MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 541 The box office rushes forward!

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   For the super director Smith Zhang, well, there is one more important thing besides making countless people argue, ponder, sigh and have their thoughts shocked.

   Box Office, Box Office!

  Zhang Dongcheng clenched his fists, waiting for the announcement of the box office data. No one knew whether the American audience would buy or not this literary film. It was also the first time for him to face it head-on.

  You must know that in the original time and space, the perfume was only played briefly in the United States for one round, and then it went offline after winning the box office data of 2 million US dollars.

After a sleepless night, Zhang Dongcheng rushed to the company early. He really didn't want to wait for the results at home. Impatient, he just wanted to know whether his first literary film in the true sense would be recognized by the box office. .

The hard-core bad friend Adaman came earlier. Zhang Dongcheng looked at his red eyes and knew that this guy didn't sleep well last night. He was probably worried about the performance of the perfume just like himself, so he patted his face with a smile. Shoulder, said: "Adaman, pay attention to your body! Is there any box office data to calculate it now?"

Adaman shook his head, and said to Zhang Dongcheng: "Not yet, you must know that the fifty continents of the United States span six time zones. Because of the time difference, the box office data of last night's movies have not yet been fully calculated, but it will soon Already, it is estimated that by noon, AC Nielsen will give specific data."

  In North America, that is, the United States and Canada, as the main film production and consumption areas recognized in the world, its box office statistics are completed by third-party independent agencies. The movie box office and related data mainly come from two companies: the "Landtrak Group Company" established in 1977 and the "Nielsen eDI Company" established in 1976. Screen and more than 50,000 screens in 14 countries provide various data, industry analysis and research reports and other services.

North American box office statistics agencies all have "third-party independence", that is, they do not engage in any direct commercial activities such as film investment, production, distribution, screening, and peripheral product operations, and their business scope is limited to the statistics and analysis of movie box office data. and publish to achieve profitability. And some basic data (such as daily or weekly movie box office rankings) are often released to the public free of charge on their official websites or authorized cooperative media as open data.

   "OK, well, I hope there will be a good result. Let me know as soon as there is any news!" Zhang Dongcheng told Adaman, and he also knew that he was too impatient.

  Adaman patted his chest, expressing his reassurance, and then asked: "Smith, how did you go to observe the movie theater yesterday?"

Although Zhang Dongcheng doesn't really like to hold those pretentious premieres, and the few ones are reluctant to do so for the sake of box office, but he likes private visits on Weibo, and buys tickets to go to the cinema to peek at fans. their most direct response.

  His makeup skills are getting better and better now, and even made Adaman completely unrecognizable several times, so no one noticed when he went to the cinema.

  Zhang Dongcheng laughed, then walked into his office, and smiled at Adaman: "The first show was full, but I was afraid that the audience in the first show would curse at the second show, causing people behind to stop watching!"

"This kind of situation should not happen..." Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's words, Adaman was dumbfounded and expressed his surprise. If the invincible Zhang Dongcheng loses this time, what will outside investors think? .

   "Haha, it's okay. When I came out of the cinema, the audience lowered their heads and didn't know what they were thinking. Maybe they can accept it!" Zhang Dongcheng recalled the scene yesterday, and smiled to make Adaman feel relieved.

   "Dizzy, don't scare me! I'm going to work first. I'll let you know if there's any news." Adaman finally breathed a sigh of relief, and also smiled. Then perform your duties.

   Watching Adaman running away in a hurry, Zhang Dongcheng came to his office.

  Sitting on the comfortable and spacious boss chair, Zhang Dongcheng casually picked up a laptop beside him, and searched for online reviews.

  After opening the website of Dongcheng Films, under the huge title of perfume, many comments from viewers appeared. Like ImDb, there are many movie reviews uploaded by fans immediately after watching the perfume.

   "If you have ever had the slightest hatred of killers during the movie watching process, then you are worldly and impure!"

  Dizzy, there is no need to rise to such a height... Zhang Dongcheng could only curl his lips when he saw this almost provocative comment.

"This is simply a history of the development of capitalism. Born in the dirtiest and most rotten place, but pursuing the purest beauty, gaining the power to confuse people through killing, even those who hate him the most are willing to bow their heads. In the end, it is like Fables generally disappear into this world..."

  Days, are there any followers of Marxism-Leninism leaving messages? I don't want to get involved in politics... Zhang Dongcheng smiled wryly.

"Someone once told me that what he was desperately looking for was actually the smell of love. Does love have fragrance? He tried to have the most strange and holy perfume in the world. When the world carnivaled in the square to reach the peak of love and desire, he ended up with To find that he is incapable of loving. Without love, the fragrance is gone. It is as if he never existed."

   Well, such a film review makes some sense.

   "The biggest disadvantage is: I can't smell the perfume at all, what are you intoxicated there?"

   Oh, well, you are so funny, I am defeated by you...Jang Dongcheng can only be speechless in the face of such comments.

  “Every genius is a paranoid who transcends worldly concepts and moral categories!”

   This is right!

"It's a story that tells a story of love, retention and destruction. The end of the story is to end in a possession. Perhaps, when Grenouille lost his own taste forever, the story will be It's over. Everything he did after that, those beautiful delusions, crazy actions. It's just a humble wretch trying to save his last trace of despair."

  What a literary comment!

   "The last shot made me dumbfounded! No wonder it's an R-rated movie, the crowd is so cool, the person who came up with this scene is a genius!"

   "Smith Zhang! Give us a movie, with your skills, it will definitely look good!"

   Oh, it turns out that this is the most spoofed comment. I spent so much time thinking about it, but did you only see the crowd of thousands of people P? Zhang Dongcheng couldn't complain.

   After reading these comments full of praise or nonsense, Zhang Dongcheng logged on to Yahoo and watched other comments. After all, the people who went to the official perfume website to support the movie were generally fans who really loved the movie. So opinions are mostly full of praise.

  Whether it is for a director or a film, if you only see the advantages but not the disadvantages, there will be no progress. Zhang Dongcheng fully understands this.

   Only go to other websites. Zhang Dongcheng was able to see the comments on his shortcomings, and by the way, he was also able to read the audience's comments on "Lord of the Rings".

  So although I saw a lot of bad remarks. But Zhang Dongcheng still looked at these movie reviews calmly.

  The door was knocked, the voice was a little eager, but also seemed to be filled with joy.

  Zhang Dongcheng raised his head and said to the outside: "Come in, the door is unlocked.".

Soon, Adaman walked in quickly, smiling and holding a document in his hand, came to Zhang Dongcheng, and handed the document to him: "Smith, this is the statistics that AC Nielsen just counted. The box office data about the perfume came out yesterday. Take a look."

  After hearing this, Zhang Dongcheng took the folder and opened it. Judging from Adaman's expression, the box office should be pretty good...

  Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help feeling nervous. This was the first time that he was extremely worried about the box office after the movie ended.

   After all, it is a literary movie, and the reviews are no longer as one-sided as before!

   His eyes fixed on the long string of numbers on the paper, and the data on the paper immediately made him feel relieved, and Zhang Dongcheng finally relaxed.

  Perfume was screened in 3005 theaters, with an average of $7512 per hall and a box office of $22,573,560!

   Collected 22.5 million US dollars on the first day!

The big stone in Zhang Dongcheng's heart has finally let go. No matter how bad the results are, it will not be so bad. Moreover, watching the debates and comments on the Internet is surging, and it will indirectly stimulate the curiosity of the audience who have not seen it. Go see it in the cinema, and contribute tens of millions of dollars by the way!

Amid the jubilation of Dongcheng Films, and in another successful carnival by the biggest boss Smith Zhang, the box office of "Perfume" finally received 59.89 million US dollars in the first week (it was released on Friday, which is equivalent to only one week in the first week. Five, Saturday and Sunday are three days, but these three days basically accounted for 78% of the entire week's box office.)

This result puts the perfume at the top of the weekly box office rankings, and Yiqi Juechen is far ahead, while Dongcheng Films' other main Halloween movie "Chain Saw Part 3" earned 35.6 million US dollars. In the second place, Zhang Dongcheng's nickname of the King of Halloween was confirmed in one fell swoop.

The classic action movie "Charlie's Angels" with a female protagonist was in its second week and ranked third with a box office of 24 million US dollars. Its number of screening theaters is 3037, which is dozens more than that of "Perfume". Family.

  It was screened for seven full days and played in dozens of theaters, yet it was even less than half of the box office of "Perfume". This made many people start to reflect on this matter.

It’s not just that Zhang Dongcheng’s movies are better, not only his movies are updated, some professional analysts believe that the promotion of "Perfume" on the Internet has played a very decisive role, the whole world is changing, and Zhang Dongcheng, is Someone who intentionally pushes it to change.

In the future, the Internet will definitely be the best place to attract young people, and it will also be the main battlefield for whether the box office can meet expectations in the future, but all analysts admit that: "Now the Internet is the most concerned, and the best way to promote it is to use it. , it’s Smith Zhang and his Dongcheng Pictures. Maybe it’s because of Smith Zhang’s youthful identity. When the bosses of film companies with full brains and belly are still focusing on the movie theaters, they are vying for the prime time of TV commercials and theaters. At the time of the advertisement, Smith Zhang had already started to withdraw quietly, and moved to another place where young people gathered. Regardless of the era, young people are the main force who really watch movies. In the future, we will see countless movie companies doing business on the Internet. The advertising wars, and now, Smith Chang is leading the way."

In addition, some analysts were puzzled by Zhang Dongcheng's Dongcheng Pictures' strategy of big investment and big profits. When investing tens of millions of dollars, they were envious and jealous and cursed that they would fail, but in the end, their old faces were slapped red and swollen by the super return of five times or eight times...

Harry Potter, each episode is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The Lord of the Rings, before the first episode was filmed, it was announced that it would be a trilogy. The total investment is not less than 450 million. There are many spies, At worst, there is an investment of 80 million US dollars!

   Moreover, Zhang Dongcheng chased after these directors and asked: "Are you still short of money? I still have this! Do you want to invest more?"

   I FUCK!

   This made the directors of the eight major film companies all angry. Why are they all directors?

  Anyone who spends money so softly, I will have a dry mouth and a headache when I fight for some investment from investors?

And the bosses of the eight major film companies also have troubles that cannot be explained. Every time Smith Zhang makes a film, he seems to be dying, but he is not dead. He is the only film company in Hollywood that dares to launch a film fund to the whole society. It is all distributed to countless investors, and the high return of more than five times and eight times can be successful every time!

  His sister's FUCK succeeds every time!

There used to be a small film company that desperately followed Zhang Dongcheng to release short-term film funds, and spent tens of millions of dollars to make a film that failed miserably at the box office. The boss lost even his pants. Now, who would dare Play this kind of chess with Smith?

According to the old method in the past, small film companies such as Lions Gate have always used the fishing net-like operation strategy, buying a lot of cheap small independent films, without any publicity costs, and arranging a dozen or twenty theaters to try them out. Water for a week, if it doesn’t work, it will be withdrawn, and many movies that have proved to be no good in the cinema will soon not be screened in the second week;

  If there is money to be made, like "Ghost Story" became a global hit, then continue to show it, and then increase the number of theaters according to the situation. The problem is that they haven't found a treasure for a long time. This strategy is very stable, but it is impossible to develop rapidly.

Dongcheng Films, which has only been around for a little over four years, with its daring to fight and rush, a movie with a larger investment than a movie has made a **** way. It almost pawned its pants at Paramount and Universal, and shot After a super blockbuster movie of Titanic, they suddenly found that there are more and more movies whose cost is close to that of Titanic, and his sister's movies are all Dongcheng Pictures' movies!

  The box office alone makes a lot of money, and according to analysts' assessment, the profits from DVDs, toys, clothes, etc. are even greater!

  Compared to the investment, all the income added up, it is estimated that there will be a return of ten to fifteen times more!

  Invest 100 million U.S. dollars, and within a few years, you can get back 1.5 billion U.S. dollars!

  Especially for movies like The Lord of the Rings, just selling 10 million themed T-shirts, hats, etc. across the United States can generate revenue no less than ticket sales, and these things are even more profitable!

  Belonging to Zhang Dongcheng's entertainment kingdom, it has begun to slowly take shape. While all the film company bosses are gnashing their teeth with hatred, but they can't stand it, they will ride the wind and waves and go straight to the distance, and they will never stop!

The final score of the perfume finally stabilized at 160 million US dollars in North America, and more than 140 million overseas box office. The total score of 300 million US dollars in the world is far beyond expectations for an R-rated movie. Zhang Dongcheng Once again, he kept his reputation as the undefeated **** of war.

Leonardo's acting skills are finally proven in the perfume, the media is hyping him as a strong contender for the best actor Oscar next year, and Megan Fox and Jessica Alba are also mixed in front of all fans Familiar faces, as long as there is a suitable movie, they will soon become a blockbuster and soar into the sky.

   But the profits from fragrances aren't over, say, to this day.

  Founder CocoChanel (original name: GabrielleBonheurChanel; Chinese name: Gabrielle? Cocoa? Chanel) founded the Chanel brand in Paris, France in 1910. The brand has a wide range of products, including clothing, jewelry and accessories, cosmetics, skin care products, perfumes, etc., each of which is well-known, especially perfume and fashion. Chanel (CHANEL) is a famous brand with a history of one hundred years, and its fashion design always maintains an elegant, concise and exquisite style. Coco Chanel is good at breaking through the tradition. As early as the 1940s, it successfully pushed the "five-flowered" women's clothing to a simple and comfortable design. This may be the earliest modern casual wear.

   Chanel never got married in her life. She created a great fashion empire while pursuing the life she wanted. She herself is the best example of female autonomy, and also the new-age woman who knows the fun of emotions best. She was in contact with the British aristocrat ETIENNEBALSAN, and the other party funded her to open the first millinery shop, while another ARTHURCAPEL funded the opening of a fashion store. She traveled with the Duke of Westminster and inspired the first tweed suits. Every man in life is a source of creativity, she is not just lucky, but very hard working! Even at the age of more than 70, she still came back to serve as an official. In 1983, Karl Lagerfeld served as the fashion director of the Chanel Group, but so far each new season is still designed with the spirit of Chanel, Chanel—Chanel forever.

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