MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 139 letter to Dumbledore

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Has Delphi been kidnapped by the Death Eaters? Did she fight before she was taken? Auston closed his eyes, thinking about all the possibilities.

Dolly sniffed the air and ran downstairs again.

Her action alarmed Auston, who was thinking.

He also followed out the door and stopped on the handrail on the second floor.

The living room on the first floor was damaged so badly that a large hole was burned in the entire two walls.

"Mr. Allston, come on, there are traces of magic here."

Dolly stood in front of the burnt and unrecognizable sofa and waved to Auston.

Auston walked down the stairs.

"There are traces of black magic here," Dolly said. "The aura of the spell is too strong. Please wait a moment."

Dolly waved with her hand, and two fine sand-like magic spells were sprinkled all around.

The fine sand scattered in the air, and then slowly gathered into several phantoms.

Two of the phantoms Auston knew were the Spenders.

They were surrounded by several other unfamiliar phantoms. There was a man with shawl and long hair that he had seen before. It was one of the people who destroyed the keys during the auction.

He stretched out his wand and pointed it at the Spenders.

Although Mr. Spender was trembling, he kept his wife behind him.

The man cast a spell on Mr. Spender, who suddenly twitched.

"It's the Cruciatus." Dolly said timely beside Auston.

Mr. Spender fell painfully, and Mrs. Spender bent down to support him and shouted something.

Because everything was phantom, Auston couldn't hear what they were shouting at all.

Afterwards, a group of Death Eaters held Mr. Spender, who was still convulsing, and his wife, who was in tears.

The man who cast Cruciatus blasted two walls with his wand, and then left Spender's house struttingly with a group of people.

Auston was startled for a while, but he didn't expect Delphi and the others to be kidnapped like this.

"We have to go home," Auston murmured.

Dolly took away the magic and looked up at Auston: "Are you going back now?"

He nodded: "Well, I want to write a letter to Dumbledore."

Saying that, she went upstairs again, came to Delphi's room, looked around, and finally locked her eyes on her small dresser, and took a small dress with a few strands of hair from it. Comb, let's keep it as a souvenir.

Then just like when he came, Auston got on his broom and flew into the sky under the cover of Dolly.


"Hey, come back so soon?" Sissi was watching TV in front of the sofa when Auston approached from the gate.

Seeing Auston walking by, he asked him, "Where have you been?"

Auston hurried upstairs as if he hadn't heard.

Sissi was a little angry because she was ignored, and stared at Auston's back with a frown.

Dolly, who followed Auston into the room, appeared.

She put her index finger on her mouth and whispered to Sissi: "Shh, Miss Sissi, don't ask anymore, Mr. Auston is not in a good mood. We just went to No. 12 Bramble Alley."

"Ah? Went there!" Sissi was a little surprised: "I was about to tell him that Delphi's family suddenly disappeared, and even the Ministry of Magic is investigating this matter."

Auston returned to his room, took out the parchment and quill from the dragonskin bag, and began to write a letter.

From the fact that Dumbledore easily got the antidote from Delphine at the auction, he obviously knew something, but he didn't say a word about Auston for a period of time after he went from England to France.

In order to express the shock and dissatisfaction that he was kept in the dark, Auston used several lines of capitalized words.

After writing the letter, he walked out the door and called downstairs, "Sissi, use your owl."

This time, Qian Qian didn't make any more troubles. She also deeply sympathized with her brother for losing his lover.

"The owl is in my room. Go get it yourself. Don't forget to give it a piece of cheese in the drawer before using it."

Auston walked into Sissi's room and found the sleeping owl on the desk by the window.

He shook the cage and woke the owl.

After the little owl was woken up by Auston, it gave him a drowsy peck from the gap in the cage. It was as if he was venting his anger.

Fan Qing, who was pecked at the back of Auston's hand, didn't care about his hand at all.

He opened the cage door and let the owl out. Then I opened the drawer under the cage, and there was a drawer full of small pieces of cheese with packaging.

He took two pieces at random, unpacked them, and threw them into the owl's mouth, then touched the feathers on its back.

The little owl was easily bought by Auston, and after chewing the cheese, he rubbed his head kindly against Auston's hand.

He tied the written letter to the owl's feet, then pushed open the window and stretched out the arm holding the owl out of the window:

"The headmaster's room at Hogwarts, come on!"

The owl spread its wings, gave a hearty cry, wandered under the eaves twice, and flew away from Brown's house.

Auston pursed his lips and looked at the owl's I hope Dumbledore can give him a satisfactory answer.

He waited anxiously at home for a day. At noon, Dolly cooked a sumptuous lunch that he couldn't swallow. Dolly distributed some to him and put it at his door, but he never touched it.

In the evening, the Browns came back from get off work, Mrs. Brown got out of the car, and her husband went to park the car in the garage.

She looked up at the house at home. The first floor was brightly lit, but the son's room upstairs was dark.

The couple entered the living room through the door. Mrs. Brown took off her coat and hung up her purse.

Dolly has dinner ready and is arranging cutlery around the table.

On the sofa, only Sissi was sitting there alone.

"Good evening mom." She greeted her parents with a smile.

Mr. Brown hurriedly went to the study and started his overtime hours.

"Good evening, Sissi. Where's your brother?" asked Mrs. Brown, sitting beside her daughter.

Sissi looked up at the observation tower: "Brother is still waiting for Dumbledore's letter. Don't you also know that the Manchester City Daily and the Daily Prophet reported the explosion in Thorns Alley a few days ago."

Mrs. Brown nodded: "I told your father that it must be the dark wizard who did it."

"Well, indeed." Sissi lowered her head and said in a frustrated tone, "That's the home of Aussie's girlfriend. Now their family is gone."

"Huh?!" Mrs. Brown looked shocked: "That's his girlfriend's house? It's really bad. Auston must be in pain now."

Sissi nodded: "He couldn't eat for a day. He wrote a letter to Dumbledore after returning from the Alley of Thorns, and then locked himself in the room and never came out."

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