MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 252

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One is the famous Ice Empress, who is indomitable. Relying on unrivaled achievements, in just one year, he has gone from a mere recruit to the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, who has been imprisoned on the throne of the G5 Base Commander - Esther. s!

The other person, the pirates who drove the Beasts Pirates can be so brave and not afraid of death, but it is not Kaido, the captain of the Beasts Pirates, but although he has been a lot more peaceful recently, he can still be today. , and no one will forget, the so-called 'most fierce' 'worst' pirate, one of the six volleys of the Beast Pirates - 'Black Wing' Ulquiorra!

"What kind of tactics did you use, and why did these **** guys fight like this with the Navy?"

On the high-level warship of the Beast Pirates.

Peggy Wan, who is also the sixth son of the volleyball, is only shocked in his heart at this moment.

No one knows the nature of these pirates better than Peggy Wan. They are nothing more than a group of guys who bully the weak and fear the tough. It is enough to let them rely on the background of the Four Emperor Pirates to deal with the weak. Called the blood grinding disc, the war that is almost a life-and-death battle is undoubtedly a dream!

In fact, the Hundred Beasts Pirates never thought that a mere G5 base would be able to withstand their Hundred Beasts' offensive before they went to battle. In the regiment's expectation, the victory of the Bayxia naval battle should be as easy as searching for something! It is impossible to enter a stalemate at all.

But the result made the Beasts Pirates terrified. In the G5 base, the only person who could make the Beasts Pirates feel a little more difficult - the base director Esdes did not take action! The G5 base actually blocked the three fronts of the Beast Pirates with only fourteen detachment leaders and several times the strength. Even Jack was shot down into the sea several times by the drought. If Jack was not a murloc, I am afraid that Buried in the sea.

The situation on the other fronts is also not optimistic. The tenacity and combat effectiveness of the G5 Navy, which is rumored to be naval garbage, far exceeded the expectations of the leaders of the various Beast Pirates. Until the beginning of July, the Beast Pirates did not have any. gain any advantage.

And now, the G5 Navy has suddenly gone crazy and launched a full-scale attack! In the face of the pressure of the entire G5 navy, the Beast Pirates without Kaido's presence can be said to have suffered heavy casualties, but even so, the pirates of these Beast Pirates did not mean to break up, but followed suit. As the war progressed, the fighting spirit grew stronger!

It just goes against common sense! !

"Because just as the G5 navy is eager to prove that they are not garbage, they are also looking forward to proving themselves to Lord Kaido." In response, Ulquiorra's tone was flat: even if the odds were slim. "

"What do you mean?" Runti, who had been unable to speak to the side, could only widen her eyes.

"Esdes and I have played against each other three times." Ulquiorra said: "Esdes is the winner every time, and this time is no exception, because her setting is to fight without a fight. An invincible general, there is no certainty of victory, Estes will never be so desperate."

"Set?? What are you talking about, Xiao Wu!!" Runti, who couldn't understand at all, jumped up angrily, feeling extremely dissatisfied with Ulquiorra's praise of Esdes: "What war? Invincible general, I don't admit it!!"

The voice fell.

Runti jumped into the air, turned into a huge swollen dragon, and slammed into a warship that was approaching ahead.

Ulquiorra just watched calmly.

He knew very well that Esdes did not put his army in his eyes at all.

Even if one of their 067 fronts can win, it won't help if the other fronts are completely defeated.

But even so..

"Esdes, you despise me too much."

Thinking so peacefully.

Ulquiorra raised his arm slightly, and the next moment, five spears constructed of thunder suddenly suspended above Ulquiorra's head.

"Most of the abilities of the Beast Pirates are clumsy animals with Devil Fruit abilities. They lack the means of long-range attack, and it is difficult to show their combat power in the sea. Therefore, kite warfare can be used to limit the sea of ​​beasts. The display of the advanced combat power of the thief group."

"But I'm different."

With the thought of falling.

Under Peggywan's wide gaze, Ulquiorra pressed his arm expressionlessly.

'The gun of thunder! ’

‘Boom~~! ’

Between thunder and explosions.

A full five thunder spears shot out with a long lightning bolt! In the blink of an eye, it instantly hit the five heavy warships ahead that had been keeping a very long distance from the Beast Pirates!

next moment...

'Boom~~! ’

With a loud roar of thunder!

Groups of dazzling lightning **** engulfed the entire sea with a bang.

Chapter 261 Kaido Creation!!

Meanwhile, the other side.

With a knife hanging from his waist, Esdes stood on the bow of the G5 main ship.

Behind him, Virgo, the deputy commander, stood behind him with a grim look on his face. From the appearance alone, no one would be able to tell that Virgo's true identity was actually an undercover pirate.

"Lieutenant General Esdes."

Under the whistling sea breeze.

Vergo said expressionlessly: "Ulquiorra is a very difficult opponent, isn't it? Is it really okay to transfer me from there?"

According to the original plan.

It should be the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth detachments led by Vergo to jointly block the main force of the Beast Pirates led by Ulquiorra, and then by Ai. Steth led the other detachments to intercept Kaido and the three Kanban's support for the battlefield.

But now, Esdes has suddenly transferred him from other battlefields. Without his presence, there is no one in the six detachments who can deal with Ulquiorra.

"It's okay."

However, in the face of Vergo's inquiry.

Esdes' answer was extremely succinct: "All we have to do is trust our colleagues, and compared to those miscellaneous soldiers in Ulquiorra..."

The ice-blue pupils looked at the huge dragon-headed battleship that slowly emerged where the sea and the sky meet in the distance.

Esdes slowly put his right hand on the hilt of the knife on his left waist, and his tone was cold: "By defeating Kaido, we can achieve real victory!"

The lens turns.

Behind Esdes, dozens of warships loaded with artillery were pointing forward.

On one of the warships, there was a black-haired swordsman wearing a white swordsman uniform with a frosty face!


"Defeat Kaido, and the war will naturally stop." The swordsman, who was called Fubuki-sama, opened his mouth with a cold tone.


No one speaks.

The G5 navy members on the entire warship are all carefully looking at the man with the long sword on his waist, and the boys and girls who look only teenage next to the man.

Just before, they have used their strength to gain the respect of G5!

Read The Duke's Passion