MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1090 Goodbye Tianzun

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"You're back?" Rumble's voice resounded throughout the world.

He Xie still couldn't see the true face of the figure that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Today's He Xie is a powerhouse at the level of defying the sky, but he still can't see through the true face of Yuanshi Tianzun. It is conceivable what incredible realm this mighty cultivation base has reached.

He is a saint, but he has long been more than Daluo.

"Meet Tianzun." He Xie bowed his hands in salute.

"You and I are daoist friends, so you don't need to be polite." Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"Tianzun has the grace of interpreting the Tao to me, the virtue of preaching the law, and the etiquette cannot be abandoned." He Xie insisted, "I came here to visit because of fear in my heart, so I came here to ask for advice."

"Why are you afraid?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"On a whim, I'm in a state of panic." He Xie said solemnly, "Even if you are in the long river of time and space, you feel that doom is inevitable, but it has nothing to do with cause and effect."

He looked at Yuanshi Tianzun: "Dare to ask Tianzun, is it the long river of time and space, brewing the calamity of the world?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was silent for a moment, and sighed: "It is worthy of the reverse cultivation of humanity, your induction is correct, all living beings have cause and effect, the world has cause and effect, and the river of time and space naturally has cause and effect."

"Although the long river of time and space is galloping, the old time and space have accumulated more and more, and the long river of time and space is getting slower and slower. I am afraid that the day of causality will not be too far away."

He Xierao is because He Xie was mentally prepared, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

A person's causal eruption can make a Heavenly Dao level powerhouse wither in the flesh, and in ten thousand years as a unit, suffer the pain of being devoured by the causal insects, and there is absolutely no way to do it.

The causal eruption of a world is the extinction of all beings and the collapse of the world.

So what kind of terrifying scene will the causal eruption of the long river of time and space with countless worlds?

He Xie can't imagine!

If there is ever a hopeless true end, this must be it!

"Dare to ask Tianzun, how to deal with it?" He Xie asked slowly, his face heavy.

He really doesn't know how to deal with it. He knows the power of the worm of karma. The most desperate thing is not the power of the worm of karma, but their inexhaustible quantity, as if it will never be exhausted.

When dealing with the worms of karma in the absolute domain of the ten directions, He Xie's original energy reserves were spent nine-tenths. If the worms of karma were doubled at that time, He Xie would never stand here at this moment!

He Xie spent nearly two hundred years to deal with a mere worm of cause and effect in the ten directions!

What if the worm of cause and effect of a world?

What if there is a long river of time and space with endless worlds?

He couldn't imagine what a terrible and desperate scene it would be!

"Without him, we can only fight to the death."

Yuanshi Tianzun's answer did not make He Xie more hopeful.

"Fellow Daoist Chen chose to go back to the world because he sensed the change in the long river of time and space as early as ten thousand years ago. In desperation, he chose to go back to the world." He explained, and He Xie suddenly realized.

No wonder a powerhouse like Chen Nan would be so desperate.

It's just that Chen Nan's own causal eruption made him a ghoul, helpless.

The causal eruption of the entire time and space river has no solution at all.

"As early as 5,000 years ago, some daoists began to run for this matter, and these daoists are at least the Venerable Heavenly Dao." Because of this, we need like-minded people.”

This explanation made He Xie understand a lot of things.

But he also noticed the information revealed in Yuanshi Tianzun's words.

"The lowest is the Venerable Heavenly Dao?"

"Dare to ask Tianzun, above the realm of heaven, is there a realm?" He Xie asked.

The power of Heaven in the tomb of the gods is unimaginable for He Xie. He can't imagine how incredible the existence of Heaven will be.

"Transcendence." Yuanshi Tianzun explained, "The real detachment person is detached from time and space, detached from cause and effect, and has great freedom and freedom."

"Beyond time and space and beyond cause and effect?" He Xie was shocked and quickly asked, "Can space and time and cause and effect really be resolved by their own strength?"

"It's not resolution, it's detachment." Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head, "It's like a golden cicada escaped from the shell, got rid of the old time and space, broke free from the past karma, jumped out of the long river of time and space, but what can jump out is still only now, they no longer bear the karma of time and space. Suffering, but still can't completely ignore the old time and space and cause and effect."

"Their past is all left in the long river of time and space. If the long river of time and space is really destroyed, they will become rootless. What will happen? You can imagine."

He Xie shook his head: "Transcendence...Even those who are detached can't really solve cause and effect and time and space."

"If time and space are completely destroyed and cause and effect are resolved, it means that there is no past."

"And without the past, without cause and effect, it has become a rootless weed..."

"It's an unsolved paradox..."

He Xie's voice was full of bitterness.

He is not afraid of challenges, not afraid of pain, but what he is afraid of is that there is no hope at all!

But He Xie quickly abandoned the idea of ​​this moment.

In any case, it is impossible for him to stand still. In this case, it is useless to think about it.

"Fellow Daoist He, two hundred years from now, we will go back to the source and fight against time and space." Yuanshi Tianzun said, "There is not much time left for you."

He Xie nodded slowly.

"Tianzun, I want to resolve the cause and effect of the past, but I don't know what to teach me?" He sincerely asked for advice.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I only have one piece of advice."

"Please enlighten me!" He Xie cupped his hands.

"Cause and effect will not be eliminated, but only grafted." Yuanshi Tianzun said slowly.

He Xie is thoughtful.

Yuanshi Tianzun continued: "Fellow Daoist He, going back to the source is the only way to get along. Some people choose to be the me at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and some people choose to be the me now. The root of the problem is not how to choose, but how to adapt. cause and effect."

"Thank you Tianzun for your teaching." In the end, He Xie bowed respectfully and left this world.

Before leaving, He Xie turned around and looked back.

There are endless colorful chains in between, densely growing from Yuanshi Tianzun's body that penetrates the sky and the earth, extending to the unknown.

And the endless human-faced monsters crawl toward Yuanshi Tianzun along these chains.

There are so many monsters with human faces that they have already drowned the world where Tianzun Yuanshi is located.

This was not the first time He Xie had seen this shocking scene, but it confirmed something he had never figured out before.

That is - the worm of karma and the shackles of karma complement each other, and when you deal with the worm of karma that belongs to you, the shackles of karma will entangle you more and more tightly. The more karma bugs you kill, the more karma shackles will entangle you.

That's why cause and effect are so hard to deal with.

As for the previous in the Ten Directions Territory, He Xie only dealt with the cause and effect of others, and the difficulty was naturally different.


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