MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 257

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"Then do we still have to send reinforcements to Beixia?" asked the bearded old star.

"Adding reinforcements is necessary. Even the reward to Esdes cannot be deducted in the slightest. But..." The voice paused.

The curly-bearded old star raised his eyelids slightly: "Esdes can't be trusted, and it's not appropriate to add too much power to him. Since she is so eager to get Bayxia, let her stay in Bayxia forever."

"Send order! The Xinshi G5 base is within Beixia, and the highest mission of the G5 base is changed - guarding Beixia!"

"As for the additional reinforcements for Esdes, it is enough for her to cope with the situation in Bayxia!"

Like a clock that judges fate.

As the voice of the old star with the beard fell, the acquiescence of all the five old stars, a vice admiral who had just made a great contribution to the sky, seems to have been determined to his future destiny.

Guarding Beixia is both a duty and a prison.

Although there is no substantive evidence.

But for the Five Old Stars, what Esdes has done is faintly beyond their control! In the face of an existence beyond one's control, no matter whether this power is pros or cons, sealing it is the safest way.

Sadly, it's still a little too late to do this now.

The storm caused by the Bay Gorge has already started!


It's like this.

Facing a new world with undercurrents.

The decisions made by the Five Old Stars ultimately determined the direction of the entire event.

Under the orders of the Five Old Stars.

The task of guarding Beixia fell on the head of G5 who captured Beixia, and the accompanying support quickly supplemented the loss of the G5 navy in the battle with Kaido. Before they could react, the power of G5 had basically recovered to its peak.

But although G5 has received reinforcements from the world.

But the real thoughts of the Five Old Stars have not been able to hide from those who can understand the situation.

If the World Government intends to sweep the new world, then the reinforcement of the World Government to Bayxia will definitely not just restore the power of G5. Not to mention that such an important strategic waterway as Beixia will not be handed over to G5 as a base guard.

G1, G2, G3, G4...

These famous G-level branches located in the new world still remain within the original scope. The commanders of the major bases not only did not receive any orders to assist G5, but also did not receive orders to further sweep the new world with the help of the Bayxia victory. .

The Marshal of the Navy Headquarters shouted in a rage.

As a true and righteous navy, the idea of ​​the Warring States period is completely opposite to that of the Five Old Stars! In the future, he has the determination to get rid of the great pirate Whitebeard when he goes to war with Whitebeard. Of course, now he also has the courage to lead the navy to fight against the pirates in an all-round way!

Faced with such a thousand-year-old opportunity to win Beixia, the first thought of the Warring States period was to enter the new world and completely destroy the last living space of pirates!

However, in the face of the almost arbitrary decision of the Five Old Stars, the personal will of the Warring States, who was only a naval marshal, was too trivial. Even as a marshal of the navy, he can't change the fact that he is just a lackey under the world government and has no face in front of the Five Old Stars.

But it is also thanks to the actions of the five old stars.

Originally, the big pirates who were nervous about the capture of Beixia also came back to their senses one after another. Although they still maintained a certain degree of vigilance about Beixia, it was like being in a volcanic crater that was about to erupt. The tension that would explode completely was fading quickly.

The so-called balance of the world government is returning under the actions of the Five Old Stars!

under this situation.

As the protagonist of the event, Esdes, of course, also understands that G5 and Beixia have become the shackles used by the Five Old Stars to control her.

But this time, Esdes did not act as usual, ignoring the orders of the Five Old Stars.

First of all, Esdes is very clear that this time he insisted on grabbing Bayxia with the Beast Pirates, and he has touched the bottom line of the world.

Secondly, the G5, which has just experienced a fierce battle, can no longer draw enough troops for further action. Although the Five Old Stars have sent reinforcements to the G5, these reinforcements are only good enough to guard Beixia. That’s all, it’s okay to take advantage of the terrain of Beixia. If you rush to the sea of ​​the New World and fight the legendary (Wang Zhao) pirates head-on, I am afraid that the entire army will be destroyed within three rounds.

Third, and most importantly!

Esdes, who controlled Bayxia, didn't want to continue fighting anymore.

Now Esdes has reached the pinnacle of his naval career, and his level and abilities have reached a limit! It is no longer possible to make oneself stronger by fighting.

When the benefits of battle decreased, Esdes' focus naturally began to tilt towards cultivating his own subordinate forces.

Taking advantage of the time he was trapped in G5, Esders could just concentrate on training new recruits, integrate the power of G5, and prepare in advance for building an invincible naval army.

Rather than saying that Esdes was trapped in the Bay, it would be better to say that the ultimate goal of Esders winning the Bay was to create a brand new G5!

Chapter 267 Miss Jeanne!!

The terrifying undercurrent of Beixia’s capture, with Esdes guarding Beixia, countless pirates smashed their heads in Beixia, but the World Government showed no sign of using Beixia to further control the new world. And gradually subsided!

Even Esdes seems to have taken on the new responsibility of guarding Bayxia at the G5 base and generally has not taken any further actions.

This is also the second harvest of Esders' battle of Bay Gorge, that is, it has washed away the notoriety of G5 as a garbage branch, and even went a step further, becoming the admiration of everyone in the navy and attractive to recruits. The branch known as 'Hero'!

"That guy Esdes is really trying to be discouraged~~, isn't it, Sakaski."

It is located in the main town of the Navy Headquarters, in the courtyard of Marin Fando.

Kizaru, who was on vacation, said this to the stern man in front of him, who was shirtless and kneeling in the courtyard.

And in the face of the yellow monkey.

The serious man known as Sakaski, only 070 frowned and looked at a briefing beside him without saying a word.

In the briefing, a picture of a knife-wielding woman with a bloodthirsty smile on her face, but with ice-blue hair and ice-blue eyelashes, jumped to the center of the briefing.

Below the briefing, there are all the details of the woman..



Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! G5 Base Commander!

Age: 21 years old!


On the other side, Justice Island!

"Lord Aizen.

Wear a hat.