MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 988 What are you afraid of?

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The five monarchs of the land have always been the patron saints of the place to protect the chaos. In the strong seat of the five main gods, the chaotic land can maintain its transcendental status, not threatened by the city owners of time and space, destiny, and let the goddess The Alliance did not dare to act rashly.

As time flies, Saras and Vasis among the five great monarchs have already stood up with Han Shuo for various reasons. The Ossau, who had made a good deal with Han Shuo, died in his hands earlier. Now, the two kings, Tyre and Rogge, who are in front of him, are killed in the hands of Han Shuo.

In just ten years, the five monarchs died three times and two surrendered.

In the chaotic land that has been fighting for many years, no one can threaten the Han family from today, threatening the status of Han Shuo.

The huge virtual illusion that was merged by the six-line power suddenly returned to the magical dragon. Han Shuo’s body looked down and smashed the fierceness of these chaos. He said: "Tell, Rogge is dead, you are scattered. Let's go."

The leaders of the various parties in the chaotic land of Sir Frank and Karp, listening to Han Shuo, said that they all looked at each other and looked at Han Shuo slyly. It seemed that they did not understand the meaning of Han Shuo’s words.

Half a ring, Xilanke was a tribute, and said: "Now the Hunting Alliance is still raging in the deep valley, we should temporarily belong to your majesty at this time, help you to fight against the hunting gods alliance. Why? Let us disperse Open it?"

Not only the scattered forces like Xilan and Kapp, but even the former men of Tell and Rogge are all puzzled. According to their understanding of the major monarchs in the chaotic land, Han Shuo should take the opportunity to take them all down, and to hold the most powerful forces in the chaos in the hands, Tyre and Rogge have always done this. They don't understand why Han Shuo didn't do this.

The corner of the mouth evokes a cold smile, Han Shuo > below the mortal beings, said: "To deal with the hunting gods alliance, I have enough people in the magic hidden valley to take what effort you need. The hunting **** alliance has its necessity, After a while, when they are desperately trying to escape from the chaotic land, you don't have to desperately stop them, let them leave. Anyway, there are masters of the major gods outside the chaotic land waiting for them."

"We, what can we do?" To this point, Frank’s face was a bit shy, and suddenly realized that in front of Han Shuo’s top-ranking figures, they were like the hunter’s alliance of ants The crisis seems to be not worth worrying in the eyes of Han Shuo.

"What can you do?" Han Shuo smiled. Suddenly. Just shook his head: "You just have to live in the chaotic land. The deep valley will still settle down. Those who hide in the deep valley shops in various regions. You only need to be responsible for passing the news. Let the storm go after the storm It’s time to return to the deep valley."

stop. Han Shuo flew away from the day. Just disappeared from their sight.

"There have been no more than five monarchs since the chaos." Silanke stunned for a while. Immediately smiled bitterly: "Brian's achievements have been far stronger than the five monarchs. As long as he is in the chaotic land one day. The chaotic land will always be his land!"

"This is also a messy place to rule by one person. At least there is no endless battle." Karp thought. Suddenly smiled. Hehe said: "In any case, Brian is very interesting to himself. If we can become a Korean defender one day, it should be good."

"That's why people can't see us!" said Frank. "Before the war. Many people want to trust the Korean family. Unfortunately, one can't look at it. I still think that Han family doesn't know." Lifting up. Now I understand that it is estimated that people do not put us in the eyes. If there is no magic hidden valley in the chaotic land, I am afraid that it has already become the base camp of the hunting gods!"

"We have to work hard. I hope that I can make Brian's adult look. Become a part of the Korean family!" Karp nodded heavily. Today Han Shuo is dealing with the performance of Tell and Rogge. They have been conquered. They made Han Shuo incapable of being the strongest person in the chaos.

At the time of Karp’s speech, Han Shuo has appeared in the deep valley.

A loud bang in the deep valley caused the area under the jurisdiction of Tyre to vanish, and many shops became gravel in an instant, and the earth collapsed. All of the hunting gods and the people who had not evacuated the chaotic land died, only Ke Moore and Arthur. Erster barely survived, but he was also seriously injured and almost lost his ability to act.

When the explosion came, Kemore and Athelst were right here. The explosion of the Great Destruction came without warning. They couldn’t help but escape, and they were swallowed up by the power of the explosion. Fortunately, the explosion in the deep valley is only this one. If the entire five major monarchies in the deep valley are detonated, the explosion forces of the five regions will be brought together to increase the power of the explosion by ten times. If that's the case, Kemore and Athelst will never be spared. It is estimated that they will be killed in a flash.

When Han Shuo reached the deep valley, all the hunting gods led the Cangjie to evacuate from the deep valley. The explosion from the Tyre side was terrible. They didn’t know if they would violently explode in the next moment. The face was panicked and looked terrified.

Ke Moore, Athelst, Regis, Sai Ya Lu, Miller, Balintan, and Kao Ze are only seven hunting gods, including Ke Moore and Athelst, who are seriously injured, Saiya Lu, The injuries of Regis and Miller in the Magic Valley were not fully restored. Only Balintan and Kaoze were still at their peak.

Xiao Han Han Hao portable spurs, the first to block the seven major hunting gods in front of the leader, coldly and seven people.

In him, the negative power of evil secrets is faintly leaked. The power of the gods in Han Hao, who possesses the gods, cannot be hidden like Nestor and the goddess of fate. The unmatchable force is scattered and the seven commanders are led. All shocked.

At the end of Han Shuo's arrival, the seven great hunting gods led the chills. A small one has given them strong pressure. Together with an old one, the only self-confidence in their hearts has disappeared.

"Father, seven people, a lot." See Han Shuo come over, Xiao Yan light body.

Smiled and nodded his head and fell to the front of the seven people, said: "You, we met again. Oh, the explosion of the deep valley comes from the premeditated Dhaka and Tyre, the two buried 10,000 tons of energy spar under the deep valley I intend to do all of you, but I am prepared to let you live to the present."

In the face of today's Han Shuo, there is no bottom in the minds of the hunters. They are all on the four sides. If they flee alone at this time, they will not be able to mix in their own realms, especially the majority of them will face the wounds. Master, this horrible father and son, I really don’t know how to be good.

"What do you want to do?" Sai Yalu took his head, downcast, and the lofty aspirations of the land that came to the chaos. At this time, it has been honed and cleaned. Now I just want to take my hands away from this right and wrong as soon as possible. Far away, I hope that in this life I will never see Han Shuo, the father and son.

"What do you want?" Han Shuo touched the sneer sneer of the chin, and the mind and body were combined into one body, and the power of all beings was suddenly released into a huge glass curtain, leaving the remaining seven people. Covered inside.

"I have given you the opportunity, you have not cherished, but dare to stay in the chaos of the land. If so, then don't blame me!" Haha laughed, Han Shuo began to shrink the glass canopy, like an egg shell Generally slowly gather, the seven hunting gods are led as the central squeeze.

The seven hunting gods, the only ones who can really do their best are Balintan and Kaoze. Ke Moore and Arthurs are seriously injured. There is almost no power to fight back. The three injured in Sai Yalu are still in the devil. Hidden Valley has been scared by Han Shuo, once again against Shang Hanshuo, the power of less than 70% has been discounted.

With these strengths, how can they be Han Shuo’s opponents? What's more, Han Shuo also has a small scorpion with a godhead!

With the power of Han Shuo and his son, unless you encounter the main **** with the godhead, the mainland of the gods will not meet the enemy again!

"You, do you dare to kill us?" Hunter, who is a hunter of life force, seems to know some secrets and screams: "The existence of our hunting gods has existed since ancient times, even the twelve gods They all default to our existence, not to us, you, you dare?"

When the goddess of fate came to the Magic Valley, it revealed a little bit of the hunting gods. It seems that the existence of the hunting **** is indeed necessary, so the twelve main gods are hands-on. Even the companion of the goddess of fate was killed by the **** of hunting. She did not extericate all the hunting gods, which is enough to prove that the hunting gods have their special significance.

"Why don't you dare?" Han Shuo smiled and reached out and grabbed it. Kao Ze's skeleton blew and he immediately vomited blood and his face was sore.

"Hey, you seem to know something, are you?" Han Shuo nodded and smiled. "It's very good, very good. I can't get a secret from the **** of destiny. It seems that you should be able to get more from here." I don’t know much about it."

In the end, Han Shuo sacrificed Wan Mo Ding, and he will cover Kaize in one fell swoop. While using the magic of the magic to refine the soul of Kao Ze, while sneering to mobilize the power of the six-series fusion and the incarnation of the body, the remaining six hunting gods were led by one by one, and the mouth whispered: "Hunting There is a need to exist, and I will not destroy all the hunting gods. As long as you are the rulers, I will use your spirit to help the strength of my Korean family."

With that said, Han Shuo’s power gathered suddenly and burst out. He only heard the cracking sound of the eggshell rupture. Several hunting gods led the body to blast together, and the spirits flew into the eternal devil. Dingzhong.

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