MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 324

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Chapter 333 CP0 and the King (Three in One)


So, a week later.

The capital of Alabasta, Albana!

"How... how is it possible, I would actually lose to this kind of kid!"

In disbelief, he looked at the blood-stained fist that quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.

Crocodile only had time to let out the last unwilling roar in his heart, and then the famous King Qiwuhai completely lost consciousness.

One of the King's Seven Wuhais, Crocodile, was just defeated!

But in the plot, it is just that people realize that Monkey D. Luffy, the new pirate newcomer, is different.

Crocodile's defeat this time has caused a far-reaching and terrifying impact than the plot!


The Great Route, on the sea beyond the island of Sinting, where the Kingdom of Alabasta is located.

A huge warship was suspended above the ocean, and a female navy with pink hair and a dark red suit lit a lady's cigarette and stuffed it into her mouth expressionlessly, then glanced at the embarrassed beside her. The attitude, the gloomy colleague.

He said, "Smog, why are you here?"

"It's a long story." Chased from Rogge Town, and after the Alabasta Kingdom and the Whitebeard Pirates 18th Division Captain 'Fire Fist' Ace fought, he was severely beaten by Crocodile again. , the result still did not catch Monkey D. Luffy's Smog in a heavy tone: "I have something that I want to explain to you."

"Let's talk about it, Tina really wants to know." The female navy who called herself Tina let out a puff of smoke, her face full of curiosity.

As a classmate of the Naval Academy.

After graduating, he also practiced under Lieutenant General Esdes for several years.

Tina can be said to know Smog's strength and character very well, but it is precisely because of this that she is even more confused about what kind of opponent can make Smog so embarrassed.

Even Crocodile shouldn't have left Smoker so helpless.


On the other side, Justice Island.

It is still on the tower of justice that reaches the sky.

Just like the elegant man dressed in pure white more than ten years ago, he chuckled and looked at the information presented in front of him.

Although the content of the intelligence can be regarded as unfavorable to him, Crocodile did not know which nerve was wrong before he was defeated, and shouted wholeheartedly that he intended to infiltrate Hades, but this still did not prevent the elegant man from getting interesting from it. information.

First, the kingdom of Alabasta, the royal family that was supposed to be the descendant of one of the twenty kings who created the world government, but gave up the opportunity to become a dragon and chose to leave behind the Nefertari clan in the 'human world'. , Sure enough, he once possessed one of the most powerful weapons in the world--Pluto!

Although in the past ten years, Aizen has obtained the design of Hades!

But unfortunately, with the current level of technology, it is no doubt that the real Hades will be re-engraved. It is a terrifying ancient weapon that can destroy an island with a single blow, cast by the huge kingdom of 800 years. reappear in this era.

Therefore, the Pluto recorded in Alabasta may be the only way in this world to access the ancient weapon Pluto.

Second, he has determined the person of destiny recognized by Liu Ye!

Judging from Liu Ye's various performances, there is no doubt that it should be this new pirate named Monkey D Luffy!

Although he is a pirate rookie in name, with the energy of a refined man, or the king of CP, Aizen, Aizen has already made a name for such a unique name as Monkey D. Luffy. series of investigations.

The results of the investigation clearly confirmed Aizen's guess! The grandson of the naval hero Karp and the son of the revolutionary army dragon, he was obviously only staying on the most remote country island in the East China Sea, but he was able to meet the red-haired four emperors who were supposed to be high in the new world when he was young, and he also got it. The red-haired straw hat is a treasure!

This miraculous identity background and legendary experience are enough to make people look at it with admiration. Combined with Liu Ye's various arrangements in the East China Sea, and even Liu Ye's sister Nami has become Luffy's crew, so Aizen can already It is concluded that Luffy is Liu Ye's mouth, the person of destiny who drives the times forward!

For more than ten years, the doubts and confusion about Liu Ye suddenly became clear.

Aizen finally understood why Liu Ye had been noncommittal about his plan, and finally understood why Liu Ye had been waiting.

It turned out that Liu Ye was waiting for this boy named Monkey D Luffy! What we are waiting for is when this boy changes the times and the power of the will of the world is unprecedentedly weak!

"However, this is too cautious.

Silently closed the information in his hand.

Aizen shook his head, feeling that the only person he couldn't understand seemed to be the owner of his own family.

But fortunately, he finally confirmed Liu Ye's plan, and naturally, he also clearly understood his next path.

"Bring the trash of Crocodile here." Aizen said: "Although it's just a mad dog, you can't let it go and bite everywhere, hehe~."


Meanwhile, a new world!

Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick!

As always, on the lively and carefree ship, the world's strongest pirate group, the Whitebeard Pirates, is drinking and having fun. Seemingly cheerful, he drank wine, ignoring the weak dissuasion of the nurses beside him.

how many years.

Since the destruction of the Rocks Pirates and the end of the era of Roger, the pirate king, he, named Whitebeard, has not felt the so-called pressure for too long.

The cruel fighting in the pirate world, the unusual collisions around the world, even Kaido and BIGMOM, who are the four emperors, suffered a big loss more than ten years ago, but only the Whitebeard Pirates, this invincible for too long. The Pirates, as the world's strongest position and illustrious reputation, has never been shaken! No one dares to provoke it!

However, an invincible fortress is always breached from within.

Not long ago, there was a very bad scandal in the Whitebeard Pirates.

That is the vice-captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard Marshall D. Titch, who killed his partner because he coveted his partner's property, and killed the fourth division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, S. strange! It violated the iron law that the Whitebeard Pirates must not violate!

You know, after the Whitebeard established the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years, it was the first time that a captain-level person died. What's more sad is that the powerful captain did not die in the hands of the enemy, but in the name of the 'family'. Under the backstab!

The entire Whitebeard Pirates were plunged into terrifying fury! Countless pirates are clamoring to bring Saatchi to justice, but Whitebeard's intuition is hinting him faintly that if he launches revenge on Blackbeard and welcomes the Whitebeard Pirates, it will be a terrible game. nightmare.

Whitebeard is old, and he doesn't want to pursue this kind of thing anymore. It is a pity that the son of his best friend Roger, whom he admires very much, can't accept this result and disregarded his dissuasion to go to sea.

Although Whitebeard didn't show anything on the surface, his inner worry was something he couldn't hide from the captains who knew Whitebeard very well.

"Don't worry, Dad, there will be no problem."

Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Standing on Whitebeard's left hand, 'Phoenix' Marko glanced at the blond female knight, who was less than 160 cm tall, surrounded by the crew, and comforted the worried Whitebeard: "Anyway, we still There's Artoria!"

"Kura la la la~, you're right." Whitebeard laughed when he heard this.

Read The Duke's Passion