MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2178 Ultimate battle

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"The generation of ants, too arrogant is not a good thing, it will only make you die very fast!"

"Even if you are stepping into the Xianli, you will not want to destroy the Kobe door today."

The four people still don't forget to talk about it. This is a question about face.

Only their voices just fell, four swords and rainbows appeared, as if they were flying from the sky, and instantly annihilated the four true gods.

As soon as the gods were blown up, when the four gods uttered a terrible scream, the gods of many Kobe disciples were severely wounded, and the pain in their heads exploded.

The strong deities of the five true gods also failed to stop Qin Feng, and even was annihilated by a knife. Until then, the disciples of Kobe were deeply aware of the horror of Qin Feng. This time there was only one enemy, but he was like A giant mountain is pressed in the hearts of every monk.

"The elders who are even in the real world are destroyed. Can that guy step into the fairy?"

"Isn't it going to enter the fairy world after Feixian? Why can he stay on the Shenzun continent?"

"The demise of the Kobe Gate is coming, and the whole Shenzun is afraid that only the head of the squad can fight it!"

The crowd frying pan, no one dared to list the battle with Qin Feng.

There are also a few real gods who are strong in the crowd and have no previous glory.

At this time, a hurricane rushed from under the crater. A moment later, a figure emerged in the sky, immediately causing the crowd to scream.

"Lingzhangmen finally got out!"

"Haha! Lingzhangmen is also here, and the death of the ants is coming."

Ling Wannian appeared.

His figure just appeared in the sky, and several figures flew to him at the same time.

"I have seen Lingmen!"

The six people shouted in unison, and they were the true gods. They were not allowed to be listed by Qin Feng’s Shenwei, but they recovered their enthusiasm after seeing the head of the family.

However, when the greetings of the six people just fell, the six rainbows were smashed, and their bodies were blown up on the spot. Ling Wannian stood in the explosion source, as if the explosion did not exist.

"God! The guy dared to kill a few elders in front of the head of the squad. He was really impatient."

"Why didn't Lingzhangmen save the six elders? Or did he have no chance to save?"

The disciples in the tiankeng have different looks. A small number of people have already had panic emotions. Isn’t the mind of the squad not the opponent of the guy?

Ling Wannian simply ignored the voices of the arguments, and the look was indifferent as water. A pair of bright eyes like a star fell on the body of Qin Feng, as if to see Qin Feng from the inside out.

"You are flying a fairy!" Ling Wannian suddenly spoke.

Qin Feng's eyes are red, and the fire of hatred in his heart is burning at the moment he sees Ling Wannian, and he is about to ignite his whole person.

"Ling Wannian! Today, my Qin Feng came to pick your dog!"

"Oh! Don't think that he has been a fairyland. It is a great deal. The old man broke through the immortal obstacles 100 years ago. Now he is repairing far above you. Although you killed many of my disciples, I am willing to give you a chance to survive, as long as you will I am sincerely following you, I promise that this **** respects the mainland to let you go." Ling Wannian played the idea of ​​accepting Qin Feng.

"Don't dream, I won't succumb to you if I die!"

"You killed Nantian and waited for the nine supremes, and destroyed the Lin family. The relatives and friends around me have to sacrifice themselves and make the Shenzun mainland smoldering. If I don't kill you, how can I explain to those who have died? "Qin Feng's voice is loud, like a thunder in the ears of everyone.

Ling Wannian showed a sneer: "Hey! You didn't even get rid of the demons. I really don't know how you stepped into the Xianli. God respects the mainland and is the plane of the strong. If you want to die, you can't die." To be strong, the ants that you said will not be killed by my hands, and one day they will be killed by others."

"Not to mention that I have given them the opportunity to survive, as long as they obey me, they will continue to survive. They don't cherish life, how can they blame my head." Ling Wannian took a natural look.

Qin Feng clenched his fists and spurred a scent from him. The space around him began to shatter and the violent explosion sounded. The scene shocked everyone.

"You don't have to make excuses for yourself. Anyway, I will fight with you today. I will use your blood to pay homage to those who have died." Qin Feng said.

Ling Wannian ridiculed: "Just you can't kill me, advise you not to sacrifice your life in vain. If you don't look at the gods for tens of thousands of years, there are only a dozen monks flying, I don't. Will waste your tongue."

"There is another point. I have nothing to do with what I have done. I am proud of my pride. God has respected the mainland for only a dozen people flying tens of thousands of years. The lack of aura is the main reason, and the root cause of lack of aura. The population is too much, and what I am doing now is to get rid of those extra monks and let the gods respect the mainland into a perfect state."

Qin Feng heard a nausea. If Ling Wannian really considered it for the monk's monk Feixian, how could he arrange a large array of squadrons? He said this only to confuse the monks who surrendered to the door of Kobe.

"You are more shameless than I thought."

Ling Wannian smiled and said: "You have stepped into the fairy, and you are still hanging on the face of these vain things. You are so funny."

"Do you think it's funny? I'm afraid you won't laugh out."

Under the chasing of Qin Feng, an offensive has already been launched.

Others did not move in the air, but saw a long rainbow sweeping away from the void.

Numerous monks screamed in the mouth, Qin Feng's knife is fierce and fierce, feeling that as long as it gets on the body, it will be broken.

Ling Wannian was calm and calm. When Jianhong stopped his waist, he shot a palm in the air. The air suddenly broke down and a black hole crack appeared. The sword rainbow went through the black hole. The momentum remained the same, but after Ling Wannian The piece of sword rainbow in front of him disappeared.

"Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then I will fulfill you!"

After Ling Wannian stopped Qin Feng’s sword, he immediately launched a counterattack.

The palm shot, a huge black hole floating, as if the sky opened a crack, leading to another unknown world.

"what is that?"

"God! Under the palm of the palm of the hand, I even shot the wrong space."

"Is this the power of Xianzun? It can form a crack in the shot, which also makes people fight?"

The eyes of the Kobe door were stunned. They were the first to see the head of the squad. Even though there were strong monks who attacked the door of Kobe this year, Ling Wannian had never seen it.

The black hole positive speed rushed toward Qin Feng, and Qin Feng immediately blasted a punch, and also broke a crack in the void. When the two cracks collided, they made an earth-shattering loud noise, as if two misplaced spaces were colliding with each other. Fusion forms a new unknown plane.

Read The Duke's Passion