MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 138 Spender House

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Before Dolly reached out, Auston bent down sharply and grabbed the newspaper on the ground.

"No. 12 Bramble Alley, No. 12 Bramble Alley."

Auston meditated, he is too familiar with this place, isn't that Delphi's home!

Looking at the big print on it, Auston felt his head explode with a bang.

"How is this possible?" Auston muttered in disbelief.

Dolly also leaned forward to read the newspaper in Auston's hands:

"No. 12, Bramble Alley, Mr. Auston, have you been here?" Dolly's words awakened Auston's reason.

He squeezed the newspaper in his hand, then turned to look at Dolly and said:

"Dolly, you have to go somewhere with me."

Unable to say anything, Auston took Dolly's hand and went out.

In order to be faster, he didn't take the bus this time, but directly took out the broom from the dragonskin bag and stepped on it.

He turned to Dolly and said, "Dolly, follow me invisible."

Then he turned his head and kicked his legs and flew into the sky.

Dolly didn't ask any further questions, she cast an illusion spell and flew with Auston.

When they reached the Alley of Thorns, Auston found a place where no one was there to land. Putting away his broom, he called Dolly softly:

"Dolly, are you there?"

Feeling a small hand gently pulling at the corner of his clothes, he was slightly relieved.

"Don't show up later, follow me, and follow my instructions when you get to the place where you should show up."

As Auston said this, he felt Dolly gently pulling on the corner of his shirt again.

He led Dolly into the alley.

From a distance, I saw a yellow cordon pulled up in front of the house of No. 12 Thorns, enclosing the whole house.

The closer he got, the more uneasy Auston felt. It turned out that what the newspaper said was true.

The whole house was blown up in half, it was completely destroyed, and his sanity was completely destroyed.

Just as he was about to approach the security belt, he was stopped by a bearded policeman in uniform.

"Children, this is the scene of the accident, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter." The police officer said politely.

Auston raised his head and looked at him with empty eyes, and asked in a dazed way:

"What happened? What about the people inside?"

The bearded man laughed: "My little one, don't you read newspapers? This is the biggest news in our city recently. There was an explosion in this uninhabited house. So far, the source of the explosion has not been found."

Auston grabbed the bearded policeman's arm violently: "How can there be no one living there? Where's my Delphi?"

Auston, who was in a panic, couldn't control his abilities, he lost control for a while, and when he grabbed him, he brought some dragon power.

The police did not expect that this little boy would have such great strength. His sturdy arm was so painful that he pinched it. He frowned and looked at the nervous Auston.

"We don't know any Delphi. In short, this is the scene of the accident, and no one is not allowed to come near. You should leave quickly, little one."

Then he pushed Auston aside involuntarily.

Auston was almost pushed to a stagger, and when he was about to fall, Dolly reached out to support him in the dark.

At this moment, the door of No. 11, Thorny Blossom Alley suddenly opened, and a middle-aged woman walked out, looking like she was going somewhere with a leather bag.

Auston took two quick steps and grabbed the woman's hand:

"Madam, where are the people here? It's the Spender family. They've lived here for more than ten years."

The woman was in pain when she was pulled by Auston's hand. Looking at Auston who was like a madman, she was faintly afraid.

She threw Auston's hand away forcefully, and said, "I've never known the Spenders. That house has been empty for more than ten years."

After speaking, the woman gouged him out without looking back.

Auston was stunned. How could the woman not know that he had seen her before when he was dating Delphi.

Delphi also greeted her, as if it was Mrs. Sharon or Mrs. Sally or something.

Could it be that she was threatened by the Death Eaters who murdered Delphi, and she was not allowed to tell the truth? Still under the oblivion spell.

Auston squatted down helplessly, burying his chin in his arms, contemplating all possibilities in his heart.

Dolly, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly gave him a slight push and whispered in his ear:

"Mr. Allston, Dolly found that there are traces of magic around here."

Auston raised his head sharply: "Did you cast magic? What magic spell?"

"Forgetting Curse," Dolly's voice sniffing the air sounded in his ear: "There are other spells, which should be in that house, too far away for Dolly to smell."

"Then let's go in!" Auston gritted his teeth, "Use the Confusion Charm!"

Anyway, house elf spells are not under the control of the Ministry of Magic. Even if they use magic against Muggles, as long as they don't cause big damage, the Ministry of Magic will easily ignore them.

As soon as he said it, Auston carefully explored the terrain on his broomstick. There were only two policemen outside the cordon, which should be to prevent passers-by from entering. Two more police officers were on patrol in the yard.

"I can go straight down from here," Auston stopped in the sky on the roof of Spender's house and pointed to the two police officers in the courtyard: "You just need to arrange the two of them for me."

"Yeah!" Dolly's voice sounded in his ear, and then two red spells flew towards the two policemen in the courtyard.

"We only have five minutes, Mr. Auston." Dolly whispered in Auston's ear after casting the spell.

"Well," Auston nodded, swooped down with his broom in his hand, and landed on the roof of Spender's house.

He went down the small attic to the Spender couple's room.

The walls of this room are still intact, but the glass has exploded, and the glass **** is scattered all over the floor.

The whole room was messy, and the photo frames hanging on the wall were empty. Auston guessed that it should have contained a group photo of the three Delphi family.

"Is there any trace of a spell being cast here?" He turned and asked Dolly, who was slowly taking shape.

Dolly walked around the room, sniffing everywhere with her long nose.

"No," she shook her head, then walked out, sniffed in the corridor again, and followed the smell to open another door.

It was Delphi's room, and Auston followed Dolly in.

This room was slightly damaged. One corner of the wall had disappeared, and a big hole had burned through the pink sheets.

"There are traces of wizards fighting here," Dolly said as she walked to the bed and touched the black ashes by the hole.

"It's a blazing flame! There's also a petrification spell!" Dolly affirmed.

She looked up at Auston excitedly because she saw the spell.

I saw him caressing the pale pink bed sheet lightly, and then buried his face in the bed sheet.

Auston sniffed lightly, and there was the same faint fragrance on Delphi.

As if to prevent any clues from being left behind, the original wall full of photos of Auston was empty, and even the beautiful font of Delphi under the photos was erased by a spell.

Read The Duke's Passion