MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 127

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"Explain, where is this?"

Standing on a red high slope, Jing Zhao looked at the blood-red appearance everywhere, only felt that his eyes were a little uncomfortable, and turned to look at her standing beside her. At this moment, he knew that he had made a mistake, and he looked guilty. Human snake.

"It's my lair." Although he knew the princess would be unhappy, Lan Che still answered honestly.

Jing Zhao, who had already guessed something in his heart, was not too surprised, and only asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

Lan Che looked sideways at the red "land", "My people begged me to come back. I have been away for a long time, and this mountain range is about to collapse."

Jing Zhao: "Your people? Where are they?"

As soon as Jing Zhao finished asking, the "red land" in front of him suddenly moved, first showing round red shell backs, then red heads like flies, and then claws like crabs, close together, densely packed , too many to count.

Where is the red land? It is obviously an interstellar beast lying on the ground.

Although he knew that Lan Che was the king of the interstellar beasts, but it was the first time he saw such a scene where dense fears would definitely pass by, Jing Zhao almost passed away on the spot.

After finally stabilizing, moths began to appear under the feet again, like an earthquake, the ground actually shook. Jing Zhao looked at the feet in surprise, the "high slope" where they were standing had risen a bit, revealing the densely packed feet underneath.


"Is this also your clansman?" Jing Zhao raised one foot and stared at the interstellar beast under his feet and asked.

Rancho: "Well, it's the longest-lived one."

Jing Zhao: "How long?"

Rancho: "About two hundred years."

"how about you?"

"I was born at the same time as it."

The interstellar beast below seemed to be responding to Lan Che's words, and carried them forward slowly. Jing Zhao couldn't stand the stimulation, and felt dizzy.

Lan Che seemed to be aware of her discomfort, and directly bent down to hug her, then swung the snake's tail and left the back shell of the interstellar beast, walking towards his lair.

The interstellar beast howled twice in the direction they left. It obviously sounded like the hoarse cry of a monster, but Jing Zhao somehow felt a bit of grievance from it, as if it was saying: "Why?" Don’t sit on me anymore? Am I easy to sit on?”

Laughed at by his own imagination, Jing Zhao didn't show his face at all, thinking of something to say to the person holding her: "So you are the king of interstellar beasts?"

Hearing these words, Lan Che stopped his movements and looked down at Jing Zhao, with a hint of worry and bewilderment in his dark pupils.

Lan Che knows that the planet where the princess lives hates the existence of interstellar beasts, and being born a king is not an option for him, but he can guarantee that he will not let his people hurt her in the slightest, and if she asks, he will Will order the clansmen to prohibit approaching the interstellar field around the blue star from now on.

I just hope that she doesn't hate herself.

Jing Zhao just felt that she should go through the plot, so she asked such a question, but she didn't expect the person in front of her to cry suddenly. She was not an idiot, and she knew almost immediately what the other person was worried about.

"Sounds cool." Jing Zhao said.

Lanche: "Cool?" Lanche, who was worried for a while, was a little confused when he heard the word, but seeing that the princess's eyes did not show any expression such as disgust and hatred, he was obviously relieved, and said as if swearing : "Princess, please trust Lan Che, I will never hurt you, no matter what you want me to do, I can do it."

You can do anything, which sounds even cooler. Jing Zhao tilted his head and leaned on his shoulder blades, and said casually, "You can do anything? How about conquering the stars?"

Rancher: "Okay."

Jing Zhao: "Forget it, I don't have that kind of leisure, how tiring it is to conquer the interstellar world!"

Lan Che still looked serious: "I'm not tired, the princess can rest assured to leave it to me."

Jing Zhao: I don’t worry if I leave it to you, you’re afraid you’ll break through the universe.

"Anyway, you are not allowed to conquer Interstellar."

Rancho: "What the princess says is what she says."

Jing Zhao: "Why does it sound like you are a little dissatisfied?"

Hearing this, Lan Che showed a helpless expression for the first time, "Princess, I don't."

"Hmph, where's my whip?"

"In the spaceship."

"Where's my spaceship?"

"In my lair."

Jing Zhao saw the whole picture of Lanche's lair for the first time. It was built by a whole red mountain range. The hole was big enough for the largest interstellar beasts to enter. But the interstellar beasts were very obedient, and without Lanche's permission, Only dare to wander around, dare not approach the cave.

The interior of the cave is very dry, the walls of the cave are full of Lancher's associated crystals, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of white fine sand, which feels a bit like being on the beach when you step on it.

I thought the entrance of the cave was already very large, but I didn't expect it to suddenly narrow after entering, as if passing through the mouth of a gourd and reaching the innermost part, it suddenly opened up, and the space in the belly of the cave was more spacious.

When she got here, Lan Che put Jing Zhao down. She didn't wear shoes, but the fine sand under her feet was very soft, and she felt very comfortable to step on it with bare feet.

Jing Zhao saw his spaceship from the side. The silver surface exuded a metallic luster. The outermost round door was open, and the soft bed and storage cabin could be seen inside.

Rancher went into the spaceship and took out a small folding table and chair, placed it in the center of the cave, opened the refrigerator in the reserve cabin, took some fresh fruits, put them on a plate, and brought them out.

In order to increase the survival rate of the pilot after the crash of the spaceship, each spaceship will be equipped with a resource storage compartment, which can store some necessities needed by people such as food and water.

The things stored in Jing Zhao's spaceship are enough for her to survive on the desolate star for a month, and they live comfortably, so even if she is brought to Lanche's lair where there is no grass, she doesn't have to worry about survival for the time being.

"Princess, sit down."

After Lan Che placed a fruit plate on the round table and Jing Zhao's usual tea and tea set, he pulled out the chair and waited for her to sit down.

Jing Zhao sat down on the chair, with his knees together, the gauze skirt covering his ankles, holding a porcelain cup in his plain hand, even though the environment was simple, the etiquette of a princess was still impeccable.

Withholding his scrutiny, Jing Zhao looked at Lan Che, "Are you going to shed your skin here?"

Lan Che nodded, "Well, to go to other places, I need a month to complete the moulting, but here it only takes three days." Lan Che said, looking at Jing Zhao with a trace of guilt, "It takes three days to complete the molt." The wronged princess lives here temporarily."

Rancher knew that the location of his lair was not suitable for human habitation, but he still chose the latter between leaving the princess for a month or three days. He would complete the molting in the fastest time, and then he could go wherever the princess wanted go with her.

Jing Zhao doesn't really blame him, one month and three days, everyone knows how to choose, and it's safer for Lan Che to shed her skin here.

"Then I'll wait for you for three days, and you can molt with peace of mind. Can I go out and have a look while you are moulting? What if those interstellar beasts attack me?"

Lan Che raised his tail, and heard that the snake tail under him quickly got into the spaceship and fished out the whip he made for Jing Zhao with his own scales, "They will never hurt you, hold this whip, even if I'm not around, You can also drive them at will."

After all, no human or beast has ever stood in Lan Che's lair well after peeling off his scales. What a shocking existence, even the interstellar aliens who have no mind and sometimes do stupid things Also feel instinctive fear.

After arranging Jing Zhao, Lan Che didn't waste any more time, turned around and entered another abdominal cavity inside to start shedding his skin.

Before shedding his skin, the man seemed a little shy, he hesitated and said to Jing Zhao, "Princess, if you can, don't enter the place where I shed my skin for three days."

Jing Zhao glanced at him, and asked casually, "Why, you attack me when you shed your skin?"

"No, I will never attack the princess." Lan Che replied very decisively, and then continued: "My appearance when shedding skin is too ugly, I'm afraid it will scare the princess."

Thinking of the day when he saw him transforming into his original body and then back again, Jing Zhao really couldn’t imagine any scene more terrifying than that day, but since he said so, she didn’t have any curiosity, so naturally I'll come up on purpose.

It's only three days, she can afford to wait.

"Don't worry, I won't peek."

"Princess, wait for me, I will come out as soon as possible." Lan Che smiled slightly, showing his reluctance in his lair for the first time, and then stepped back into another abdomen.

Jing Zhao watched the tip of the black tail disappear into the end of the cave, and took a sip of tea before turning his gaze back, and got up from the chair.

The leather whip in his hand was tapped in the palm of his hand one after another. When he came in just now, he didn't look closely. Only then did he realize that there was no light hole in the lair, which could not let the light source in, but it was still bright. On the red cave wall, in addition to Lancher's white associated spar, there is also an orange-yellow spar.

The halo-yellow light source in the room shines out from the orange-topaz, even if the outside light cannot enter the cave, you can still see things inside the cave.

After admiring the spar on the cave wall enough, Jing Zhao walked out of the cave with a whip.

At this time, Lan Che, who had turned into his body, was entrenched in the cave. If Jing Zhao went in at this time, he would find that Lan Che's current body volume was almost five times that of when he measured his mental power volume.

The whole body is covered with dark and shiny scales, the head presents a triangular shape, with two rows of long fleshy crowns on the top of the head, and the thin eyelids are pale off-white. When Lan Che sensed the movement in the cave outside, he opened his eyes. He opened his dark eyes and looked towards the direction outside the cave. The scarlet snake letter protruded from the snake's kiss, trembling in mid-air.

Jing Zhao walked out of the cave. When he looked up at the sky, he didn’t see any stars like the sun. The light source shining on his body could only feel a faint temperature. It was neither hot nor cold, and he didn’t know how far this planet was from Blue Star. , Where does the light source on the planet come from.

Except for the red soil on the ground, there are interstellar alien beasts that are almost identical to the red soil at a glance. There is not even a single weed, let alone trees and rivers. They are simply desolate stars.

I don't know how there are so many interstellar beasts born on this desolate star. What do they eat to grow so big? Jing Zhao was puzzled at first, but then turned to think that interstellar beasts can run rampant among the stars, what can't they eat? It was she who was worrying too much.

The red soil on the planet is all that soft, and there is no hard feeling when stepping on it. Even with bare feet, Jing Zhao can climb to the top of the cave entrance as if walking on flat ground. Looking down from the top, the dense fear feels more real.

When Jing Zhao saw so many interstellar beasts, his first thought was that they looked so much like crabs, and wondered if they tasted similar to crabs.

The great blue star people are only obsessed with doing various researches on interstellar beasts all day long, but never think about whether the meat of interstellar beasts can be eaten.

But when he thought that these things were from Lanche's tribe, Jing Zhao's thoughts about eating suddenly became less intense.

The first day was quickly spent admiring the various scenery on the desolate star. When night fell on the blue star, the light source on this planet still did not have any light and dark changes. Jing Zhao knew that the light source on this planet was the same as the The light source of the blue star is definitely not the same, and it is very likely that there is no such thing as a dark night on this planet.

Back in the cave, without the maid to serve, Jing Zhao could only support himself. He took out the packaged and matched food from the storage compartment of the spaceship, tore off the outer wrapping paper, and the special device inside the box could start the self-frying mode. In less than three minutes, she can get a medium-rare steak that is tender and juicy.

There are nutritious fruit juices, mellow white wine and red wine of various strengths stored in the fresh-keeping cabinet. Take out a small glass of red wine and pour it for yourself, then light an atmosphere candle, and the simple but ceremonial dinner is ready.

Jing Zhao took a bite of the steak and thought of Lan Che who was still moulting inside, and wondered how he was doing now, whether the moulting was smooth, why there was no sound inside?

Even though she thinks this way, Jing Zhao has no intention of going in at all. The saying that curiosity killed the cat is not a meme. If she suddenly goes in and encounters some scary famous scene or disturbs Lan Che, it will not be a good thing .

After a delicious dinner, Jing Zhao simply cleaned himself up, and then returned to the soft bed in the spaceship to get ready for sleep.

This planet really has no night as she had guessed, and when Jing Zhao woke up after a nap, the sky outside still hadn't changed.

The same is true for Lan Che in the cave, there is no sound at all, and he doesn't know what stage he has shed.

Without carefully tidying up his makeup, Jing Zhao set foot on the high ground above the cave entrance again with his long hair loose. There were fewer interstellar beasts outside today than yesterday, probably because they went out to look for food.

Jing Zhao looked at the densely packed interstellar beasts after dilution, and suddenly wanted them to perform for him. Thinking of Lan Che saying that he could drive them at will as long as he held a whip, he waved his whip and said to a group of interstellar beasts like a joke: "With me as the boundary, those on the left line up in a square line! Those on the right form a circle!"

After finishing speaking, Jing Zhao himself felt that it was outrageous. The intelligence of these interstellar aliens is not very good, and it is impossible to understand her words, let alone talk about squares and circles.

However, in the next second, Jing Zhao showed a slightly surprised expression, and saw that those interstellar beasts that had stayed in place just now had already stretched their ankles and began to move quickly on the red ground, each converging towards the two sides , what about this scene? It really feels like watching a large-scale performance, and it also has the grandeur of fighting on the battlefield.

Soon, the moving beasts found their positions. Jing Zhao took a closer look and found that they really connected a square and a circle for her, but the surface looked a little uneven, but if you look closely, you will find that there is something wrong with it. Some alien beasts overlapped because of competition for positions, but overall it was indeed a square team and a circle.

Actually understood what she said, true or false?

Jing Zhao held the whip, slightly puzzled, didn't it mean that the IQs of the interstellar beasts are all low?

For the test, Jing Zhao did a few more tests, making the beasts connect to form a small circle, wrap a big circle around it, or form a triangle.

Although the process was bumpy and there were many strange beasts running and fighting on the way, but as long as it was the shape Jing Zhao wanted, they could be formed for her.

It's also funny.

After tossing for a while, seeing that the scene was about to turn into a gang fight, Jing Zhao stopped in time, stopped walking them, and turned back to the cave.

There was finally a little movement from the abdomen that had been silent until now, but it was a bit scary no matter how it sounded.

There was a crackling, bang, bang, bang, bang, and Jing Zhao felt the wall of the acupuncture point on her side tremble. After the sound passed, there was a brief silence in the abdominal acupoint again.

Jing Zhao called out from outside, "Lan Che, are you okay?"

After a while, Lan Che's voice from the abdomen sounded slightly different from the mechanical tone before, a little more deep and mixed.

If Jing Zhao went in at this time, he would find that the abdomen was in a mess. There were deep pits made by snake tails everywhere on the wall and floor. Lan Che's upper body was exposed, and the lower body still looked like a snake tail, but it was covered by a white membrane. Above his snake tail, there is also a pile of white mesh membranous bodies under his body.

"Princess, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

After saying this, Lan Che changed back to his original appearance again, his long and thick body was constantly rubbing against the wall and the ground.

The voice didn't sound like he was weak, so Jing Zhao didn't ask him any more.

Three days passed quickly, and when Jing Zhao went out, he found that today's interstellar beasts lined up outside, but they only dared to stop a certain distance outside the lair, and did not dare to get too close to the lair.

When Jing Zhao got closer, he found that these interstellar alien beasts were carrying things on their backs, some were animal carcasses, some were unknown plants, and there were green and red fruits, and some even carried things on their backs. There is a big lump of ice, and I don't know where they found these things.

After stacking things outside the lair, the interstellar beasts left in an orderly manner, as if a "courtier" was paying tribute to their emperor.

Jing Zhao felt a little funny, and picked up a red fruit that rolled to her feet. It looked a bit like an apple, but it wasn't. Can this thing be eaten?

Taking the apple back to the abdominal cavity, Jing Zhao thought about using the detector inside the spaceship to do a simple test on the fruit, when he heard a sound coming from the abdominal cavity.

A figure appeared at the exit of the belly hole.

He was tall, almost two meters tall, with loose black mid-length hair, handsome eyebrows, high nose bridge, thin and red lips, a strong and bulging chest and abdomen under his broad shoulders, and down...legs?

Jing Zhao saw the mosaic at a glance, and the fruit in her hand fell to the ground with a "click". She looked away uncomfortably, pursed her lips and said, "Didn't you shed your skin? Why did you grow legs?"

Lan Che supported the hole wall with his arms, and looked at his body from top to bottom. A satisfied arc was drawn on his lips, and he turned to look at Jing Zhao tenderly, "This is the second time I've shed my skin since I was an adult. I wanted to have legs, so I chose to evolve in the direction of legs."

Jing Zhao remembered that Lanche in the plot didn't have legs, so he could choose to evolve.

Jing Zhao thought of something, looked back, and immediately looked away, "Also, what's the matter with your...face?" Why doesn't it look the same as before.

Lan Che raised his hand to touch his face when he heard the words, and replied, "Because I chose a different direction of evolution, my face will also be different from before."

Jing Zhao recalled Lan Che's face before, it was indeed good-looking overall, but after a long time, he still felt creepy, a kind of beast feeling, even when he smiled, he was extremely ferocious, but the current appearance looks closer to the appearance of a human up.

Seeing that Jing Zhao had been refusing to look at him, Lan Che's dark eyes were instantly clouded with melancholy. He took two steps forward, "Doesn't the princess like me now?"

How does this make her answer! Jing Zhao didn't answer, but turned around and ran into the spaceship, tore off the sheet on the bed, and threw it into Lan Che's arms.

"Put on your clothes, it's not convenient for us to communicate with you like this." Jing Zhao said solemnly.

Lan Che lowered his head and sniffed the sheet in his hand. There was the fragrance of the princess, and he wrapped it around his body with a happy face.

Jing Zhao looked up after waiting for a while, and found that he had covered all the key parts, subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, and finally could look at each other normally.

After watching the snake's tail for a long time, Jing Zhao was still a little unaccustomed to the sudden appearance of the legs, so he asked casually, "Can your tail change back?"

Lan Che: "Yes, as long as the princess wants to see it, she can change back at any time. Do you want me to change back now?"

Jing Zhao shook his head, "No, you look fine now."

Ah, she really likes my legs better,

A strong joy surged in Lan Che's heart, and he couldn't help but took two steps forward. In the next second, he fell straight down.

Jing Zhao, who was not far away from him, couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly pressed down by his big man.

The moment he was crushed, Jing Zhao frowned. Fortunately, there was a layer of soft fine sand under his body, otherwise his steel frame would not have crushed his ribs.

"Get up quickly." Jing Zhao said to the person on him.

There was a rare look of bewilderment in Lan Che's eyes. After knowing that he had crushed the princess, he quickly got up from her with his hands on the ground, knelt down on Jing Zhao's side, and stretched out his arms. Help her up, "I'm sorry, princess..."

Jing Zhao was helped up, sat on the ground, and looked at the man in front of him with a helpless expression, "I will get used to it soon, did you hurt you?"

It was the first time I had legs, and I thought I had a snake's tail underneath, and I didn't know how to walk. This was quite normal. Although Jing Zhao didn't expect it, the situation was a bit funny.

"I'm fine." Standing up from the ground, Jing Zhao looked at Lan Che who was still kneeling on the ground, and asked, "Can you do it?"

Lan Che nodded, "Princess don't worry, I can do it."

As Lan Che said, he stood up from the ground. It could be seen that he was trying hard to adapt to his legs, but he knelt on the ground after walking two steps. This scene was really funny.

Lan Che was still full of confidence, "Princess, don't worry, I'll get used to it soon."

It’s not aimless, Lanche did what he said, but he quickly adapted to his legs from the distance from the inside of the abdomen to the mouth of the nest. Although the walking posture still looks like a mollusc without bones, at least it will no longer fall down.

Jing Zhao walked out after him, and the two stood together on the high ground above the nest.

Lan Che's expression looked a little joyful, and towards the direction of the interstellar beasts, he spat out the snake letter in his mouth, and those interstellar beasts that had been stationary moved quickly again.

Lan Che looked at Jing Zhao and said, "Princess, look."

Jing Zhao looked in the direction indicated to him, and saw that those interstellar alien beasts formed a red heart shape on the field, and the color and shape were exactly the same.

Just when she was slightly surprised, the person next to her said in a tired voice, "Princess, I love you, can you let me be your spouse?"

Being directed by a human snake to form a group of interstellar alien beasts to form a love confession, how should I put it, it's a bit earth-shattering.

When Lan Che finished speaking, there was a rare shy look on his face, but his eyes looking at Jing Zhao were as soft as water.

Jing Zhao suddenly thought of his practice with these strange beasts the day before yesterday, and suddenly realized that what these strange beasts understood was probably not her words at all!

The hand hanging in front of him was held up by someone, but there was no response. Lan Che's expression was a little cautious, but also a little hidden.

Jing Zhao looked at his held hand, pursed his lips, "Okay, I reluctantly agree to you."

Ranche's face suddenly burst into great joy, and he stretched out his long arms to embrace his princess into his arms.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-15 17:06:14~2022-06-16 19:02:12~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Su Mo Nong. 50 bottles; 20 bottles of I love to eat chicken tenderloin; 10 bottles of xin beats #, ugly refusal; 9 bottles of tree crooked; 8 bottles of the other side; 5 bottles of Lu Yu; , Yangzi, 6 stars, Yan Qi, Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

Read The Duke's Passion