MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 240 Interstellar Live (2)

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The homeworld of the Orc Empire is very mysterious.

Ordinary people know that such a fallen beast home exists, but they know very little about the home planet.

They are full of curiosity about the mother star, coupled with the fame of Lu Yanzhou and other five people, and the gimmick of a completely real live broadcast...

The live show, named "Return to the Mother Star", became popular almost instantly.

For a time, countless people poured into the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast.

And the program crew did not disappoint the audience watching the live broadcast. They woke up the five actors in the dormant cabin, told them that the program crew's spaceship was attacked, told them to escape quickly, and then sent them into the escape cabin and launched them to the mother star up.

In order to make the program more effective, these people were also sent to different places separately.

The two female stars were arranged together and landed on the beach. Apart from Lu Yanzhou, the two male stars, Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai, landed not far from the place where many fallen beasts lived.

Only Lu Yanzhou was sent out alone and fell into a forest. Of course, there were also some fallen beasts living here.

"Everyone, the landing points we arranged are relatively safe. There are still fallen beasts living near them. Those fallen beasts were once soldiers of our empire and will never hurt them..." The host explained the live broadcast to the audience. content.

At this time, the five people who participated in the live broadcast finally woke up.

These five people were divided into five live broadcast rooms for live broadcast. There is no doubt that Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast room has the most people.

At this moment, some of Lu Yanzhou's fans are worried about Lu Yanzhou: "Why did Zhouzhou sign up for such a live broadcast? Will the program team make so many arrangements without knowing Zhouzhou, will it be detrimental to Zhouzhou?"

"Come on, Zhouzhou!"

"When the time comes, Zhouzhou will ask those fallen beasts for help! They will take good care of you!"

"My poor Zhouzhou..."

But more than that, black fans are still jumping: "Wait to see Lu Yanzhou reveal his true form!"

"This guy Lu Yanzhou is a two-faced person. He is bright in front of people, and a beast in the back."

"Lu Yanzhou has violent tendencies, will he attack those fallen beasts?"

"I hope those fallen beasts will bite him to death. Why should a waste like him live?"

Orc Empire Palace.

The fat emperor leaned on the dragon bed and watched the live broadcast in front of him.

Seeing that the escape pod containing Lu Yanzhou landed on the mother planet, he showed a satisfied smile.

In ancient times, the orc empire was a tribal system, and later, with the development of the times, emperors appeared.

But later, with the development of technology, the emperor who held real power disappeared.

It's just that when the home planet of the Orc Empire fell into ruins, the residents of the Orc Empire had to migrate to other planets to live in... A new emperor appeared again.

The hero who took the orcs and took root on the new planet at that time became the emperor of the orc empire.

After entering the interstellar space, everyone found that the world is infinite, and the technology of the orc empire developed rapidly and carried out a round of expansion.

And it was during this expansion that the royal family at that time accumulated a lot of wealth, and there were many private planets with a lot of resources on them.

The wealth of the royal family once exceeded the wealth of all other orcs combined.

It is also this huge wealth that allows the royal family to be passed down from generation to generation. Even if there are many scumbags and scum in the royal family, they have not lost all the assets of the royal family.

Until the Zerg Empire began to invade the Orc Empire.

The orc empire is obviously stronger in technology and has more people, but it has been defeated in the war, and even had to cede land and pay indemnity...

Sometimes the army of the Orc Empire was about to win, but was stopped by the royal family and made them surrender.

In order to prevent the Zerg Empire from continuing to attack, the royal family also sent out countless things, and even when the mission of the Zerg Empire came to the Orc Empire, all kinds of flattery.

The prestige of the royal family of the Orc Empire has also plummeted. The people of the Orc Empire used to regard the royal family as a belief, but at that moment, the belief collapsed.

Fortunately, Marshal Lu was born!

At that time, the planet where Marshal Lu lived was given to the Zerg Empire by the royal family, and the royal family also asked Marshal Lu to lead the soldiers on this planet to surrender... Marshal Lu disagreed, and simply brought his soldiers to fight the Zerg.

As a result... the Zerg was repelled!

After that, there were more and more soldiers under Marshal Lu, and Marshal Lu actually took back many planets that originally belonged to the Orc Empire and were later occupied by the Zerg.

Marshal Lu became the idol of everyone in the Orc Empire.

Marshal Lu can be called a winner in life, but he also has one regret in his life.

Twenty-five years ago, Marshal Lu was born and his only child was snatched away, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then.

It is very difficult for a strong man like Marshal Lu to have offspring. He is almost two hundred years old now, and he is just such a child.

And this child... Everyone thought that he was dead.

The emperor looked at Lu Yanzhou on the screen with a smile.

Who would have thought that Lu Yanzhou was actually the son of Marshal Lu.

The existence of Marshal Lu threatened his throne. Twenty-five years ago, he sent someone to steal Marshal Lu's child and wanted to use this child to threaten Marshal Lu.

But something went wrong in the process. Some of his subordinates betrayed him and stole the son of Marshal Lu, and he didn't know where to send it.

When he finally followed the clues to find it, Lu Yanzhou had not only grown up, but had become a well-known star.

The person who adopted Lu Yanzhou changed Lu Yanzhou's age so that he found someone so late!

Lu Yanzhou was already a household name at the time, he could not rashly attack Lu Yanzhou, but could only use other methods to target Lu Yanzhou in private.

He found someone to poison Lu Yanzhou, destroyed Lu Yanzhou's beast beads, and made Lu Yanzhou unable to wake up. He also relied on drugs to make Lu Yanzhou grumpy and addicted to drugs.

He even sent someone to torture Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents, leaving Lu Yanzhou in a desperate situation.

After that, Lu Yanzhou's spirit really went wrong.

But that wasn't enough for him.

He specially designed this program to send Lu Yanzhou to his mother star and broadcast it live.

The current Lu Yanzhou's mental state is very poor, he has a strong aggressiveness, and he has no fighting power yet. On the whole, he is a weak waste.

Lu Yanzhou still doesn't know that everything he does will be broadcast live... His performance in the live broadcast will definitely be very bad.

Let everyone hate him, and finally reveal that he is the son of Marshal Lu... At that time, Marshal Lu's prestige will inevitably be greatly reduced, and Marshal Lu himself will be greatly affected.

The emperor thought so, and while watching the live broadcast, he arranged for someone to continue to Hei Lu Yanzhou.

For this live broadcast, he took out all the military exploration equipment newly developed by his research institute and used it as a live broadcast equipment. Lu Yanzhou must not let him down!

The emperor waited to see what happened to Lu Yanzhou.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou in the escape pod opened his eyes.

After Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes, he did not rush to move, but received the memory of the original owner in the escape pod.

This reception... Lu Yanzhou felt something was wrong.

The original owner was definitely targeted!

The original owner lived a happy life before the age of eighteen, and when he first became a star, it was smooth sailing.

He was even poisoned!

Lu Yanzhou discovered that he had several toxins in his body, thinking about the current situation that the original owner could not wake up and his increasingly irritable temper, and then thinking about the people around the original owner who deliberately led the original owner in a bad direction...

Lu Yanzhou felt that the original owner was a bit miserable.

Of course, in this world, it is not only the original owner who is miserable.

There was someone in this world who targeted the original owner, and that person even wished the original owner died.

Just a month ago, the original owner was coaxed by the malicious people around him and signed a live broadcast.

As a result, before the show started, the spaceship was attacked, and then the original owner fell to the very primitive, the mother planet of the Orc Empire, and there was no way to ask for help.

There is no star network here, and the news can't get out at all. Even if the original owner died on this planet, people outside would not know... The original owner did die on this planet later.

If he didn't wear it, the original owner hid in the escape pod for a few days, and after eating all the food, he had to leave the escape pod, and then he encountered a golden retriever, or... an orc that had degenerated into a golden retriever.

The orc was very good to the original owner and specially caught prey for the original owner to eat, but the original owner was in a state of collapse at that time because of the influence of the drug.

He attacked the golden retriever, cursed at the other party, and despised the prey the other party found.

But even so, the golden retriever didn't leave, he stayed by the original owner's side, protected the original owner, and brought various food to the original owner from time to time.

However, the original owner was not grateful at all. When the addiction to the drug came up and his whole body was suffering from a splitting headache, he beat and scolded the golden retriever endlessly.

During the period, other fallen beasts saw the original owner and brought some food to the original owner, but they couldn't stand the original owner's temper and left quickly, only the golden retriever stayed.

And later... on the mother planet, it is not completely without danger. One day, the original owner was fighting the golden retriever, and suddenly a group of beasts appeared, attacking the original owner and the golden retriever.

In order to protect the original owner, the golden retriever finally died at the hands of the beast. When the golden retriever died, the original owner followed in the footsteps of the golden retriever and was bitten to death by the beast.

Seeing this ending, Lu Yanzhou couldn't help sighing.

The original owner's behavior was excessive, but he couldn't say anything, because the original owner was controlled by drugs after all.

Compared to the original owner, it was obviously the one who poisoned the original owner, and it was even more hateful.

After receiving the original owner's memory, Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of one thing - what about Xie Chengze?

In the original owner's memory, there is no Xie Chengze!

Where is Xie Chengze? Wait... That golden retriever, could it be Xie Chengze?

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou suddenly became a little anxious.

Xie Chengze doesn't even have a human form in this world... This is too miserable!

And like this... can he still be with Xie Chengze?

Wait, because he was drugged in this world, he immediately failed to wake up and failed. Even if Xie Chengze was a humanoid, he couldn't do anything...

Lu Yanzhou thought about it a lot, and finally decided to ignore everything else and live his own life well.

He can't contact the outside world now, and he may live on this planet all his life... In this case, he will first find a way to quit the drug addiction that the original owner unknowingly contracted, and then build a home for himself and Xie Chengze, together with Xie Chengze Live better.

Well, if that golden retriever is Xie Chengze.

If that golden retriever wasn't Xie Chengze... He could only take this golden retriever and find a way to find Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou didn't leave the escape pod in a hurry, but first checked the things around him.

There was food in the escape pod, as well as some tools and seasonings, but Lu Yanzhou dared not eat that food.

If there is no accident, these foods are also passive!

As for those tools, although they are not very useful, they are barely usable, which is not bad.

As for the others...

The live broadcast ball that can be used for live broadcast can't be connected to the star network at all, it is just a piece of junk, and other electronic equipment... it is the contact terminal on his wrist.

Due to the lack of internet, many functions of this contact terminal cannot be used, but it has other functions. For example, the built-in encyclopedia can help Lu Yanzhou distinguish the animals and plants on this planet, and it can also be used for lighting.

In addition, this contact terminal can be charged independently in a variety of ways, so you don't have to worry about running out of power... This can't be lost.

Lu Yanzhou packed up the things he was going to take away, and then he used his strength to finally open the door of the escape hatch and go outside.

His body is really useless.

Lu Yanzhou was pondering how to exercise his body when he was suddenly stunned.

He felt the presence of spiritual power!

This world has spiritual power, he can cultivate!

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