MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 258

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Rob Lucci, in a jet-black suit, looked blankly at the white figure sitting on the high platform, hidden in the light of the eternal day on Judiciary Island.

Respectful report: "Everything has been arranged, the ship of the rubber fruit escorted by Foz Fu has set off. If there is no accident in the plan, in two days, Foz Fu's **** ship will meet with 'Red Hair' Shank. meet."

"Hmm hum hum~~, well done, Lu Qi." It sounded like a light laughter from the sky, from the mouth of the figure covered by the light.

The man known as Aizen-sama slowly stood up from the high platform, followed the steps, and came to Rob Lucci step by step, finally in the dazzling rays of light, revealing his face that seemed to be eternal. A refined and confident face.

'The King of CP' - Aizen · Sousuke!

Although he became the CP9 commander, it was only less than a year!

But there is no doubt that he has become a living legend in CP! The entire CP system, not to mention the superficial CP1-CP9, even the shield of the so-called Tianlongren, the omnipotent CP0, must be defeated by Aizen Soyousuke's terrifying talent and scheming!

At least in Rob Lucci's perception, since Aizen Sosuke took charge of CP9, all the goals of CP9 have never failed! Whether it is what the world government wants, or what CP9 wants!

And now, this unfathomable man finally made his move again!

"Eight hundred years ago, in the blank 100-year history, a man named 'Joey Boy' will appear in this world again after more than ten years, and according to the prophecy In that way, a terrifying change that will overturn the world will take place."

Under Rob Ludge's respectful gaze.

Aizen, who walked up to Rob Ludge, said to himself: "The world has been fearing and guarding against the appearance of this man, even listing it as taboo and absurd fallacy, but we know that this The world is already full of irresistible traces of 'fate', no matter how much the world resists this fact (bhdc), the appearance of Joyboy is also an unchangeable fact."

This is not a spoiler for Aizen by Willow Ye who is a traveler.

But as the commander of CP9, what Aizen can access, is the core secret of the world's government and government! Some secrets, not even mentioned in the plot, were known by Aizen.

In the face of Aizen who seems to be omniscient, Rob Lucci's heart only has the infinite worship of Aizen, which is like admiring the gods! All the remarks about Aizen, including Aizen's mouth, that seem to be illusory, and have not been recognized by the world as "Joey Boy" and the so-called fateful change! Rob Luch is absolutely convinced!

And Aizen has long been unmoved by this, but still maintains that narrative tone, and continues to say to Rob Luqi: "Nowadays, in the historical texts scattered around the world, a considerable part of the expanded version has been published by One Piece. Roger gathered on the island of the end, just waiting for the new Joey Boy to appear. The treasure that Roger left behind in Ralph Drew, which is said to be enough to change the world, will be followed by the world government. A hundred years of history that has been erased reappears in this world!"

"We, who seem to be in control of everything, are actually deeply passive. The world government is afraid, and the Tianlong people are also afraid, but we can't get lost in this fear."

The blank 100-year-old historical text, and even the red historical text that can lead to the specific location of the final island of Love Drew, all came from a country called Wano Kingdom.

This also means that no matter what waves the appearance of "Joey Boy" will cause, Wano Country, the birthplace of historical texts, will definitely play an indispensable and important role in the future era.

And now, it is Kaido who has just been thwarted by Esdes and his strength has been greatly reduced, and the Beast Pirates under his command.

Although the Hundred Beasts Pirates were hit hard by G5 in the Great Battle of Beixia, and even Kaido was almost killed by the power of the extreme cold of Esdes, but relying on the unique terrain of Wano, Wano is in the hundred In the hands of the Beast Pirates, it can still be called impregnable! It is difficult to be captured by ordinary means.

However, Aizen does not need to take the entire Wano country.

Because various signs have shown that the country of Wano is destined to become the center of the change of the times in the future.

Being in such a huge era, the future of Wano will definitely suffer from severe storms, and everything that Kaido has constructed in Wano will be riddled with holes. Aizen only needs to be in CP. There is a hidden child buried in it in advance, and all the movements of the Wano country can be controlled at any time, which is enough to deal with all the future changes of the Wano country! It is even used to lock the candidate of Joey Boy, and further reach the truth of the world, and even so...

Challenge the fate of this world! !

Chapter 268 One Year!!

And the final candidate for the chess piece to take on such an important task has been selected by Aizen!

That is, inside the CP9, the strength and ability are almost on par with Rob Luqi, but the potential has basically come to an end, the improvement space is visible to the naked eye, even if it is sacrificed, there is nothing to regret - Fuzzy Fu!

Although within the Beast Pirates, there is already a chess piece of Ulquiorra's avatar colleague.

But Aizen is not Liu Ye, he has no confidence in other clones, nor can he regard Ulquiora as a power that can be used by himself. Compared with Ulquiorra, Aizen trusts his own more. means.

Around this point, Aizen had already started planning when the Battle of Bay Gorge had just ended.

He first used means to steal the rubber fruit belonging to the red-haired Shanks.

Then, the rubber fruit was given to an arrogant and ignorant Tianlong person in the name of respect through the phone bug.

And said that for absolute safety, Aizen will send CP9, the most powerful Fuzzy Frey to personally **** the Devil Fruit to ensure that the 'honorable' Tianlongren can receive the respect from CP9.

Up to this point, there was no problem with the procedures, and there was no flaw in the logic, and no one could see traces of man-made in it.

But the real point, this is just the beginning!

Due to its special magnetic field, the Great Route can only pass through a few fixed channels, and once a channel is selected, it cannot be changed until it reaches the Chambord Islands.

By virtue of this important basic principle, the captured rubber fruit is located in a small town just above an important shipping lane in the first half of the Great Route.

Fuzz Fu needs to go to that small town to get the rubber fruit, and then he will sail to the Holy Land along the established channel under the action of the basic navigation principles of the great route.

This channel will collide head-on with the red-haired pirates heading to the East China Sea in a town that must be supplied within two days!

Facing the captured rubber fruit, how would the redhead as the Four Emperors react?

There is no doubt about it, it is an important treasure worth hundreds of millions of Berry, even the Four Emperors cannot be indifferent, and it is basically certain that he will definitely take action against Fuzzy Fou and **** the lost treasure back.

And the red hair is a rare rational pirate. In the face of Fuzz Fu's special identity, the red hair will definitely not directly take Fuzi Fu's life, so as not to anger CP or the world government.

In this way, Fuzzy Fu can survive, but he will lose the rubber fruit that is enshrined as a treasure to the dragon people!

The purpose of Aizen specifically looking for a brainless and arrogant Tianlong person as an object of worship is here, even if everyone knows that it is completely understandable to face the failure of the Four Emperor Fuzi Fu, but Tianlongren will never care about this, He would only be angry that Fuzzy Fu dared to lose his treasure and punish Fuzzy Fu.

The world government is precisely a deformed government that is extremely tolerant of the Tianlong people, and takes the orders of the Tianlong people as the highest code of conduct. In the face of the Tianlong people's investigation, it is impossible for anyone to ask for forgiveness for Fuzzy Fu.

In the end, the fate of Foz Fu is basically certain.

Aizen, the commander of CP9, can completely decide the punishment for Fuzz Fu.

And he has an indescribable peculiar connection with Madara Uchiha and Qianshouzhu, the guardians of the advance city. No matter what happens, they can be controlled by humans.

For example, an accidental release of Fuzzy Fu, and before that, he kept hinting through his heart that Fuzz Fu, who had just been hit hard in Bay Gorge, was eager for talent, and urgently needed someone with extraordinary skills like him. The addition of advanced combat power.

In this way, Fuzz Fu, who escaped but had nowhere to go, and even faced the arrest of CP, the only place in his heart subconsciously could only be the Beast Pirates!

And all these calculations, Fuzz Fu himself did not know!

Even Fuzz Fu himself didn't know about it, so the group of idiots from the Beast Pirates naturally couldn't see the flaws in it!

Driven by hatred and thirst for power, Fuzz Fu will definitely try his best to make a name for himself in the Beast Pirates, and prove to the CP and the world government that even if he leaves CP, he is still the same. Live well! In order to complete its mission as a chess piece, it must occupy a certain position in the Beast Pirates.

When the revolution broke out and the chess piece Foz Fou needed to be used, Aizen naturally had the means to make Foz Fou cooperate obediently.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

This is the horror of Aizen. In Aizen's hands, Fuzz Fu can be said to be like a marionette, and can only be manipulated by Aizen without the slightest resistance.

But Rob Lucci, who knew all of these plans, did not feel ruthless and ruthless toward Aizen.

Yes, it's just the infinite admiration for Aizen's strategizing even more than ten years later!


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