MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 323

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At the same time, the Great Route, the former Drum Kingdom, now leads the Drum Island under the Uruk Kingdom..

In Wangli Hospital!

"Lord Izayoi, don't worry, Nami will be fine." With a pleasing smile.

In the former Drum Kingdom, now the genius doctor of Drum Island—Dr. Guleiwa took a sip of wine, and then looked at the girl in the maid costume who was less than 170 cm tall. Only then did she confirm that she was really not dreaming.

Although that incident, it has been twelve years.

But to this day, Gureva can't forget the day when the golden king led the maid in front of him to the Drum Kingdom, replacing the Drum Kingdom and integrating it all into the glory called Uruk .

All those who opposed them were killed, and the brutal king gained dominion in the blood, but miraculously, the country did not sink into decay, but instead gave birth to an unprecedented splendor!

And all of this, apart from the credit of Gilgamesh, who is called the 'King of Kings' and the 'Emperor of Half-Gods', the most important reason may be the existence of the girl in front of him!

"But, it's been ten years, why did you suddenly leave? And why...appeared next to a pirate..." In the empty space, only Gureva, Izayoi and Na in the beautiful medical room.

Gureva glanced at Nami, who was unconscious due to the high fever, and finally couldn't help her doubts, and asked the expressionless girl in front of her.

You know, twelve years ago, Izayoi was the absolute arm of King Gilgamesh!

It can be said that Izayoi Sakuya has nearly half of the credit for the splendor and status of Uruk Kingdom! Otherwise, Gilgamesh alone would not have been able to forge the present foundation in such a simple and crude way.

However, such a legendary existence, why did he suddenly disappear at the critical moment of Uruk's rise?

You know, because of Izayoi's sudden disappearance, Gilgamesh was carrying a large fishing reel. Many people thought that the king was unwilling to share his authority with Izayoi, and killed him who fought side by side. 's friends.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

"I'm just a maid now." Facing Gureva's question.

Izayoi's expression was still flat: "You don't need to call me an adult, and you don't need to remember my past. Now, my duty is to protect Nami."


Holy Land Mary Joa!

"Demigod? Gilgamesh?"

Inside the pure white palace.

The five old stars gathered in a group as before, looking at the information placed on the table by the CP, they were furious.

The Tianlong people, including the Five Old Stars, are accustomed to pretending to be 'Gods'.

Because of their ancestors, the twenty kings who created the world government are like gods who created a new world and order! Bringing a whole new or and life to the world! And as the descendants of these twenty kings, they are naturally the descendants of the gods, the sons of gods!

And now, there is actually a guy who is called a 'demi-god'?

A mere pariah, even trying to contaminate the honor of God! If he doesn't stop him, won't this guy go a step further and become a new **** by imitating the twenty kings eight hundred years ago?

This kind of thing is obviously absolutely not allowed!

"Also, what's going on with the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce?" The blond old star asked first: "If I remember correctly, the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce should be the City Warden, Uchiha Madara's Chamber of Commerce? Why has it developed to such a degree, we Nothing at all?"

"Because the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce is no longer Uchiha Madara's chamber of commerce." The bearded old star shook his head and sighed: "As early as three years ago, Uchiha Madara reported to me the information about the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce being out of control, but..."

The old star with the beard did not continue to talk, and the other old stars also did not continue to ask questions.

Madara Uchiha's report is indeed correct.

But how can the five old stars, who are dignified in their daily lives, care about the ownership of a mere chamber of commerce? What's more, this Chamber of Commerce pretends to be so harmless to humans and animals, even if it is out of the control of the advancing city, the five old stars do not take this matter to heart.

I never imagined that, just by being inattentive, that little dark blue chamber of commerce would expand like this, and even conspire with that self-proclaimed demigod Uruk Kingdom!


The sword-wielding old star was furious: "We must not let the Uruk Kingdom continue to do whatever they want!"

"You should also restrain those bastards, understand what I mean?"

The latter words are for other veterans.

All the old stars just nodded, without showing the slightest dissatisfaction.

After all, in the final analysis, the main reason for the growth of Uruk Kingdom to such a point that it is about to lose control is the insatiable greed and self-corruption of the Dragon people.

If it wasn't for the Heavenly Dragons coveting the donations of the Uruk Kingdom and pardoning the disrespectful acts of the Uruk Kingdom again and again, how did the Uruk Kingdom reach such an out of control situation?

Now, it is even more terrifying threat than the revolutionary army that was funded by mysterious forces more than ten years ago, even in alliance with such outrageous business empires as the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce!

If the problem is not fundamentally solved, there will only be more and more 'demi-gods' like Uruk!


The capital of Uruk.

Inside the huge castle called Uruk City.

now. It has been three days since the Uruk Kingdom and the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce united, and the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce revealed its power to the outside world according to Liu Ye's wishes.

Willow Ye, who thought that there would be a violent storm, waited in Uruk City for three consecutive days, but did not expect that nothing came.

"This is normal." Gilgamesh said proudly: "After all, Uruk has 2 million elite soldiers! The super kingdom with hundreds of millions of people will go to war with Uruk, even the world government should be careful. Influence, not to mention, now I have the assistance of a huge chamber of commerce such as the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, even if the world government is ready to attack me, it will take a long time to plan and plan."

"In other words, is it impossible for a war to break out in the short term?" Liu Ye asked.

"If you want to launch a war against a kingdom of Uruk's size, it will take at least a year to mobilize enough military power with the apparent strength of the world government." Gilgamesh sneered: "This is the The drawbacks of joining a **** organization, if it is in Uruk, as long as I, as the king, can wage war against any country or any force within a week at most!"

"Haha, this is exactly what I need." Liu Ye laughed: "But please bear with me a little, my sister hasn't played enough, since the world government will be unable to take action for a while, then you might as well Let that worry-free sister of mine play a little more."

"As you wish, Master." The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

The omnipotent king, Gilgamesh, bowed slightly to Liu Ye as a servant.


new world.

"Looks like it's going to change, Brolisan."

A red-haired one-armed man put down the newspaper in his hand.

With a sighed look on his face, he looked at the burly man who was sitting in front of the bonfire and biting the flesh of sea beasts, with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect that even you chose Uruk..."

Could it be that this world will really be subverted by existences other than 'D'?

Read The Duke's Passion