MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 963 captivity

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At the central hub, all the Korean families gathered to deal with the pursuit of Regis.

The five elements of the corpse released the power and gathered the heavens and the earth that lingered in the "days of the sky" to form the strongest defense, making this chamber a wall of iron and steel without leaving a gap.

Everyone understands that Regis and Sai Yalu can find this sooner or later, although they know that hiding here is not a solution, but they have to do so. At least, in this secret room, even if they came over in a short time, Regis and Sai Yalu, they would like to break through the heavy barriers that Han Shuo has exhausted.

Han Shuo had passed to them before leaving. Once he handled the matter, he would definitely come back at the fastest speed. They just recognized this point, and the mind waited until Han Shuo came out before the chamber was smashed.

Han Shuo once said to them that in the Magic Valley, his strength can be greatly improved. No matter what kind of power is the main **** of cultivation, as long as there is no real deity, it will not be his opponent here!

"Brian will definitely return before breaking the stone wall!" Emily confirmed.

"Don't worry, even if the father can't come back in time, if we are desperately trying to run the corpse and the five elements of the corpse, we can support it for a while!" Han Jin smiled easily and comforted the nervous Korean family.

"I use baby words, at least I can block a main god, I can guarantee that he has no leisure to deal with you!" Anderina took Han Jin's hand and smiled and said that looking at her, obviously did not put this crisis in her mind. .

To these few people, they were still full of faces. The brows of the people were slightly stretched, and the speech was no longer so heavy. They began to talk about when Han Shuo would come back and had the danger.

At this time, although Han Hao did not show anything, everyone has naturally regarded him as the backbone. Previously, he accurately judged the vital role and informed Hanthong of the rescue action at the fastest speed, which brought the main characters here in such a difficult environment.

"Don't be too optimistic. Do the worst calculations." Han Hao calmly glanced at Han Jin and Anders Lena. Frowning: "There are currently seven masters of the Magic Valley. The Daka, Dagma, and Athelst are temporarily trapped. But once Miller figured out the situation of the Magic Valley, they will take them three. The man got it out. Then the seven main gods, including Ossau, joined forces. I don’t think the defense of this secret room will last long!"

This is the case. The faces of the people suddenly changed. It seems that at this time, I suddenly realized how many terrible enemies there are in the current hidden valley.

but. In addition to Miller, Sai Ya Road, Regis three people in addition to Dhaka, Dagma, Asselst. There is even an Osoi that has never been seen. These seven people are all in the same situation as the gods and gods. This secret room may also be able to support for a while but once seven people simultaneously shot. That terrible power is simply unimaginable.

Even if they have confidence in Han Shuo, they don’t think that he can arrange the secret room to block the seven main gods and force together!

"Big Brother. What should I do?" Han Jin exclaimed.

"I am thinking about it." Han Hao sat down slowly on the spot. Close your eyes and say nothing. The brow is deep locked.

In the underground palace, Regis and Sai Yalu took the men and cleaned up the unremoved Han family guards along the way, and then went straight to the secret room where Han Hao and others were located.

All along, only the core members of the Han family are qualified to stay in the underground palace. In addition, only a small number of guards are left in the underground palace to be subpoenaed. Therefore, the underground palaces are not only those from the Chio mainland. Outside the core members of the family, there are not many guardians.

Regis searched for it all over, and only killed dozens of guards. They were also very curious as to why there were only so many guards available to a Korean family. However, I don't know that most of the Han family guards are in the hills and hills outside the Magic Valley. The crisis of the underground palaces appeared. When Han Hao went to the secret room to escape, he had already transmitted the message.

The Han family guards in the mountainside immediately followed the roads opened by the former Jinjia corpse to avoid some mountains farther away. Even Regis and Sai Yalu could not penetrate the souls to the enchantments attached to the peaks. Failure to detect an abnormality.

Regis and Sai Yalu walked around the ground for a while, and Miller also appeared quietly in the underground palace. After the three gathered together, Regis smiled and said: "I brought him in?"

Miller smiled and nodded and said, "Well, what's the situation?"

"The main characters should all be together, huh, huh, so good, don't search one by one." Sai Yalu pointed to the direction of the head and said to Miller: "There are all over there, the more heavy The defense of strength is more clear."

"Dhaka, Dagma, and Athelst are all in the valley. When Osoi came over with me, they said that they got the news from their mouths." Miller admired and admired: "Not the eyes." See, I really can’t believe that there are so many flaws in this place. It’s too ridiculous to trap Dhaka, Dagma, and Athelst together!”

"Well, fortunately, the people we pretended to be Ossau came in quietly from the ground. Otherwise, they sneaked in from outside and could be trapped like Dhaka. The Brian is really a magical figure. "Regis is also deeply touched."

“What about Dhaka, Dagma, and Athelst?” Miller thought for a moment and asked about the Saiya Road, which cultivated the power of the earth. This time, the main action was to join forces with Sai Yalu and Ossau. Made out, so he will listen to the opinions of Sai Yalu on key matters.

“What do we do with us?” Sai Yalu laughed. “They broke into the trap themselves. We are not framed by them. What are our obligations to save them?” Obviously, Sai Yalu does not intend to get Dhaka out. .

Miller and Regis ignored one another and at the same time nodded and chuckled. It seems that they also agree with Sai Yalu’s approach.

"Let's go, let's go to the place where they are staying. You have to remember, Brian can't kill before it appears! This magic hidden valley is so interesting. In the future, this place will be jointly controlled by the three of us. We must ask Brian's mouth to ask all the secrets here to get rid of them!" Saiya Road laughed.

"That is of course!" Miller and Regis laughed at the same time.

They are deliberate

Magic Hidden Valley, a big reason is that the Magic Valley is a magical defense. It is a defensive fortress that can hold the three main gods of Dhaka, Dagma and Atholst. Said even has exceeded the deep valley!

In their view, this time the Battle of the Hunting League against the chaotic land was doomed to victory. Before they fought, they already thought about the allocation of the site after the chaos was taken down.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the chaos will be filled with the power of the twelve major hunting gods. The alliance between the gods and the gods is not tightly huddled together. It is their wish to maximize their strength and convenience.

In this way, the defensive power is incredibly striking, and the mysterious magic hidden valley becomes a treasure land for them to snatch.

With the Magic Valley, even if they and other forces turn their faces, they can stand in an invincible position with this special place. Therefore, they must take the magic hidden valley first!

Soon the three came to the front of the secret room where they were.

The colorful light shone from the wall, and at first glance, the wall seemed to be glazed, and it looked like a smashing color. There is a strange flow of water flowing through the wall stripe, and there is a faint sense of rejection.

When the three talents approached the front of the room, they suddenly felt a soft force pushing them out. Even the Regis, who reached the realm of the Lord God, could not help but retreat a few steps.

Suddenly, the three faces were excited together.

"Sure enough, Ossoe really didn't lie to me!" The road was full of surprises, haha ​​laughed: "No wonder Ossau will sell Brian to cooperate with us. I don't think he is a day or two." Human greed, whoever comes here will take everything here as their own!"

"It's a worthwhile trip!" Regis looked at the front and carefully felt the various forces contained in the front wall. He looked at his eager expression and couldn't wait: "I can't wait, um, let me Try it first!"

Sai Yalu and Miller looked at each other and stepped back a few steps so that Regis could let go.

A group of thunder and lightning gathered together, and gradually formed a strong electric mans, under the control of Regis, crashed into the shining earth wall.

The deafening sound came from the thunder, and the power of the thunderbolt was suddenly released, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Great!" Regis exclaimed, he felt that in the lightning attack of his strength of 80%, the earth wall containing the strange power was just a depression, and then immediately recovered in an instant.

"It's really unexpected." Miller nodded, his eyes flashing, and a huge wind blade was drawn across the air. He only heard a "clam" sound, his huge wind condensed by wind and power. The blade was broken by an inch.

"The strange power in the wall can destroy the structure of the element. The guy named Brian is really a genius. I really don't know the strange power he learned from somewhere!" After trying it, Miller immediately received it. Hand, closed eyes and thought about it, only Sai Yalu explained.

"Oh, according to the news we received, he will return soon. Well, there is a dark chess of Ossau, and these Korean families are there, we can play him slowly. By then, wait for us. From his mouth, all the secrets of the Magic Valley were brought out, even if Daka got rid of it, there was no way!" Sai Yalu is very happy, the more magical the magic valley is, the more unexpected he is beyond his expectations. The more he is happy, because in his heart, everything in the Magic Valley has been regarded as his.

"Come on, let's try it out together, no matter what kind of defense, we need energy support. I think that under our repeated attacks, there is no defense that can always be supported!" Miller thought for a moment, right color .

This is an unchanging truth. Any defensive enchantment and seal requires energy support. This energy can be provided by the energy tower energy spar, or it can be provided by the release of divine power or elements, and what kind of power can constitute a defensive force.

But no matter how strong the defensive power, each time it is bombarded, it will consume the supporting energy source. Once the source of the defensive power is exhausted, then the strong defense will be broken!

The three Miller apparently knew the truth. The three men prepared for it, and then they shot one after another, bombarding the powerful attacks of lightning, the earth, and the wind power to avoid the walls of Han Hao and others.

Under the power of the three people, Filippo, Emily, Stasom and others in the secret room felt strong vibrations, and a deafening bombardment fell to the wall, causing them to tremble.

However, the secret room of the whole magical valley gathered in the years of the heavens and the earth as the source of energy, in the careful arrangement of Han Shuo, the strong defense power is simply shocking, Miller, Sai Yalu, Regis three joint forces attacked no less than three Ten times, it was impossible to break the wall.

The three men were shocked and inexplicable, and some looked incredulously at the glazed walls in front of them. I couldn’t think of the power of the three main gods. Everyone could not break through the layers of obstacles on the wall ten times!

"Don't keep on doing it!" Just as the three were still trying to keep going, the ear heard a voice at the same time.

After a while, Ossie walked over with a dignified look and explained to the three: "The more you attack, the more singular forces that come from the captivity of Dhaka. I can get out of trouble. Once the three Dhakas come out, we can't hold everything in Magic Valley!"

"Is there still such a thing?" Sai Yalu was amazed.

"I can clearly feel the flow of a kind of gaseous energy. The direction in which the energy comes in is the place where Dhaka is trapped. With your attack, the binding force of Dakar seems to be slowing down. I dare Sure!" Ossie sighed.

As soon as this was said, the three people of Sai Yalu immediately stopped their hands and were even more surprised by the layout of the Magic Valley.

"We can prepare to play a show, Brian should be able to return to the Magic Valley soon." Seeing the three sides of the Sai Yalu stop, Osoeg smiled, a confident look in the victory.

Ps:: Today, two chapters and eight thousand words, the weight is quite good, ah, the small counter will strive to speed up. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

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