MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 117 Retaliation (ask for full order, ask for monthly pass)

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  Chapter 117 Retaliation (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)

The matter between them was resolved, a heart fell on the ground, Xiao Mi was happier than ever, blood, cells, filled with joy, smiles can be seen everywhere, the whole person looks three years younger, like a girl, with light steps Spiritual, cheerful, showing the vitality of youth.

  Hearing that Zhang Ronghua was coming, he put down what he was doing, held Zheng Fugui's hand, and rushed out to greet him.

  How far apart, smiling like a flower, and shouting enthusiastically: "Cousin!"

  Zhang Ronghua stood up from the chair with a smile and looked at them. The two were happy, and he was also happy from the bottom of his heart. He nodded: "Siblings."

  Xiao Mi responded generously, asked Zheng Fugui to accompany him, and took the maid to the kitchen. The chef had already asked the chef to go back first, and she was going to cook by herself tonight.

  As the owner of Tianxianglou, cooking skills are not covered.

   Seeing everyone's gazes on him, no matter how big Zheng Fugui is, he can't bear to look at him like this, just brush it! She blushed, like a monkey's buttocks, twisted her buttocks restlessly, lowered her head, and said weakly, "Is there a flower on my face?"

  Zhang Ronghua kowtowed the melon seeds and asked, "Did uncle agree so soon?"

   "Cousin, don't you know?"

   "During this time, the palace is very busy, and I seldom pay attention to the affairs of the outside world."

  Zheng Fugui explained what happened in detail.

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua guessed that this matter should be related to him, so the crown prince will let Qing'er come forward. Anyway, overall it is a good thing, and then ask: "Uncle asked Eunuch Xiao to be in charge of your marriage?"

   "Yes." Zheng Fugui responded.

   "Choose an auspicious day, and set the date as soon as possible."

   "I told Sister Mi in the afternoon, and she thinks so too."

  Although this matter is a certainty, it is unlikely that Zheng Shan will change his mind, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

  The servant girl came over at this time and put the cut watermelon and fruit on the table.

  Zheng Fugui warmly greeted: "Don't just stare blankly, eat some fruit."

  Ask out the doubts in your heart.

   "Cousin, my father is still angry with me?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "No! It's just that I can't keep my face away. After a while, it will be fine."

   "When other people get married, it's the parents who discuss the marriage contract. I..."

   Speaking of this, Zheng Fugui's eyes lit up, and he suggested: "Cousin, why don't you discuss the wedding with Grandpa Xiao?"


   "Yes! You are my cousin, parents and the others don't show up, so it's most appropriate for you to come forward."

  Zhang Ronghua glared at him angrily, thankfully he could think of the words, and reminded: "Uncle and the others don't show up, so you won't ask my father to come out?"

   Zhang Qin's identity is here, and he is also an elder, with strong ability to handle affairs and no leaks. He and Eunuch Xiao discussed the wedding, and all etiquette was considered.

  Zheng Fugui slapped his head: "Look at my memory, I actually forgot my uncle."

  Chen Youcai joked: "It's not that I forgot, I can't wait to hug the bride."

   Finish talking about business.

  Everyone was chatting, and within half an hour, Xiao Mi prepared the meals. The whole table was filled with monster meat, which was full of color, fragrance, and strong fragrance.

  Drinking wine, eating vegetables, chatting more happily.

   After more than an hour.

  After the banquet was over, Zhang Ronghua did not leave in a hurry, sent Chen Youcai and the others away, told them to be safe, and returned to the lobby again. No outsiders were present, only them, and Xiao Mi was there, quietly sitting next to Zheng Fugui.

   "After you return to the East Palace, His Highness will use you a lot. You have to show the corresponding ability, and learn as soon as possible if you don't know it. The ability can be close, but you must be smart."

   "Yes." Zheng Fugui remembered.

   "I heard people say that someone is making things difficult for you in the palace?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled disdainfully, calmly and confidently: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, they can't do anything about it."

   "I know I can't help you, but you must be careful."

   Zhang Ronghua knew that this was a good intention, so he responded with a smile, and solemnly explained: "It is not easy for you to come together. You have gone through so much, and there is still a long way to go. No matter what you encounter, you must support each other."

   Paused for a moment, looking at Xiao Mi.

   "If he gets aggressive or disobedient, tell me and I'll deal with him."

   "Thank you, cousin!" Xiao Mi was sincerely grateful.

Zhang Ronghua has paid too much for their affairs, including getting together. If it wasn't for him, the crown prince would not have come forward, let alone the present. She can see through some places and cannot see through some places, but Eunuch Xiao told her up.

  Fill the tea cup with the teapot, put down the teapot, raise both hands, and offer tea: "Cousin, drink tea!"

  This time is different from last time, and the meaning is also different.

   This is the tea that comes after all hardships, and it must be drunk.

"it is good!"

   After taking the teacup, Zhang Ronghua finished the tea and explained a few more words before getting up and leaving.

  It was already very late, any delay would easily affect tomorrow's business, Zheng Fugui did not leave, and stayed here tonight.

  Time is in the car.

Zhang Ronghua sat on the blanket woven by the wings of the phoenix. It was soft, warm, and comfortable to sit on. He did not waste time. After two days of purification, the power of the fire element in his body had reached a critical point, and the distance transformation was also fast. At that time, it will exceed the general flame, and then continue to purify it to reach the extreme, it will be the Phoenix Divine Fire.

  Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the mansion, a huge dark cloud appeared in the night sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, sealing off this area, forming a separate space, preventing the breath from escaping.

The billowing demonic energy roared and raged, forming a terrible storm vortex, making people feel like falling into an ice cave, as if they were in a nether purgatory. The icy aura was like a knife cut, mixed with supreme pressure, and squeezed against the car from all directions come.

A black figure came out from the darkness, wearing luxurious black clothes, with a huge dragon embroidered on the chest, with long teeth and claws, surrounded by golden flames, black gold boots stepped on the ground, and there was a low explosion sound, the earth was like It is unbearable, and it seems that it will collapse in the next second.

  The face with Chinese characters is as cold as water, and the deep eyes are blood red, with burning anger.

  His name is Fire Dragon King, the patriarch of the Fire Dragon Clan.

  Shi Bo reined in the reins, stopped the time car, looked at him calmly, turned his gaze, and opened the curtain of the car: "The road is blocked by demons."

  The changes in the surrounding world were still blocked. Zhang Ronghua felt it immediately. After finishing his training, he looked at the Huo Jiao King approaching. In the shadow behind him while walking, there was a faint roar of a huge Huo Jiao.

   Squinting his eyes, his gaze was very cold: "The remnant of the Huojiao clan?"

   Judging from the way he exudes, he is at the third level of the Heavenly Human Realm, and he is even more terrifying than the Great Elder. He should be the patriarch of the Huojiao Clan.

  Reminiscent of what the prince said in the morning, the True Dragon Palace was playing tricks, the news sent was not true, and it was very likely that an important person was let go, and now I look at it, waiting for him here.

   Thoughts turned quickly.

  Zhang Ronghua guessed the intention of Zhenlongdian, or in other words, the enmity between the two parties was too deep, starting from Xu Changming, then Qin Jiangong, and Wan Guoqiang, as long as they seized a little opportunity, they tried every means to kill each other.

And the Huo Jiao King is a pawn, he is willing to be used, if he can't deal with the prince, then he will get rid of himself, cut off his left and right arms, even if it is revealed afterwards, the True Dragon Palace can push four, five, six, as long as he bites him to death and refuses to admit it , there is no conclusive evidence, with their particularity, it is very difficult to move them.

   Go deeper!

  I am afraid that this matter will not be so simple, maybe there are other forces intervening, and they may reach a cooperation with them to eliminate themselves together.

Without it, he is too young. From a member of the fourth rank, he has strong ability and strong strategy. After growing up, he will have a pivotal position in the court. At that time, he will become the crown prince's biggest help in the face. People are scared!

  In one thought, Zhang Ronghua thought a lot.

   What happened, the Huo Jiao King had to be taken down, and the truth of the matter could only be clarified after interrogation.

  Opened the curtain and walked out from inside.

   "Wait here!"

  Shi Bo reminded: "Be careful!"

  Zhang Ronghua responded, got off the car, looked at the Huo Jiao King opposite, and took the initiative to meet him.

  The strong and condensed demonic aura, like the billowing power of heaven, was violently suppressed, as if it wanted to pin him down to the ground.

  He kept walking, and couldn't even make him stop for a moment.

  The Huo Jiao King's complexion changed, his cold eyes were full of fear and suspicion, the news he got, Zhang Ronghua was only at the seventh level of the Grand Master Realm, how could he withstand the coercion of his own Heavenly Human Realm? Even if he didn't exert all his strength, how can a small grandmaster be able to resist the aura of a strong man in the heaven-human realm? Could it be that he hid his cultivation?


   The person is right, it must be him!

   Without any background or resources, being able to cultivate to the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm is already commendable, and it is impossible to go higher.

   Grandmaster? Paradise?

  Unless the sun comes out in the west, otherwise, with his background, it is absolutely impossible!

  Thinking of this, the flustered heart calmed down again. There should be some kind of treasure on Zhang Ronghua's body, which can ignore his own coercion.

  After ten steps away, the Huo Jiao King stopped, his voice was like a knife, and there was a terrifying killing intent: "Are you not afraid?"

   "Why are you afraid?"

   "You have a hard mouth! After I take you down, I want to see if your bones are so hard?"

  The monstrous and ferocious power bloomed from the body of the Fire Dragon King and swept over suddenly.

The flames burned and enveloped his whole body. With a step, he appeared in front of Zhang Ronghua. He raised his right hand, and a dragon chant sounded in his body. With a terrifying aura, he violently grabbed Zhang Ronghua's head.

   The golden light shocked!

Charged out of Zhang Ronghua's body, these golden lights contained terrifying power, which was not something the Huo Jiao King could resist. In one encounter, he brutally broke the dragon claw he had caught, and severely injured him, as if the thread had been broken. The kite spat out a **** arrow and smashed **** the ground.

  But the golden light didn't stop, and continued to sweep across. Wherever it passed, it tyrannically broke the surrounding monster aura, and even the aura blockade formed by the Fire Dragon King was broken in a breath.

  The sky and the earth are clear again, and the night appears.

  Finger a little, the golden light swept across, turned into the body and disappeared.

  The body flickered and disappeared from the spot.

  The Huo Jiao King is facing an enemy, all the speculations just now have been overturned! A frightening thought appeared, the person in front of him was not a master at all! It's not a grand master, let alone a heaven-human realm! Just relying on a golden light from the bodyguard, he severely injured himself, and he has no backhand ability. Such a person is not something he can provoke!

  He was scared and wanted to run away, but the wound on his chest was too severe, his ribs were shattered by the golden light, and a huge hole appeared throughout his body, not to mention running away, even moving was so painful.

  Watched Zhang Ronghua approaching helplessly, but could do nothing.


   His eyes went dark, and severe pain came from the top of his head, and a huge force crushed him down, forcibly knocking him unconscious.

  The palm stretched out, and the Xuanhuang True Yuan sprinkled from the palm, covering the body of the Fire Dragon King.

  I saw his body gradually shrinking under the power of the seal, until it became a bead the size of a baby's fist.

   Put away the beads.

  Looking at the aftermath of the battle around him, he waved his sleeves to disperse them, looked around to make sure no one was hiding nearby, and then looked away.

  Back to the time and drive here.

  Shi Bo showed concern: "Are you all right?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Get in the car, open the curtain to get in, and say: "Go home."

  Shi Bo drove the car and continued to drive towards Zhuquefang's home.

  Go back to the house.

  Zhang Ronghua was waiting for him at the artificial lake, and when he saw him tie up his time car and drive back, he reminded: "You are an old man in the house, no matter what you see or hear, it will always be rotten in your heart."

  Uncle Shi understood that he had been doing this all these days, so he responded heavily: "This old slave knows!"

   "Go and rest!"

  Shi Bo left.

  Turning around and walking towards the bedroom, the purple cat just came back from the Taifu's mansion. After a few flashes, it jumped up from the ground, landed in his arms, and shouted: "Meow!"

   is saying, she asked the cat to tell you, thank you!

  Zhang Ronghua stroked his hair and asked, "Didn't you come back last night?"

  The purple cat nodded embarrassedly, raised its paw, and pointed at its round belly. It ate too much and forgot the time.

   Entered the bedroom and closed the door.

  Purple Cat sensed the difference in the atmosphere, knew that something was going on, and jumped out of Zhang Ronghua's arms tactfully, and landed on the table.

  Take out the sealing bead of the Fire Dragon King, throw it on the ground, and shoot out thousands of golden lights. When the beads land on the ground, they have already transformed into the Fire Dragon King.

  At this moment, he has woken up, and asked in horror: "You, who are you?"

  Zhang Ronghua sneered, as if looking at the mentally handicapped: "Didn't distinguish reality?"

   Rough step!


  The palm of his hand was shattered, and the flesh and bones were blurred into pieces. Although it hurt, he was the Fire Dragon King after all. What kind of big battle hadn't he seen before? He couldn't bear to cry out.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled instead of anger, he just liked such tough bones, he used the Seven-cut Soul Extinguishing Hand, and grabbed all the bones on his body fiercely, without missing a single piece.

   Withdrawing his palms, he opened the chair and sat down. He took out the bitter bodhi tea and brewed a pot. The tea was still steaming, and a shrill scream came from the mouth of the Fire Dragon King.

It was as if someone pulled his soul out, put it on the fire and grilled it, and when it was cooked, poured salt water and strong wine on it, the pain penetrated into the bone marrow, which was unbearable for human beings, and the body was even worse. Cut off the flesh and blood on his body, cut them into pieces one by one, even in size, and endured double torture, it was better than him holding on for a dozen or so breaths under this torture, and then cried out involuntarily .

   Arched body, like a big lobster, rolling over and over on the ground.

   Poured a cup of bitter bodhi tea, Zhang Ronghua was not in a hurry to drink it, the lid of the tea was gently swaying on the tea, with ripples.

   With the way of the Fire Dragon King, unless he kills him, he will not be tortured to death!

   Firstly, his cultivation base is advanced, and secondly, the lifespan of the demon is powerful.

   "Meow!" cried the purple cat.

   is asking, what's going on?

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Drink tea."

  Poured a cup for it with the teapot. The purple cat was stunned, glanced at the tea suspiciously, ate the black grape in its paw, spit out the grape skin, walked over, and stopped at the teacup.

   There is no rush to drink, the cat is very careful and picky eater!

He sniffed the tea a few times with his nose, and it was delicious. Out of caution, he glanced at Zhang Ronghua again, and saw that he drank very fragrant, with endless aftertaste. It seemed that what he drank was not tea, but the best in the world, and the cat's eyes turned around. , do you want to try?

   Stick out your tongue and lick the tea.


The hair is barbed, the nerves are highly tense, the cat's face is bitter like a bitter gourd, and it sticks out its tongue vigorously, trying to spit out the tea it has drunk. Gradually, the strong bitter taste in the mouth is gone, sweet and fragrant, the whole cat For a moment, he looked at the tea with suspicion on his face, an illusion?

  Unbelievable, he stuck out his tongue and licked it again.

  I endured it this time, and after waiting for a while, the endless aftertaste reappeared, filling my mouth, it was so fragrant!

   Bow your head, lick your tea, one click, one click...

   Finish a cup of tea.

  The purple cat came over and called, "Meow!"

   is asking, what's the matter with this tea?

  Zhang Ronghua introduced Kubodhi tea with a smile.

  The purple cat grasped the important point, its cat eyes were shining, and it was looking straight at him, asking where is the spiritual tea, bitter bodhi tea?


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped it on the head: "How dare you think, the bitter bodhi tea, the spiritual tea, is comparable to the East China Sea Wanling tea. It is invaluable. I have never tasted the top scarce resources."

  Spiritual tea, bitter bodhi tea, the purple cat remembers it!

  Looking in the direction of the Taifu's mansion, he thought to himself, if he doesn't have it, Ji Xueyan should have it, right? Wait until the next time you go there and ask.

   Finish a cup of tea.

  Zhang Ronghua put down his teacup, and looked at Huo Jiao Wang again, just now he was quite fierce, arrogant, and mighty, but now he looked at him, under the torture of the seven-cut soul-killing hand, the pain was worse than death.

  Fingering a little, a golden light penetrated into his body, temporarily relieving his pain, and forced to ask: "Say!"

The Huo Jiao King was terrified of being tortured, he didn't dare to hold on any longer, he still had a monstrous hatred in his heart, he was tricked, Zhang Ronghua is not as simple as they said, it's not easy for me, don't you Wanting to feel better, he told the story in detail.

   learned from his mouth.

The people from the True Dragon Palace besieged the Huo Jiao clan. At that time, he knew he was invincible, so he hid in the forbidden area and did not dare to come out. He watched helplessly as all the clansmen were killed, and the dragon claws, dragon tendons, and dragon skin were taken away, and even the flesh and blood were taken away. There is no waste, the best ingredients, exorcising the spirit of demons are a great tonic, pack them up and take them away until the Huojiao clan is plundered.

Seeing that their people searched here, they stopped. The two of them talked and learned from their mouths that the prince was assassinated by the second elder of the Huojiao clan. The Jiao Clan left after speaking, and did not search the rest of the place.

  After getting out of trouble.

  Huo Jiao King rushed to the capital non-stop with outrageous anger. After some inquiries, he got news of him, and this scene happened.

  Zhang Ronghua understands, it's not that the people of the Dragon Palace didn't find him, and deliberately borrowed his hand, and then leaked their own information, just as they guessed in the time car, they got rid of him and cut off the prince's arm.

  It’s okay if it’s just the Dragon Palace, it’s easy to deal with on the bright side, but if there are others, it’s hard to find out if the other party is hiding in the dark.

  It is difficult to convict the True Dragon Palace based on Huo Jiao Wang's one-sided words alone!

  They only had to say a word, and they had already wiped out all the members of the Huojiao clan in the lair at that time, and the Huojiao king could pick himself out when he came back afterwards.

   There are people from them on the left and right, and it is impossible to tell whether they are true or false.

  Ask again: "Where is Qingqiu Shui?"

  Fire Dragon King's pupils shrank, guessing his intentions, and said in a low voice: "You, what do you want to do?"


A rough palm hit him on the face, knocking him to the ground, Zhang Ronghua stood up from the chair, met his fearful eyes, stopped beside him, stepped on his face, and crushed fiercely on the ground : "Is it your turn to ask me?"

   "I, I say!"

   Withdrawing his feet, Zhang Ronghua waited for the next article.

  The Huo Jiao King thought viciously in his heart, this king can't kill you. With Master Qinglong's way, she is a real dragon, and she will definitely cut you into pieces. He said, "She is in Qingfeng Mountain!"

   "You want to use her hand to kill me?"

  The Huo Jiao King was so startled that his soul was about to come out of shock, he hastily denied: "No, no!"

   "The eyes betray you!"

   A sword qi slashed down to finish it off.

  The palm was stretched out again, and placed on top of his corpse, thousands of golden lights rushed out from the palm, driving away the mixed demonic aura in his body, and began to purify.

after a little while.

  Zhang Ronghua withdrew his palm, and by the way, put away the demon pill of the Huojiao King, and threw the demon beads transformed from his corpse to the purple cat: "Go on!"

   "Meow!" The purple cat's eyes lit up.

   Endured to the limit a long time ago, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Yaozhu in one gulp, then jumped off the table and lay down on the ground to perform exercises.

   After purification, less than one-tenth of the monster power remaining in the Huo Jiao King's body is left, but he is a demon in the heavenly realm after all, and one-tenth of the monster power is also a great supplement to the purple cat.

  The purple-red light of the true spirit rises from its body, cooperating with the Phoenix bloodline to refine it with all its strength, and dare not delay for a moment. Every time it is refined, its momentum will increase.

  Looked for a while.

   Seeing that it was fine, Zhang Ronghua looked away.

  His eyes flickered, True Dragon Hall was plotting against him, this matter would not be left as it is, and he would not be indecent, first figure out who is leading the team, and then plan against him.


  At first, I wanted to keep Wan Guoqiang alive, but now it seems that I can't keep it. After the account checking by the household department is over, I will go to Qingfeng Mountain to deal with Qing Qiushui, and then send Wan Guoqiang and the others on their way.

   Half an hour later.

The purple cat refined the demon beads transformed by the Huo Jiao King, made a breakthrough in Taoism, and was promoted to the eighth level of the Grandmaster Realm. After finishing the training, the light of the true spirit on the surface of the body was transferred into the body, stood up from the ground, and jumped over affectionately , stopped in his arms, and called out, "Meow!"

   is saying, don't worry, the cat must work hard to practice basalt spirits, hide his way, and prevent others from seeing through.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   Let it go to practice by itself, enter the bedroom, sit on the bed, practice Phoenix Divine Fire...


Zhang Ronghua got up very early, and the household department checked the accounts, so he had to go there early. After practicing the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation, the Three-character Secret Technique of Stepping on the Sky, and the first transformation of the True Spirit Treasure Technique, the Candle Dragon Transformation, he ate in a hurry. After breakfast, I drove to Zhuquemen in the time car.

  When we got here, we changed to walking and walked towards the Bachelor Hall.

   On the road.

  The officials of the Academy Hall who met him greeted him respectfully, and the officials of other departments also nodded slightly as greetings, and Zhang Ronghua also nodded in response.

   Arrived at the Scholars Hall and entered the Library Hall.

Ding Yi and the others came very early, sat on a chair to drink tea, Lu Junxiu cleaned the room, saw him coming, put down the teacup and stood up quickly, his eyes were eager to try, as if something happened, the latter also put down With the broom in your hand, take three steps into two steps, walk to the door, and close the door.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "What happened?"

  Ding Yi put on a cold face, and smiled sternly: "There are always some people who don't open their eyes, and kill themselves!"

   Said the matter again.

last night.

As usual, Su Changhe and the others left very late, after all the people in the Hall of Scholars had left, but before leaving, they sneaked into the accounting room to check the account books. They did not expect that Zhang Ronghua had long been on guard against them. Or in other words, waiting for them to show their feet, get rid of them in one fell swoop, secretly ordered people to watch, and every move was under surveillance.

  When they came over in the morning, Lu Junxiu sent the Golden Scale Xuantian Army to stare at them, and reported the news, and then handed over the phonograph stone to him.

   Seeing Zhang Ronghua's eyes looking over, Lu Junxiu hastily took out the phonograph stone from his bosom and handed it over.

   Take the phonograph stone.

  Input a piece of Xuanhuang Zhenyuan into it, and the screen showed that Su Changhe sneaked into the accounting room furtively, tampered with the accounting books, and left after a while.

  Put it away.

  Looking in the direction of Tianji Pavilion, Ding Yi expressed his guess: "Brother, could it be that He Wenxuan ordered them to do it?"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't answer in a hurry, looked at Lu Junxiu, and said, "What do you think?"

   ponder for a moment.

  Lv Junxiu went through the whole thing, combined with He Wenxuan's current situation, shook his head: "Probably not!"

   Seeing Ding Yi looking over suspiciously, he continued.

"Recently, he has lost such a big face, and the turmoil has not passed. If he jumps out at this time, if he messes things up again, it will add fuel to the fire. It will be a fatal blow to his prestige. Someone is manipulating public opinion, and the censor will make trouble in the court again, accusing him of incompetence and mediocrity. It is impossible to do this, even if you want to make a move, you have to hide your strength and bide your time, after a while, otherwise Cui Ge will not be able to pass that test."

  Ding Yi thought about it and found it reasonable.

  No one who can climb up to the second rank is a fool, and He Wenxuan is not a fool, so there is no reason to do so.

   Frowning, condensed into a "Chuan" character: "If he didn't do it, who ordered Su Changhe and the others? Could it be that they still have the guts to take revenge on us?"

Lu Junxiu thought about it for a while, and said again: "Perhaps in their view, this is an opportunity. As long as the Lord is brought down, he can turn around! Once there is an error in the account book, the Lord, as the chief official, has an inescapable responsibility. He Wenxuan jumped out again, and went to the dead end, resolutely demoted the lord to a commoner, or dismissed from office for investigation, and imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Relying on He Wenxuan, at this time the Hall of Scholars is vacant, Master Li has already been released, with Su Changhe's qualifications, he is enough to preside over the work, and maybe he can be promoted."

  Ding Yi was quite surprised, he didn't expect Lu Junxiu to see so far, and to slander, not a single scholar is a good thing! No, except brother.

  Seeing their eyes, they looked over.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You have overlooked one point, and it is also the most important point."

  Ding Yi asked: "Which point?"

"In the eyes of Su Changhe and the others, they are just ants, and they are not even qualified for my attention. In other words, they think that my attention is on He Wenxuan or the court, and they are congenitally ignoring. Fortunately, if the plan succeeds, as Lu Junxiu said just now, there will be no master of the Palace of Scholars, as long as he seeks refuge with He Wenxuan and gets his approval, he can be promoted and control the Palace of Scholars for him."

   "Brother, I still feel that Su Changhe will take the risk if someone secretly instigates them, or draws a big cake for them, promises benefits."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled playfully, like a cat catching a mouse, with a sure chance of winning: "Wouldn't you know when the people from the household department arrive?"

   An order.

   "Keep watching, don't let them leave the bachelor's hall."

   Lu Junxiu responded: "This subordinate understands!"

  Open the door and leave quickly.

  Ding Yi praised: "Lu Junxiu's ability is good, he is also good at strategy, and he can see things from a long distance."

   Speaking of this, he came to his senses.

   "Brother, you won't let him take over the Palace of Bachelors, will you?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly and asked, "Why not?"

Ding Yi understood that with Brother Yi's ability, the Bachelor's Hall is just a springboard, and he will be promoted after all. At that time, someone needs to control the Bachelor's Hall. Even if he leaves, the person in charge becomes two people, one of them must be His person, Lu Junxiu is the best candidate, his qualifications are enough, the only difference is merit, or when the time comes, when he is promoted, recommend him to his superiors, and after some work, the possibility of success in this matter is very high.

   Shaking his head, he smiled bitterly: "I am indeed suitable for cultivation!"

   "No! You are not suitable."

   "Then what am I suitable for?"

   "Go to the bar to drink and listen to music, that's the place for you."

  Ding Yi's face immediately turned bitter: "I don't want to either! But the situation is here, and there is no way to refuse."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "People from the household department will come over in a while, let's practice! Don't waste time."

  Get up from the chair, go inside, and read the book.

  The hut.

  After a few days of cleaning, with the continuous efforts of Su Changhe and the others, the dirty things have been cleaned up almost, but the smell is still very strong, and ordinary people can't bear it.

The same goes for them, they come to work every day, secretly prepare a little perfume, sprinkle it in the hut, to make the smell better, the smell and the smell are mixed together, and the resulting smell is stronger, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to stand it, but they did not have to choose.

  One person was lying on his body, hiding at the door to watch the wind, observing the situation outside, while the rest stayed inside, forming a circle, with different expressions, ranging from excitement, anticipation, worry, and fear.

  One person opened his mouth and asked the hearts of several people: "Master Su, is it really done?"

Su Changhe glanced at them, saw the expressions on their faces, and sneered in his heart, this is the end of the matter, you have done everything, and you still behaved so badly, no wonder you have not been promoted all these years, stay where you are, give them affirmation With a clear look in his eyes, he said firmly: "Don't worry, you three! We have been colleagues for so many years, and you still don't understand the ability of this officer? Since you have made a move, you will definitely not miss it. When the account inspector from the household department arrives, it will be the time for Zhang Ronghua to go to prison. "

   It seems that they really saw Zhang Ronghua's downfall. They turned over and were proud of themselves. Their worries, fears and other emotions were swept away, their faces were happy, and they said the most cruel words.

   "After you get rid of Zhang Ronghua, Lu Junxiu will be dealt with! He is just a dog. Relying on the power of that scorpion, he has bullied the old man a lot these days, and he will keep this account for him."

   "That's right! Let him continue to clean the hut when the time comes, and let him have a taste of us."

  Su Changhe's eyes sparkled, and he was very happy. A bunch of trash, you are destined to be a foil, watching me get promoted and get rich.

   An hour later.

  People from the household department arrived, there were three people in total, the leader was a middle-aged man named Chen Xianhe, a doctor, and an official of the fifth rank. He brought two Qing officials and stopped in the courtyard of the scholar hall.

  After receiving the news, Lu Junxiu hurried over, stopped outside the palace gate, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

  Push the door open, come in from the outside, close the hall door again, take a step forward, and report: "The people from the household department have arrived, they are at the front yard."

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Who is here?"

   "Chen Xianhe, a doctor of the fifth rank."

   "You are responsible for the reception and follow the plan."

   "Subordinates understand!"

  Wait for him to leave.

  Zhang Ronghua took a sip from his teacup and asked what level of officials he would send to receive him. If the person came from the fourth rank or higher, he would personally come forward.

   Front yard.

  Chen Xianhe looked a little aloof, standing on the spot with his hands behind his back and waiting, while two officials from the Qing Dynasty stood behind him, looking forward to him.

  Before coming here, I had inquired about the information about the new head of the Scholars Hall.

Knowing that Zhang Ronghua is so young, he holds an important position and controls a department of Nuoda University. He is envious, his teeth are sore, but he disdains him. With the support of his talents, he has climbed to the current high position. Otherwise, based on his background as a general, it is absolutely impossible to control the palace of scholars.

As long as I arrive, I will definitely lick my face and greet me from a distance, but the result is just the opposite. After coming for such a long time, I have not been invited in for tea, and then I ordered someone to bring the account book and let his people count it. Instead, he was left hanging in the courtyard, which made him very unhappy. He didn't show it on his face, and the corner of his eyes became colder and colder.

   After a while, he still didn't show up. Chen Xianhe was getting more and more angry. He wanted to see how long Zhang Ronghua would leave them alone.

  The sound of footsteps came from behind, the corners of the mouth turned up, a little smile appeared on the gloomy face, and there was a sneer in my heart, I thought you weren't coming? Didn't come to greet him as usual.

When he looked up, he saw Lu Junxiu coming up with four scholars, the only smile disappeared in an instant, his face became even uglier, like ice for thousands of years, his heart was full of anger, Zhang Ronghua was bullying too much , Relying on the fact that the official is bigger than himself, don't take him seriously!

  Decided secretly, when the account will be audited later, he must make things difficult for him and never let him pass the test easily.

   Walked in front of him and stopped.

  Lu Junxiu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is dealing with important documents, and they are waiting for them at Tianji Pavilion. You can't get away. I will receive them and be responsible for checking the account books."

  Chen Xianhe was so angry that he didn't give a good face: "Master Zhang is really busy, and he can't even spare a little time. No wonder he is so young and holds a high position."

   Lu Junxiu was suspicious, they received them according to the rules, and brought four bachelors to save face, but the people from the household department actually slapped their noses?

  Although your household department is important and in charge of money and food, my bachelor's hall is not bad, not worse than your household department. Everyone needs each other sometimes.

  You don't know how to flatter, don't blame us for not giving face.

  Furthermore, he is now representing Zhang Ronghua, face is very important, otherwise it will be Zhang Ronghua's face that will be lost, how could Lu Junxiu not know if he has been immersed in officialdom for so long?

  The smile disappeared, and with a cold face, he directly turned back: "Those who are capable will shine no matter where they are, and those who are mediocre and incompetent, even if they have a lifetime of qualifications, they can't do it."


  Lu Junxiu asked back: "Why is Chen Langzhong so excited?"

  Chen Xianhe flicked his sleeves and suppressed the anger in his heart. Now is not the time to be angry, and he will be ruthless again. Even if there is no fault in the account books, he still needs to find an opportunity to disgust Zhang Ronghua fiercely, saying: "Take us to the accountant!"

  The face has been torn, so there is no need to show mercy.

   Lu Junxiu summoned a small official and ordered: "Take Mr. Chen and the others to the accountant."

   Order four more Jinlin Xuantian soldiers to follow, and guard outside the accountant's office.

  Turn around and leave, walk towards Zhang Ronghua's palace, and tell him what happened here.

  Chen Xianhe's teeth were about to be crushed, but he had no choice but to hold back his anger: "Let's go!"

  In the corner.

  A figure saw the situation here, saw that the people from the household department just came over, and broke up with Lu Junxiu, proud of himself, slipped away quietly, and rushed towards the hut.

  Arrived at the door, feeling guilty, he took another look outside and saw that there was no one around, so he was relieved, slipped in, stopped in front of Su Changhe, and quickly told what happened in the front yard.

   Finish listening.

Su Changhe sneered, and said gloatingly: "Lu Junxiu is a villain who offended Chen Xianhe. After checking the accounts, the people in the household department will definitely be more serious. I was worried that they would just go through the motions. It's superfluous."



   Lu Junxiu repeated what happened in the front yard in detail, without adding any objective opinions.

   His body was rigid, his heart was nervous, and he didn't know if he did it right. Let him do it again, and he will do it again! No matter when and where, the face of adults is more important than everything else.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't take it to heart, a little doctor, does he really think of himself as someone? Want him to greet you? Putting face on someone else? Such a person is worse than cannon fodder, and can only do some thankless things, like checking the account books, no credit, it's all offending, and he doesn't deserve to be taken to heart.

  Give him a reassurance: "Don't worry about doing it boldly, as long as you take advantage of the reason, even if there is trouble in the court, this officer will take care of you."

  Lu Junxiu was relieved, and hurriedly expressed: "Thank you, sir!"

   Waiting on the sidelines, not as an official, but as a follower, the position is very upright, the teapot is used to pour tea when the tea is running out, Zhang Ronghua doesn't need to speak, he knows what he should do.

  In the words of Chen Youcai: "This is a talent! As long as such a person seizes the opportunity, he deserves to stand out!"

   Accounting room.

Chen Xianhe's face was ugly, he didn't need to squeeze, a lot of water could drip out, looking at the four Jinlin Xuantian soldiers guarding outside, he walked in angrily, and gave the death order: "Give me a serious investigation. , Check carefully, don’t miss or omit a place! If you find something wrong, report it immediately!”

  The two officials of the Qing Dynasty were also holding fire in their hearts. The people in the Hall of Bachelors bullied others too much, and they were not taken seriously.

  Accompanied by the junior officials of the Academy Hall, the two officials of the Qing Dynasty took the lead in checking the account books, earnestly and carefully, and the abacus was crackling.

  Chen Xianhe was not idle either. There were a lot of account books accumulated every quarter. It would take half a day for them to check them all.

  If there is no stalemate, he will not make a move. He is sitting in the hall drinking tea, chatting, and making friends. Now he just wants to find out Zhang Ronghua's pigtails, inflict heavy damage on him, and make him fall into a big somersault.

   Rolling up his sleeves, exposing both arms, holding an account book and starting to calculate.

  Although he is not good at being a human being, and he is not good at raising energy, but he is qualified in his job, otherwise he will not be able to work in the household department, and he can even be a fifth-rank official.

  The verification speed of one person was faster than the two of them, and the ledgers slipped from his hands one by one.

   Su Changhe had a limited time to sneak in last night, and replaced it with a fake account book prepared in advance, hiding in the middle of the pile of account books. As the number of account books decreased, the fake account books were exposed.

   It has been more than half an hour since I found out, all the expenses are all in line, there are no loopholes, and the purpose of each sum of money is marked, and the records are very detailed.

  Chen Xianhe was shaken in his heart. Could it be that he couldn't find any loopholes?

   I am not reconciled!

  He has already lost his face. If he doesn't get back his position and this matter spreads, he will become a joke.

  Open the account book in your hand, the paper is the same, you can't find any faults from the outside, and check it again.


  In his eyes, a strong brilliance bloomed, he was energetic and full of energy, looking excitedly at the account book in his hand, he found it! This account book is a fake, so I put all my energy into doing the calculations carefully, the more shocking it gets, according to the above records, the blank books, inkstones, pens, etc. purchased by the Bachelor's Hall are shoddy, half of the profit The above profits occurred during the period when Zhang Ronghua presided over the work, and his signature and the seal of the Academy Hall are on the back.

The Hall of Bachelors uses paper and blank books, which are large in volume, pens are easily damaged, and inkstones are also consumed a lot. These are all one-time. As long as the accounts are done, even if the investigation can't find out, the things have been used up and destroyed. Where to check?

The appearance of the account book puts all this in front of us. It can only be said that Zhang Ronghua is not good at making accounts, which has caused loopholes in the account book, or that the audit by the Ministry of Accounts is approaching, and there is no time to fix the fake account book in a hurry. , Only then did this scene happen.

   Check it again.

  Chen Xianhe was afraid of mistakes, and in order to make the matter a solid case, so that Zhang Ronghua could not stand up, he started from the beginning and checked again carefully.

  Three times in a row, and then put down the account book.

   His eyes were eager to try, gloating, as if he saw that Zhang Ronghua was going to be unlucky, he was dismissed and investigated, and said with a cold face: "Come here."

  The two officials of the Qing Dynasty were puzzled. There were still many account books. Why did they stop now?

   But when Chen Xianhe spoke, they didn't dare not listen. They put down the account books in their hands, walked over obediently, stopped in front of him, and waited for the lecture.

  Looking at a person.

Chen Xianhe ordered: "Go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate now, find Han Yushi (Youqian Du Yushi), and tell him that I have found important clues in the Hall of Scholars, and ask him to bring someone here immediately. I'm afraid something will change!"

  The person's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly patted his chest to promise: "Your subordinate, let's go!"

  Out of the counting room, with the strength of breastfeeding, rushed to the outside.

  Seeing that the little officials in the Academy Hall were uneasy, they couldn't help looking outside, as if they wanted to go out to report the news, Chen Xianhe said with a cold face: "Before the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate arrive, no one is allowed to leave!"

   Now they are honest.

  But he forgot that the Hall of Bachelors is Zhang Ronghua's territory, and under his management, no one can hide from him.

  Chen Xianhe sent people to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and it was also passed on immediately.

   Lu Junxiu went out for a while, came in again, closed the door of the hall from the inside, and reported what happened in the accounting room.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Who does Han Yushi belong to?"

When it comes to other departments, Ding Yi is not very clear. Lu Junxiu has been in the Bachelor's Hall for so long. Although he is on duty in the hut, he pays close attention to the affairs of the court. Several adults in various departments know something about it, and said: "Han Yushi's name is Han Zhenggang, a member of the fourth rank. He has no contact with Chen Xianhe, and he is from the same hometown as He Wenxuan."

  Ding Yi took over the words: "Brother, so he did this? The Ministry of Households also came prepared?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head and said in a deep voice, "No!"

"He Wenxuan is a bit capable, and he won't be confused about right and wrong. If he succeeds, he can bring me down and get rid of a thorn in my side, but what benefits can he get? Compared with what he pays, he even bears the great price of failure." , the two are not worth it."

   There is another sentence, he didn't say it, Pei Caihua might make a move instead.


"The account checking by the Ministry of Accounts is not aimed at the Hall of Scholars. All departments check. It is a routine every quarter. The two have nothing to do with each other. Since Chen Xianhe found the fake account books, if he wants to make me look bad, he can only ask the Metropolitan Procuratorate to come forward. Ordinary people The identity is not enough, and Han Zhenggang is just right, he is the censor of Youqian Capital, it can only be called a coincidence."

   "What are you going to do?"

   "Irrelevant threads are involved. He and He Wenxuan are still from the same hometown. Chen Xianhe also sent the evidence of the crime to him. What do you think he will do?"

  Ding Yi said without hesitation: "Put it to death! If you finish this case, you won't have any chance to turn around. Be even more ruthless. You will be imprisoned in the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and then you will be put to death in the court!"

   Seeing Zhang Ronghua smiling happily, he didn't show any worried expression.

  I said it so seriously, why is there such an expression?

  Ding Yi was taken aback, thinking of what Zhang Ronghua said when he sent Su Changhe and the others to the hut, either don't do it, or if you do, get rid of them completely, never to cause future troubles, and don't give them a chance.

   Immediately understood, Su Changhe and the others are finished this time, and even their family members will suffer along with them.

  Lv Junxiu was confused, didn't understand and didn't ask, just did his job well, and waited quietly.

  The hut.

  The news that a Qing official had left the scholar's hall also spread here. Hearing that Chen Xianhe had discovered the fake account books, Su Changhe and the others looked at each other, and saw pride in their respective faces.

  One person said: "This time Zhang Ronghua is dead!"

  Su Changhe nodded in agreement: "Even if His Highness and Pei Caihua come forward, they can't save him."

  Thinking excitedly in his heart, after he collapses, it will be time for him to take charge of the Bachelor Hall!

  The people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate came very quickly.

  Originally a small official of the Qing Dynasty was not qualified to meet Han Zhenggang, but when he arrived at the Metropolitan Procuratorate and was stopped, he told the truth about the matter, pointing out that he was ordered by Chen Xianhe to invite Mr. Han to come over.

  The news was uploaded and reached Han Zhenggang's ears.

  He and He Wenxuan are from the same township, they have a very good relationship, and they are like friends. As the power of the other party grows, he will soon enter the Tianji Pavilion and take the initiative to cling to him. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is his person.

   This period of time.

  He Wenxuan was careless, and Zhang Ronghua was in the hands of the matter, and Pei Caihua and Changqing Academy joined forces to slap him severely, and He Wenxuan lost all face, he knew it all.

   There is no way to stand up for him, don't look at him as a censor, with the power to criticize people, at least he has to have a reason, right? There is no reason to come up and just spout, and you deserve to be beaten up.

   Unexpectedly, Chen Xianhe sent over his criminal evidence, a god-sent opportunity! He called someone to call the official of the Qing Dynasty, and confirmed it again. He was sure that he was right, and his heart was burning. If this matter was done, he could go further.

   Immediately, he led people hurriedly towards the Bachelor's Palace, and did not forget to order people to spread the word to He Wen, telling him what happened here, and asking him to wait for his own news.

   Arrived at the Hall of Bachelors.

  Go directly to the accounting room, seeing him coming, Chen Xianhe's eyes lit up, he put down his rolled up sleeves, stepped out to meet him, bowed and saluted: "I've seen you, sir!"

  Han Zhenggang had a cold face, full of official authority, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean by ordering someone to invite me here?"

   "Look, my lord!"

  Chen Xianhe handed over the fake account book from his sleeve, motioning him to open it.

Excited in his heart, Han Zhenggang didn't show any expression on his face. He took it over calmly and turned a page. The account book had been marked and the loopholes on it had been pointed out. Otherwise, if he wanted to find out the problem, he would have to study for a while, or I can't find it. There are specialties in the art industry, and when it comes to statistical work, not every censor knows a little bit.

   Read it all over again.

  Han Zhenggang flicked his sleeves, and said without anger: "Zhang Ronghua is so courageous, he dared to embezzle thousands of taels!"

  Looking at the people in the Bachelor Hall, he asked coldly, "Where is he?"

   "My lord, my lord is working in the library hall!"

   "Follow me!"

   Take the lead and rush towards the library hall.

  Satisfied, Chen Xianhe followed closely behind, only half a step behind.

   Soon people from the Procuratorate came over, like a gust of wind, spread in the Hall of Scholars, and some people followed quietly, trying to figure out the whole story and what happened.

   There are also some people who are well-informed. They know that Zhang Ronghua is cheating, and they were caught by Chen Xianhe. People from the Metropolitan Procuratorate were invited to investigate the matter. No matter what, something big happened in the Palace of Scholars!

  The hut.

  The person who inquired about the news returned again, and told about Han Zhenggang and others going to the library hall.

   Ask again: "Master Su, are we going there now?"

   Think for a moment.

  Su Changhe felt that it was difficult for Zhang Ronghua to stand up, and this time he was determined. He just happened to watch him make a fool of himself, nodded, and said again: "From now on, he is no longer the head of the Scholars Hall."

  Five people left the hut, the smell was so bad that even the flies had to make a detour.


  Heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from outside.

  Zhang Ronghua put down his teacup and smiled jokingly: "The fun has begun."

  Han Zhenggang arrived outside the gate of the palace at this time, but was stopped by two Jinlin Xuantian soldiers, who sternly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

  They won't listen to him unless Zhang Ronghua orders.

  The door of the temple is opened from the inside.

Zhang Ronghua came out, Ding Yi and Lu Junxiu followed behind, watching the battle in front of them, a lot of people came, there were some people at the courtyard gate with their heads outstretched to watch the excitement, took a look, looked away, and their eyes fell on On Han Zhenggang's body: "This is the Hall of Scholars, not the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

  The two look at each other!

  Han Zhenggang's eyes were cold and disdainful, and he forced his attitude: "You are Zhang Ronghua?"

   "It's the official!"

   "Now you still dare to call yourself the official?"

  Han Zhenggang sneered, raised two fingers, waved violently, and ordered: "Take him down!"

  The Golden Scale Xuantian Army he brought aggressively stepped forward, stretched out his palm, and grabbed Zhang Ronghua.

  Ding Yi wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Zhang Ronghua's wink.

  Standing where he was, he didn't move a bit: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate wants to arrest someone, or is it an official ordered by the imperial court, do you have documents?"

  Han Zhenggang was stunned for a moment, and in his excitement, he actually forgot about this. He waved his hand, motioned for them to retreat, stepped forward, and sneered: "You have committed a crime. After you are taken down, I will make up the documents afterward."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "What did this officer commit? Even if he did commit a crime, it is the responsibility of Dali Temple to arrest people, right?"

   "It's urgent, if you take the opportunity to escape, wouldn't it take a lot of trouble for Dali Temple to arrest someone?"

   "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. You wronged the court officials for no reason. You are the censor of Youqian Capital. You should know what the crime is?"

  Han Zhenggang was not frightened. He had enough criminal evidence in his hands, so he didn't panic at all, and replied, "Don't worry about it!"

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "Since Han Yushi said that I am guilty, you might as well name the crime and see what it is."

   "Purchasing low-quality books, pens and inks, etc., shoddy them as good ones, and made fake account books to embezzle thousands of taels."

   "Where's the evidence?"

  Han Zhenggang took out the fake account book and sneered, "Here it is!"

  Open the account book, pointing to the marks marked with a pen on it, and then said.

   "Didn't expect it? No matter how well you do it, you will eventually miss it."

  Zhang Ronghua set him up step by step, and asked: "If the content recorded above is true, what crime would it be?"

   "Knowing the law and breaking the law, as a chief official, the crime will be aggravated. Immediately put in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, tortured and tortured, and then recover the money for the crime, and then draw up documents, dismissed from office, demoted to common people, and given a heavy sentence according to the degree of crime!"

   "What if money is used up?"

  Han Zhenggang laughed. It was a cold smile. He didn't know what was going on, felt wrong, and couldn't explain it. At this point, the matter was almost settled. Why didn't he panic at all? Could it be that he did not do this? But the time recorded in the account book happened during the period when Zhang Ronghua was in charge. Whether he did it or not, he couldn’t shirk his responsibility. Thinking of this, he put away his suspicions, and then said: "Confiscation of the house! The man was slaved and exiled for thousands of miles , the woman broke into the Jiaofang Division!"

   Add a sentence.

   "In the face of conclusive evidence, no matter who comes forward, it can't save you!"

   Stop talking and tell Zhang Ronghua, don't expect the prince to save you.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled: "I remember it."

   "Are you coming with me by yourself, or are you escorted?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head, but what he said shocked him a lot: "Neither!"

  Han Zhenggang stepped back in a hurry, only then remembered that he was a military commander, and killing him with his cultivation was as easy as trampling on an ant, so he hurriedly shouted: "Stop him!"

  Several Jinlin Xuantian soldiers rushed up and stood between them, pressing their palms on the hilt of their swords. As long as Zhang Ronghua made a move, they would take him down.

  Zhang Ronghua showed sarcasm: "What's wrong with Han Yushi? I'm not a man-eating tiger. Why are you so nervous?"

  Han Zhenggang hid behind, kept a certain safe distance, and shouted coldly: "You want to use force to resist arrest?"

   "I didn't break the law, why did I resist arrest?"

   Without waiting for him to speak, Zhang Ronghua continued: "Unfortunately! This officer also has something to trouble you."

Pointing to the Jinlin Xuantian Army next to him, his name is Cao Xing, and the man who was secretly staring at Su Changhe was also the one who used the phonograph stone to record the scene of Su Changhe sneaking into the accounting room: "Tell me what you saw last night. .”

   "No!" Cao Xing replied respectfully.

   Immediately, Su Changhe explained in detail how Su Changhe sneaked into the account room.

Han Zhenggang's complexion was ugly, but fortunately he cultivated his energy deeply, and the anger in his heart did not show on his face. Combined with Zhang Ronghua's performance from beginning to end, and the present witnesses, this matter may be a trap set by him. After getting rid of Su Changhe and the others, he jumped in on his own initiative.

  I figured it out, but it's not over yet.

   "Only relying on his one-sided words, trying to convince people?"

  The situation was completely reversed, and it was Zhang Ronghua's turn to be aggressive. Although he was smiling, it was a bloodless smile: "Here!"

  The short words are exactly what Han Zheng just said.

  Take out the phonograph stone, transform the Xuanhuang True Essence into Xuanhuang Internal Force, input a little into it, and the screen will appear in front of everyone.

  I saw Su Changhe sneaking into the accounting room furtively, changing positions, tampering with the account books, putting the fake account books prepared in advance into it, and then quietly leaving.

   Finish playing.

  Zhang Ronghua put away the phonograph stone and said jokingly: "Is this enough evidence?"

Han Zhenggang didn't speak, his eyes were terribly cold, he had never confronted before, and he didn't know Zhang Ronghua's ability, but when he saw him today, he was very skillful, he hugged the grass and beat the rabbit, and beat him by the way, he couldn't tell the pain, so he turned around , gave Chen Xianhe a cold look, and walked outside without saying a word.

  I've already lost my face, why don't you stay here and let him step on the ground?

  He wanted to leave, but he had to ask Zhang Ronghua whether to agree or not: "The matter is not over yet, and Han Yushi is leaving?"

   Heard the words.

  Han Zhenggang stopped, and the words he said were colder than a blade: "What do you want to say?"

"I seem to remember what Han Yushi said just now. This is a felony. Those who committed the crime will be dismissed and investigated. They will be imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and then they will be ordered to search their homes. The men will be exiled and the women will be imprisoned in the Jiaofang Division. Am I wrong?" Yet?"


  Han Zhenggang took a breath in his heart, and his evaluation of Zhang Ronghua went up to a higher level. This person is really ruthless! Either don't make a move, once he seizes the opportunity to get into death, even himself becomes a knife in his hand.

  Obviously he wanted to get rid of Su Changhe and the others, but now it is a good thing, he has recited the infamy himself, but he has gained a good reputation and managed to get things done.

  But in the current situation, I have no way out, but bear all the infamy in humiliation, and silently resist everything for Zhang Ronghua.

   "Don't worry about it!"

  Zhang Ronghua threw the phonograph stone over: "This is criminal evidence, you have to keep it away, so many people are looking at it, if you lose or damage it, but covering up criminals is a serious crime, and you can't afford it!"

  Han Zhenggang knew that he was threatening him, but he couldn't refute it, so he honestly put away the phonograph stone.

   At this time.

  Su Changhe and the others arrived late, stopped at the door, and squeezed desperately inside, trying to figure out what's going on.

   But the stench on their bodies was too strong, and as soon as they approached, someone scolded: "Grass! What stinks so much?"

  Looking back, I saw that the real master was coming, and it was too late for others to hide this matter. They still squeezed inside, showing pity on their faces, and made way for them to go in.

  Su Changhe was taken aback. Could it be that Zhang Ronghua has already been captured? Is this to please yourself? Knowing that he wants to be promoted in advance to curry favor?

  He held his head high and walked in as it should.

  Arrived in the courtyard, seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Han Zhenggang's complexion was ugly, his eyes were like knives, and he was terribly cold. Zhang Ronghua put his hands behind his back, smiled faintly, and was suspicious in his heart. What's going on? Why is it not as expected? Have things changed?

I wanted to find someone to ask, but the people in the Bachelor Hall were hiding at the door, and some of them saw Zhang Ronghua's fierce methods, and were frightened and sneaked away. Even if there were still some, they didn't dare to get too close. The rest were Chen Xianhe. I don't know the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so even if I ask, I won't bother myself.

   Look aside for a while, and make a decision after clarifying the matter.

  Before they moved away, Zhang Ronghua said: "The Lord is here."

  Han Zhenggang turned around, and his cold eyes fell on them. No matter how old he was at this moment, he knew that something was wrong. It seemed that there was an accident. Before they could speak, he ordered coldly, "Take it down!"

  The Golden Scale Xuantian Army brought by them finally came in handy, rushed up rudely, pressed them to the ground, and detained their hands.

  Su Changhe was in a hurry, and asked: "We didn't make a mistake? Why are we arrested?"

  Han Zhenggang was furious and scolded: "Sneaked into the accounting room secretly, framed the chief officer with fake account books, and reached an ulterior secret. How can you say you didn't make a mistake?"

   "This is slander! My lord, you must not believe his words."

   "How dare you speak hard when you are about to die!"

  Han Zhenggang named Jinlin Xuantianjun input a little internal force into it, and played the screen in the phonograph stone again.

   Now the five people panicked, and the other four immediately pointed their finger at him: "It's none of our business, all of this was planned by Su Changhe, and he did it too."

Su Changhe was also terrified, the evidence was conclusive, once it was handed over to Dali Temple for trial, it would really be over, he said in a panic: "Feng Youwei found me, let me use the opportunity of the Ministry of Accounts to check the account books this time, to frame Zhang Ronghua! Taught me how to do it, even the fake ledgers were given by him."

  Han Zhenggang quickly kicked him in the face, interrupted his remaining words, and shouted: "Shut up!"

  Waved his hand and asked the Jinlin Xuantian Army to take him away, wanting to end this matter, fearing that more people would be involved.

  Zhang Ronghua came down from the steps, stood in front of them, and asked: "Su Changhe confessed to the mastermind behind the scenes. You are the censor and have the right to supervise. Could it be that you pretend not to see it, or cover it up?"

   "Nonsense! How can I cover criminals if I act upright and sit upright?"

Seeing that Zhang Ronghua was still staring at him, swearing not to give up until the matter was settled, Han Zhenggang was annoyed and hated Chen Xianhe to death. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have gotten into this muddy water. With so many people watching, they can only go one way to the dark.

   Flicking his sleeves, he said coldly, "Go to Tianji Pavilion!"

  Out of the Hall of Scholars, walked towards Tianji Pavilion.

  Zhang Ronghua took Ding Yi and the others to follow behind. After they left, the other people in the Bachelor's Hall, some bold ones, hid far away and followed behind, wanting to eat melons and watch the show.

  Chen Xianhe, a shit-stirring stick, knew that he had caused trouble, so he dared to check the account books again, and led people away in a hurry, not wanting to get involved.

   On the road.

  Ding Yi blinked, laughed and said, "Let me just say it! This matter has nothing to do with He Wenxuan."

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head, and when he heard that Feng Youwei was behind the scenes, he went over the matter again, and the result was still the same.

But since Su Changhe insisted that it was Feng Youwei, he probably ordered it. Thinking of what happened during this period, during the confrontation with He Wenxuan, Feng Youwei suffered a lot. After becoming a joke of Tianji Pavilion, it is reasonable to conspire with Su Changhe secretly to design this scene under the rage.

   "It should be his own doing."

   "A little Dianqian Yilang, who gave him such courage?"

   "Little people are also human beings, and sometimes they lose their reason due to anger. Under impulse, they do outrageous and reckless things."

   "It seems to be the same." Ding Yi nodded.

   Stopped at the main entrance of Tianji Pavilion. With so many people, something big happened at first glance. Passing officials also joined the ranks of eating melons, standing on the sidelines to watch the show.

  Han Zhenggang couldn't get off the tiger, but he had to do it, otherwise he would suffer, so he took a step forward: "Please inform me, Han Zhenggang, the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, asked to see Mr. He!"

"Hold on!"

  A Jinlin Xuantian army threw down a word and rushed towards the inside in a hurry.

  In the main hall.

He Wenxuan has been in a bad mood these two days. Looking at the mountain of memorials in front of him, every time he deals with them, he will think of Zhang Ronghua. Seeing him live and grow more and more nourished under my nose, let alone how uncomfortable it is.

just now.

  Han Zhenggang ordered someone to send news, and Feng Youwei sent a message, telling him that Zhang Ronghua used his power to enrich his own pockets during the time he was in charge of the Bachelor's Hall, and embezzled thousands of taels.

  The depressed mood was swept away, a smile appeared, everything was done with enthusiasm, and everything was pleasing to the eye. I never felt that the sun was so warm and comfortable from the bottom of my heart.

  Even the eyes looking at Feng Youwei softened a little, and for the first time let him sit on a chair to drink tea with him.

   Holding a teacup.

Feng Youwei was proud of himself, knowing that he made the right move. Getting rid of Zhang Ronghua not only vented his anger, but also won the favor of He Wenxuan. Before doing this, how could he sit in front of him and drink tea? What he drank was spirit tea , but he didn't dare to say that the boss hates subordinates who make decisions without authorization and don't obey orders. If they can get out of control once, there will be a second time. The end was miserable, so I could only bury it in my heart.

   It didn't prevent him from being happy, and it didn't prevent him from flattering. He smelled the milky white tea and praised: "Good tea! It's bright in color and fragrant. It's like being in a cloud. It's refreshing."

  He Wenxuan enjoyed it very much. He was in a beautiful mood. Knowing that he was flattering, he also felt very comfortable. He smiled and said, "Try it!"

   "It's adults!"

  Feng Youwei took a sip of the tea, and the tea entered his stomach. It contained enough aura, and the taste was really good. Just like the flattering he just patted, the ups and downs in the clouds made people want to stop.

  Put down the teacup, with a serious expression: "This is the best spiritual tea that I have ever drunk in my life, and it is definitely the number one! Only you, my lord, can get it. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see it in person."

He Wenxuan shook his head, and said patiently: "This spirit tea is average, not a treasure. The spirit tea I drank at Mr. Cui's place two months ago is called a treasure. Even now, I can't forget the unique taste. .It’s a pity that Mr. Cui doesn’t have much in his hands, otherwise I would have the cheek to ask for some.”

   Taking a sip of tea, he expressed his incomprehension.

   "Zhang Ronghua has an inn and a steamed stuffed bun shop under his name, and he makes money every day. Logically speaking, he is not short of money. Even if he is short of money, he is short of big money, not just a few thousand taels. Could it be that Han Zhenggang made a mistake?"

Feng Youwei panicked, and broke out in a cold sweat. He actually forgot this important link, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no way to remedy it. Sophistry, can only be dismissed and investigated, even if the crown prince and Pei Caihua come forward, they can't keep him.

Thinking of this, the flustered heart regained its composure: "People's hearts are unpredictable! It's like those merchants outside, the richer they are, the more greedy they are, and they wish all the money in the world would go into their pockets. Although the words are a bit rough, they make sense. it's the same."

   18,000 words burst!

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  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion