MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 141

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In the end they found a mortal town, because boiling herbs requires a boiler.

Xie Changyun said that the Xuanhuo poison can be cured, but it is more troublesome and needs to take medicine all the time.

Jing Zhao thought it was nothing, as long as it could be cured, no matter how much medicine to take.

After buying medicine stoves and bowls for boiling medicine at the market, they set out on the road again.

Xie Changyun personally found the ingredients for the medicine. After three meals a day, Jing Zhao had already drank all kinds of strange "herbs" such as white worms growing in the soil, amber on cypress trees, and plaster on stones. soup.

Although the taste is really bitter and the red and purple bruises on the feet have not subsided much, the pain has indeed been relieved a lot.

And Xie Changyun didn't let her walk by herself, as long as she travels, she must carry her on her back. At first, Jing Zhao thought it was nothing, but later she felt a little distressed that the Taoist priest always walked forward with a heavy load, so he asked him to come down and walk.

Xie Changyun only said that if she walked alone, it would speed up the operation of the mysterious fire poison. Jing Zhao immediately became honest, but he was not honest, but discussed with Xie Changyun. Just walk, Xie Changyun will be much more relaxed.

Xie Changyun thought about it and agreed. Jing Zhao was originally born from the soil, and it would be better for her to be planted in the soil.

So he went to the forest to cut a bamboo tube, and found some moist soil to fill it in. When Jing Zhao became the real body, Xie Changyun carried her into the soil and buried her.

This is the first time Xie Changyun has seen Jing Zhao's body, bright yellow, with two flowers on each plant and twelve petals on each plant, a bit like a daisy, but more beautiful than a daisy.

In addition to holding the flower bamboo tube in his hand, Xie Changyun also carried a relatively long bamboo tube, which was filled with clear mountain spring water.

Every time he walked for a while, Xie Changyun took down the bamboo tube and poured water into the flower bamboo tube.

Once or twice was okay, but after many times, Jing Zhao shook the water drops on his body, and the two round green leaves on the rhizome made a movement similar to spreading his hands, and said, "Master Dao, I'm about to be drowned by you. Just water it once, you don’t need to keep watering me.”

Xie Changyun: "Oh."

After that, she really didn't water her again, but when the sun was bright, he would open the cartilage umbrella to block her head from the sun.

Jing Zhao looked up through the vision of the petals, and noticed that the cartilage umbrella was covered with a layer of faint golden light, which was more dazzling than the sun in the sun.

The previous cartilage umbrella would not be like this. Jing Zhao somehow felt that this was not a good thing, so he asked Xie Changyun, "Master Dao, what happened to the cartilage umbrella?"

Xie Changyun glanced at the umbrella and said, "Its seal has been destroyed, and the seal needs to be strengthened."

Thinking of the good deeds he had done, Jing Zhao was still a little guilty, and then he was a little confused, "Can't you strengthen the seal for it, Taoist?"

Xie Changyun shook his head and said, "The cartilage umbrella was sealed by my master. The master said that if one day the seal of the cartilage umbrella breaks, let me go back to Tianxue Mountain."

It turned out that the reason why Xie Changyun returned to Tianxue Mountain was because of the cartilage umbrella.

Jing Zhao: "Can the seal be strengthened by returning to Tianxue Mountain?"

Xie Changyun: "Well, as long as the seal is not completely destroyed, there will be a place for it to repair itself after returning to the mountain."

Fix it yourself? From this point of view, Xie Changyun's master Baiyi Taoist is really a very powerful Taoist leader.

I don't know if it was because he thought of his master, Xie Changyun became a little silent.

Jing Zhao didn't speak again, but thought that Xie Changyun should miss his master very much! It's just a pity that the Taoist in white has already sat down.

When it was time to drink the medicine, when Jing Zhao turned back into a human body, Xie Changyun squatted in front of her very naturally, checking the spread of the mysterious fire poison for her.

Jing Zhao followed suit, and felt that the situation was probably worse than before, and the red-purple bruises had spread to his knees.

When he saw the red and purple bruises on his knees, Jing Zhao subconsciously pulled down his trouser legs, and said, "The medicine you boiled is too bitter! I poured some secretly..."

Xie Changyun looked up at her with gloomy eyes.

Jing Zhao immediately bowed his head and obediently admitted his mistake, "I was wrong, I will never pour out the medicine secretly again, I must drink it up next time!"

Xie Changyun didn't speak, put on her shoes and socks, and sat aside to make medicine for her.

Jing Zhao touched his leg, then tilted his head to look at Xie Changyun who was sitting by the medicine stove, only thought that he was really good-looking, how could there be such a good-looking person!

Looking at it, I found that Xie Changyun seemed a little different from before?

Jing Zhao got up and walked over, sat down beside Xie Changyun, gently held up a strand of hair from his sideburns and said, "Master Dao, why do you have gray hair?"

Jing Zhao looked at the strand of pure white hair on the palm of her hand in amazement. If she remembered correctly, how old is Xie Changyun this year, not yet nineteen? How can there be white hair?

Even if it's because of too much worry about learning Taoism, isn't it more reasonable to be bald?

Xie Changyun paused, then said softly, "Because my lifespan is numbered."

Jing Zhao: Seriously?

"How could it be?" Jing Zhao was very puzzled, she remembered that he could live for a long time.

Xie Changyun turned his head to look at her and said: "When I killed the Dapeng bird demon, I asked for heaven's punishment, and my lifespan would be reduced by fifty years at a time."

Jing Zhao blinked, thinking that Xie Changyun shouldn't have lied to her, one time for fifty years, so now Xie Changyun only has thirty years of life left at most.

"Why are you crying, I'm not dead." Xie Changyun's eyes darkened, and his fingertips wiped the cheek of the person in front of him to wipe away her tears.

Only then did Jing Zhao realize that she didn't know when she burst into tears. She reached out to wipe away the tears, and said casually, "I didn't cry, it's just that you watered too much."

The corners of Xie Changyun's lips curled up when he heard the words, he didn't know if it was because she was funny or what she said was funny.

You can still laugh, you have long white hair, what a bad old man.

Jing Zhao suddenly leaned on Xie Changyun's shoulder and said, "Master Daoist, if you die, I will definitely send you flowers."

Xie Changyun gave an "um" and added some firewood under the medicine stove.

Jing Zhao stretched out his hand to block the sunlight that shone through the branches and leaves and said with a smile, "How about just giving Qiansanghua? The only one in the world."

When Xie Changyun heard the words, he paused, shook his head and said, "Not good."

Jing Zhao raised his head and looked at him dissatisfied, "Why, you still dislike him?"

Xie Changyun also raised his head, pulled his lips helplessly and said, "I just don't want to die so early."

"Actually, there are other ways."

"any solution?"

Xie Changyun coughed lightly, and a blush gradually spread behind his ears, "Shuangxiu."

Jing Zhao: "?"

Xie Changyun turned sideways and explained: "The method of double cultivation can make people increase their cultivation quickly, and there are no disadvantages. As long as my cultivation is higher, I can live longer, and I don't have to die so early."

Jing Zhao stared at him for a while, then suddenly got up and threw him down.

Xie Changyun was unprepared, and was tightly pressed by her. He looked helplessly at her reaching out to untie his belt, cleared his throat and said slowly: "It's not the time yet."

Jing Zhao stopped and raised his head: "When was that?"

Xie Changyun: "On the first or fifteenth day of the lunar new year, when the yin and yang meet at midnight, the effect is the best."

So particular, Jing Zhao counted with his fingers, the first day of junior high school has already passed, and the fifteenth day is still three days away, okay!

Although the time was calculated, Jing Zhao didn't get up from Xie Changyun.

The two looked at each other, Xie Changyun's eyes were soft, but his face gradually blushed, he took the lead to look away and said: "The medicine is almost ready, get up first!"

It's really interesting that the Taoist priest would blush even after they've been married.

Jing Zhao didn't get up immediately, but gradually lowered his head, caught off guard and kissed Xie Changyun's face before getting up from him.

Xie Changyun was stunned for a moment, then calmly sat up straight from the ground with downcast eyes, and took out the medicine bowl to fill her with medicine without saying a word.

Jing Zhao took the medicine bowl he handed to him, glanced at the redness behind his ears, lowered his head and smiled, then pinched his nose and poured down the bowl of bitter medicine as usual.

For the next two days, Xie Changyun didn't know if there was no medicine she needed nearby, so Xie Changyun didn't go around looking for medicine anymore, they stopped in a place with quite beautiful mountains and clear waters.

There is a field of wild grass and a pure stream with a wide field of vision. At night, you can see a large beautiful starry sky when you look up.

Jing Zhao felt that this place was really beautiful, which gave her a desire to take root.

Xie Changyun put all his belongings on the grass, but he didn't know what he found on the grass, so he took out the medicine stove and started to boil the medicine.

Jing Zhao said that he wanted to play in the water, so he ran barefoot to the edge of the stream. The stream was not deep, and it was icy cold. When he stepped on it, there was a layer of soft white sand on the soles of his feet.

Jing Zhao lifted the trouser legs and splashed water with his feet, looked down at his legs and then put down the trouser legs.

There are many butterflies flying on the grass. When Jing Zhao transforms into a demon body, there will be a special fragrance on her body. After the butterflies smell the smell, they all fly over and land on her shoulders without fear of life. Jing Zhao raised his hand accordingly. , a blue butterfly fluttered and landed on her fingertips.

Xie Changyun, who was not far away, watched the scene quietly, and waited until the butterfly was disturbed to leave, before he said: "Come here, drink the medicine."

Jing Zhao looked back, turned to go ashore with a smile, and ran over. The bright yellow skirt swept across the green grass and fluttered gently in the wind.

Skillfully took the medicine bowl in Xie Changyun's hand, and when Jing Zhao was about to pinch her nose to kill it in one gulp, she suddenly smelled a sweet smell. She lowered her head and sniffed with some doubts, and found that the sweet scent came from the medicine bowl, which was the same as before. The medicine that smells so bad is so different.

Jing Zhao didn't continue to pinch his nose, but took a sip carefully with the medicine bowl, and then raised his head in surprise, "It's sweet!"

Xie Changyun gave a "hmm", without explaining why the medicine is sweet, but said: "Drink it quickly! It's not hot anymore."

Jing Zhao didn't pinch his nose this time, and finished drinking the medicine while holding the bowl.

Putting the empty bowl on the ground, she sighed, "It would be nice if the next medicine could be this sweet."

Xie Changyun extinguished the fire, glanced at her and said, "I won't give you any more bitter medicine."

Jing Zhao blinked. Could it be that bitterness comes first and sweetness comes later?

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-29 12:18:38~2022-06-29 16:35:50~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: iiinnei 59 bottles; Yiguang 2 bottles; Masterpiece_days, radish 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?