MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 962 Ground change

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Gis is not surprised by Han Hao’s move. In the current situation, it is not shameful to leave immediately. He just didn't expect Han Hao to be so decisive and decisive. He made a decision as soon as he appeared, without any nonsense, and Zoe would leave.

The light of the thunder and lightning rushed out, and the channel that was tightly connected was hard-wired through the electric light, and it was directly hit by the shield.

The beautiful white light blooms on the white bone shield. In an instant, the white bone shield is divided and the bone powder is scattered and scattered.

Regis double-eyed electric light, locked Han Han, who was flashing away, whispered: "Response is good, qualification is extraordinary, I want to see where you can escape?" Regis plucked Han Hao, in In the dark passage, he is like a bunch of electricity, which is dazzling.

Han Hao, who was dragging away from Zoc, immediately noticed Regis, who was chasing after him. The faint discomfort made him realize that Regis’s soul had locked him.

"Zuoqi, let's go first!" Matsuzaki, Han Hao suddenly turned around, and the bones in his hand were tied to the ground under his feet.

The light that was visible to the naked eye was not in the bottom of the passage. Suddenly, the hard soil like the carpet on the bottom of the passage was suddenly smashed up, and Han Hao was rolled over to Regis.

The amount of death elements rushed out, forming a dense numbness, not knowing how many bone spears, filled in narrow passages, and first shot in the direction of Regis.

"Be careful!" Qi looked back and whispered such a sentence, and immediately turned away.

"Han, you are very good!" Regis sighed, the field of God suddenly unfolded in the narrow passage, the power of thunder and lightning mixed with the sound of "噼里啪啦" spread to the outside with Regis as the center, those who shot to the thunder The bone spear of Gis blasted.

Eyes are condensed. Two lightning bolts shot from his eyes: Come. Like the electric dragon, it will smash the reel to the earthy "carpet". It became a drop of lime.

"Hey!" After the dust settled. Regis is now in the soul of the soul has lost the trace of Han Hao and he did not have his figure.

"It's really fast..." Regis stunned. The corner of the mouth evoked a smile. Whispered in a low voice: "This is also good. It is more labor-saving to get through the net."


As long as there is a terracotta warrior in the underground palace. New ground access can be opened from any place. In the depths of the ground. The body of the body is the darling of the earth. We are making great use of the power of the earth to provide convenience for the Korean family.

Zocs entered a room. The flat wall suddenly splits into a deep new hole that is not visible. Zoqi was a bit confused and realized what it was. There is no hesitation. Drilled in immediately.

When Zoqi entered, the newly opened hole suddenly re-healed, and it was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no clue.

At this moment, in the various areas of the underground palace of the Magic Valley, as long as there is a region where the Korean family is located, new holes will be opened and they will enter a new hole, and the caves will heal again.

Not only that, but many of the originally existing holes will suddenly collapse, blocking the hunting spirits who chase the Korean family. In the depths of the earth, Han Tu released his power to the fullest. According to his familiarity with the underground palace, the Han family scattered in different areas guided one by one to the central hub that managed all the magic arrays.

Under the response of the Han Dynasty, the core family members of the Han family did not suffer from the crisis of life, and they were taken away by the power of those hunting gods.

However, when Han Dong himself did not immediately enter the central area where there was a heavy emphasis on power, he hid in the remote corner of the underground palace, using the image on the mirror in the depths of the earth to release his power in the earth.

Beside him, in addition to Han Jin, Han Huo, Han Mu, and Han Shui, there is also a strange face of Delina.

Andelina, who is holding hands with Han Jin, is very surprised by the fact that the spar is looking brightly at the Han Dynasty. She can’t understand the strength of the Han Dynasty in the early days of the gods. The power of the earth, she can't figure out why Han is so far apart that she can get through one channel.

Derina, the daughter of the goddess of fate, has a very in-depth study of the twelve conventional forces on the mainland of the gods. What are the characteristics of the various forces? What is the realm of the realm? The goddess of fate has detailed and detailed She explained.

Not to mention that it is only the **** of the upper gods. Even the earth powers that reach the realm of Ossau and Sai Ya Lu are not possible to do what Han is doing today.

It’s too ridiculous!

Tightly holding Han Jin's hand, Anders Lena whispered: "Where does his power come from? Why is it so strange? It seems that the whole earth is part of his body! This is amazing, I am not Seeing it with my own eyes, I really can’t believe that the power of the earth is uplifted, and the use of the power of the earth can reach this point!"

Han Jinwan, hesitated a bit, only pointed to the side of the attention of Han Mu, Han Shui, Han Huo, and whispered: "Not only Han, they three, including me, in their respective powers apply It’s unique. Oh, all this is what my father gave us!”

"Brian, he...he's really..." Anders Lena stunned and shook her head in a wry smile.

"Someone is coming!" At this time, Han Mu gave a low voice, as if the enemy was pointing at a dirt wall, the look was dignified: "I also cultivate the power of the earth, he should feel the power of the entire underground palace. The change is here!"

"It's not Ossau, it's Sai Yalu!" He breathed a sigh of relief and began to concentrate on guiding the Korean family to the Korean territory of the safe area, suddenly opening his eyes.

"How is it?" Han Jin asked.

"Almost, the person who sent it has already been sent away. There are some Han family guards. Because of too much, I can only lead a passage to the palace of the big brother." Han Tuo naturally knows what Han Jin asked, Mashan replied.

"That's good, let's leave too." Han Jin thought for a moment, hurried.

At this time, not only Han, who cultivated the power of the earth, but also Han Mu, who cultivated the power of life, knew that someone had come. Even Han Jin felt that a powerful force was approaching.

Needless to say, it’s not that Sai Yalu is Ossur, and he is working hard to get closer.

As the strength of the cultivation of the earth, even if they can not use the earth's power, such as the land of the land, such as the land of Korea, some of the land bans imposed by the land of the land can not help them. And because Han is not

The reason for the power of the earth, they can accurately find the place where Han

"It’s really fast, go!” Hanmu exclaimed, and immediately took a step back.

Growing up, Han was the first to take the lead, and the flat wall in front of him suddenly broke open a passage, and he slammed into it. Han Jin and Han Huo did not hesitate and rushed into the inside. Several people entered the passage. The independent chamber suddenly collapsed and the cracked passage immediately healed.

Bang! Bang!

The power of the earth violently vibrated, and the sound of the earth's cracks came from this area. A shadow hit the soil that blocked the road and appeared directly in the collapsed chamber.

Saiya Lu felt a little, coldly, and a big hand, and it was a magical bombardment in the area where the Han and other people got into it. Under the bombardment of his power, it was torn apart. The giant hole appeared, and Han Mu and Han Jin’s backs disappeared.

"Sure enough here!" Sai Yalu sneered, and shot in.

Being able to reinforce the power of the main god, Sai Yalu is not a leisurely generation. In the use of the power of the earth, perhaps he is not as subtle as the unique Han Mu, but because of the deep and profound power of his realm, his attack power is far more than that of the Korean soil.

Thanks to the incomparable power of the earth, it is possible to influence the material structure of the land and transform the earth into any shape he can imagine. With the strength of the earth, he can't seem to be able to communicate with the earth like Han, and he can integrate himself with the earth, but he can influence the earth with divine power!

Although the use of the above-mentioned power is not subtle, the attack power is far more than that of the Korean soil. The power of the power is not only forcibly opened up, but also the role of divine power in his body. The rich earth elements gather on him. Foot, step by step out of the entire underground palace seems to be shaking.

“Not good!” The land of Han was exclaimed. The chaotic earth element changed the material structure. The land surrounding a part of the area was filled with the power of Sai Yalu. The land of Han has lost the channel for the constant healing of the earth. Uncontrolled, shrinking a little bit.

"I am coming!" At this moment, I saw that the Anderina of the situation machine suddenly sighed.

Han Jin, who was holding hands with her, suddenly noticed a terrible energy fluctuation from her palm. It was the strong fluctuation that could be formed by the movement of hundreds of energy towers!

The glare of the glare was released from Anders Lena, and the radiance of the diamonds converges like a pillar, slamming into the approaching Saiya Road!

The aggressive Saiya Road suddenly burst into a glaring glare in front of him, and his face changed. He had to temporarily use the power that had fallen into the depths of the earth to resist this terrible energy shock. He saw the passage in front of him. Suddenly contracted, and suddenly the dirt became the strongest defense, firmly in front of him.

The sound of the ground shaking the mountain, from the energy light column and the defense of the ground barrier of the Sai Ya Road, this moment the underground palace everyone felt this terrible shock, the large earthy wall of the head fell .

"Okay!" Han Tu shouted, and he immediately noticed that the power of Sai Yalu, which was filled with the surrounding land, disappeared again.

In front of him, the channel that had just closed was cracked again. He first rushed in, and the following Hanmu, Hanshui and Han fire followed closely.

"Go!" Han Jin pulled an Anderina, and no matter what Andersina thought, she ran to the direction of the disappearance of Han.

Knowing that there is a strong Sai Ya Road behind, everyone can no longer stay, and the speed is mentioned to the extreme. When Saiya Road has not reacted, it has already left this area.

Soon, the five elements of the corpse and Anders Lena broke through the barrier to the central hub that controlled all the formations in the Magic Valley. This is a wide chamber that is only a few feet deep in the ground. On top of them is the one with the magic. The circular table of the pattern, the round table can not only pull the elements of the heavens and the earth, but also collect the souls of the dead in the hidden valley.

"Why are you pulling me so anxious, isn't it the Sai Yalu? I am not afraid of him!" After arriving at the secret room, Anders Lena whispered a complaint to Han Jin.

Han Jin smiled and said: "I am not afraid that you are in danger."

As a result, Anders Lena smiled and smiled and said: "I have a baby in my hand, even if it is Sai Yalu, I can't help me!"

Han Jinyi said, "I can use such a baby, kill Saiya Road? If you can, we will immediately go back and destroy him!"

"That can only save my life and kill him." Anderina shook her head and said, "My mother is not allowed to kill me. If she gives me the mirror of fate, I can really Kill Saia Road!"

"The land of destiny!! The main artifact of the goddess of destiny?" Stasom stunned, and immediately smiled and shook his head. If you let Anders Lena take the main artifact of the goddess of fate, I don’t know how much storm she will toss. Come out.

“Who else hasn’t arrived?” Han Hao frowned and turned to ask Feibi.

After experiencing this incident, the women of Phoebe and Emily were honest and never dared to blame Han Hao for being too cautious. They knew that this time Han Hao responded promptly. When he noticed that he was wrong, he immediately told Han to evacuate everyone. Otherwise, he did not know how many Korean families would die in this underground palace.

Phoebe's gaze swept away in the secret room, and he calculated it silently for a while before saying: "People from the Chio mainland should be here."

"That's it." Han Hao nodded and told the newly arrived five-line corpse: "Block it!"

The five elements of the corpse were not nonsense. When Han Hao made an order, he immediately began to use the five elements to control the four walls. The five colors of the light were released from them and slowly fell into the surrounding walls.

Under the power of the five of them, there was a muffled sound around the secret room, and there was a sound of "嘎吱嘎吱" on the top of the head, just like a huge machine is doing.

At the same time, the endless source of the heavens and the earth suddenly broke out, slowly rushing to the secret room where they are located, a layer of strange luster reflected from the wall, all kinds of enchantments All kinds of magic arrays suddenly formed.

Daka, who was forced out of breath by the "celestial squad", immediately noticed this change. The pressure was one of the loose, but it took some time to get out of the "days." (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

Read The Duke's Passion