MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2179 Destroy the fairy

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The plane of the collision is constantly expanding, like a huge black cloud emerging on the door of Kobe.

It seems that the sky has split a hole, and the other side of the breach does not know what world it is leading to.

The collapsed space is the most terrible disaster on the Shenzun continent. No matter how high the monk is, it will be caught in the black hole, and it will instantly disappear in the chaos of time and space, but two people can create it in between. This horrible space is really unacceptable.

The Kobe disciples thoroughly looked at the dumbfounded eyes, and they only deeply understood the great difference between Xianzun and them.

"Hey? You are not in the list, why is Xianli so sturdy?" Ling Wannian stopped the offensive.

Qin Feng did fly into the fairy world, but he had spent a hundred years in the small world of time, and the rumor that Ling Wannian also entered the fairy road 100 years ago, so compared, the time of the two people's cultivation is almost the same.

"Is my fairy power strong? I don't think that I am too weak!"

Qin Feng snorted and punched another punch in his hand.

The attack of this boxing instantly turned into a seven-box in the void, forming seven spatial cracks, such as the Big Dipper.

When the black hole hit, Ling Wannian immediately shot a few palms, and the two interfaces collided, once again causing an earth-shattering loud noise.

As the saying goes, the gods fight and the mortal suffers.

When Qin Feng and Ling Wannian played against each other, the disciples of Kobe Gate could not wait to escape from this place. According to their style of play, Kobe’s door will be filled with black holes. If those black holes fall, no one wants to survive.

"Hey! I thought I could beat me? Let you see my true strength!"

After several encounters, the two did not suffer substantial harm. Ling Wannian’s patience was exhausted and he suddenly screamed, but he did not see any new offensive.

Qin Feng suddenly squinted and felt that a powerful Xianhai was hitting his brain. He immediately stopped the offensive in his hand, and the whole person stood like a puppet.

"Hey? What happened to the guy? Suddenly it didn't move."

"There is such a good time, and I don't see the shots of Lingmen. I really can't understand the fight of Xianzun."

"Is it the soul to shell out? Their bodies are fixed in the void, but in fact the soul is not playing."

As a group of monks in the realm of comprehension, it is difficult to understand the current situation, only by guessing and imagination.

At this time, Ling Wannian's body suddenly moved, and lightning quickly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

"The shark's robbers, no one can stop me from ruling the gods, even if the heavens don't think about it!"

Ling Wannian’s look became crazy, and when the palm of his hand was shot, the void suddenly exploded.

But the palm of the hand was shot, and a black hole was formed in the sky.

Qin Feng disappeared, but a strong Xianhai instantly poured into Ling Wannian’s mind. When Ling Wannian realized that the crisis was too late, there was an explosion in his fairy sea, as if thousands of needles were in his mind. Stirring, let him not want to live.

The sky is full of screams of Ling Wannian, not only the momentum, but also the offensive of Xianhai.

The Kobe disciples were immediately attacked, and the low-ranking monks directly destroyed the sea and became a waste. The monks with higher realms resisted hard and showed a very painful look.

"You dare to swear! You know who the old man is! I am the first strong deity of the gods, and none of the people I am against."

Ling Wannian screamed again and again, like a wild beast with a hair.

Qin Feng once again released a few waves of Xianhai offensive. The tone was indifferent: "You are not worthy of ruling the gods, and the position of the first strong deservant should be replaced."

When the new offensive hit, Ling Wannian’s Xianhaili was quickly blasted like a firewire. The loud noise was only heard by him, and the black hole space was more intense than the empty space. The ear of the earthquake was tens of thousands of years. deaf.

"Qin Feng! You stop quickly, we can union, so God respects the mainland is your world." Ling Wannian lowered his posture.

Qin Feng said indifferently: "I am with you? I am afraid of breaking my reputation. Today I must use your blood to pay homage to those who have died."

A long rainbow floats.

It seems as if the sunset sky falls and lingers on Ling Wannian.

The violent explosion is like the end of the day, the sky is completely broken, and it is covered with dense cracks, like a hive.

Ling Wannian no longer has the power to fight back. The body splits in the explosion and eventually falls into those black holes, disappearing without a trace.

After half an hour.

The explosion over Kobe’s door has not subsided.

Qin Feng flew down in the tiankeng, and there was a faint scent of scent, like a sharp dagger reaching the throat of every monk, so that the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Daqiu has reported that Qin Feng can't afford any joy.

As he had expected in the first place, what if he killed Ling Wannian? Dead friends and family can't resurrect.

Qin Feng stood in the tiankeng and stayed in the crater. None of the millions of Kobe disciples dared to sneak away. They dare not come out of their eyes. They didn’t dare to aim at Qin Feng, and even the gods were blocked. I accidentally provoked Qin Feng to be unhappy, and the next second would be ruined.

After a long time, Qin Feng sighed and said, he adjusted his emotions and continued: "Today, my Qin Feng annihilated the door of the door of the Kobe, Ling Wannian, and removed the evil for the gods and dispelled the gods. The millennium catastrophe on the mainland, I hope that the factions will live in harmony in the future, and not to fight and kill."

After losing a word, Qin Feng turned into a sword rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

After a full fragrant time, only a few monks returned.

"Has the Qin predecessor gone?"

"It should be gone, and I can't feel the breath of him nearby."

"He actually killed Ling Wannian? When he looked at his early thirties, he set foot on the throne of the first supreme **** in the mainland. This is the youngest first supreme since the formation of the gods."

"Ling Wannian is really dead? It's great! Our Tianzhumen was forced to join the Kobe Gate, but I hated Ling Wannian in my heart. He not only blocked the big squad, but also hindered everyone flying and slaughtered. Many disciples I sent... Now, the gods respect the mainland has finally returned."

There are many monks who have the same experience as the heads of Tianzhumen. In order to survive, they have to succumb to the days when Kobe Gate began to sneak and sneak into life. Now Qin Feng annihilates Lingwanian, which is the most exciting news on the mainland of China.

The tree fell.

When Ling Wannian died, the various factions immediately joined forces to eradicate the remaining disciples of Kobe Gate. After Qin Feng’s killing of Ling Wannian for half a month, God’s revered heavenly Kobe gate disappeared for a century.

Read The Duke's Passion