MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 950 match made in heaven

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When Shuo returned to the Magic Valley, she accidentally saw Anders Lena, the little girl who was taken away by her mother, and her body was obviously much stronger than she was.

When Anders Lena was in the dark gods, she knew some people from Phoebe. When she came to the magic hidden valley, they would naturally let Anders Lena come in, or even De Lina's current strength, it is not so easy to enter the Magic Valley.

In order to cope with the attack of the Hunting League, Han Shuo has arranged too many horrible arrays in the Magic Valley. If the outsiders do not have the permission of the Korean family, they will pay an unbearable price!

Anders Lena stayed in the Magic Valley for several days. She is very curious about all aspects of the valley. The power to support the Magic Valley is not only the enchantment of all kinds of enchantments and energy spar, but the most important one is Han. A variety of magic arrays arranged by Shuo and Wuxing A.

Attracting Anders Lena is the magic array that Han Shuo and the five elements of the corpse are hand-arranged. The special source of power makes Anders Lena very curious, asking the use and principle of those magic arrays in the magic hidden valley in all aspects. However, since the five elements of the corpse have not been cultivated in the underground, no one can explain the situation to Anders Lena.

Maybe Anders Lena's destiny is too boring, so she came to the Magic Valley very excited. She always seems to be able to find things that interest her. She often goes into some of the arrays and tries to get some accidents. Surprise.

After Han Shuo came back, Anders Lena was even more excited. When she saw Han Shuo, she was delighted: "You guy, I ran into the chaotic land and didn't look for me? Destiny domain and here are leaning, you are too Speak up!"

When Anders Lena was to others, it was always cold and inhuman. It was the exception to Han Shuo.

"I am not busy, so many people take care of me, where is my time? What's more, I don't know where the Temple of Destiny is, and I don't know where to go to find the Destiny!" Han Shuo smiled. He didn't even think about going to Destiny to see Anders Lena.

I don't know why Han Shuo always feels that the fate of the destiny goddess is more difficult to provoke. Sometimes Han Shuo even suspects that the goddess of fate already knows that he has not secretly knowed something about his cultivation of magic. The reason for this doubt is that because of the increasing number of masters in the past years, the magical power of his cultivation has gradually disappeared. If the demon statue is clear in the universe, the goddess of fate is clear, naturally can guess Some of his origins and secrets.

Goddess of destiny. As the head of the destiny, God is ignorant of his situation. Then it can't be said.

"What are you busy with?" Anders Lena snorted. "I don't know what you are doing in the chaos. Tell you. Start from the place where you entered the chaos. I am clear about your every move!"

Han Shuo asked in a sneak peek: "Oh? You don't leave the Temple of Destiny. How do you know that I am doing everything?"

"My mother told me." Anderina said with a chuckle: "My mother said that you have a lot of secrets. She is very clear about your actions and often tells me something about you."

The heart sinks. Han Shuo’s secret road is really a problem. Han Shuo did not go deep into this issue. He smiled quietly and asked Anders Lena: "How come you want to come here. Does your mother know?"

"I don't know. She seems to have something to see the death **** Nestor. I took the opportunity to sneak away. Hey!" Anders Lena not only worried about the goddess of fate. Still some smug.

Han Shuo was stunned and looked at Anders Lena with a smile, not knowing what to say.

"I heard that the Hunting League intends to attack the chaotic land, hey, specializes in helping you. How? Don't you welcome me?" Anderina browed and pretended to be angry.

"Welcome welcome! How dare not welcome!" Han Shuo was very happy to look up and pulled up Andreina, said: "Exactly, there are some energy towers in the valley. I am somewhat dissatisfied with the arrangement, just in time. Come on, give me a good look!"

The strength of Anders Lena's cultivation is different from that of ordinary people. The use of energy spar has reached a very wonderful realm. If there is the help of Anders Lena, Han Shuo believes in the defense of Magic Valley. The force should really reach a new height.

"I have already seen you for you, just because you didn't come back, didn't dare to do it yourself, lest those guys think I was going to destroy it." Anders Lena strolled in the Magic Valley for so long, and she was planning to tickle I showed my strength. When I heard Han Shuo’s proposal, I immediately agreed to it.

Dunton, Anders Lena said: "However, if you let me help you transform the role of those energy towers, your existing energy spar can not be enough. Well, at least three times more energy spar, I Can you start! Do you have so many energy spar?"

question! Han Shuo laughed and laughed at the energy spar that informed the underground secret room.

As the owner of the gold stone shop, the gold armor is naturally lacking energy spar. When the Magic Valley was previously deployed, most of the defenses were made up of magic arrays. Many energy spars were not used, plus Xiao Han Han Hao. In the past, many merchandise shops were looted, so the number of energy spar in the underground warehouse of the Magic Valley was very rich.

In the underground secret room and the wooden body corpse, they practiced the golden corpse of the corpse of the corpse of the corpse. After receiving the instructions of Han Shuo, they immediately stopped and immediately went to the energy spar warehouse to select the best energy spar with the material. A whole space ring came to the top.

"Hey!" As soon as he arrived at Han Shuo, the gold armor screamed and his eyes glared at Anderina. The whole person stayed in the woods and squatted there.

Anders Lena swayed in a circle of white sparkling water, and looked at the gold armor very strangely, and the glare glow appeared in the pupil.

A golden armor, a derina, like two magnets, staring at each other firmly! The strange soul fluctuations are released in the two people. Unconsciously, the two have communicated, using a way that is not clear to Han Shuo...

In an instant, Han Shuo seemed to be a superfluous person, directly ignored by the two.

The exchanges between the two are often long, so they look at each other, and they are motionless for a few hours.

At the beginning, Han Shuo was somewhat inexplicable. Later, he gradually realized that the golden armor was refining him by the elements of the five elements of gold. In addition, he had the golden jewels in his body, and he was the darling of all the golden stones. Naturally understand the stone, can distinguish the power of each kind of stone, and even let yourself into the stone, wearing a mountain crack.

Ander: Na is also a special kind of life. She can swallow energy spar to grow her own strength. Whether it is the magnetic field of life or the power she has, she carries the purity of energy spar, even her bones and body. It is also filled with the power of the purest energy spar.

Ander~ is like the purest and most special energy spar, but she has life!

The more special the stone, the more attractive it is to the gold armor, and the power from the gold source in the golden armor also has great appeal to Anders Lena. These two strange creatures This meeting, if you have not produced some wonderful things, it seems that some really can't be said.

Jin Jia corpse and Anders Lena communicated in a way that no one can understand. It is like two meteorites. If they have strong soul fluctuations, Han Shuo even thinks that the two are the two most common. Stones.

Han Shuo looked at the two with great interest. I felt a little happy in my heart. Perhaps because of his style of confusion, he always wanted to see that the five elements of the corpse and the scorpion could be like him, not only with strong strength, I still have to have my own life.

He does not want the five elements of a corpse and a small cockroach to be an indifferent life that does not understand emotions. He wants to see them living the same life as normal people. He wants them to have more human emotions, have their own women, and even Have your own child...

Deep down, Han Shuo really regards the five elements of the corpse and the small scorpion as their own children. Every father in the world will hope that his children will not only be safe, but also good, and perfect, Han Shuo Nature is no exception. He feels that if the five elements of the corpse and the scorpion can have their own home, it may be the ideal result that he expected.

Like two magnets that attract each other, Anders Lena and the Golden Armor seem to be attracted to each other by nature, so that it is a long time.

After a long time, Zoqi came in a hurry, and when he reported some news to Han Shuo, his voice was too loud, and it seemed that he had suddenly awakened Anders Lena and the gold armor.

The eyes of the two men gradually recovered, and at the same time, Jin Jia and Anders Lena smiled softly, then naturally came together and held their hands.

Everything is so natural, there is no trace of abruptness, it is as if the golden armor and Anders Lena are a couple who have been in love for hundreds of thousands of years. After the handle, the two are very happy, looking at each other’s eyes. Strong love...

Han Shuo suddenly, he thought that Jin Jia and Anders Lena might come together, but he did not expect that the two would come so fast, so direct, so natural!

"Father, I finally understand why you would be like Phoebe! Oh, it's a wonderful feeling, I realized it!" Han Jin smiled at him, a deep understanding of love. I don't know why, when I called Han Shuo's women, whether it was a five-line corpse or a small cockroach, they all called their names and did not mix extra emotions.

"Very good, very good!" Han Shuo is happy, laughing.