MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 126

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After returning to her palace, Jing Zhao quickly told the maids one thing. She borrowed an instrument from the research institute that could measure the level of mental strength.

Measuring instruments are relatively precious, and research and manufacture require a lot of time and money. Ordinary people's research institutes will definitely not borrow them, but she is a princess and has this privilege.

The soldiers came back quickly carrying the measuring instruments, which were divided into two parts, one part was a monitor, and the other part was a huge space capsule.

When measuring, you only need to lie down in the measuring instrument cabin, and you can measure the level of mental power.

After everyone left, only Jing Zhao and Lan Che were left in the room. Lan Che looked at the big thing that had been moved into the room, with its snake tail wrapped around its body, and its hands crossed on its chest, looking disinterested.

It wasn't until Jing Zhao lay down that he came over and stared at her in the measuring instrument cabin, as if he was afraid that this bulky machine would hurt her.

After Jing Zhao lay down in the measuring instrument cabin, there were two red handles on both sides of the waist. As long as you hold these two handles with both hands and push them down, the measurement will start.

After Jing Zhao broke off the two red handles, several blue ripples scanned her body from top to bottom, and some kind of green program code running on the square monitor kept rolling.

After seeing those ripples, Lan Che became even more nervous, his coiled tail loosely fell to the ground, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes fixed on Jing Zhao, and his thin lips were tightly pursed into a straight line.

After about a minute, the scrolling speed of the green program code slowed down, and then began to gradually disappear. The screen was completely black, and finally three red numbers, 997, slowly appeared.

After the measurement was over, the safety protection of the measuring instrument cabin was disconnected. Jing Zhao got up from the instrument cabin and stared at the three numbers on the monitor, slightly surprised.

The threshold of mental power is divided into five stages, 1-200 is D, 200 (not included)-400 is C, and so on, 997 belongs to the S-level range, which means that her current mental power has changed from A-level It has grown to S rank.

This growth rate is probably the second highest in the entire planet, which can be called terrifying.

But this has nothing to do with Jing Zhao himself, as long as she continues to wear Lanche's accompanying spar on her body, her spiritual power will not only grow but also continue to grow.

If someone else wears it, it will have the same effect, but it will not last as long as hers. After all, if there is no Lanche, these crystals on her body will turn into a pile of powder and disappear in a short time.

Seeing that Jing Zhao was still in a daze after coming out of the big instrument, Lan Che couldn't help wrapping her ankles with the tip of his tail, and the cold touch brought back Jing Zhao's consciousness.

Jing Zhao turned to look at Lan Che, smiled and said, "You are really a big baby."

With Lan Che by her side, her mental strength can continue to increase. Although I don't know what it will look like if the mental power continues to increase, and whether she can bear it, but the person with the highest spiritual power level in the empire is His Royal Highness Jing Zhou, who has reached a terrifying SSS+, which has surpassed the existing ones. Measuring the measurable range of the instrument, I didn't see anything wrong with him.

Moreover, Jing Zhao looked at Lan Che, but she did not forget that this person's spiritual power was truly boundless and unfathomable.

Looking at it, he became interested, Jing Zhao suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Lan Che's arm, Lan Che's eyes trembled slightly, and he put his hand on the back of her hand quite excitedly.

"Come and try, lie down in this gauge cabin."

Although I don't know what this big box is for, but the princess actually called him baby, and even took the initiative to touch him, let alone lying on the big box, even if I let Lanche lie on the mountain of knives, Lanche would not hesitate right now lie down.

Rancho moved his snake tail and lay down in the measuring instrument cabin.

Lie down, but run into some trouble, he's too big for the gauge bay.

"Your tail is so long, you can't even fit it in. If you can't scan it, it seems that you can't measure it." Jing Zhao said regretfully.

Rancho roughly understood what she wanted to do, and covered her hand on the edge of the hatch with his palm, with a serious face, "Yes, it can be loaded."

The tail of the snake is soft, so you can force it in, but the machine might break down, Jing Zhao shook his head, "Forget it, come out!"

Lan Che was a little disappointed seeing Jing Zhao, so he didn't listen to her words and came out of the measuring instrument cabin, but suddenly lowered his head, and the snake tail under him raised up, wrapping his head inside like a snail shell.

Next, Jing Zhao admired a scene of transforming into a living snake nearby. It really turned into a snake. In just a few minutes, Lan Che, who originally maintained his upper body human form, lost his entire upper body in human form and turned into a snake. It covered the entire snake brain and body covered with black snake scales.

The snake brain looks different from ordinary snakes. There are two rows of spike-like protrusions from the eyes, a bit like a special gecko head, and a bit like a dinosaur head in ancient times.

The volume is also reduced visible to the naked eye, just to the extent that the measuring instrument cabin can fit.

A snake filled the measuring instrument compartment to the brim, especially this snake was still staring at him with its neck up, it looked like it was staring at the locked prey, although Jing Zhao guessed that the way he looked at her should be It is full of "tenderness", but I have to say that this picture is somewhat terrifying.

Jing Zhao knew that Lan Che could transform back into a snake-like form, but she didn't know that he could shrink in size, which seemed a bit mysterious no matter what.

Ignoring the strangeness in his heart, Jing Zhao helped pull down the handles on both sides of the instrument cabin, and the blue ripples began to scan Ranche's whole body.

The scanning time of the instrument was a bit long this time, and it took more than three minutes for the scrolling display to stop.

A bright red 0 appears in the center of the display screen. Generally, the appearance of zero means two possibilities. One is that the measuring instrument is broken, and the other means that the mental strength of the measuring person has exceeded the highest threshold that the measuring instrument can measure, so 0 is displayed.

The display light of the instrument is normal, which means that the machine is not broken, so it can only be the second explanation.

It really is unfathomable.

The safety valve of the instrument cabin was released, and Lan Che climbed out of the instrument cabin, with his long body climbing on the instrument hatch, looking directly at Jing Zhao.

Jing Zhao turned around and met a black snake head.

"..." I'm not afraid at all.

Jing Zhao is really not afraid, on the contrary, he is a little excited.

Looking at it so closely, the row of spines on the snake's head became even more alluring. She wanted to touch it to see what it felt like.

The princess never hides her desire, so she stretched out her hand and put it on the snake's head as a matter of course. It is still ice-cold, but different from the snake's tail, the uneven feeling, this time it is stinging, but not painful. It is full of grain, which makes people want to roll it, and make its head smooth and smooth.

Jing Zhao touched her a few more times. Lan Che covered her eyelids when her hand was on top of her. When she opened her eyes, she pressed her head against her palm, as if being touched by someone felt comfortable, and he enjoyed it again. He closed his eyes, and the pointed snake tail protruded from the instrument cabin, hanging from the edge, swaying non-stop like a rattlesnake.

The princess liked his body, and Rancho felt comfortable and excited, and the snake body trembled until the sound of "didididididididididi" came from the measuring instrument cabin.

Jing Zhao patted Snake on the head, "Okay, come out!"

Hearing Jing Zhao's words, for some reason, the snake under his hand seemed to be more excited, and its tail curled up, wrapping around Jing Zhao's arm.

Jing Zhao felt a weight on his arm. Before he could say the words "If you break my hand, I will cut you into pieces", the weight was on his body. Jing Zhao fell down and sat on the carpet, welcoming a group of people. Big snake.

Squinting slightly to look at the snake lying on her body, he wondered if he had indulged him too much recently, he was really getting bolder, and now he even dared to directly press on her.

Jing Zhao's thoughts hadn't settled yet, but a wet, slippery and cool touch greeted his lips, and the feeling of being swept across his lips by a snake letter made his entire lips numb.

Numb, numb, this **** is a real snake kiss! !

Jing Zhao felt that he should be braver, what was there to be afraid of, and kissed back directly.

Oh... No, she has a soft mouth and can't speak.

So she stretched out her hand to cover the mouth of the snake that came closer again, and threatened in a cold voice, "Change back for me."

The snake under her hand paused, and soon began to change obediently. Jing Zhao obviously felt that the touch under her hand changed from prickly and grainy to slippery and soft. She let go of her hand and saw that she The pinched place has turned into a handful of long black hair.

If this scene is placed at night, people will definitely die.

But the more terrifying thing was yet to come. Lan Che's whole body began to swell, and he moved away from her body kindly, probably because he was afraid of crushing her to death.

The part of the head can no longer be called the head, and the place where the black hair grows begins to grow a face, which is similar to the growth of a new body structure. Every body of Lanche is undergoing changes, as if Watching a strange biochemical movie, the kind that needs to be mosaiced when it is released in China.

Jing Zhao suddenly understood why Lan Che had to fence herself up when she transformed into her real body. From the outside, she was already horrified to see him shrinking, but from the inside, she might be suffocated and hypoxic on the spot.

But this process of change didn't last long, and Jing Zhaokuang's lost SAN value gradually returned to normal.

Lan Che, who had turned back into a human body, hooked his charming thin lips, because just now he took advantage of being a snake, and there was still a sense of shyness in his eyes at this moment.

Jing Zhao didn't know how he saw it, obviously his eyes were pitch-black, and there was no other expression on his face except for an exaggerated hooked lip that couldn't be exaggerated.

Jing Zhao stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of his lips, wondering if he really had no bones, and why his lips could be cracked to the crevice of his ears, it was too scary.

Lan Che directly held her hand, lowered his head and kissed it. He was so happy. He kissed the princess. Not only did the princess not punish him, but she still touched him now. The princess must have started to like him too.

That's pretty cool.

Thinking of this result, Lan Che couldn't restrain the turbulent emotions in his heart, the tail of the snake twisted into a coil, frantically wanting to stick to Jing Zhao.

At this time, this scene, this object, if something doesn't happen, it's really hard to justify it.

The obsession and enthusiasm in Lan Che's eyes almost burned Jing Zhao through. She was obviously a cold-blooded animal, but she felt that the place where he pressed against her was faintly hot.

Jing Zhao felt that his face was also a little hot, it must have turned red, and it was a bit inexplicable.

With a "click", something collapsed and fell to the ground. With a quick glance, Jing Zhao saw a knot lying on the carpet, which was from her clothes.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the human snake in front of him. He wrapped himself in a circle of thick snake tails. The snake tail seemed to have done something bad and was about to slip away, but the posture of slipping away was not very decisive, as if it was pretending to slip away. To test her attitude.

As a princess, Jing Zhao can choose to refuse, or of course she can choose to accept.

She decided to try something new.

For example, the feeling of being entangled in circles of thick snake tails, and the feeling of being kissed ferociously like being eaten.

Oh, she refers to the movement, its strength is still very gentle, even more comfortable than with ordinary humans, after all, ordinary humans are not so changeable... She is taken care of in all aspects of needs.

Of course, based on what he saw last time, Jing Zhao felt that he was not talented enough to deal with it. When he finally realized the danger, he woke up in time and pulled someone's hair to call back his memory. reason.

Kiss is fine, but Sister is not.

Jing Zhao turned his face ruthlessly, and reasoned with people and snakes very seriously.

Lan Che didn't want to hear it, but she pulled his ears and pressed his tail. The strength to suppress him was negligible, but her weight in his heart was already incomparable.

Aggrieved, Lan Che let go of the coiled snake tail. He didn't understand why the princess was unwilling, but he chose to obey.

After talking about the truth for a long time, Jing Zhao felt tired all over, didn't get on the bed, and lay down on the carpet to rest. The human snake coiled up and lay beside her, with his elbows resting on his own snake, and his palms resting on his chin. He stared down at her, staring at her trembling eyelids.

After a while, Lan Che said seriously, "Princess, I have to leave for a while."

leave? Jing Zhao opened his eyes and looked sideways at him, "Where are you going? What are you doing?"

"I don't want to go anywhere, just stay in the palace and shed my skin." Lan Che didn't hide anything from Jing Zhao, and even told her unreservedly when he would be extremely weak like shedding his skin.

Rather than saying that Lan Che trusts Jing Zhao, it is better to say that he is not afraid of anything, even if Jing Zhao is a bad guy who will kill him at any time, he will not have the slightest fear.

From the day he confirmed that he likes her, he doesn't care who she is or whether she is a human being, as long as he is still alive, he has no reservations about his liking for her.

Jing Zhao knew that Lan Che would be weak when shedding his skin, especially, if he guessed right, this should be the second time he shed his skin as an adult.

In the original plot, Lan Che was forced to leave by Jing Zhao, and returned to the planet where his base camp was located, where he began to shed his skin for the second time.

By the time they met again, almost half a year had passed, and she had already been dispatched to Desolate Star.

"How long does it take to molt? Is it safe in the palace? Have you found a place?" Jing Zhao glanced at his snake tail, and asked a few more questions.

Lan Che was very happy about her concern, and replied seriously, "It will take about a month, and the place hasn't been found yet."

In fact, it's not that the place hasn't been found yet, but that Lan Che doesn't want to be too far away from Jing Zhao, and it's not safe to molt directly at the place where Jing Zhao lives.

Of course, it wasn't Rancho who was unsafe, but if someone broke into him while he was moulting, if it was someone he didn't know or like, then he would probably lose his mind and kill him after feeling threatened.

Therefore, when Jing Zhao met Lan Che for the first time, and even broke into the lair where he shed his skin, how lucky he was not to be attacked and killed.

A month is quite a long time, not to mention what would happen if she was found molting in the palace, even as her guard, it would be very unreasonable for her to disappear for a month inexplicably.

Then the only way is... get out of here!

So Jing Zhao quickly made the decision to travel to other planets. As a royal princess, it is normal to have some territories of her own. Jing Zhao has several planets under her name.

Of course, compared with the great blue star, these planets seem to be the difference between a city and a house, but they are still good options for travel and vacation.

After the decision was made, the maids began to help pack the things. The planet Jing Zhao was going to this time was a planet she had never been to before, and it was a planet far away from the Blue Star. It is an ellipse like a blue star, but is named after it resembles an open fan-shaped shell.

After packing everything up, Jing Zhao didn't take anyone with him, he just took Lan Che onto the spaceship.

The spaceship has adjusted the target in advance and has an automatic driving mode, but it is very likely to encounter various dangers such as interstellar beasts or meteors, strange gravity, and strong winds during the journey. At this time, the higher the spiritual power of the pilot The more you can protect yourself.

It was the first time for Lancher to take a spaceship, and he was not excited except for some doubts. Since he got on the spaceship, he has been guarding in front of the cockpit, studying the structure of the spaceship. manual.

Behind Lan Che is a soft bed, the flight time is a bit long, and the princess is sleeping on it.

The safety equipment used to fix the body has been loosened by Lanche, and the princess is holding his tail now, as long as she holds his tail, she can maintain her balance.

The spaceship was intercepted within a short period of time. If Jing Zhao woke up at this time, he would see a long strip of giant interstellar beasts in front of the spaceship, which looked like a belt of stars. They could float in space and slide at will. own body.

Because they felt the king's aura, all the interstellar alien beasts wandering in all directions surrounded them, blocking the spaceship's surroundings.

Unable to move forward, the spaceship issued an alarm sound of "Dididi", which woke Jing Zhao up. In a daze, she was picked up by a pair of strong arms, and then comforted softly.

"It's okay, princess, go to sleep."

Lan Che whispered, looking at the source of the red alarm on the console, he twitched his tail, and the alarm disappeared immediately. Jing Zhao opened his eyes and fell asleep again because he was too sleepy, while the spaceship stopped moving forward.

Not long after, the spaceship that had stopped moving began to move slowly again, but it changed direction suddenly.

If a passing spaceship saw it at this time, they would be horrified to find that there were countless crimson huge interstellar beasts clinging to the bottom and surroundings of this spaceship.

They seem to have captured the spaceship, and are dragging the spaceship to fly towards an unknown direction quickly.

When the queen heard the news that Jing Zhao was going to travel to other planets, she was slightly surprised and then let it go. Li Zhen was going to study at the Imperial College soon, and her mental power could not only be used to contract Hunyuan people as guards, but also to Used to drive spaceships and control star warframes, and Imperial College is responsible for teaching all these.

Every person whose mental power is above S rank is the wealth of the Blue Star Empire and the reserve army of the Blue Star Empire.

When the empire is in danger, they will all become the heroes of the empire. The queen naturally does not want her daughter to make a heroic sacrifice for the empire. She just wants her daughter to be famous in the Imperial Academy, and then she will personally choose the A good enough fiancé to match.

As for Jing Zhao, she seemed to have changed a little bit compared to before, no matter how she provoked her, she didn't make any statement. Could it be that she really accepted the status quo?

The queen was noncommittal about this, but since the current strategy is useless, let's use another method. After all, she is the queen, and there are too many ways to drive people out of the palace.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-1418:39:17~2022-06-1517:06:14~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Qingshan; 3 bottles of Yiguang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?