MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 118 Dragon Slaying (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)

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  Chapter 118 Slaying the Dragon

  The sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

   Hear the sound.

  The smile on He Wenxuan's face was even wider, and he put down his teacup: "Han Zhenggang's news has arrived."

  Feng Youwei secretly rejoiced, flattering: "When Zhang Ronghua is taken down, we will make another wave of publicity, and take this opportunity to severely attack Pei Caihua's prestige! Even if we can't hurt him, we must disgust him."

  He Wenxuan stretched out his palm, patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and nodded approvingly: "That's right! I've learned a little from following behind me all these years."

   "It's good to be taught by adults!"

  Feng Youwei got up from the chair: "The next official goes to open the door."

Walking to the gate of the palace, he opened it, and there was a Yilang outside, named Tao Xuezhi, who also belonged to He Wenxuan. Seeing that his face was expressionless, his brows were tightly knit together, his eyes were urgent, and his expression was hurried, as if A big event happened, so I joked: "Your news came late, adults already know."

Tao Xuezhi took a step back, kept a certain distance, and looked at him sympathetically, he could still laugh out loud in the face of catastrophe, we will see if you can still be like this later; I have doubts in my heart, judging from the news in front of me, It's not like someone else instigated this matter, but he did it himself. After dealing with Feng Youwei for so long, he understands Feng Youwei very well, and he has the ability, but he has no decision, except for flattery.

  Thinking like this in my heart, without revealing anything on my face, I entered the hall, stopped in front of He Wenxuan, put it in his ear, covered it with my left hand, and said the matter in a low voice.

  Feng Youwei frowned, with a bad feeling, did something happen?

  No matter how he thinks about it, Zhang Ronghua has dug a hole and waited for Su Changhe to jump into it to get rid of them, and he also jumped down foolishly.

   Finish listening.

The smile on He Wenxuan's face disappeared, and he suddenly stood up from the chair. He smiled so proudly just now, but now he is so angry. His eyes are very cold, like a beast that chooses to eat people, without any emotion, sly Looking at him fiercely.

  Feng Youwei's heart sank, he bent over and smiled apologetically: "What's the matter, my lord?"

   "Fuck your mother!"

He Wenxuan burst out with a swear word, he has been enduring these few days, he would rather be tired and deal with the memorial alone, not give Zhang Ronghua any qualifications, nor take revenge, just want to wait quietly for the storm to pass, and then look for opportunities to take action, Unexpectedly, this stupid pig in front of him attacked Zhang Ronghua privately, and even the official fell into a big tussle. How can Nitema's three-legged cat method be his opponent?

  You can die, why do you want to implicate this official and make this official lose face?

   Anger erupted, and he couldn't hold it anymore, a big **** slapped him on the face roughly, knocking Feng Youwei to the ground.

  Still out of breath, he felt ruthless in his heart, punching and kicking him, swearing at him while beating, all kinds of nasty swear words came out of his mouth.

   for a while.

  He Wenxuan got angry, stopped, and ordered with a cold face: "Hand him over to Han Zhenggang!"

  Feng Youwei endured the pain, didn't care to wipe off the blood on his face, and knelt on the ground: "What happened? Make you so angry?"


   kicked him roughly in the face, kicking him to the ground.

   Tao Xuezhi shouted to the outside: "Come on!"

  Two Jinlin Xuantian Army rushed in like wolves and tigers.

   "Throw him out!"

   Without giving Feng Youwei time to react, the Jinlin Xuantian Army stepped forward, grabbed his arm one by one, and walked outside in strides.

  Feng Youwei struggled violently, but in front of the Jinlin Xuantian Army, what he did was futile. He kicked his legs in the air: "What did you do wrong? You want to treat me like this?"

  No one answered him.

   Within a few breaths, he was taken out of the courtyard, leaving only his shouts echoing in the courtyard.


He Wenxuan was still angry, overturned the table angrily, walked back and forth, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and stopped for a while. This matter has already happened. Since it cannot be changed, then the impact should be minimized. Another blow to his prestige.

   "Go and tell Han Zhenggang that this case will be handled strictly! No matter who is involved, investigate to the end!"

  Tao Xuezhi understood his intentions, so he did it for others to see, removed himself from this matter, and minimized the impact as much as possible.

   hurriedly left and rushed outside.

   At the entrance of Tianji Pavilion.

  As time went by, more and more people watched the excitement, but no one came forward, and they all stood far away, looking at Han Zhenggang at the door.

   Someone with sharp eyes looked at Feng Youwei who was dragged out by the two Jinlin Xuantian soldiers, and shouted: "Here we come!"

   Those two short words raised everyone's spirits.

  Feng Youwei had just been brought to the door, Tao Xuezhi came out at a trot, stopped beside Han Zhenggang, explained in a low voice, and quickly entered the Tianji Pavilion.


  Two Jinlin Xuantian soldiers threw him to the ground.

   Without waiting for Feng Youwei to get up from the ground, and without understanding the situation in front of him, Han Zhenggang ordered with a cold face: "Take him down!"

  The Jinlin Xuantian Army from the Metropolitan Procuratorate stepped forward and lifted him up from the ground again.

  Feng Youwei struggled and shouted vigorously: "What are you doing? Let me go!"

   "Falsifying the account books and instigating others to frame Shangguan, the crime will be added!"

  Looking at Su Changhe and the others who were taken down, Feng Youwei panicked. If this matter is confirmed, he will be finished. He hastily denied: "Nonsense! This officer has never done this before."

  Han Zhenggang smiled darkly: "I hope you can still say that when you arrive at Dali Temple!"

   Flick the sleeves.


  Escorting Feng Youwei and the others to leave, the scene ended and everyone dispersed.

   Look away.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted: "Go back."

   Arrived at the Bachelor Hall and entered the Office Hall.

   Lu Junxiu closed the door of the palace, took the teapot and poured tea, put two cups of tea in front of them, and retreated tactfully.

  Ding Yi said happily: "This play is really wonderful, it's a pity that He Wenxuan didn't participate in it, otherwise he could be hit hard!"

   Holding the teacup, Zhang Ronghua took a sip, and said with a smile, "He's not a pig."

   "Get rid of Su Changhe and the others, brother, your prestige in the Hall of Scholars has reached its peak, as long as it is still there, those people below, even if they have some careful thoughts, will not dare to show it."

  “Struggle is not the goal, the right way is to do the work well.”

   Ding Yi agrees.

   But if you want to carry out your work, you must have the necessary confrontation. The situation cannot be opened, and government orders cannot even go out.

   Finish a cup of tea.

  Zhang Ronghua stood up from the chair: "You practice by yourself, I'll go to the Ministry of Rites."

   "Is there something wrong?"

"Ask for leave!"

  Out of the Hall of Scholars, walked towards the Ministry of Rites, and when he reached the door, someone told him to come back soon and let him in.

   He stopped outside Pei Caihua's main hall and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

  Pushing open the door, Zhang Ronghua walked in, then closed the hall door, walked inside, Pei Caihua was dealing with official business, saw him coming, put down the pen in his hand, stood up from the chair, and said hello: "Let's talk outside."


  The two sat across the table.

  Zhang Ronghua briefly explained what happened to Su Changhe and others.

  Pei Caihua smiled slightly: "You came to me, probably not because of such a trivial matter?"

   "Nothing can be hidden from Uncle Pei."

   He told me about his request for leave.

  Pei Caihua frowned: "You will go to court tomorrow, and there are many people watching in secret. You are asking for leave at this juncture, what's the matter?"

   "I have reached a bottleneck in my practice, I can't calm down, and I want to go out for a walk."

   This is a big deal. After pondering for a while, Pei Caihua spoke again: "Is three days enough?"


"Be careful when you go out. In the capital, you are protected by an official body. No matter who it is, you dare not make a move at will. Otherwise, you will become the enemy of the entire civil official group. But it is different outside. The secret enemy may try to get rid of you! "

  Zhang Ronghua understands this truth, and what happened to Yin Guoping before is the best example.

  Death was due to the scheme of the Shen family in Anzhou. The person who made the move was a frightened man, and the court was furious. The master of the True Dragon Hall was sprayed with blood by all the officials on the court.

   Less than a day.

  Jingshen's sub-helm in the capital was all wiped out, and no one escaped, even the real Wuyou.

   "I'll keep an eye out."

   "You do things, Uncle Pei don't worry!"

   After chatting for a few more words, Zhang Ronghua got up to say goodbye, and closed the hall door when he left.

   Return to the Hall of Bachelors.

  Seeing that Ding Yi was practicing, he didn't disturb him, went into the room, and sat on the blanket to practice Phoenix Divine Fire.

   flashed to the next value.

  Ding Yi proposed to go to the Jiaofang Division to drink and listen to music, but Zhang Ronghua refused with a smile, and walked towards Zhuquefang's home.

  I bought some stewed vegetables on the road and wanted to change the taste.

  Arrived at the courtyard gate, a beautiful figure stood at the gate.

Wearing a khaki long dress, covering her fair and smooth arms, wearing a jade bracelet on each wrist, highlighting her skin and making her look whiter, her exquisite waist perfectly protrudes, attracting attention, small and exquisite She wears a pair of half-moon earrings on her earlobe, which complements the jade hairpin on her hair. Her attractive red lips are very bright, and she has applied a little bit of lipstick, making people want to take a bite and taste what it tastes like.

  Zhang Ronghua frowned, wondering why she came here?

   See him back.

  Shi Xueyuan took the initiative to step forward, and stopped a step away, with a bit more knowledgeable demeanor, and said with a smile: "I'm back!"

   "Is there something wrong?"

   "Can't you come to visit me if you have nothing to do?"

   "We don't know each other well."

  Shi Xueyuan didn't care, she thought about it when she came here, raised her jade hand, stroked her hair, and changed the subject: "Would you like me to come in and sit?"

  Zhang Ronghua was unmoved, her intention for coming was obvious, following Su Qiutang's order, she wanted to win him over, with a clear attitude: "It's not convenient! Please go back."

  Shi Xueyuan didn't insist either, as long as he came here often, and they became familiar with each other, Zhang Ronghua could refuse her once, the second time, or the third time?

  Men chase women across the mountain. Once a woman puts down her body and pursues a man, as long as the woman is not too bad, the separation is just a veil.

  She has enough confidence in her appearance and connotation.

   "It's getting late, I'll visit you next time!"

   Turn around and leave chicly.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's hard."

   Pushing open the courtyard door, he walked in.

   To the backyard.

Standing by the edge of the artificial lake is a beautiful figure, it is Yang Hongling, still in the same attire, square clothes and shorts, but the stockings on the legs have changed, black mesh shape, strong transparency, like A thin layer of silk wraps around the skin, tempting and impulsive, increasing the rate of turning heads.

  Holding a small bowl in his hand, filled with fish food, with his slender jade fingers, he sprinkled a little into the lake, attracting the ornamental fish in the water to compete one after another.

  Hearing the sound of footsteps, she raised her head, her jewel-like eyes glanced at him slightly, and her red lips parted slightly: "So fast?"

  Zhang Ronghua stopped beside her and asked, "You know everything?"

   "Such a big person is standing at the door, do you think I won't know?"

   "Next time you speak, pay attention to your words!"

  Yang Hongling was puzzled, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Aren't you on the same boat? What did Su Qiutang send her for? Want to win you over? Or, do you have other plans?"

  Zhang Ronghua glared at her angrily, what he said was too harsh, what is a person on a boat?

   "I met you once in Ningxin Palace before, this time is the second time. I was ordered to win me over. I don't know the other meanings for the time being."

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded.

   Sprinkled all the fish food in the bowl into the artificial lake, clapped his palms, noticed the stewed vegetables in his hand, and said, "Leave it to Uncle Shi! Come with me."

   "Is there something wrong?"

   "Grandpa asked me to come to you, probably because of that supernatural power."

Let her wait here for a while, enter the lobby, put down the stewed vegetables, explain to Uncle Shi, let him eat first, enter the room and change into a set of clean black clothes, and then return, saying hello: " let's go!"

  Leave Fuchu.

  The two rushed towards the Fate Academy.

  Here we go.

  Mei Changshu took advantage of Yang Hongling's inattention, blinked secretly, Zhang Ronghua smiled, entered the Fate Academy, and stopped at the old master's yard.


The old master was sitting on the rug, with a desk in front of him, and the seat opposite was vacant. It seemed that it was prepared for him. Xiao Si didn't run away this time, and lay down on the side with his eyes closed for a nap. When he saw him coming, he nodded his head as a greeting .

   "Meet the Master!"


Pulling off his shirt, Zhang Ronghua sat on the cushion. The old master poured a cup from the teapot and placed it in front of him. Milky white air waves came out, and the fragrance of the tea came out. Judging from the taste, it was Donghai Wanling tea. .


  Yang Hongling said: "You guys chat first, I'll cook."

  Xiao Si suddenly said: "Can you stew a pot of fish soup and add a pot of chicken soup?"

  Four eyes face each other.

  Primary Four was ready to be rejected, but Yang Hongling agreed, nodding: "Yes."

   After catching six spirit fish and two spirit chickens from the spirit lake, he turned and went into the kitchen.

  Wait for her to leave.

  Xiao Si rolled his eyes around and asked suspiciously, "Is the sun coming out from the west?"

  Zhang Ronghua took over the words: "Following her wishes, it's quite easy to talk."

Holding the teacup, the tea cover pressed the tea water, rippling and rippling, making the fragrance of the tea more intense, and then took a sip, although it was not as amazing as the first time drinking, it can improve cultivation, but the taste is really It's beautiful.

   Seeing him put down his teacup, the old master raised his white eyebrows, stroked his beard and asked, "Have you been promoted?"

   "Thanks to Uncle Pei's love, I was lucky enough to be promoted to a higher level."

   "Pei Caihua's ability is good, but his talent is not good! After reading so many books, some of which are classics, others have already realized the awe-inspiring righteousness. This unbelievable guy can't even touch the threshold."

   On this point, Zhang Ronghua agrees. As the registered disciple of the old master, his cultivation base is very weak. After so many years, he is actually only at the second level of the innate realm. It can only be said that he is not suitable for cultivation.

  The old master can evaluate, his identity is here, he is a junior, if he evaluates the elders, it will not be good to influence behind.

   "Wait for you to rest and take a bath, bring him here, and the old man will test whether his knowledge has fallen behind."

   "This junior has already asked for three days' leave. He will leave the capital tomorrow. When he returns, he will bring Uncle Pei with him."

   "Is there something wrong?"

  Zhang Ronghua told about the Huojiao King.

  Hearing that he was going to slay the dragon, Xiaosi's eyes lit up, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and said fieryly: "The taste of dragon meat is delicious, bring more back."

"it is good!"

  Old Master said: "Hong Ling is fine recently, let her go with you to observe high-level battles so that she can practice better."

   After chatting about the gossip, enter the topic.

  After Zhang Ronghua left last time, following his open thinking, the old master continued to make achievements, but the three problems still could not be solved.

The first question is how to refine two heads and four arms, the second question is soul power, and the third question is coordination, so that the created two heads and four arms, such as the arm drive, are like Born the same.

With a slap of his right hand on his waist, he took out dozens of precious materials, such as the Chaos God Stone, the Holy Iron of Heaven, and the Five Elements Heavenly Heart Stone... any one of them is a material that is against the sky, and it is priceless. Once it is born, it will definitely attract countless people. Rob, but now it looks like a Chinese cabbage, randomly placed on the desk.

  The old master said: "These materials are most suitable for refining two heads and four arms. The properties are different, and the effects of the refined heads and arms are also different."

   "...!" Zhang Ronghua was speechless.

   As expected of being the leader of the Destiny Academy, suppressing the giants of an era, the net worth is rich, this is just a random shot, so rich, if you do it with all your strength, wouldn't the top materials become cabbage?

  Starting from the Chaos Divine Stone, take them and check them one by one. Some of these materials are familiar, and some are not. If you don’t understand, just ask. The old master will introduce the effect in detail.

   It took a while to read them all.

Zhang Ronghua didn't speak in a hurry, his thoughts turned quickly, running at a high speed like a machine, and the terrifying talent was manifested again. He built a model in his mind, based on these materials, and optimized the plan to see which combination had the best effect. Good, no sequelae.

   Half a sound.

   Shaking his head, he said, "No way!"

  The old master asked: "What's wrong?"

"The head and arms that are refined are mainly the head and arms of the person themselves. One head corresponds to two arms, which happens to be three pairs. Let's put aside the primary and secondary issues for now. It must be flexible and have a certain degree of autonomy. Yin and Yang, solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang is difficult to support. Only when yin and yang are reconciled, and when supernatural powers and secret techniques are used, can the power reach its maximum! In addition, toughness is also very important, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the shock brought about by the high circulation of the true essence. break out."

   "Look again!"

   Tapped again on the waist, and took out a large pile of precious materials and put them on the desk. With the scene just now, it is no surprise.

  This time there are more materials, more than a hundred kinds, mainly of yin and yang attributes. Although it is not as good as the Chaos God Stone, it is not much worse.

   Take the materials and look at them again, figure out their effects, and then optimize the combination plan in your mind, and put the most suitable ones together.

   After an hour.

Zhang Ronghua has looked at hundreds of precious materials and optimized the best plan. Only three materials are missing. Looking into the eyes of the old master, Zhang Ronghua said seriously: "If you can get the holy water of Huangquan and the heart of Chaoyang And the good fortune grass, the material for refining the head and arms is considered perfect."

  Three pieces of materials, each one is against the sky, the value is many times more precious than these materials in front of you, once it is born, countless top powers will be crazy about it, and **** it at all costs.

  The old master frowned, but didn't speak immediately, thinking where he could get the three materials.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't bother, the plan had already been proposed, and the rest was not his consideration.

   Good for a while.

  The old master said: "It can be obtained! But are you sure to refine two heads and four arms?"

   "This is just the first step. Gather up the materials and refine the head and arms before considering the rest."

"it is good!"

  Yang Hongling's voice came from the lobby: "Come and eat."

  The old master greeted with a smile: "Go eat."

   Two people and one beast stood up and walked towards the lobby.

  The most difficult thing about Chuanggong has been solved, I am in a good mood, and the old master has a little more smile on his face.

   Entered the lobby.

  Yang Hongling looked suspicious, turning her jewel-like eyes around, and asked, "Do you have any clues?"

  He kept moving his hands, and handed over the bowl of rice.

   Handed the prepared basin to Xiao Si, holding the basin in his mouth, Xiao Si left in a hurry.

  The three of them sat on the chairs.

  The old master took a sip of the chicken soup and said, "I have a clue, the only thing missing is the ingredients."

  Yang Hongling was quite surprised. She knew that Zhang Ronghua's talent was powerful, but the supernatural power that grandpa was about to create was really too abnormal. Even she didn't have any hope. She didn't expect him to be able to solve it.

  A pair of beautiful eyes fell on Zhang Ronghua's body, and he looked at him from the beginning, he was still the same person, but he felt something different.

  Looking back, took a clean bowl, filled it with chicken heads, filled some chicken soup, placed it in front of Zhang Ronghua, and filled another bowl of chicken for the old master.

  Looking at the chicken head in the bowl, and then at the chicken in the old master's bowl, Zhang Ronghua was speechless, complaining in his heart, how did you know that I like eating chicken heads?

   Seeing his strange expression, Yang Hongling suppressed a smile, showing two rows of cute teeth, and asked, "Don't you like it?"

  Zhang Ronghua responded with actions, took out the chicken head from the bowl, put it in her bowl, and said seriously: "You've lost weight."

  Yang Hongling responded generously: "Thank you!"

  The old master ate quietly, as if he didn't see them flirting.

   After eating.

  Standing up from the chair, he stroked his beard and sighed, "I'm old! It's easy to get sleepy at night."

  Leave them a back, turn and leave.

  Yang Hongling said: "You sit down first, I will clean up the dishes."

  Go out with the bowls and chopsticks.

  Zhang Ronghua walked to the edge of Linghu Lake and looked at the lawn on the ground. The environment was beautiful and shone with a little spiritual light, which made people immerse themselves in it, and suddenly felt an urge to lie down.

  As soon as this idea appeared, I couldn't suppress it.

  Sit down on the ground, lie on the lawn, put your hands under your head, and look at the night sky. The stars are shining brightly, connected together like a chessboard.

The mind is clear, without any distracting thoughts. Without his knowing, he enters the enlightenment, the scenery of the world changes, all the attributes and powers disappear, and only the fire element is left, surrounding him, turning towards the body, many , like a galaxy, rich and solid.

  His body also sat up, forming seals with both hands, following the cultivation method of Phoenix Divine Fire, purifying the fire attribute.

According to his assessment of the Phoenix Divine Fire, if the flames are divided into nine revolutions, the newly born Phoenix will have the Phoenix Divine Fire in the first revolution. After a period of practice, it will transform into the second revolution, and then the purple The cat has three turns in this way, which is one stage.

Rank four to rank six corresponds to a growing phoenix who has not cultivated the Phoenix Divine Fire to the limit. Rank seven is an adult phoenix who has fully mastered the Phoenix Divine Fire. As for the eighth rank, only the ancestors of the Phoenix clan can achieve it. The ninth-rank Phoenix Divine Fire, it is estimated that the Phoenix family may not necessarily have it.

  His current Phoenix Divine Fire is rank one, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the level of an adult Phoenix at rank seven.

But in the state of enlightenment, the terrifying innate talent is running, the cultivation of the Phoenix Divine Fire is multiplied, the fire attribute power in the body is rapidly purified, and it has reached a critical point unconsciously, and it begins to transform. Purification, the progress is very fast, and it is moving towards the third revolution...

   After washing the dishes.

Yang Hongling returned to the lobby, no one saw him, came out from the lobby, glanced around the courtyard, found him on the lawn beside Linghu Lake, got closer, and looked at the body bathed in golden flames. Zhang Ronghua, with raised willow eyebrows, parted to both sides, her sexy, red mouth was slightly opened, her jewel-like eyes were full of astonishment, and she couldn't believe it, she thought in shock, he, he actually entered enlightenment Yet?

   Come back to God.

   Dare not make any noise or disturb him. Enlightenment is very precious, and ordinary people cannot enter it once in a lifetime. Once they enter this state, the benefits they will get are huge.

  Standing by the side and waiting, at the same time protecting the law for him to prevent accidents.

But her beautiful eyes fell on him, from the head, to the chest, to the feet, without missing a single place, and looked at Zhang Ronghua carefully, with a smile from the heart, I don't know why Appearing on his face from time to time, his eyes are soft, as if his appearance is imprinted in his heart, just looking at him calmly...

   I don't know how long it has been.

  Zhang Ronghua finished his enlightenment, stopped practicing, opened his eyes, and smiled with satisfaction. This time, enlightenment made Phoenix Shenhuo advance from one turn to four turns, which has surpassed Zimao and is comparable to Phoenix in the growth stage.

  His right hand was stretched out, urging the phoenix divine fire, and the golden flame rushed out from the palm, sizzling and burning, containing terrifying power. Under its burning, the space deformed, and scorching air waves came out.

   "The innate supernatural power of the Phoenix clan—Phoenix Divine Fire?" Yang Hongling came up from behind.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  The four-turn Phoenix Divine Fire is barely enough, and with his cultivation level, ordinary people will be burned to ashes in an instant if they touch it a little.

   With a thought, he put it away.

   "How long have you been here?"

  Yang Hongling stretched out her jade hand, stroked her hair, and exposed her beautiful earlobes: "For a while."

   "How is Tatianxing's three-character secret art practice?"

   "The secret art of stepping characters has just started."


  Yang Hongling suddenly wanted to kick him, what does it mean? It's obviously impossible, let alone compared with you, Yuzu lifted up, kicked as soon as he said, and the target was his ass.

   Sensing the strong wind coming from behind, Zhang Ronghua subconsciously grabbed her kicked right foot, with a puzzled face: "What's wrong?"

   "What do you think?"

   With a strong pump, Yang Hongling wanted to retract his feet, but he was embarrassed, and he retracted his feet, but the oolong boots remained in his hands.

  Juemei's cheeks flushed, and two red clouds flew up.

"Give me!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua gave her the boots.

  Took the boots, Yang Hongling put them on, her heartbeat accelerated, like a deer hitting, it kept jumping non-stop, and hurriedly changed the subject: "I heard from grandpa, you are going out of Beijing tomorrow?"

   "Go to Qingfeng Mountain and solve the remaining troubles."

   "I'll find you tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

  Looking at the sky, it was early morning.

  Yang Hongling said: "I'll take you out."

  The two of them walked side by side and walked outside. The Fate Academy at night was very quiet except for the patrolling disciples. Only the lights were on. As the two came over on the blue brick path, their backs gradually elongated.

  Smelling the deodorant fragrance coming from around him, Zhang Ronghua turned his head subconsciously and looked at her side face, just in time to see that the beautiful earlobe was covered by a strand of hair, and half of it was exposed outside.

  Yang Hongling stopped, met his eyes and asked, "Looks good?"

  Zhang Ronghua did not escape this time, and said seriously: "It looks good."

  My heart beat faster again, and Yang Hongling lifted her foot and walked outside, before the sole of her foot touched the ground, a vigorous and powerful hand grabbed her boneless jade hand, preventing her from leaving.

  Four eyes face each other.

  Yang Hongling tried to calm himself, his face remained unchanged, but instead put on a joking look: "How about my hand?"

  Zhang Ronghua was taken aback!

  Looking at her jewel-like beautiful eyes, full of playfulness, put down her hand, and said seriously: "Ice muscles and bones, soft and boneless, like beautiful jade, lubricated to the end."


Yang Hongling didn't expect him to answer like this, couldn't hold it back, broke his defense, his chest trembled violently, his silver bell-like laughter echoed in the night, and then stretched out his hand: "That's very good, let you touch it again." one time."

   Zhang Ronghua was completely defeated, he didn't touch it anymore, and shook his head: "One time is enough."

   Say hello.

   "Let's go!"

  Yang Hongling responded, panicked in his heart, secretly thought that he was lucky, and finally got away with it, and almost made a fool of himself, but the feeling of his right hand being held by him was strange and nervous.

Enduring hard, not letting myself be exposed, I sent him all the way to the gate of the Fate Academy. Seeing Zhang Ronghua's back disappearing in the night, I couldn't hold back any longer, turned around, raised my feet, and even used my body skills. Rushing inside, leaving a gust of fragrant wind in place.

  A disciple came to Mei Changshu's side, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Senior Brother, you are well-informed, what's wrong with Senior Sister?"

   Think about it seriously.

  Mei Changshu replied solemnly: "There is only one possibility for the current situation."

   "What's possible?"

   "Eldest Sister has fallen in love with Senior Brother Zhang."

   "Can't you? The elder sister is so proud, she never puts men in her eyes, how can she like others?"

  Mei Changshu asked back: "What if I meet someone better than her?"


  Go home.

Zhang Ronghua didn't go in in a hurry, stopped at the Jingxin Lake on the side, a black figure came out from the bushes, dressed in night clothes, covered his face, only two eyes were exposed, walked behind him, and respectfully clasped his fists to salute : "I've seen you, my lord!"

   "Have you found it?"

   "The person who led the team to the Huo Jiao clan a few days ago is called Fang Zaitian, and he is a purple dragon envoy."

   "Did Fugui go to the East Palace today?"

   "No! His Highness sent someone to send a message to him, asking him to go to the East Palace to be on duty after getting engaged."

   "Is there a suspicious person in the East Palace?"

"everything is normal!"

  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand, and the person melted into the darkness and disappeared quickly.

That night the prince was assassinated by the second elder of the Huojiao clan, he happened to pass by, and when he got there, he saw a golden shadow hidden in the shadow of the prince, so he asked Jiaolongwei's confidantes to pay attention to it, and secretly sent a message to kill the Huojiao king last night. Xin ordered him to investigate, and there was this scene.

  Although he is currently on duty in the Hall of Scholars and not in the East Palace, Jiaolongwei is still in his hands, even the crown prince cannot shake it.

   It is still hidden very deeply, even if outsiders search carefully, they will not be able to find out his person.

  Looking in the direction of the True Dragon Hall, his eyes were cold: "We should settle the score between us!"

   Enter Fuchu through the side door, which happens to be the backyard.

  The lights in Shi Bo's room were on, and when he heard footsteps outside, the door opened, he walked out, took out a letter and handed it over: "You just left, someone sent you a letter."

"go to bed early!"

"you too!"

  Shi Bo entered the room.

Zhang Ronghua did not open the letter, and walked towards the bedroom, a petite figure rushed over from behind, landed on his shoulder within a few flashes, it was the purple cat who came back from Taifu's mansion, with a mouth There was a sumeru bag in his mouth, he raised his small paw to hold it, and handed it over.

   "Did she give it?"

   "Meow!" the purple cat responded.

   is saying, there is the best spiritual tea in it, which Ji Xueyan asked the cat to hand over to you.

   took the Sumeru bag, entered the bedroom, and closed the door.

   Pulled out the chair and sat down, took out the contents, a dark blue porcelain box with tea patterns tattooed on it, ginseng fruit, black grapes, etc., almost filled the table.

  Zhang Ronghua was surprised: "So many?"

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is saying that she will stay in Jixia Academy for the next few days to solve the problems of those disciples, and she will not be able to come back for the time being, so she gave some more spiritual fruits for us to eat.

   "Food!" Zhang Ronghua cursed with a smile and patted its head.

  Open the box, there is Donghai Wanling tea inside, only two taels.

  The purple cat leaned over its head intoxicated, took a deep breath and smelled it, raised its little paw, pointed at the teapot, and shouted: "Meow!"

   is saying, hurry up and boil water to make tea, the cat has sacrificed a lot to get Donghai Wanling tea!

   "Have you gone for tea?"

  Zi Mao nodded heavily. There is no bitter bodhi tea, and Donghai Wanling tea is not bad.

  Zhang Ronghua has black hair, and the cat is addicted to drinking tea.

  Thinking of the preciousness of this thing, two Liang is probably the limit that Ji Xueyan can get, it is really difficult for her, and she warned: "Next time, don't make excessive demands."

  Purple cat sat on the table, straightened its upper body, raised its small paws and pinched its chin in a humane way, secretly thinking, don’t make excessive demands, but some simple ones? The cat understands!

  Take out some psychic liquid, put it in the teapot, hold the teapot in his hand, Zhang Ronghua activates the phoenix divine fire, golden flame rushes out from the palm, covers the teapot, controls the temperature, and starts to boil water without destroying the teapot.

   "Meow!" The purple cat was startled, and hurriedly took a step back.

  Looking at the Phoenix Divine Fire in his hand, he lowered his head and glanced at himself, opened his mouth to spray, and the purple-red Phoenix Divine Fire rushed out, suspended in the air.

   Maoyan blinked, compared the two Phoenix Divine Fires, and came to an unbelievable conclusion that its Phoenix Divine Fire was not as powerful as Zhang Ronghua.

   Opened his mouth and swallowed it, put away the Phoenix Divine Fire, and shouted: "Meow!"

   is asking, how do you know Phoenix Fire? Are you a bird?


  Zhang Ronghua, with a black thread on his head, tapped its small head heavily, and said angrily: "Do you think cats and birds can hook up like your parents?"

  Purple Cat couldn't beat him, so he didn't dare to express his opinion, but his eyes were very dissatisfied. What happened to the cat and the bird? I was not born!

   "I learned it from the three-turn Phoenix Pill she gave me."


   I was asking, why is it more powerful than the cat's Phoenix Divine Fire?

   "You can't even cultivate housekeeping skills, how dare you say that?"

   "...!" Purple Cat was speechless.

  Seeing that the teapot was ready, Zhang Ronghua put away the Phoenix Divine Fire, took out a little East China Sea Wanling tea to make tea, and then put away the rest of the East China Sea Wanling tea, leaving some spirit fruits for the purple cat to eat.

   Poured two glasses and passed one over.

  Good tea is good tea. The rich fragrance forms the essence, and it turns into a vision of the East China Sea. The purple cat doesn't know how to appreciate it, so it puts its head closer and sticks out its tongue to lick the tea.

  It drank it before, but this time it only increased a little bit of Taoism, and didn't improve much.

  I stretched out my little paw, took the teapot and poured a cup, the tea brought by the cat, a little more is not too much, right?

  Zhang Ronghua ignored it, took a sip, and took out the letter that Uncle Shi gave him. The package had not been touched, opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

  There is only a short sentence on it: You have been promoted to Sima, and you have immeasurable vastness!

  Zhang Ronghua knew who it was. He had only taught this skill to one person, and that was Lei Ming. Judging from this sentence, he had gained a firm foothold in the army and even became Sima.

   There are many wars on the frontier, as long as you have the ability, it is not difficult to make contributions!

  With a pinch of the palm, the letter was crushed and dissipated completely.

   With a smile on his face, there may be a big surprise in this move of idle chess.

  Pick up the sumeru bag on the side, take out a golden silk thread, tie it, and grab the tea-drinking purple cat, tie the silk thread around its neck, and tie a bow.

  The painting style has changed.

  The purple cat changed from noble and holy to cute and cute. After looking at it twice, Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Like it?"

   Jumped off the table, rushed into it, waited for it to come back, held the mirror in its mouth, jumped on the table again, put the mirror down, and looked at the cat inside, pretty stupid!

  The purple cat's face turned black, and it shouted in protest: "Meow!"

   is saying, quickly untie this thing.

Zhang Ronghua bewitched: "It's so good to tie it around your neck, it's convenient and practical, and you don't have to worry about losing it. For example, if you want to eat these spiritual fruits, you have to come here. If you put them in the sumeru bag, you can take them out anytime and anywhere. "

   After thinking about it, it really is.

   "Go to practice!"

  Purple Cat drank another cup of tea before leaving.

   Finished the rest of the tea, Zhang Ronghua didn't practice, and had to get up early tomorrow to hurry, took off his clothes and went to bed, and fell asleep on the bed.

I have already asked for three days off, so I can sleep a little longer, get up from the bed as the sky is completely bright, wash with some well water, walk to the edge of the artificial lake, and stop to practice the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation, Stepping on the Sky Practice the three-character secret technique, and the last is the first change of the true spirit treasure technique, the candle dragon change, practice all three times, and then stop.

  Shi Bo just came back, entered the lobby, put the bought breakfast on the table, and said hello: "Qinglin has eaten."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

Came in from the outside, opened the chair and sat down, took a sip of tofu nao, took his rolled trendy card, which was wrapped with fried dough sticks and green onions, dipped in a little hot sauce, took a bite, and said: "Later, I want Go out and come back within three days at the latest, if my parents come looking for me, let them not worry."

"be safe!"

   "Just relax."

  Boom boom!

   There was a knock on the courtyard door, and it came from the front yard.

  Glanced, in his induction, Yang Hongling stood at the door, before Shi Bo got up, Zhang Ronghua stood up: "You continue to eat, I will go!"

   Arrived at the courtyard gate and opened it.

  Looking at her, Zhang Ronghua was stunned, blinked his eyes, and thought to himself, what's wrong with her today? Or which string is wrong, how to change it?

The Yang Hongling in front of her is actually not the classic boxer jacket and shorts, but with two white, tender and smooth jade legs exposed, she has changed into a light white long skirt, covering her arms and legs, with stockings underneath, the very thick kind , not showing any skin, even wearing expensive jade bracelets on her wrists, the only thing that remains the same is her fiery red wavy hair, floating casually on her fragrant shoulders, adding a sense of wildness and unruly, Under the background of this long skirt, it is noble and elegant, showing a ladylike demeanor.

   Taking a bite of the trendy card, Zhang Ronghua asked, "Is the sun coming out from the west?"

  Yang Hongling asked back: "What do you mean?"

  Zhang Ronghua did not speak, and pointed to the long skirt on her body and the white shoes on her feet.

   "Is it weird for women to wear skirts?"

   "Not weird! But you wear weird clothes."

  Yang Hongling kicked, Zhang Ronghua hurriedly backed away, a corner of the long skirt was lifted up, revealing the boxy trousers inside, it seemed that she was also afraid of being exposed.

   "Close the door."

   walked towards the lobby.

After closing the door, Yang Hongling followed behind, his face unchanged, shy in his heart. After he left last night, he rushed into the room, locked the door behind him, and hid himself in the quilt. , waved a powder fist in the air twice, and then got up today, ready to get the square clothes, already got it, put it down again, and changed into a long skirt, which is still very conservative.

  The old master also joked, is it good for a woman to be a confidant?

  Looking at his back, the corners of his mouth are raised with a smile.

   Entered the lobby.

   Guessing that she came so early and hadn't had breakfast yet, he handed over a portion of tofu nao, and handed her a fashionable card wrapped with deep-fried dough sticks and green onions.


   Taking the trendy card, Yang Hongling took a bite and ate quietly.

  When she came in, Shi Bo tactfully stepped back and sat on the bench outside to have breakfast.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "When will the breakthrough be?"

  The aura on her body has been polished very solidly, and the elixir given to her last time has a solid foundation, and she can try to break through at any time.

   "Beat Xu Xirou and start breaking through!"

   "Is her injury healed?"

  Last time, Ji Xueyan kicked the palace because of Haoran's bones, and severely injured her in Changqing Academy.

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded.

Take the initiative to tell the reason. During this period of time, the disciples of the Evergreen Academy were dishonest and had **** with the disciples of the Fate Academy. Fights between the younger generation, as long as they don’t hurt their lives, they will be injured. The elders of the palace will not come forward, the two sides will win and lose each other, if this is the case, then forget it.

   During a fight, how can you not speak harshly?

  The disciples of the Destiny Academy boasted her to the sky, saying that as long as the senior sister shows up, she can beat all the younger generations in the Evergreen Academy by herself, and even your proud Xu Xirou will have to eat dirt under her feet.

  Changqing Academy refused, saying that she bullied others because of her status and honor.

  Heard about it.

   Yang Hongling is upset, I can do it, but you can't say it! He went to the door and beat up the disciple of the Evergreen Academy who provoked her. After Xu Xirou found out, he asked someone to tell her to wait for her to leave the test!

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua sighed: "Xu Xirou is quite pitiful."

"Why do you say that?"

   "You worked so hard, but you and Ji Xueyan stepped on your feet and lived in your shadow. I was beaten up last time, and I will be beaten again this time."


   After breakfast.

  The two of them left the mansion, they didn't ride the sacred Tianlong horse, they walked through the north gate, and rushed towards Qingfeng Mountain.

Qingfeng Mountain is nearly two thousand miles away from the capital city. The mountains stretch for hundreds of miles. The roads are thorny and difficult to walk. The environment is also harsh. It is deeply loved by casual warriors.

  Leave the capital.

  The two of them used their physical skills to rush on the road, neither of them exerted their full strength, but they were super fast, and rushed towards Qingfeng Mountain.

   Half a day later.

  Two figures entered the range of Qingfeng Mountain in a hurry and stopped at a river. It was Zhang Ronghua and Yang Hongling who came from the capital.

   I glanced at it, and it was really bad.

  Although the aura of heaven and earth is strong, there is still a demonic aura in the air, which is very strong in some places. Occasionally, a few terrifying beast roars can be heard from the forest, shaking the sky.

  Aside from these, the scenery alone is quite beautiful.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Eat something to fill your belly, and then go into the mountains to find Qingqiushui's lair later."

   "Okay!" Yang Hongling had no objection.

  I found a clean place by the river to sit down.

Just as Zhang Ronghua was about to take out the prepared stewed vegetables from the Wulong Yuling belt, a bird flew across the sky, looking at the two people below, its eyes lit up, its wings spread out, and it turned into a sharp arrow wrapped in a hurricane. Nine Heavens rushed down, and two sharp, deep-cold claws ruthlessly grabbed at their heads.

  Yang Hongling smiled: "I'm lucky."

Seeing that the bird was getting closer, he slapped a palm from the air, and the golden palm hit it on the head, killing it with one palm, and letting the bird's body fall to the ground, creating a huge hole .

   Stand up from the stone, walk to the side of the bird, take out the Star Burning Sword, and input a little internal force into it.


  Exuberant flames burst out from the blade, covering it, and burning it fiercely. After a few breaths, all the feathers on the bird were removed, and it was carried to the river to clean the internal organs, and then grilled on the sword.

   It took a while to roast the bird, took out the condiments and sprinkled them one by one, tore off a piece of meat and handed it over, and took a piece of meat and ate it quietly: "What a fool!"

   "It saw that we didn't eat well on the way, so it specially sent it to make up for it."

   "You can say it!"

   Eat and drink enough.

The two got up and entered Qingfeng Mountain. The thorny mountain road was uneven, and some places looked like sharp sawtooth, with a breath of death. less than.

  Zhang Ronghua used his soul power to sweep around, looking for Qing Qiushui's lair, at a very fast speed, and it took a little time to search a quarter of the place.

  During this process, there were also some blind monsters who wanted to eat them, but they were dealt with before they got close.

   Bibo Lake.

Located in the depths of Qingfeng Mountain, the surroundings are covered by endless white mist. The white mist contains highly poisonous, strong toxin, and can even lose your way. It is a forbidden area in Qingfeng Mountain, and no monsters dare to approach it. killed in time.

  A huge palace was built by the lake, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, majestic and luxurious. There was a huge statue of a green dragon at the entrance, surrounded by arrays, which protected the entire palace and formed a second line of defense.

  In the palace.

  Inlaid with precious gemstones, shining, covering the walls, without missing a single place, reflecting the beauty of the hall.

In the middle is a dragon bed made of gold, about eight meters long and six meters wide, surrounded by jeweled curtains, covering the dragon bed, and sitting on the bed is a middle-aged lady with a green apron and black trousers. Wearing a palace gauze as thin as cicada's wings, she looks like a goblin, exuding deadly temptation everywhere, penetrating into the bone marrow, making men crazy even more than the girl in the fence, she is Qingqiushui.

   With his eyes closed, a cold, powerful, and confident aura came out, and he was adjusting his mental state.

  Behind her, there is a hill that almost touches the ceiling. It is made of piles of skulls. It is in stark contrast with her seductive scene. When people see it, they feel fear, as if they have entered a ghost hell.

  Thousands of green lights circulated, covering her, and with the exercise, her mental state was adjusted to the peak.


At the end of the training, two blue lightning bolts rushed out from her eyes, exploded in the air, and erupted into a terrifying thunder vortex, which was about to spread to the surroundings. With a random wave of Qingqiu Shui, a blue light fell down, and the newly formed The thunder vortex dissipated immediately.

   There was a sparkle in his eyes, and he looked expectant: "It's time to start."

  Looking at the jade bottle placed next to the jade feet, it is blue in color, covered with delicate patterns, and attached with a sealing talisman to prevent the power of the elixir from passing away.

She stretched out her red tongue, licked her fragrant red lips sexyly, picked up the jade bottle, opened the cork, and poured out a blood-red pill. The vision, the monstrous evil spirit, spread to the surroundings.

  It is called Xuesha Chongtian Pill, a very vicious pill, mainly made of men's blood essence, the stronger the blood essence, the greater the effect of the refined medicine, and it is made by refining other evil precious elixir.

The hill-like skulls behind her, each skull represents a warrior, and monsters, after being captured, they forcibly devoured their essence with secret methods, and then took out the essence blood. After five years, it was refined yesterday Cheng Dan.

  The red lips parted lightly, opened slightly, and swallowed the Blood Fiend Soaring Heaven Pill.

  The elixir entered her stomach and turned into a berserk force, like an endless sea, rampaging violently in her body, as if it was going to burst her whole body in the next moment.

  Qing Qiushui snorted coldly: "Refining this deity!"

Run the magic power of the Qinglong family's inherited martial arts—Qinglong Tianlei Jue, refine this huge medicinal power, the thunder light wanders around, turns into an electric snake, and surrounds her body, the aura of the ninth level of heaven and human realm explodes, every point of refining , the outgoing momentum will be stronger.

  The waterfall-like hair, like the water of the Three Thousand Rivers, undulates in a huge momentum.

   I don't know how long it has been.

All the evil power contained in the Blood Fiend Soaring Pill has been refined. She was stuck in the ninth level of the Heavenly Human Realm for many years and could not break through. With its help, she finally broke through to the tenth level of the Heavenly Human Realm. Heaven!


  The resounding dragon chant came from her mouth, and the tens of thousands of blue lights on her body became more powerful, transforming into her real body, and a huge green dragon hovered above the dragon bed.

  Five claws, dragon horns, and dragon scales all over the body, thunder light swims, and the body is full of powerful power, it seems that just a slight movement can destroy the world.

The tail of the dragon curled up, and there was a sound of thunder. It disappeared from the spot and appeared in the hall at a very fast speed. The real dragon that mastered the thunder was really too fast. There was only a blue light flashing vertically and horizontally, circling and dancing in the hall. , obviously only one head, but it looks like hundreds of heads.

  Long time.

  Qing Qiushui put away the body of the real dragon, transformed into an adult again, raised his lips with a smile: "Finally broke through!"

  The jade feet stretched out, and when they fell, they were already on the dragon bed. With a wave of the jade hand, the green light flickered, and a purple-red desk appeared. On the table was a jug and a wine glass, which were of extraordinary value.

  Poured a glass with the jug, and what came out was not wine, but hot blood, which was not cold yet, and was sealed by her secret method.

Holding the wine glass, shake it to make the taste of blood stronger, take a sip, some blood drips down her body along the seductive red lips, with a look of intoxication, thinking of the news from the Shen family in Anzhou some time ago .

During this period of time, I have been in seclusion, and I have no time to refine the Blood Fiend Soaring Pill, so I ignored it. Seeing that the pill was about to be refined, I sent a message to the Huojiao Clan, ordering them to send someone to help, counting the time, It should be successful, right?

Thinking of Shen Long, the patriarch of the Shen family in Anzhou, his face darkened. Before he died, the relationship between the two was very good, and they never did anything in the court. After he died at the hands of the demon, she also took revenge. Since then, she has completely changed, practicing evil methods, bewitching men, and devouring their essence.

   Muttering to himself: "You will understand me!"

  Boom boom...

  A violent sound came from outside, Qing Qiushui's face darkened, and in her induction, a man and a woman appeared by the lake, standing by the Qinglong statue.

  Liu Mei froze, his eyes turned cold, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body: "Looking for death!"

Just about to cast spells to catch them, the formation outside was broken, a sword qi slashed at the gate, smashing the gate, and two figures walked in from the outside, it was Zhang Ronghua and Yang Hongling. A little time to find here.

  Sweeping his eyes, he surveyed the situation in the palace. The whole palace is filled with jewels, and they all have one thing in common, shining and beautiful. It seems that dragons like such flashy things.

   In the middle is a huge golden dragon bed, which is very exaggerated, it should be bigger than Emperor Xia's dragon bed...

  There is a hill behind the bed, all of which are skulls, it seems that she did it.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Are you Qing Qiushui?"

   "Come here just for this deity?" Qing Qiushui jumped off the dragon bed, letting a pair of jade feet step on the cold ground without wearing shoes.

  Looked at them calmly, a grand master of the tenth level, and a grand master of the seventh level, not bad! But in front of her, even a strong man at the tenth level of the Heavenly Human Realm is not enough to look at.

  Even if she is in the Heaven Ascension Realm, she transforms into the body of a real dragon. Even if she loses, she can escape calmly. Her strength brings sufficient confidence.


  Qing Qiushui frowned, reacted quickly and was very smart, and asked tentatively: "Did the Fire Dragon King tell you?"

   Without waiting for Zhang Ronghua to speak, he continued.

   "Since he died in your hands, will the Anzhou Shen family and the Huojiao clan also be wiped out?"

  Keep vigilant, can destroy the Huo Jiao King, he is definitely a strong man in the heaven and man realm, the two people in front of him alone are not enough to see, squinting his willow eyes, patrolling around, trying to find out the person hiding in the dark.

   But in her induction, there are only them, there is no third person.

   Suspicion on the face: "Just you?"

"if not?"

   "The man is handsome and the woman is as beautiful as a flower. Apart from this, do you have other abilities? Or, do you think that this strength alone can solve the deity?"


  After the words fell, Qing Qiushui let out a low growl without warning, and evolved into a supreme sound wave, which was circular and enlarged in circles, containing powerful power, and charged towards them.

  There was a joke on his face, as if he saw the scene where they were seriously injured, he dared to destroy his formation and palace gate, and let them torture each other to death. Thinking of this, he laughed proudly.

  Yang Hongling seemed to be mentally handicapped, Qing Qiushui didn't hide her Taoism, she was in the tenth level of Heaven and Human Realm, her breath was unstable, she just broke through, even if she dared to show off her power in front of the masters of the Ascension to Heaven Realm, who gave her the courage?

  His hands behind his back, ready to watch a play.

Zhang Ronghua stepped forward and walked towards her, looking at the aftermath of the storm, as if he didn't see it, seeing them getting closer, a golden light flashed, rushing out of his body, like snow meeting sunlight, instantly disappear.

  The smile on Qing Qiushui's face stopped abruptly, as if someone had pressed the pause button, the contempt in her beautiful eyes disappeared, and she became dignified. She looked at Zhang Ronghua seriously, trying to see through him.

  Being able to break his own casual strike, let alone a grand master, even a great master can't do it. From this, it can be inferred that he hides his cultivation.

   Casting the secret technique, the blue light in the pupils flashes, look again! Still at the seventh level of Grandmaster Realm.

   My heart sank, and I couldn't even see through the secret arts. There were only two situations.

   On the whole, the second possibility is very high.

   "Could it be that he is in the heaven realm?"

This is impossible! Zhang Ronghua is too young, his face can last forever, his skills and elixir can be done, but his age cannot be concealed, in the eyes of the strong, he can tell the general idea at a glance.

   Very decisive, regardless of whether Zhang Ronghua is in the heavenly state or not, take the lead and take him down!

   "Blue Dragon Breaking Sky Claw!"

Tens of thousands of green lights bloomed, with a terrifying aura like the might of the sky, suppressing it from all directions, and disappeared from the spot with a little jade foot, appearing behind Zhang Ronghua, with his right hand transformed into a dragon claw, wrapped in dense dragon scales, with a destructive look With strength, he grabbed his head fiercely.

  Zhang Ronghua ridiculed: "Overestimate one's abilities!"

  Golden light rushed out, dispelling all the aura she had suppressed, grabbing her backhand, grabbing her dragon claw, and slamming her hard, turning her around, and smashing her fiercely on the ground.


  The ground exploded, and a huge gully was smashed out. Qing Qiushui was also seriously injured by this blow, and spit out a **** arrow.


An angry dragon chant sounded and came out from the ravine, transforming into the body of a real dragon. A huge green dragon rushed out, with a length of several tens of feet. As soon as it appeared, it destroyed the palace, and its body was covered with thunder, forming a thunder storm. Contains destructive power.

  Exert your natural supernatural powers—thunderstorm destroys the world!

The dragon's claws were lifted up, tearing the sky and breaking the ground, and grabbed it roughly. All the thunder around him gathered between the dragon's claws, forming a giant thunder bead more than ten feet in size. It was compressed crazily, and its power evolved to the extreme. Those who have ascended to the sky should also let them shed a layer of skin. They dare not hold back any of their true energy, and pour them all into it to increase their power and increase their power by half.

   His face was ferocious, revealing his cold dragon teeth: "Go to death for this deity!"

  When the thunder beads fall, wherever they pass, the sky and the earth are clear, dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust, everything returns to calm, forming a vacuum.

  Zhang Ronghua took his time and said softly, "Sure!"

The Mantra Concentration Technique was cast, invisible and invisible to the naked eye, and condensed into a "constant" character, which contained the power of time, suppressed Leizhu and her body, and fixed her in place, keeping her as it was before. Can't move.

  Qing Qiushui didn't expect her peak strike to be broken just like that! Struggling violently, no matter how much the body of the real dragon is urged, and how powerful the body contains, all kinds of secret techniques have been used, but there is no effect at all, just can't break free, with a frightened face, he shouted: "Go to the sky!" Realm! You are in the Ascending Heaven Realm! This, this is the magical power of time!"

   "As expected of a real dragon, he has a bit of eyesight." Zhang Ronghua admitted.

  Yang Hongling recognized it. Isn't this supernatural power the same time supernatural power that they used to freeze themselves during the competition at the edge of Linghu that night? Unexpectedly, the power was so powerful, and with a light blow, she was frozen in place.


Ordinary Ascension to Heaven Realm, facing an adult Qinglong, who is still at the tenth level of Heaven and Human Realm, even if he can win, it is impossible to be so easy. In the current battle, Zhang Ronghua used one move from the beginning to the end, and took her down , so inferred, isn't his background very perverted?

  Only she knows that the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation is a top-notch supernatural power. Zhang Ronghua has also cultivated to a high level, but he didn't use it. It can only be said that Qing Qiushui is too weak to give him a little pressure.

   walked in front of her.

  Looking at the thunder beads, Zhang Ronghua smiled, so many thunders, if you collect them by yourself, it will take a lot of effort, but now they come without any effort.

  Fingers a little.

  Golden light rushed out from the fingertips and landed on the Thunder Bead, the sealing power exploded. Under her unbelievable eyes, she sealed the Thunder Bead into the size of a cherry and put it into the belt of Wulong Yuling.


Qing Qiushui swallowed hard, the person in front of her was too scary, far from being someone she could provoke, if she couldn't beat her, she begged for mercy, with a very low posture: "Senior, spare your life! For the sake of this junior's difficult cultivation, I beg you Raise your hand high and let the younger generation live."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "I hate trouble!"

   Slashing with a wave of his hand, a beam of sword energy descended, piercing through her body, killing her, but her true dragon body remained intact, falling from the air to the ground, splashing billowing dust.

  Without the support of true essence, Qing Qiushui maintains the original appearance of Qinglong, and is no longer a transformed human body.

  Walking in front of it, he stopped, stretched out his palm, grabbed it roughly, and took out the dragon ball in its body, which contained the essence of a real dragon. It was a real good thing with many functions, and he put it into the belt of Wulong Yuling.

   Mobilize the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan, cover its body, drive out the evil spirit inside, purify the Qinglong's body, and make it clean without any dirt.

   Then sealed its huge body into a bead the size of a baby's fist, weighed it twice in his hand, turned around, and threw it to Yang Hongling casually: "Go on."

  Catch it from the air.

  Yang Hongling caught the bead and put it in the purse on his waist. This is Qinglong, and he is also a Taoist with the tenth level of Heaven and Human Realm. The top ingredients are not enough opportunities, and he will not be able to eat them in his entire life.

   came over, stopped beside him, and asked, "You won too easily, right?"

   "The opponent is too weak, I didn't even warm up."

  Yang Hongling cast him a pair of supercilious eyes, and then asked: "What should we do now?"

Zhang Ronghua grinned and pointed at the surrounding ruins like a money fanatic: "Did you forget? There is a dragon bed made of gold here. A bed alone may weigh a thousand catties or even more! There are also countless precious gemstones." , These are all money, if they are sold, it will be an astronomical sum."

  Yang Hongling was taken aback, looked at him suspiciously, walked around him again, and stopped in front of him: "Are you really at the Ascension to Heaven Realm? As a big boss, you don't need to be a bit aggressive?"

   "Are you really rich?"

"Maybe not!"

   "That's right."

   Quickly bent down, picked up a gemstone on the ground, and then put away the gemstone next to it. Seeing that he was very busy, Yang Hongling said, "You don't know how to use soul power?"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't even raise his head: "That's so boring! Hurry up and help."

  Looking down, there was a gemstone at his feet, Yang Hongling smiled: "Okay!"

  Pick up the gem, and the two search for it in the ruins.

  Every time she finds a gem, the smile on her face will increase. It is interesting and happy, like discovering a fun game, and she has a lot of fun playing it.

   It took a while to find all the gems in the ruins without missing a single one.

   Then put away this huge dragon bed.

   Clapping his palms, Zhang Ronghua smiled contentedly: "I've never been so happy as now."

   "Pick up gems?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "What about you? You picked it up faster than me just now, aren't you happy?"

  Yang Hongling smiled again, stroked her hair, and showed her exquisitely carved cheeks: "Happy."

  Zhang Ronghua pointed at the Bibo Lake, and smiled mysteriously: "Do you know why she built the palace here? Are you still setting up a protective formation here?"

  Looking at the deep blue lake water, it is sparkling and rippling, and you can see the bottom of the water at a glance. There are some aquatic plants underneath, but there is nothing else.

  Yang Hongling asked tentatively: "Treasure?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Walk to the edge of the lake and stop, pointing to an inconspicuous aquatic plant among the many aquatic plants. It is white, white as jade, concealed by the surrounding colorful aquatic plants and plants, and looks inconspicuous.

"This is the fortune-telling grass, a material that defies the sky. It has infinite uses. Whether it is alchemy, refining weapons, or taking it, you can get great fortune. But in this way, it is undoubtedly killing chickens to get eggs. It is not worth it! If you keep it , every once in a while, when it absorbs enough heaven and earth spiritual energy, it can produce a drop of good fortune liquid, no matter how serious the internal force and true essence are digested, it can be restored in an instant."

   Paused for a moment, then said again.

   "It's also one of the three main materials your grandfather is looking for. With it, when your grandfather creates that top-notch supernatural power, he can practice."

  Yang Hongling's beautiful eyes lit up, turned around her jewel-like eyes, and said excitedly: "So, don't we have made great achievements?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded with a smile.

Grab it from the air, a terrifying suction erupts from the palm, take it out of the water, it is more than 50 centimeters high, with many branches, there are more than a dozen, take half of it, and inject a black and yellow essence into it to ensure its vitality, Not letting it die, handed it over: "Here!"

   "Thank you!" Yang Hongling thanked.

  Take out a jade box and put it in solemnly.

  Zhang Ronghua also took out a jade box, put the other half in it, and sealed it with a magic seal to prevent its vitality from passing away.

  Looking at the sky, it was already dark after driving and slaughtering the dragon.

  Tonight's moon is very round, full of stars, everywhere, looking into the eyes, a piece of silver light, very beautiful.

   asked: "Hurry up?"

  Yang Hongling took a look, it was quite quiet here, and the scenery was good, she shook her head: "Stay here for one night, and go back tomorrow."

   "The day after tomorrow! There is one more thing to deal with tomorrow."

   "Okay!" Yang Hongling had no objection.

  Yu patted the purse on his waist with his hand, took out a large pot, and supported the pot.

  Zhang Ronghua had black lines all over his head, and asked speechlessly: "Did you even bring the pot?"

   "Always carry it with you. Sometimes when you go out and meet good ingredients, barbecue is a complete waste, far less convenient than a pot."

   "Eat dragon meat?"

  Yang Hongling smiled knowingly: "Wait a moment!"

   18,000 words burst!

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  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion