MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 253

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Cocoa West Village.

Just as the final war in the Great Strait of Bay Gorge was about to break out.

The Cocoa West Village in the East China Sea was not affected by the increasingly terrifying smell of gunpowder in the New World.

With the end of the Nami incident, Cocoyashi Village has regained its former tranquility again. Fruits with higher and higher output value and more and more prosperous fruit trade have made Cocoyasi Village, a little-known village full of thriving fireworks. breath.

That is, in this peaceful environment.

Nami finally slowly stepped out of the shadow of the Royal Capital Academy, and her personality became lively and cheerful again. Until now, at least Liu Ye has completely lost sight of the impact of that incident on Nami.

Perhaps this is what normal children should behave when they encounter setbacks. Liu Ye remembered that when he was a child, he was often the type who had healed the scars and forgot the pain, leaving a psychological shadow because of a terrible thing, even his personality and heart. Distortion happens all the time, but there are not many cases.

Because of this, Liu Ye's worries about Nami have been relieved recently, and even now he has put most of his energy back on the avatar and the system.

Naturally, Liu Ye also knew about the Great Bay Battle that Esdes had provoked.

For this war, Liu Ye did not express any opinion.

Esders wants to fight for control of the Great Strait of Bay Gorge, so as to gain the right to actively influence the new world.

And Ulquiorra, as a member of the Beast Pirates, must also fight to defend the Beasts Pirates...

As for Esdes invited CP9 and Ximen Chuixue as foreign aids to fight the Beast Pirates together, that was Esdes' own method, not Liu Ye's secret instructions.

The reality is like this. The clones of the three major institutions of the world government naturally have the basis for alliance. Unless there is an order from Liu Ye, otherwise there is no conflict between their interests, but they are full of cooperation. space.

It is also for this reason that when other avatars conflict with the avatars of the three major institutions, those avatars often face the siege of several avatars belonging to the same world government. Such as Joan of Arc, and now Ulquiorra. This is the natural advantage of these avatars, and it is also their reward for joining the world government and being restrained by all aspects of the world government.

Although Joan of Arc, Ulquiorra and other avatars do not have such an alliance foundation, they have very broad rights in their respective camps, and can mobilize far more power than any avatar of the World Government's camp. , Joan of Arc and Ulquiorra, can even represent the Revolutionary Army or the Beast Pirates to declare war on people! The power they can mobilize is obviously far more than a naval base commander, or a propelling city guard commander, or a CP commander can mobilize several times the power.

The factions of both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages. As for how to use their own camps to strengthen themselves, or why conflict occurs, as long as it does not affect the overall layout of Liu Ye, Liu Ye has no intention of intervening.

Therefore, even if the artillery fire on the other side of the Beixia Strait has been going on for a long time, Liu Ye is not panic at all.

Compared with the Battle of Bay Strait in the New World, Liu Ye was more interested in the development plan submitted by Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is right, although the fourteen avatars Liu Ye now owns have been distributed all over the world, and among the major local forces, they all control a lot of power.

But most of these powers are attached to local institutions. No matter how well the clones perform, it is impossible to completely strip these powers (of Wang Zhao) and turn them into forces that they can command at will.

Of course, power is only secondary.

What's more important is the lack of foundation.

If one day, Liu Ye ordered all the forces to be summoned, even if the clones have the means to reach the sky, they will bring their forces operating in the major camps into Liu Ye's command, how to arrange these forces, how to ensure the combat effectiveness of these forces, Equipment, weapons, repairs, etc., are all problems.

No matter how rich the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce is, it is just a chamber of commerce! It can provide enough money to support the existence of these forces, but not enough people, territories and mechanisms to undertake the heavy responsibility of integrating it all.

There is only a country, a super country with a sound system, laws and regulations, and a vast land! Only then can we accept these huge forces and provide a large rear that is stable enough!


PS: Start with stable updates first.

Chapter 262 Miracle Esdes!!

To support Gilgamesh's actions is to support the common interests of all avatars, there is no doubt about this.

But whether it is the Battle of the Bay Gorge or the reform of Gilgamesh's Uruk Kingdom, it is not a top priority for the current Liu Ye.

Recently, Liu Ye has been troubled, making it difficult for Liu Ye to speak for a long time, but he realizes that he must do and must do one thing.

That is..

"Are you going out?" Bellmer stared at Liu Ye in front of him with wide eyes.

Then he refused without hesitation: "Don't even think about it, it's not like it's been four years..."

"It's not going to sea, it's just going out." Liu Ye said: "I'm going to open a store in the port of Gesa Town, do you remember Klo?"

"You mean, that Chloe from the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce?" Upon hearing this name, Bermel immediately thought of the dark blue who brought Nami back safe and sound, who is very different from ordinary people and has an impressive gentleness. Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, the most impressive thing is his status as the director of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce.

To be honest, Crow’s suave appearance will only make people wary. In the plot, Keya’s parents will take Crow back, probably because he is blinded by the miserable situation that Crow disguised. If it is Crow in a normal state, then Vice-like scheming 067 like a fox will only deepen people's defenses.

But no matter what, when Crow is dressed as the steward of the dark blue chamber of commerce, everything will immediately change.

"That's right, it's Crow." Liu Ye nodded: "Actually, Crow intends to train me to work in the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce.


Belmer didn't speak.

It's just that the look is no longer as non-negotiable as it was at the beginning. It's not because of how attractive Liu Ye's words are, but because... the words "Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce" are really an irresistible golden sign for Donghai at this moment!

There will be no normal Donghai people who can refuse the opportunity to join the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the amazingly high salaries that the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce gives its employees, more importantly, the rising channels in the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce and the rights and Status is a straight channel for an ordinary person to walk (bhdc) to the peak of life!

If nothing else, it is just a shopkeeper of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce in the kingdom, and his status is almost equal to that of the king. In the past, those nobles who put their eyes on their heads would also take the initiative to say hello when they saw the shopkeeper of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce.

If you can enter the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce to work, even if it is just a bottom-level clerk, his future is no less than that of the official employees of the world's top 500 companies in the previous life.

In the face of the signboard of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, no matter how tyrannical Bermel was, he had to let go of this amazing future.

And, just go to the port..

Gesa Town is not too far away from Cocoyashi Village. Even if something happens, you can check it at any time.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Seeing Bermel's already loosened Willow Leaf, he quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Claude has promised that as long as I study hard, he will definitely train me as a candidate for the shopkeeper. Deep Blue The Chamber of Commerce and the capital are completely different places, at least until now, all those who joined the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce have not suffered any bullying in the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce."

"Needless to say." Bermel interrupted Liu Ye with a complicated expression.

Then, under Liu Ye's 'beautiful' look, he sighed: "Originally, I kept restricting you because I was worried about you. But since you already have such a good future and future, it would be too difficult for me to obstruct any more. It's too impersonal."

"So?" Liu Ye's eyes lit up.

"First, you are not allowed to go to sea." Bermel looked serious: "Also, I want Chloe to come and explain to me in person!"

She didn't dare to easily trust her son who was full of thoughts.

Although it has been a long time since I mentioned it again, she still remembers it firmly! Remember that just last year, my son brought back a blond girl named Joan of Arc! And now, that blond girl named Joan of Arc has become the second-in-command of the famous revolutionary army, and can even be said to be a saint who is almost on an equal footing with the leader, Monkey D. Long!

Rather than worrying about what danger will Liu Ye encounter.

What Bellmer was more worried about was that his son had something to do with the revolutionary army, and that was the truly terrible thing.

Read The Duke's Passion