MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 140

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Jing Zhao was **** and followed Xie Changyun to leave Yunxi Mountain, but before leaving, Xie Changyun found Luhe. This guy had already fled when he heard the news of Ao Yu's death, but Xie Changyun caught him with all his injuries and took him into the prison. In the monster collection bag, although it is not a big piece, but the same goal by different routes.

Xie Changyun left after healing his wounds in Yunxi Mountain. Xie Changyun didn't say where he was going, and he didn't talk to her at all, as if he didn't follow her as a monster.

Xie Changyun's footsteps were fast, and Jing Zhao was bound by the demon rope, unable to use witchcraft. It was a bit difficult to keep up with him, but she just followed silently.

Xie Changyun would occasionally look back at her, but that look seemed to say, "Why are you still here?"

Jing Zhao was not only there, she would also talk to him, for example, "Master Taoist, where are we going?"

"Daozhang, you've been walking for a long time, can't you stop and take a rest?"

"Master Dao, my feet hurt."

Daoist Xie, who had never responded to her along the way, finally stopped, but turned around and looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Do demons also hurt their feet when they walk?"

After speaking, he turned around and continued to move forward, no longer talking to her.

Jing Zhao followed behind him slowly, arguing, "Monsters also hurt their feet! For example, monsters in the sea don't walk often, and if they walk ashore, their feet will definitely hurt."

Xie Changyun didn't want to listen to her nonsense, so he quickened his pace.

The sun was setting on the western mountain, and it was getting late, Xie Changyun finally stopped to rest.

He picked up some firewood, probably planning to bake something to eat, and sure enough, Xie Changyun went to the deep mountains to stay for a while, and when he came back, he had an extra hare in his hand that had been processed.

The hare was roasted on the fire until it was sizzling, and the firelight reflected on Xie Changyun's face, showing a cold and heartless expression.

It's like back when they first met, he treated her like this.

Jing Zhao glanced at the rabbit, licked his lips, looked at Xie Changyun and said, "Where is my bamboo tube?"

Xie Changyun didn't know why his face turned colder, "Throw it away."


Well, the tools for drinking water are gone!

Jing Zhao shut her mouth and didn't speak anymore. Her upper body was still tied up. At this moment, she leaned against a big tree, bent her knees, rested her chin on her knees, and stared at the fire in a little ecstasy.

Xie Changyun turned the rabbit over, glanced at Jing Zhao's direction, pursed his lips, retracted his gaze and said casually, "Go straight a hundred steps ahead and turn left. There is a water source. If you want to drink water, go there yourself."

Jing Zhao is indeed a little thirsty. She is a flower demon and does not eat meat, which is good for her cultivation, but if she lacks water, it will not be good.

So after hearing Xie Changyun's words, she planned to stand up and find water to drink by herself.

However, because the upper body is tied, it is easy to sit down, but it is more difficult to get up. Jing Zhao just stood up and found that the **** on her body had disappeared. She subconsciously looked at Xie Changyun, who was concentrating on roasting rabbit meat. Didn't look at her at all.

It should be because the mana time limit of the demon-binding rope has expired, so it will be untied automatically! Jing Zhao thought, I hope he won't tie himself up again.

Looking at Xie Changyun's eyes, he walked forward cautiously, and after making sure that he didn't intend to tie himself up again, Jing Zhao was happy, and walked forward boldly.

After walking about a hundred steps, there was indeed a small clear lake in front of it. There were unknown wild fruits growing beside the lake, the size of a fist, some were already red and some were still green.

Although she didn't know each other, Jing Zhao knew that this kind of fruit was edible, because Xie Changyun had picked it for her before, she stayed there and ate some to fill her stomach, and then picked some more and used her dress to carry them around.

Walking back to the fire, he put the newly picked fruit beside Xie Changyun. Xie Changyun glanced at it and ignored it.

Jing Zhao silently walked under the tree he was staying at just now, sat with his knees hugged, closed his eyes and prepared to rest. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have a long walk tomorrow.

Xie Changyun added some firewood to the fire, and the fire was bright. He moved his eyes lightly without a trace, glanced at Jing Zhao who was resting, and then moved his eyes down and landed on her feet unconsciously.

Perhaps he had been watching for a long time, Jing Zhao felt it, and the moment he opened his eyes, he looked at him, and Xie Changyun looked away as if nothing had happened.

Jing Zhao looked down at his feet, then smiled and said, "Master Dao, your feet really hurt, why don't you draw two more talismans?"

Xie Changyun: "Not really."

Then I closed my eyes and meditated. It was really heartless.

Jing Zhao sighed faintly, and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the early morning, when the sky was bright, Jing Zhao didn't see Xie Changyun's figure when he opened his eyes. He subconsciously looked up and saw him at the mouth of a cliff not far away. Color or view.

Jing Zhao got up and subconsciously looked at the fire. The wild fruit picked yesterday was placed intact on a green leaf, and Xie Changyun didn't move.

She picked all the red fruits there, and after thinking about it, Jing Zhao walked over and planned to wrap it up and eat it on the road. As soon as he bent down, his eyes were attracted by two touches of bright yellow, which were talisman papers.


Jing Zhao put away the talisman paper, took the wrapped fruit and walked to Xie Changyun's side and asked, "What is the Taoist priest looking at?"

Xie Changyun glanced at her, and rarely spoke in a normal tone, "Tianxue Mountain."

"Huh? Can you see Tianxue Mountain from here?" Jing Zhao was a little puzzled. Isn't Tianxue Mountain in the north? This is the South. Then he realized that Xie Changyun should be looking in the direction of Tianxue Mountain.

Xie Changyun really ignored her, turned around and continued on the road after watching.

Jing Zhao could only follow him and go on. Just like before, he didn't see a town or village after walking for a whole morning, which meant that the land was vast and sparsely populated.

Jing Zhao was not **** anymore, she felt better and could still eat fruit while walking, but the speed was still getting slower and slower.

Until the fruit was eaten, she really couldn't walk anymore.


Xie Changyun walked forward on his own, and suddenly found no movement behind him after walking for a while. He thought it was because he was walking too fast and she didn't keep up, so he stopped and waited for a while.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one followed, Xie Changyun turned around, looking at the empty back, his face was a little ugly.

So she's gone anyway? Thinking this way in his heart, Xie Changyun, who had been walking unhurriedly just now, ran in the same direction as when he came and went, and stopped slowly when he walked out of the grove and saw a bright yellow figure sitting by the roadside.

Xie Changyun walked up to Jing Zhao with a heavy face. Jing Zhao was not surprised to see him come back, but was a little surprised that he came back so soon. She acted like a baby to him as usual, "Daozhang, I can't walk anymore, can you carry me on your back? "

Xie Changyun looked at her with a frown, and responded to her acting like a baby for the first time since the reunion.

"I remember I only drew two talismans for you this morning."

Jing Zhao: "Oh, maybe it's because I walk too fast that my mana is consumed faster?"

Of course Xie Changyun wouldn't believe these words, how could she walk fast? A snail can climb faster than her! Only one-third of the normal pace I walked this morning.

Jing Zhao didn't intend to convince Xie Changyun either, she planned to stand up after she had had enough rest, "I'm fine, Daoist, let's continue walking!"

Xie Changyun glanced at her, suddenly stopped her from getting up, and squatted down in front of her.

Jing Zhao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously withdrew his foot, but Xie Changyun forcibly grabbed his ankle and pulled it over to put it on his knee.

Jing Zhao watched his movements, but didn't speak.

Although Xie Changyun knew that she was telling lies in all likelihood, and that she was now a demon, and her feet would not be easily worn out when walking, but he still planned to see it with his own eyes, so that if she lied to him again, he would not lie to her again. Be disturbed.

When taking off his shoes, Xie Changyun looked calm, but when the white silk socks were pulled off, his eyes suddenly changed.

As far as the eye could see, the feet that should have been as white as jade were covered with large patches of red and purple. Almost the entire foot was covered with red and purple, and it also spread to the calf and arms, making it mottled.

Xie Changyun's breath was stagnant for a while, and he stretched out his hand to take off Jing Zhao's other shoe and sock, only to find that both feet were like this.

Jing Zhao was also a little surprised, she only knew that her feet hurt, but she didn't think her feet had become like this?

Compared with Jing Zhao who was only surprised, Xie Changyun's expression was a little angry. He held her feet, and his voice was a little unsteady, "Who poisoned you with the black fire?"

Mysterious Fire Poison? It turns out that Xuanhuo is so poisonous, if I knew it would be useless if I knew it earlier.

Jing Zhao pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "No one poisoned me, it was Ao Yu who wanted to use the mysterious fire to break the seal of the cartilage umbrella."

Needless to say what happened next, Xie Changyun knew it well. He looked down at the red and purple mottled feet in his hands, feeling a little tight in his heart.

Xie Changyun has never been poisoned by Xuanhuo poison, but he knows the feeling of being poisoned. Xuanhuo is the poison of extreme yang, while Jing Zhaoqian Sanghua's body is extremely yin. After being poisoned, the body will be slowly corroded by the poison of Xuanhuo, from head to toe , The pain was severe, until finally the whole body rotted into ashes.

If he had known that when she said her feet hurt yesterday, he should have stopped to take a look instead of continuing to walk regardless of her.

Xie Changyun felt a little regretful, raised his eyes and his voice was hoarse, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't so serious yesterday, I thought it would be fine." Looking at his expression, Jing Zhao felt as if he had some terminal illness, and asked a little nervously, "Am I...will I die?"

Xie Changyun was startled, an unnatural look flashed in his eyes, then he raised his eyes and wrote lightly: "It's just the poison of the mysterious fire, and the herbs can cure it."

Jing Zhao looked at him, and suddenly smiled, "That's good, I don't want to die yet! I want to go back to Tianxue Mountain with Taoist Priest."

Xie Changyun froze for a moment, then fell silent.

It turned out that she had already discovered that he was going in the direction of Tianxue Mountain.

After Jing Zhao finished speaking, he wanted to put on shoes and socks for himself, but Xie Changyun didn't let her do it. He put on shoes and socks for her himself, then squatted down in front of her and said, "Come up."

Jing Zhao looked down at the broad back in front of him, pursed his lips and smiled, leaned over and hugged his neck.

I remember the last time Taoist carried her back was the last time! Jing Zhao put his head on his back with some nostalgia, and the feet hanging beside Xie Changyun couldn't help shaking slightly.

Jing Zhao noticed that Xie Changyun changed direction, and asked suspiciously, "Where are we going? Are we not going to Tianxue Mountain?"

Xie Changyun walked forward with her on his back, while returning, "Go find the medicine first."

Jing Zhao: "Do you want to go to a mortal town?"

Xie Changyun: "If you don't go, mortals can't find it."


Jing Zhao stopped talking. It felt so good to be carried on the back. Although her feet still hurt like needles, but there was a Daoist carrying her on her back, no matter how painful she was, she didn't feel any pain anymore.



The Taoist chief is not angry anymore, which is great.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-28 16:01:20~2022-06-29 12:18:38~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of stars; 1 bottle of Masterpiece_days, Yiguang, and radish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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