MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 987 Brotherhood"?

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The 9.8th chapter of the Great Devils, the brothers "love deep"?

The two men, who had just returned to the ashes, were suddenly excited and laughed: "The Hunters are all in the deep valley, and we all killed them all at once. Sir Frank, Karp, chaos The situation has been rewritten. We are trying to get rid of the hunters, and we will bear the burden. Now, you should understand our minds?"

"My people have died two-thirds. You said that there is still something to use." Sir Frank was surprised for a long time, but he thought that his men had died so much. Before Rogge used them to make cannon fodder, he would not Will believe in Rogge's words again.

"Brian, the hunter is commanded, and your hatred is reported. We shouldn't kill each other again! It is imperative that we should clean up the hunters of the hunters first, what do you say?" It seems that the state of mind has calmed down again, and the brain quickly turned around and immediately smiled at Han Shuo’s proposal.

Tyre is not the master of the main **** who can bend and stretch. When Han Shuo’s strength is beyond their expectation, he immediately changed his face and made himself an ally of the same line with Han Shuo.

Han Shuo will not know Tell's mind, look at the direction of the deep valley, the corner of the mouth evokes a cold chill, said: "My Scorpio Pharmacy is still open, there are many people in the scorpion pharmacy. You I didn’t inform me beforehand, I didn’t let my hand evacuate. Now I’m deep in the deep valley. All my men are suffering. Tyre, I’ve died so many people, do you say I’ll be with you?”

"For the victory of the chaos, sacrifice is inevitable, Brian, you should look a little open!" Tell hurry.

"Why are you always sacrificing people, why are you safe under the hands of Tyre, why aren't they sacrificed?" Why did the three scream out from Han Shuo's mouth, louder than one, louder than loud.

This is the reliance of the two parties, the heads of the two parties, Han Shuo, and all of them screamed and began to fight against Tell and Rogge.

"Yeah, why can you be innocent, why sacrifice us? Tyre, you have not put the lives of others on your mind!" Karp suddenly shouted.

"Glory Rogge is even more aggressive. At the crucial time, even his loyal men can sacrifice. When the bones are buried, Rogge’s fatal blower against Kaoze grabbed one and followed him. Three hundred years of the hand stopped a bit, and then took the opportunity to escape! Even their own lives and deaths, not to mention our outsiders?" When Frank was in the battle of the bones, he saw Rogge's I can't help but swear by the yin and yang.

After seeing the power of Han Shuo. Karp and the slanger suddenly got bigger. They believe in the face of Han Shuo’s terrifying power. Tyre and Rogge could not hurt them at all. All of them will burst out of their deep dissatisfaction.

For Tyre, the two are full of more than Kapu and Xilanke.

After Karp and West Frank. More people began to crusade against Tyre, and Rogge blamed the two for not demeaning. Even Rogge’s men’s eyes flashed after they had spoken to them. They are not the first day to follow Rogge. Naturally, I know Rogge’s style of action. Is it not reasonable for Sir Frank to say?

In the past, there was no Han Shuo in this chaotic land. This can be a revenge for the men. Han Wang has a vision of being a relative of the family. Now compare two phases. Both Tell and Rogge suddenly looked so unbearable.

"What do you want to do? Want to rebel?" Rogge's face changed. He suddenly found a few people who had been loyal to him before. The eyes also began to flicker. Rogge felt that the situation was not good. However, there is some fear of Han Shuo. Can't help but drink cold.

Rogge has a long history. I saw him worry. The few people immediately bowed their heads.

Frank and Kapp are not Rogge's men, Han Shuo is here to support, not to buy Rogge, and still blame Rogge.

"Looking for death!" Rogge discolored, suddenly shot to kill Shilank, the poisonous death force gathered around the Karp, a bones of the bones firmly seized the West Frank.

Han Shuo, who looked at the changes in the air in the air, had long known that Rogge couldn’t help but sneer and release the power of the six-series joints, and turned over to Rogge and Karp from the sky.


The bones that buckled in the squad suddenly burst open, and the bones were scattered.

A strong force descended from the sky, violently bombarded on Rogge, in front of this unmatchable force, Rogge could not escape, the blood of the mouth was far away.

With a heart and soul, the wonderful power of the new god's field is covered, like a giant net suddenly closing Rogge. When the eyes flashed, Han Shuo found a quietly retreating Tell, sneer and sneered: "Tell, I will not move you now, I will see if you and Dhaka can not toss out what the storm is!"

When the words came out, Tyre was shocked and immediately said, "You, what are you talking about?"

"Dhaka is not your brother? You are not good with Dhaka, huh, you want to work with Dhaka to get rid of the remaining occupants. Isn't this all your wishful thinking? Two cultivating and destroying powers reach The master of the realm of the Lord God, the strength after joining forces must be very terrible, you do not want to use this power to reverse the situation?" Han Shuo looked at Tyre coldly, his mouth full of sardonic smile.

"What, Tyre actually colluded with Dhaka?" Karp was shocked, and looked incredulously at Tyre, who seemed to have been dismantled and changed his mind. He hated: "No wonder, no wonder."

Selling the land of chaos, and you Tyre! ”

Not only Sir Frank, Karp, but all the masters of the chaotic land were furious, and no matter how they guessed, they did not expect that Tyre would be a brother to Dhaka, the current leader of the hunt.

what does this mean? It means that Tyre is a direct betrayal from beginning to end, which means that the reason why chaos is so vulnerable, at least half of the reason is because of Tyre!

Even Rogge, who was temporarily imprisoned for being seriously injured, was also unbelievable, looking at the face of the uncertain and uncertain Tyre, smirked: "It turns out, Tyre, Tyre, you are planning to join your brother for a while." Dhaka will kill me? Haha, then you are the first person to be deservedly in the chaos. No one can threaten your status anymore?"

The color of Tyre, which is referred to by thousands of people, is incomparably ugly and sullen.

"You don't need to be sophistry, the card will come right away. Oh, when is the situation, I will see if you and Dhaka have joined forces, can you really beat me!" Han Shuo sneered, speaking I turned my head and looked around.

Who is the card when a shadow breaks through?

"Tell, why do you only ruin one-fifth of the deep valley, or your side?" Dhaka has already screamed, and those who are hunting the gods are not all killed, against Dhaka. It is difficult to be controlled in the latter situation. Many years of hard work may be destroyed, and Daka is not angry.

Dhaka's voice together, no need to say anything more than Han Shuo, has proved the fact - Tyre, Dhaka are brothers!

"Oh!" Suddenly, Dhaka slammed: "Brian, how could it be you?"

When he came to discover Han Shuo's hidden valley, Dhaka had already seen the power of Han Shuo. Now, seeing Han Shuo, he lost his voice and exclaimed. In the depths of his heart, Dhaka is still faintly afraid of Han Shuo. After all, in the Magic Valley, Han Shuo’s strength is too strong.

"Dhaka, I: You have a chance, but you don't seem to cherish it." Han Shuo smiled. "Since you have not left the chaos yet, then don't leave!" Later, Han Shuo suddenly A cold, staring at Tyre, said: "What do you have to say now?"

"Brothers, as long as Brian is killed, the future chaos is ours!" At this time, Tyre suddenly laughed and looked at those who had followed him for many years, but hesitated at this time. My cronies, I promised: "Yes, I and Daka are indeed brothers. I did use others. But aren't you all safe and sound? What I do is for ourselves. In the future, you will see, The land of chaos is dominated by me, and the Alliance of Hunters will never pose a threat to us. Is this not the goal we have been working hard?"

Tyre’s remarks were extremely sincere, and he tried to use his words to save his heart.

Those cronies who followed Tyre for many years, their eyes flickered, and did not promise to continue to fight with him, nor did they show a veto attitude, all silent.

Han Shuo just glanced at it and knew why they were silent, sneer in their hearts, and suddenly said: "If you become a king, you will see us in this battle! Haha, Dhaka, Tell, as long as you kill me, There will be no problem. Your men will surrender to your majesty!"

Tyre stunned, thinking a little in his heart, and immediately realized that this was indeed his mind. If he and Dhaka were both killed in the next big battle, his guarantee had no effect at all.

"Big Brother, let's kill Brian. You and I are joined together, under the Lord God, no one is an opponent!" Tyre's waist was sharp and arrogant.

This is still a bit hesitant, Dhaka, said to Tell, it seems to arouse the pride of the heart, suddenly laughed and said: "Yes, our brothers join hands, there is no **** of the gods, who is the opponent?" Said, Dhaka and Tell ignored a look, one left and one right suddenly surrounded Han Shuo.

Together with the destructive power of Dhaka and Tyre, the two systems destroy the singular fusion of the gods. They also cultivated the power of destruction, and the blood is the same. They can make the field merge like Han Shuo. After the two destruction of the gods merged into one, the destructive power of the two men soared and the momentum soared.

In exchange for any **** without the godhead, in the face of the destructive power of the combination of Tyre and Dhaka, I am afraid that it will be difficult to resist. However, Han Shuo, who is able to fuse the strength of the six systems, and the same strength of the six systems, is absolutely ten times more difficult than Dhaka and Tyre in the field of God. Of course, the power is ten times and hundreds of times.

They are just the fusion of the same strength, and they are only two stocks. Can they be Han Shuo’s opponents?

Feeling that Dhaka and Tyre’s destructive power continue to soar, Han Shuo’s sneer has never disappeared. After their destructive power reaches the limit, they screamed: “Dhaka, Tyre, you can’t be faked. Invincible among the Lord God?"

The power of destroying the earth and destroying the land suddenly broke out with Han Shuo as the center. It was like a huge smashing in all directions. This terrible force has an incomparably strong repulsive force, and the **** of Dhaka and Tyre The field squeezed into the periphery, and it hardened the tearing of the two people.

"I am even dead, the light **** is not afraid, but also afraid of you two small fish and shrimp?" Another screaming earth-shattering strong force is bursting out of the virtual illusion into two

The glare was directed at Dhaka and Tyre.

Just listening to the screams of screaming and screaming, Tyre was completely wrapped in a glare of light, and he was taken to the strange space where Rogge was imprisoned. Dhaka was chilly, and in Han Shuo’s sentence, he fled in desperation and was rushed by the glory of the aftermath.

Dhaka didn't dare to look back and look at Han Shuo. He didn't care for his brother Til's life and death, endured the pain of his body, and desperately fled outside.

Laozi is not afraid of even death and the light of the Lord God...

In the words of Han Shuo, Dhaka suddenly realized what it was. When they left the Magic Valley, they knew that the death god, Nestor, would return to the chaotic land and go to the Magic Valley. In their view, Han Shuo's two fathers and sons will certainly be killed by Nestor. However, Han Shuo is still alive and still utters such a statement.

What does this mean?

Dhaka just thought that there were some colds in the body, so when he decided to attack Han Shuo’s attack like his younger brother, he suddenly fled.

"Big Brother!" Tyre and Rogge, who were seriously injured, were banned in that strange space. He could not attack but the sound and sight were not affected. Seeing Daka's desperate escape, he didn't look at him, and Tyre screamed.

A "big brother" filled with sorrow and sorrow, Dhaka clearly heard, but did not stop, and continued to escape.

Han Shuo looked at Dhaka's back with a cold eye. Sen Han smiled. "It's really smart, but you really can't escape?"

Han Shuo did not act because his gods have already sensed the atmosphere of Xiao Han Han Hao.

Daka, who escaped madly, suddenly found a person standing in front of him, staring at it, and it was just a small Han Han who had the fragments of God. Dhaka’s heart stunned and suddenly snarled: “You want to stop me too? Your father hurt me, I will take you back to him!”

The strength of the body is concentrated in the body, forming a huge incomparable ruined bead, just like a gray sun slamming into Han Hao.

Han Hao, who stood proudly in front of Dhaka with a spur, flashed a trace of disdainful light in his eyes, faintly said: "You are the most damn!"

When the words fall, the bone spurs slanted and slanted, and a glimmer of shining light appeared at the tip of the spur, and a negative force of evil, death, violentness, and despair suddenly broke out at the center of the spur. Under this force, the devastating beads formed by Dhak's full force seem so small, so vulnerable.

Rumble! Rumble!

Another loud noise came, Daka's momentum was blocked by hard life, and the dull Daka had not reacted, and the bone thorn suddenly flashed in his eyes.


The spurs passed through his eyes and nailed him in the air. In the meantime, Dhaka's flesh and blood spirits were absorbed by the bone spurs. The negative emotions such as despair and resentment before death were affected by the new gods in Han Hao's body, and they were turned into a smog by Han Hao. The light in the eyes is getting more and more popular.

Until the death of Dhaka did not understand, in just a few days, Han Shuo, this father and son can advance to such a height!

"Dare to destroy my home, you **** it!" A spurt was taken out, Daka was as hard as a stone, and the body of the ash was scattered. In a blink of an eye, Dhaka disappeared completely, and all the souls lost Dhaka, tragic death.

After killing Dhaka, Han Hao did not immediately go to Han Shuo, but the soul of the communication: "Father, Dhaka, I have already killed. Now I go to the deep valley, there are several leaders in the valley, I want to let They are not able to live out of chaos."

"Go, I will come over later." Han Shuo returned to him, and immediately looked at Rogge and Tyre, who were temporarily imprisoned. "Tell, your brother will take you one step away, so you die." A little faster. Oh, if you can connect with the soul, you should know that he is finished."

Just now I still hate Daka's disregard for the brotherly love of Tyre. When I heard Han Shuo's words, I immediately stupidly contacted it with a magical mirror. Tell suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha, damn, damn, die together!" ”

Suddenly, a strong wave of destruction was uploaded from the body of Tyre. A ray of light drowned Tyre, imprisoning the space of Tyre and Rogge, and even the rogue, who didn’t want to die, did not evade. By the influence of Tyre's power, he and his body exploded.

When Tyre suicide, Han Shuo immediately started to rush to remove the power of the two imprisoned, and Wan Mo Ding flew out. Even if he could not collect the power in the two bodies, he would at least get two pure The soul of the gods.

The consciousness of the spirit of the Lord God is more precious than anything. With the spirit of Tyre and Rogge, he can make the Korean family who cultivated the power of destruction and death go further and comprehend the understanding of the Lord God's power for the righteousness. Enough divine crystals enhance the power of the body, and the Han family can come out with two strong masters of the main god.

Fortunately, Han Shuo hands in time, Wan Mo Ding is indeed a magical power, Dhaka, Tyre two burst out of the soul, has not been with the light shock, was received by Wan Mo Ding, so that they both The soul is preserved.

After listening to the arrival card, Tyre yelled at him and committed suicide. This made Han Shuo feel a little weird. He didn’t know whether the two were brothers or not, or that Tyre saw Daka’s death step. I feel that there is no regret, and I know that I can't escape Han Shuo's poisonous hands and commit suicide.

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