MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1089 time, cause and effect

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The bizarre time and space river flows quietly in the emptiness of nothingness, galloping past, never stopping.

No one knows where the long river of time and space came from, and no one knows where it goes.

No one even knows why it was born and when it will die.

The endless flow of time and space has created countless waves and bubbles.

Every spray, every bubble, is a world.

They are born suddenly, and they are fleeting. In the long river of time and space flowing in eternity, the birth and death of a world is just a moment.

But this moment, for the beings in the heavens and the world, is equivalent to a long period of time, even eternity.

What exactly is time?

How did space come into being?

Nobody knows.

Even He Xie, who is wandering in the long river of time and space at this moment, can't give an exact answer.

Because the time and space laws he masters are only relative to him, or relative to the laws of life.

But what does time and space mean to a world, how to measure time and space for nothingness, and even for space and time itself, I am afraid that the most powerful Heavenly Dao Venerable cannot give a perfect answer.

He Xie only knew that the past time and space had not disappeared.

They are retained by cause and effect, and they use cause and effect as a shackle to bind people's present. People who are entangled in cause and effect, every second they live, they are carrying the overlapping time and space and cause and effect in the past.

When a person's ability is no longer enough to bear the past time and space and cause and effect, he will be bound by the old time and space, unable to continue to grow and move forward, and then will be swallowed up by the cause and effect that has been formed, and eventually die. This is the origin of the poison of time and space and the worm of cause and effect.

This is the essence of life and death, the essence of reincarnation, and the essence of time and space and the world.

No matter how evil, if he never jumped out of the water, and his life ended in his previous life being killed by a fuel tanker, it would be because he had forged too many causes and effects, which made him carry the old time and space for more than 20 years. Years, and finally overwhelmed, the fruit of death disappeared, and the old time and space were also shattered.

But he got the light and went to the heavens and the world, so he had more time and space of the old days and forged more cause and effect.

Those shackles are the causal chains that connect the old days. They bind He Xie, subtly affect He Xie, and change He Xie.

The longer He Xie lived, the more time and space of the old days he carried, the stronger he was, the more cause and effect he forged.

It's also that He Xie became stronger enough, so until now, karma has not completely erupted, but it is a matter of time before the worm of karma catches up, because the higher the realm, the slower the growth of power, and the deeper the bondage. Sooner or later, the balance will be broken, and it will be swallowed by the worm of cause and effect.

He Xie could clearly sense that the terrifying voices from the shackles of karma were getting closer and closer to him.

Therefore, getting rid of the old time and space and resolving the shackles of cause and effect are his top priorities.

This is not an easy task. In fact, countless amazing people have tried all kinds of methods.

Some people forget their emotions and want to destroy the old self and become a god, but it is in vain. The old time and space will not disappear with the old self, because the old self is also a part of the old time and space.

Some people open up the world and want to graft the old time and space and cause and effect into the world, but it is still in vain. Instead, because of the birth of the world, more cause and effect are produced.

Some people try their best to prove the Dao and take their own path, but in the end, they are helpless, they are still dragged down by the old days, and they are swallowed up by cause and effect.

The almighty people in the heavens and the world have traveled all the roads that they can walk, but no one has succeeded.

It seems that the old days cannot be escaped at all, and cause and effect cannot be resolved at all.

Occasionally there are special measures, but they are only temporary solutions.

Things like merit and good fortune can indeed destroy old causes and effects, but new ones are still born.

Another example is Shengneng, which can indeed shatter the old days and resolve causality, but Shengneng itself is the power of inverse causality. You must reverse enough causalities to get the corresponding Yuanneng. This has formed a paradox of a vicious circle, which is still the act of drinking poison to quench thirst.

In short, the poison of time and space, the worm of cause and effect, has become a nightmare that all strong people cannot solve.

He Xie controls the light, and travels in the long river of time and space.

When he was a mortal, he understood a truth - the more he knew, the more he understood his ignorance.

Now, he has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

He Xie has a deep understanding of the world, origin, laws, time and space, and he is at the peak of the world.

But in the vast river of time and space, he felt how small he was.

Everything he realized was still just a drop in the ocean.

He faintly had a kind of great terror. This kind of terror occurred when the world of the tomb of the gods was fighting, like the maggots on the tarsus, which made He Xie uneasy.

At first he thought it was a threat from Dugu Baitian or Chen Nan, but later he felt it was the approaching of the poison of time and space and the worm of a country, but now that he was wandering in the long river of time and space, he finally clearly sensed where the threat came from.

An aura of destruction filled the entire time and space.

It was this terrifying aura that made He Xie unable to resist at all, and gave him the feeling of doomsday.

This made He Xie have to change the original itinerary and follow the way he came to find Yuanshi Tianzun.

With He Xie's current cultivation base, Guangyuan has completely become a tool for him to travel, rather than the dominance of traveling through time and space.

He can easily locate his target world in the long river of time and space, so as to achieve the purpose of time and space shuttle.

If he wants, he can even go to any point in time in any space that he has experienced.

even the future.

Of course, going to the past will make his cause and effect deeper, and may even trigger the early arrival of the worm of cause and effect.

Going to the future will make the present time and space become the cause and effect itself, forming an established trajectory that is difficult to change. Or reaching a certain moment of future causal eruption, allowing oneself to be destroyed in advance, which is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, the more clearly he understands the laws of time and space, the more he is afraid of time and space.

Soon, He Xie came to a familiar world.

This is a grand place, and even with He Xie's divine sense, the whole world cannot explore the limit.

In the center of the world, a huge figure that penetrated the sky and the ground sat cross-legged, exuding a blazing light.

Yuanshi Tianzun!

Goodbye Yuanshi Tianzun, He Xie finally saw the realm of this saint.

Chen Nan once said that the powerhouses in the world of the tomb of the gods are equivalent to the saints in the prehistoric world. Chen Nan will not aim at nothing like this.

But the Yuanshi Tianzun in front of him is by no means in the rank of heaven, not even in the realm of defying the sky.

This legendary power is definitely at least in the realm of heaven!


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