you recommend? Or Miss Scarlett Johansson?" Amy couldn't help asking That said, for a big star like Smith Zhang, she also has a side of a groupie, and she can't help but be full of curiosity about the girl Zhang Dongcheng wants to support.

   "No, not at all..." Zhang Dongcheng raised his eyebrows, smiled, took out a cigar and lit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke lightly.

   Not Patricia, not Scarlett, so, could it be Laticia and Megan Fox? Jessica immediately turned her head and began to think wildly.

  Laticia is a beauty. No one can deny that she has a face shape and image that is acceptable to both the East and the West. She is petite and charming and fits the definition of Miss Coco's vitality, sensibility and exquisiteness.

   Zhang Dongcheng must be talking about her, right?

Megan Fox is too American. Although she is very young, the title of Miss Coco is well deserved, but she is not low-key because she is too sexy. She is naturally a high-profile person and attracts countless eyes wherever she goes Some girls are not suitable for Miss Coco's light and seductive feeling.

  Well, Laticia must be right! Jessica was determined in her heart.

   "That's it? Miss Jessica or Miss Megan?" Amy suddenly pointed to Jessica who was thinking wildly, and asked loudly.

What? How could it be me? Jessica suddenly felt dizzy.

  It is such a great honor to become the global spokesperson of Chanel, it is a position that makes girls all over the world envy and envy!

  Zhang Dongcheng looked at Jessica, who was blushing, and nodded with a smile.

   So, it means that Smith Zhang is going to support Jessica, or Megan Fox? Nix didn't speak, but looked at Jessica in front of him sharply.

The Jessica in front of me is the best age for a girl. At the age of nineteen, she is tall and has a golden ratio face that is acceptable to both the East and the West and is considered beautiful. Her appearance in the perfume movie also represents The most beautiful girl, with a charming and kind-hearted image. The behavior of giving plums to the widowed old man has won her a lot of praise. She is dressed in the clothes of the French commoners in the eighteenth century, but she is still fresh and charming to the extreme.

  Just like her now, with simple clothes, flat shoes, denim trousers and a loose top, her hair tied in a ponytail at random behind her head, like an unrealistically beautiful Barbie doll, but so close without any distance. Sexy stunners and choir girls appear unobtrusively and layered on her body.

   Nix is ​​of course very satisfied with Jessica's appearance, but her fame is what makes him hesitate.

"Miss Jessica is very suitable for the definition of Miss Coco's perfume in terms of appearance. The only thing... is that her exposure rate is too low. Except for the girl in the perfume, she has no film works, and we Chanel as a global brand Top-notch perfume, the identity of the natural spokesperson also needs to be worthy... If Ms. Megan Fox comes to endorse, we can consider it."

Nix thought for a while, then shook his head and said, Megan Fox is also a supporting actress in the perfume, much better than Jessica who is like a character, and Megan Fox is more popular than Jessica now There are too many, and the fresh and beautiful appearance in the perfume has conquered a large number of people.

In Jessica's heart, it was like an extremely difficult war was going on now. On the one hand, she certainly hoped that she could be elected as the spokesperson of Miss Coco, but on the other hand, she felt inferior to her reputation, and lost to Megan Fox. It's not embarrassing, but it must be extremely uncomfortable.

  Turning her head subconsciously, looking at the smiling Zhang Dongcheng, Jessica suddenly felt a little lost...

  Megan Fox is only fourteen years old, but she is much closer than me and him. Zhang Dongcheng must choose her...

   Lowering her head, the corners of Jessica's eyes were slightly red. She stood up and wanted to leave in a panic: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

   Nix and Amy could naturally see her uneasiness, and just nodded to indicate that it's okay, this is Zhang Dongcheng's business, and they don't want to participate.

"Wait a while." Zhang Dongcheng's hand suddenly wrapped around him, pulling Jessica who was about to go away, and pulling her back to him affectionately, and then said to Nix with certainty and certainty: "Mr. Nix , I hope that Jessica Alba can be the spokesperson of Miss Coco Chanel, as long as she is the spokesperson, I can shoot an advertisement for Chanel without a penny!"

what? What?

   Jessica was almost terrified at this moment, how could it be possible that Zhang Dongcheng chose herself in the end?

  The heart almost stopped beating at this moment, Jessica raised her head to look at Zhang Dongcheng with a serious face, but she couldn't speak suddenly.

  Nicks was taken aback by what Zhang Dongcheng said, and he was stunned before he said, "Although Miss Jessica is also very good, we think Miss Megan might be better, can't you think about it?"

   "HOHO, there is nothing to consider. This is my idea. If Jessica is in the role, I will shoot for free. If Jessica can't be in the role, then please choose Gao Ming." Zhang Dongcheng shrugged and stood up.

   "But Miss Jessica's fame..." Amy still wanted to make the last struggle.

"Who am I? I am Zhang Dongcheng, and I am Smith Zhang. I can make anyone popular if I want to be popular. Is Jessica popular now? After three years, you will see again!" Zhang Dongcheng's eyes It reveals endless domineering, the feeling of being in charge of the world is so overwhelming that Nix and Amy are completely speechless!

"This, this.... I need to ask the higher-level leaders for instructions." Nix also stood up. Seeing Zhang Dongcheng's tough attitude, he knew that it would be useless to talk too much, and using Jessica as the spokesperson was not good for him. Saying he was entitled was no longer enough.

   "Hehe, it's no problem, we have a lot of free time now, we can wait!" Zhang Dongcheng said with a shrug.

   "Okay then, I will call you as soon as possible after I ask for instructions." Nix shook hands with Zhang Dongcheng, then left with Amy.

At the moment of leaving, Amy glanced at Jessica, who was still a little dizzy, enviously, and couldn't help but whispered to her: "Jessica, you are so lucky that Zhang Smith praised you so hard. You, you will be a big star in the future!"

  After listening to Amy's words, Jessica looked at her leaving figure, and just turned her head to look at Zhang Dongcheng.

For the sake of herself, I don’t want ten million dollars, but for the sake of flattering myself, I have to temporarily throw all the girls aside. Jessica was really moved by Zhang Dongcheng’s move, and tears burst out of the corners of her eyes. No matter how much you wipe it, you can't finish it.

Seeing Nix and Amy leave, Zhang Dongcheng gently held Jessica in his arms, kissed her flawless face, dried her tears, and asked softly, "What's wrong? My Jessica, who was so bad to make you cry?"

Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's funny words, Jessica couldn't help but wanted to laugh again. She just obediently let Zhang Dongcheng hold her, and asked coquettishly and incomprehensibly, "Why me? Not someone else? That's a thousand dollars." Ten thousand dollars, although you have money, you can't just throw it away, right?"

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled. To him, money is just a tool to make girls happy. Now Dongcheng Films lacks everything, time and talent. The only thing they don’t lack is money!

   "Because you are the girl who best fits Miss Coco's definition, and I'm totally thinking about Chanel." Zhang Dongcheng laughed, and kissed that tender mouth fiercely.

That mouth that countless boys would want to kiss in the future is now being kissed fiercely by Zhang Dongcheng, softly and roughly, and this extremely beautiful girl falls into his arms and has been kissed by him. The whole body went limp from the kiss.

"Laticia, Meghan and the others are also very suitable... Besides, I am too famous now..." After finally stealing an empty space, Jessica put back her little red and swollen mouth, still a little puzzled asked.

"Three years, within three years, I will turn you into a top Hollywood star, and even make Chanel a bit eclipsed in your halo. At that time, if they want to renew the contract, they will spit out even the profits! "Zhang Dongcheng laughed, and his magic palm dishonestly touched Jessica's chest, broke through the protection of her clothes, held the smooth, pink and soft breast in his hand, and kneaded it gently.

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