MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 241 Interstellar Live (3)

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The spiritual power of this world is far less dense than the previous world, but it does exist.

Lu Yanzhou climbed out of the escape pod and lay on the ground, feeling like there was no way out.

The original owner has not eaten for a long time, and he is very hungry now. The side effects of drug addiction have also come out. His head hurts like a needle stick, and his whole body is uncomfortable.

He even has the urge to do anything as long as he can get himself back to normal.

For example, to eat the food in the escape pod that has been touched by people - on the original historical trajectory, the original owner had been eating the food in the escape pod for the first few days, and he did not get sick like him.

But the impulse was just an impulse. Lu Yanzhou suppressed it, leaned next to the escape cabin and gasped for breath, and re-checked his physical condition with his spiritual sense.

Of course, this world is not actually called divine consciousness, but spiritual power.

Before Lu Yanzhou checked himself, he only found out that he was poisoned and his health was not good. This time, he checked again... Lu Yanzhou felt that the beast beads in his body looked particularly like demon pills.

In the previous world, he actually knew a lot of demon cultivators. After those demon cultivators turned into humanoids, a demon pill would appear in their bodies.

That demon pill is the source of power for demon cultivators. If the demon pill is broken and not repaired in time, those demon cultivators will turn into animals again.

Lu Yanzhou has the memory of the original owner. After careful consideration, he found that the orcs in this world are really similar to demon cultivators!

For example, it can be converted between human form and animal form, and if the bead is broken, it will degenerate into an animal.

But the orcs in this world are all born human. In the past tens of thousands of years, orcs of different races have also intermarried with each other, so most of them are no longer a single race, such as the beast bead in his body, the energy inside is very mixed.

Lu Yanzhou felt it, and found that in the original owner's beast beads, the strongest source of power was snakes.

He doesn't know exactly what kind of snake, but since it's a snake...

A set of methods suitable for the cultivation of snakes and monsters, "The Ascension of the Dragon", which he obtained in his previous life, is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

If snakes and monsters practice this exercise, they will eventually have the chance to become dragons.

Even better, in the legend of the orcs in this world, there is also the existence of dragons. It is said that long, long ago, the orcs whose shape was a dragon would become the recognized beast emperor.

If he can practice and practice and turn his animal shape into a dragon, that's really great!

The most important thing is that since this world can cultivate, it means that those fallen beasts on this planet can be recovered!

If he can awaken, even if he can't evolve into a dragon temporarily, his strength should not be bad. He will help the fallen beasts here to cultivate and restore them to human form...

At that time, he will have a strong team, and if he finds a way to go out in a few days, he will be able to seek revenge for the original owner's enemy!

He had already used the original owner's body, so he couldn't know that someone had harmed the original owner, and he was still indifferent.

Of course, these are still far away from him... Lu Yanzhou lay beside the escape pod, running the "Rising Dragon Art" to slowly cultivate, and he also used this kind of cultivation to resist the pains one after another.

After Lu Yanzhou woke up, he calmly dealt with various matters, and later even lay down next to the escape pod and stopped moving...

His black fans felt very boring: "This looks so boring, can't Lu Yanzhou move?"

"Has he not figured out the situation yet? The two girls are crying, and he still has time to sleep."

"He even has the face to say that he grew up on a farm and is good at survival in the wild... This is the wild, he just lay down and slept, not afraid of being eaten by wild animals?"

"Trash Lu Yanzhou, nothing."

All kinds of foul language from the black fans came out one after another, which made Lu Yanzhou's fans suddenly angry: "Are you sick! Lu Yanzhou doesn't want to move? He is obviously not in good health and can't move!"

"Didn't you see him sweating profusely?"

"If Zhouzhou is in good health, how could he just lie on the ground like this, he has a cleanliness addiction!"

"You always said he was feigning sickness before, do you see it now? He's just not in good health!"

The black fan was not happy when he was attacked: "Since he is not in good health, what is he doing in the live broadcast?"

"This time, he was left alone in the forest, otherwise his physical condition would definitely implicate his teammates!"

"Go for medical treatment when you are not in good health. Don't be thinking about going out to make money while you are sick and asking others to hold it."

"He can't even wake up, his health is really bad, but since his health is bad, don't come out and harm people! Why didn't he die!"

Of course Lu Yanzhou's fans will fight back, but after all, the black fans are more powerful.

And this scene made those passers-by unbearable.

Lu Yanzhou was really popular before, but now he is indeed a lot of black fans.

But in this world, not everyone is chasing stars.

There are hundreds of billions of orcs in the Orc Empire, and the proportion of the total number of people who know Lu Yanzhou is actually not large.

Especially the location of this live broadcast is the mother star. Many people who watch the live broadcast want to see how the fallen beasts live on the mother star, and are not interested in stars.

Those fallen beasts are all their heroes!

"Can you stop arguing?!"

"Can't you watch the live broadcast quietly?"

"This person named Lu Yanzhou is obviously unwell, with sweat all over his face... Isn't it too much to curse others at this time?"

These passersby don't have much ill will towards Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou's current situation is not very good... They even have sympathy for Lu Yanzhou.

This scene made the emperor who was following the live broadcast a little unhappy.

But he quickly suppressed the displeasure.

When the fallen beasts around find Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou does something to those fallen beasts because of his physical condition... Those who sympathize with Lu Yanzhou now will definitely hate Lu Yanzhou.

At that time... Lu Yanzhou will be doomed!

Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast room was a quarrel, and so was the live broadcast room where the two female stars were located. After all, those two female stars had black material.

In contrast, Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room can be called clean.

Wu Yan didn't even have a few fans, and he didn't even have a single black fan.

He is a veteran himself and has a certain ability to survive in the wild. After finding that he fell alone on a strange planet, he began to actively survive and made a lot of preparations.

Most of the people who came to see him were passers-by who were attracted by the parent star. Now that he has arranged everything in an orderly manner, he naturally has a good impression of him, and his comments are also very friendly.

As for Yang Xiaobai...

In this live broadcast, no one except Yang Xiaobai really knew that their behavior would be broadcast live.

So Wu Yan was very flustered, and the two female stars hugged each other and cried.

But Yang Xiaobai was different. He knew that he had a camera on him.

The program crew made up their minds to make Lu Yanzhou doomed forever. Under such circumstances, they are also worried that the people participating in the live broadcast are performing poorly... If everyone else is like Lu Yanzhou, it will not be able to set off Lu Yanzhou's badness, right?

Therefore, the program team explained the situation to Yang Xiaobai, so that Yang Xiaobai must perform well in the program.

In this way, when the show is over, the company will support Yang Xiaobai and attract all the fans who originally belonged to Lu Yanzhou to Yang Xiaobai.

So after Yang Xiaobai fell on a completely unfamiliar planet, he acted according to what he had discussed with his manager at the beginning, and packed up his things to find Wu Yan.

The company placed them in an area so that Yang Xiaobai could find Wu Yan.

Wu Yan has a strong ability to survive in the wild. When Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan are together, they can not only live comfortably, but also use Wu Yan to set off him.

Wu Yan's beauty... that's really not even one-tenth of Yang Xiaobai's.

So, Yang Xiaobai pretended to be worried about his companion, and walked in the direction of Wu Yan while calling out his companion's name.

When his fans saw that he was so worried about his companions, they were distressed: "Among these five people, only my Xiaobai is concerned about others, right?"

"The show team is not a human being, so they sent Xiaobai to such a place."

"Wuwuwu, mother's little white is so pitiful."

Even passers-by thought the child was pitiful.

Lu Yanzhou didn't even know that he was being broadcast live. He practiced for a while, then after a while, he stood up and prepared to find himself something to eat.

If he doesn't eat any more, he'll starve to death!

Speaking of which, the original owner of his body has always had a great appetite. Unfortunately, since he became a star, the company and his agent have been keeping him from being full, saying that he was afraid of gaining weight.

The original owner lived on a remote planet since he was a child, and that planet has experienced wars, so that many people on it do not have enough food to eat all the year round hungry...

The original owner wanted to make more money to give back to his hometown and help those in his hometown who couldn’t get enough to eat. In addition, he really liked singing, so he endured it and ate very little every day.

But it actually hurts the original owner.

There is not enough food and enough energy, which is also one of the reasons for the failure of the original owner's awakening.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of something, took out the contact terminal, and used the mirror function on it to see his appearance.

After reading Lu Yanzhou, he fell silent.

He knows why the original owner has been exposed to a lot of black material, and the video of beating people and smoking is still circulating, but there are still a group of mother fans who never give up on him.

In this world, because of his failure to awaken, although he is now twenty-seven years old, he is not tall, with red lips and white teeth, and looks at most sixteen or seventeen years old.

Nine years ago, he was like this when he debuted, and now nine years later, he is still like this.

The Yang Xiaobai who participated in the show with him is on the soft and cute route, but to be honest... Yang Xiaobai doesn't use him as cute without him being handsome.

No wonder that Yang Xiaobai didn't like him.

But he doesn't look very good now.

Lu Yanzhou was actually still very uncomfortable, but he planned to find Xie Chengze.

I don't want Xie Chengze to see his embarrassed appearance... Lu Yanzhou took out the wet wipes, briefly cleaned his face, and smiled at the camera again.

In this live broadcast, the live broadcast equipment is hidden in everyone's contact terminal, and this equipment can clearly photograph everything around the people participating in the live broadcast, of course, including the person wearing the contact terminal.

If the person watching the live broadcast is using a holographic device, they can land within ten meters of the shooting device and watch the live broadcast from any angle.

If the person watching the live broadcast does not turn on the hologram, they can also adjust the angle and watch the live broadcast from any angle.

At this moment, when Lu Yanzhou looked in the mirror, many people adjusted their angles and looked at Lu Yanzhou's face up close.

This is simply a beauty crit!

"Lu Yanzhou's looks are really worthless!"

"So handsome ah ah ah!"

"My son is so cute!"

"I wanted to take off the powder several times, but when I saw this face, I couldn't take it off."

"I'm a passerby. I just got to know him, and I don't have a good impression of him, but now I'm going to be fanned by his looks..."

The fans were very excited, and the black fans were very angry: "He also has a good-looking face."

"I'm in a desperate situation, and I'm still thinking about looking in the mirror. Lu Yanzhou really leaves me speechless."

"What are you excited about? He failed to awaken and is a waste!"

While arguing, Lu Yanzhou in the live broadcast moved.

He found a trekking pole, supported his body, and walked in a certain direction.

According to the original owner's memory... there was a small town where many fallen beasts gathered.

After the beasts of the beasts are broken, they do not completely turn into beasts immediately, especially those who can only be half-beasts, sometimes it takes a year or two for them to completely turn into beasts.

And in the past two years, they have all been half human and half beasts!

Even if they have completely turned into beasts, some orcs are like gorillas and monkeys, and they can still do a lot of things.

So on the home planet, the fallen beasts built some simple towns or villages and lived together.

In the original owner's memory... Once the original owner passed out after going crazy, the golden retriever carried him and went to the fallen beast town.

At first, the fallen beasts in the town were very friendly to the original owner.

It's a pity that the original owner was in pain all the time and couldn't control himself. In addition, according to the investigation results of the police, the original owner's adoptive parents were bitten to death by orc soldiers who degenerated into fallen beasts. The original owner also hated those fallen animals. beast.

When the original owner went crazy, he would attack the fallen beasts in the town.

Those soldiers who degenerate into beasts will have smaller brains and the habits of beasts, and they will inevitably be aggressive when they come down from the battlefield...

They almost got into a fight with the original owner!

Fortunately, Golden Retriever had a certain prestige among the fallen beasts. He stopped those fallen beasts and left the town with the original owner.

In fact, if they hadn't left the town, even if they encountered a group of beasts, the golden retriever and the original owner would not necessarily die - those fallen beasts in the town could help kill the beasts.

Lu Yanzhou walked forward slowly, observing the surrounding animals and plants as he walked.

There is spiritual power on this planet, and because of this, he saw some herbs that can be used for alchemy.

However, he can't make alchemy now. If he eats these herbs directly, there may be problems with his body, so Lu Yanzhou doesn't pick these herbs.

After walking for a while, he saw a small stream.

Walking to the side of the stream with heavy steps, Lu Yanzhou picked up the stream with his hands and washed his face to wake himself up a bit, then took a few sips of water.

He might not be able to get to that town today, and that being the case... he might be able to look by the stream to see if there is anything to eat.

Just thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou's mental power suddenly felt something.

He looked up suddenly, and saw not far away, there was a huge golden retriever with a shoulder height of about one and a half meters and a body length of at least one and a half meters, standing opposite the stream, looking at him with his mouth slightly open.

The stronger the beastman is, the bigger the beast size is. This golden retriever's beast size is more than that of a tiger, and his fighting power is definitely not weaker than that of a tiger.

This is the golden retriever who has always protected the original owner and was beaten and scolded by the original owner.

The most important thing is... As soon as Lu Yanzhou saw him, he knew it was Xie Chengze.

He had thought before that he would let the original owner be beaten and scolded and not give up, and it is estimated that only Xie Chengze would be the only one... Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Xie Chengze is also too stupid. When he encounters such an abnormal mind as the original owner, he doesn't know how to run away quickly, but instead he is dedicated to helping the original owner!

Lu Yanzhou stared blankly at Xie Chengze across the river.

Xie Chengze was stared at by Lu Yanzhou with too fiery eyes, inexplicably panicked, and quietly took a step back.

He actually saw Lu Yanzhou... Isn't he dreaming?

Will his current appearance scare Lu Yanzhou?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze had the urge to turn around and run away, but what should he do if he leaves Lu Yanzhou alone here and encounters danger?

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a long time. He leaned down on the ground and began to wag his tail to express his kindness to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze opposite, and couldn't help but let out a smile.

Xie Chengze in this world has thick fur, he likes it when he sees it, and wants to bury his whole body in Xie Chengze's fur.

That must be very comfortable!

Seeing Lu Yanzhou smiling, Xie Chengze breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but jump up and jump in place.

Of course, he only jumped once. After the jump, he stood there and continued to wag his tail reservedly.

It's that the tail is wagging so fast, it's almost a fan!

Seeing this scene, Lu Yanzhou smiled again.

He has been controlling himself to keep himself from going mad, and he hasn't eaten for a long time...

He had not met Xie Chengze before, and he could still hold on, but now that he saw Xie Chengze appearing in front of him, he knew that he would not be in danger... Lu Yanzhou relaxed, his body crooked, and he passed out directly.

Xie Chengze's tail wagging stopped instantly, the whole person, no, the whole dog froze in place.

Is Lu Yanzhou dizzy? Are you frightened by him?

Now the law expressly stipulates that the fallen beasts cannot be discriminated against, but in the beastman empire, many people are actually afraid of the fallen beasts and are unwilling to touch the fallen beasts.

From human to beast, many fallen beasts are unable to adjust their mentality, they will feel depressed, or have other psychological problems.

In this case, they may hurt people.

For a long time, there have been repeated cases of fallen beasts hurting people, and this is one of the reasons why the vast majority of orcs with broken beast beads choose to live on their home planet.

For example, the soldiers who came here with him... When they were human beings, they had reason and could accept that after they turned into beasts, their wives would marry others.

But when they degenerate completely, even if they retain a part of human thinking, they may do terrible things because of instinct and jealousy, such as killing the wife's new husband.

Orcs are afraid of falling beasts, which is normal.

But Lu Yanzhou was afraid of him... Xie Chengze was still very uncomfortable.

Xie Chengze came to this planet three years ago when the beast was broken.

Before that, he had been fighting on the front line, and he devoted most of his time to the battlefield.

And in his few private moments, he likes to listen to music.

What he likes to listen to the most is Lu Yanzhou's songs. Every time he sees the cute and small Lu Yanzhou singing there and listens to Lu Yanzhou's beautiful singing, he will have a strong desire to protect him.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou to sing happily all the time.

He joined the army so that people like Lu Yanzhou could live a happy life.

When Xie Chengze was fighting on the front line, as long as he thought of Lu Yanzhou, his combat power would increase. Lu Yanzhou was his favorite star.

It's a pity that in a war, his beast beads were broken...

He came to the home planet when he had not completely degenerated into a beast, and half of the things he was carrying were related to Lu Yanzhou.

It doesn't matter if he becomes a beast, they won, and Lu Yanzhou can sing happily all the time... As long as he thinks of this, he is satisfied.

It's a pity that the mother star is not connected to the Internet. When he stays on the mother star, he can't hear Lu Yanzhou's new song, and he can't even see what his family Zhouzhou looks like after awakening.

Xie Chengze always felt sorry, and then... he saw Lu Yanzhou.

Why did Lu Yanzhou appear here?

Lu Yanzhou is already twenty-seven, right? Why do you still look like a young man who hasn't awakened?

Xie Chengze was worried in his heart and could not care too much, so he jumped over the creek gently, came to Lu Yanzhou, sniffed Lu Yanzhou's breath lightly, cupped Lu Yanzhou with his mouth, and checked Lu Yanzhou's situation.

There is no blood on Lu Yanzhou's body, but he should have a fever. His face is very pale, and he seems to be very uncomfortable...

Xie Chengze didn't dare to leave him where he was. After confirming that Lu Yanzhou was not injured, he carefully moved Lu Yanzhou's body, bit Lu Yanzhou with his teeth, and let Lu Yanzhou lie on his back.

He was so big that Lu Yanzhou could lie on his back, but if he moved violently, Lu Yanzhou would definitely fall off.

Xie Chengze could only carry Lu Yanzhou on his back, walked forward cautiously, squatted down from time to time, turned his head with difficulty, bit Lu Yanzhou's clothes with his mouth, and adjusted the position of Lu Yanzhou lying on top of him.

Finally, he took Lu Yanzhou back to the fallen beast town where he lived.

Seeing his residence from a distance, Xie Chengze wanted to call out a few times, but he couldn't.

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