MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 951 There is always an accident

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Let's hand over the two things to us, I will be with Anders Lena! "Han Jin is very confident. It seems that he is very excited to communicate with Anders Lena's soul.

"Yes, we will do the right thing, you don't have to worry!" Anders Lena's mouth is filled with joyful smiles, and from time to time, she looks at Han Jin from time to time.

Han Jin’s arrangement of the Magic Valley is relatively clear. When Han Shuo started to construct all kinds of large arrays of Magic Valley, Han Jinwu always helped me, so the people who are really familiar with the Magic Valley are not only Han. Master, they are five of them.

Han Jin helped Anders Lena, Han Shuo believes that she will be able to wave all her talents. Seeing that these two people are very confident, Han Shuo naturally let them go, and nodded and smiled: "Alright, I am just right. Some things need to be dealt with."

After a few words about Han Jin, I made some changes to the special formations and the places to pay attention to. Han Shuo gave the two of the energy towers in the Magic Valley to them.

When Zocchi came over, he reported a message to Han Shuo, saying that the forces of the Hunting Alliance had entered the chaos. The people of Tell, Rogge, Vassis and Ossoe will face those people soon. The combined attack of the hunting gods.

From the bright side, the strength of the major hunting gods is very strong. When they act, they are all together. According to this situation, the major monarchs in the chaotic land will encounter extremely difficult battles.

However, Han Shuo knows that the four monarchs should all have their own cards. After all, the chaotic land is the place where they have been arranged for many years. If you can make full use of the special terrain of the chaotic land, gather the powerful forces to use the special methods to bombard them, even if it is A half **** will also be hit hard.

As for the burial cave of Rogge, there is a strong element of death, which has been carefully arranged by Rogge for many years. As long as the bones are buried, Rogge’s power will increase greatly. In the buried cave, Rogge can win with Tyre, because the elements of death in Rogge and the buried bones have already been combined to use all the power of the cave!

If some of the hunters come into the burial caves, Rogge uses the power of the burial caves to gather together many of the upper gods to bombard a certain **** and a realm of his realm, which may directly hit the other side in an instant, even hit the soul. Scattered!

Rogge is like this. Tyre, Vassis, and Ossau are similar. If you are good at using your hands. Making some favorable situations as a local snake is not without the power of a war.

but. The battle is passive if there is no ideal zone for the students.

Came to the bottom of the Magic Valley. Han Shuo found a sacred soul attached to the incarnation of the semi-finished body. Asked: "Your land. How long will it be possible to come back?"

"It has entered the land of chaos. There are three more days. It should be possible to return to the Magic Valley." Xiaoyan thought for a moment and answered quietly.

Nodded. Han Shuo Shen said: "I have a glimpse of the gods attached to the devil's head and peep at Dagma. They are still recovering at this time. I don't think they have entered the Magic Valley for ten days and a half.

Have you in the Valley of Magic. Plus the five elements of a corpse, Anders Lena, blood spirit, they make good use of the magic hidden valley power. Even the three Dhakas attacked. At one and three moments, I also want to break the defense of the magic hidden valley! ”

"Do you have something to go?" A little stunned and immediately realized what.

"Well, let me go out. Don't worry, once I get things done, I will come back immediately! With your strength and add my arrangement in the Magic Valley, Daka can't attack them immediately, there should be no problem! "Han Shuodao.

"Let's go, I will be optimistic about it." Xiaoxiao nodded.

He carefully described the use and usage of each magic array in the Magic Valley. When Han Shuo ensured that Xiao Xiao was familiar with the various methods of the Magic Valley, this quietly left the ground.


Snow ice peaks, cold ice caves.

Vassis sat in the same way as an ice sculpture, and the ice that wrapped his whole person was braving the coldness of the cold.

A figure squatted down at the entrance of the ice cave, respectfully said: "Adult, receive the exact news, the hunting gods of the two major realms of time and space, have come here!"


The ice sculpture was suddenly unsealed, and the cold power was suddenly released from the body of Vassis. The glass was broken and the ice sculpture was torn apart. There was a chilly outburst on Vassis, and the hands and feet were slowly moving. The chills and ice holes on Vassis seemed to blend together.

"An Jie, is the news sure?" Vasis moved for a while, and then he spoke.

An Jie, who also cultivated the strength of the water system, quietly stepped back a few steps. The coldness released from Vassis was terrible. Even Anjie could not bear it. "There is definitely no mistake. They are heading toward the snow ice peak. Come. The hunting gods of the two major realms of time and space are said to be the two mysterious two of the hunting gods. No one knows their true strength. What should we do?

Awe, asked in a good voice.

"Time and space, destiny..." Vassis frowned, seemingly thinking about something very important. After a while, Vassis said: "I am really a bit of a hunter-hunting leader who cultivates these two forces. I am looking forward to it. It is said that the power of destiny is the most magical of the twelve major strengths. The masters who cultivate the power of destiny to reach the upper realm of God are very rare. Each is a mysterious figure. I don’t know this hunting god. How will it be a realm!"

"Adults, people who cultivate time and space are also very terrible! If there is a god, they can even come to Xue Bingfeng without knowing it. Are we going to prepare early?" Anjie’s heart is awkward, although Vasis is strong, after all, It’s just one person, but the other is the hunting gods from the two major gods. Anjie doesn’t know if Vassis can handle it.

"The preparation is ready!" Vassis glanced at Anjie, and seemed to see through An Jie's mind, indifferent: "We should be as strong as ice, not afraid of any threat! You If you want to go further, remember that even if you die right away, you can't have fear in your heart!"

“Xie Daren is pointing!” An Jie respectfully bowed to Vassis and was really grateful.

Among the five masters of the chaotic land, the most inhumane is Vassis. However, the advantage of Vassis is also notorious. As long as he is a man of the strength of the water system, he will always give pointers on the nails of cultivation, and often make the strength of those who follow him advance by leaps and bounds.

Even if the power of cultivation water of Anjie reaches the end of the upper stage of the gods, it is very likely that his guidance will reach the potential guy who agrees with the realm. Vassis does not have the guardian heart. It seems that I am not afraid of surpassing myself.

It is also because of this, from the twelfth of the gods to the chaos of the fierceness of the land, as long as the power of cultivation of water, ten will vote for Vassis!

"Go on, tell them, don't need to continue to be stationed outside the snow ice peaks. They all enter the ice cave. Well, all the energy towers are all turned on, bringing together the ice and cold of the snow ice peaks. Those who do not cultivate the power of the water system. People, temporarily enter the mountain belly!" Vasis indulged, began to give orders to Anjie.

An Jie nodded and waited for Vassis to leave immediately after he finished speaking and convey his orders.

However, the orders of Jie Jie have just been conveyed, and the hands of Vassis have not yet begun to be implemented.

The snow ice peak suddenly broke through the huge gaps in time and space, and a shadow flew out from it, standing on the snow-blown peaks densely, and the eyes began to look for the target of the hand.

"Vassis, I can guess your arrangement in advance, your destiny is destined. Come out, we can actually talk about it, if you don't want all your men to go down with you!" A chest with a six-pointed star pattern The old man, holding a green crystal ball, the voice with a strange temptation, echoing over the snow ice peak.

When she spoke, many people in the gap behind the space swept away. The last long-browed old man drilled out of the space gap, and both hands pulled a corner of the gap, closing the gap between time and space like closing the door.

"Wassis, there is Messi foreseeing your actions, and with the space I closed here, you can't escape!" The old man with long eyebrows closed the gap between time and space and smiled and waved before the ice cave. A probe, space is distorted, and layers of ripples ripple.

The men of Ansie’s Vasis had planned to drill into the ice cave immediately. Suddenly, the space had changed dramatically. It was hard to be trapped there. There was no way to lift all the things that Vassis had told him to do.

"One predicts my movements, one blocks the space, and the two of you join hands, I am afraid it is the perfect combination! I am really lucky!" The voice of Vassis came from the ice cave, when the sound fell, He had stood cold in the face of the ice, and stared at the two coldly.

"Vasisi, not only your destiny, but even the fate of the chaos is destined!" The old man named Messi, with a look of awe, as if she was in charge of everything, the finger swayed the crystal ball, understatement Say.

"You are not the Lord God!" Vasis looked at Messi deeply and suddenly said.

"Cultivating the power of destiny..." Messi pointed to the direction of the destiny of God, saying: "Besides that one! No one can reach the realm of the Lord God, even the false Lord God! We are different from you, you have not Godhead can also reach this realm, and we don’t have a godhead, it’s always just a god!”

After a pause, Messi smiled softly and said: "But this is enough..."

When I got here, Messi brows and the crystal ball shines. Messi suddenly shouted: "Dennis, start! He seems to be waiting for someone, and this person, I can't predict it!" www

Read The Duke's Passion