MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 112 Haya x Lin Weining

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"Catch her!"

Standing in front of the live broadcast camera, Xu Heran, who was shaking happily, turned around and slid, jumped onto the wheelchair not far from her, knelt in the wheelchair with long legs, pressed the armrest of the wheelchair with his left hand, and flapped his right hand in the air.

Jiang Qiong ran over immediately, pushed Xu Heran's back, and the two chased after Haya.

Jian Yueyin and Laurel skillfully stood in front of the camera, holding up the microphone and singing happily, "Stop and don't move!" "Help—" The voice-over from time to time pierced through the singing into the live broadcast room.

Fans watching the live broadcast: "???"

"Everyone has known each other for so many years, what can't we see?"

"Seven years! I've been chasing after Xingyao Girl until now! Just don't tell me who Xin Nuo's partner is! Don't let me watch Ha Daya elope with Xianxian now! Is our relationship so weak!"

"In front, Xin Nuo's partner must be Xu Heran! Except for Xu Zhenzhu, I don't admit that Xin Nuo will fall in love with anyone else!"

"After the actress Nuo got the actress gold cup, the status of various social software is in love. Now when she attends an event or takes a photo, the ring on her left **** is almost without a sign. She looks super happy in love."

"After the actress Nuo won the gold cup, she neither participated in variety shows nor accepted interviews. Except for endorsements and advertisements, it was the photos posted by her agent and assistants on social software that could satisfy the knights."

"Nuo Nuo is very busy. At the award ceremony, Nuo Nuo announced his love affair. Many marketing accounts said that Xin Nuo's acting career had just reached its peak and was about to end. As a result, Xin Nuo immediately received a bunch of high-end endorsements and went abroad to film. !"

"Don't, someone immediately said that it was Universal itself, and the endorsement was given by itself first, and Ms. Diana told Ms. Diana about the movie, saying that Universal insisted."

"If you can't eat grapes, it's just sour grapes. The endorsement is obviously an olive branch first handed over by the brand of S country. As for the three high-end luxury brands of Universal Group, the first eight girls of SGS did not solo. After Nuo won the gold cup, she was promoted from a series to a spokesperson for the region, and Ms. Diana came back after many years of filming. She said in an interview that if it wasn't for Xin Nuo, she would not have accepted the script."

"So foreign movie fans are very excited. They are very interested in Xin Nuo. They also look for her movies and TV shows, as well as the stage variety shows in the group before. SGS has been solo for four years, and the foreign fan support group is now better than The country is still lively."

"But Pearl is the most popular abroad right now. Ever since she released a single abroad, her appearance, strength and family background have been impeccable. In just one week, her fans on the Internet directly caught up with her fans on Weibo in China. , I suspect that everyone in the blue country is paying attention to her."

"Hahaha, after all, she is Diana's granddaughter. In addition to the mascot's blue eyes, she also has grandma's purple eyes. Can you find such a magical eye color by looking around the world? The key is that the eye color is good-looking, and the person is also good-looking, God. There’s no way to prefer. I read the recipes brought by the fan station. Many people in Languo are complaining that grandma hides her granddaughter too tightly. She should have come out to act when she was young. Maybe she can inherit grandma’s career. They only see it now Little Pearl feels very sorry."

"Hahaha, I'm obviously talking about how Daya and Xianxian have kidnapped Nuonuo and Zhuzhu again. Sure enough, everyone is very concerned about Nuonuo's relationship."

"If Nuonuo doesn't reveal her partner's identity for a day, I will kill Nuonuo's partner Zhuzhu! I'm so excited!"

"...Did Nuonuo take care of cp fans so he didn't announce his love partner?"

"Nuo Nuo has announced that they are in love. Every cp fan circle is so cute, don't keep scrolling in the live broadcast room, it's not good."

"Hmm, I'm sorry, I just haven't seen Nuonuo and Zhuzhu for a long time, and I'm quite excited."

"Don't think about it! Ha Daya and Xian Xianfei are here!"

In the camera, Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong are pulling Haya's wheelchair, Haya is sitting, and Lin Weining is kneeling on her lap, waving at the camera.

"Everyone is coming to the concert in three weeks!" Lin Weining leaned forward, intentionally holding down Haya.

Haya hugged Lin Weining's waist with a happy face. The perfume on Lin Weining's body was sweet and smeared on Haya's neck who didn't use perfume often.

Haya narrowed her eyes, and saw Xu Heran crossing her arms through the gap between the person in her arms, and Xu Heran stared at her with a half-smile.

Haya raised her eyebrows.

What do you say?

Xu Heran raised his eyebrows.


Xu Heran, who was not hugged by Nuonuo, stepped on the footrest of Haya's wheelchair, and with his thighs exerted force, he pulled the two people in the wheelchair towards him.

Lin Weining in the wheelchair was startled, and subconsciously hugged Haya tightly.

Haya's head was buried in the girl's fragrant and soft embrace, and when Lin Weining felt embarrassed to let go of Haya and jumped down to apologize to Haya, Haya tilted her head indifferently.

When Lin Weining went to eat snacks on the sofa with the others, Haya turned her head, raised her arms and cupped her fists, "Thanks."

Xu Heran slapped her hand off and left with a sneer.

"My friend, your ears are ready for grilling."

"Cough." Haya cleared her throat, "The live broadcast is over? I haven't performed for everyone yet."

"Perform Haya's wheelchair show?"

Jian Yueyin smiled and said, "If you want to perform, why not wait for the stage of FYU's solo concert?"

Her words meant something, and when she spoke, she first glanced at Haya, and immediately moved to Lin Weining's face.

Lin Weining was drinking a drink, and immediately lowered her eyes when she heard this.

Haya patted the armrest and said with a smile, "Okay, as long as Sister Cui doesn't mind."

"Sister Cui has given up since the night Xin Nuo made her relationship public, as long as you don't announce it at the concert." Laurel leaned on the sofa and played with her phone. After she finished speaking, she paused and immediately raised her head, "You won't Bar?"

Haya bent down and picked up a fork from the table to eat fruit. Except for Lin Weining on the sofa next to her, the four of them turned their heads together and stared at Haya with distrust.

Xu Heran poked his head over, stared into Haya's eyes for three seconds, and raised his hand, "Report to the captain, there is no eagerness in Haya's eyes."

"Then her eyes are big enough." Jian Yueyin said.

Can write four characters.

Haya ate without being affected, and said in a low voice, "I'll think about it when I catch him up."

"Oh~" Everyone's tone flew up.

Jian Yueyin raised her arms, put her arms around the shoulders of Lin Weining who was sitting on the edge, and asked in a light tone.

"Baby Xianxian, do you think Haya can catch up with someone she likes?"

Lin Weining: "..."

The girl's face turned red all of a sudden.

Xu Heran grabbed an egg and put it heavily on the table, "I'll press an egg, yes!"

"A bottle of milk!" Jiang Qiong said loudly.

"It's no fun to bet on this. Let's bet on how long it will take Hadaya." Laurel's tone was a little excited, he looked left and right, and grabbed a bag of melon seeds.

"I bet two months!"

"You look down on Ha Daya too much." Jiang Qiong stood up excitedly, "Two bottles of milk, one month and twenty-nine days!"

Jian Yueyin immediately turned her head and asked Lin Weining, "How long do you think?"

Haya: "..."

Xu Heran got up, and said to Lin Weining who was buried on Jian Yueyin's body: "I think it will take half a year, what do you think?"

Haya: "?"

The person who was talking about two months ago suddenly realized, got up and said excitedly: "Half a year is too short! One year! Are you a fairy?"

"No, one year is too short for a fairy, isn't it, ten or half a year!"

Lin Weining breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand to stroke her hair, and whispered, "Don't ask me such things."

"Guess with us, Xianbao." Jiang Qiong fanned the flames.

Xu Heran poked Haya, who was paralyzed on the wheelchair and pretended to be dead, "Is there any reward for our bet?"

Haya asked depressedly, "What do you want?"

Xu Heran smiled and said, "That depends on what you want to give?"

Pearl rolled her eyes, "Happy candy?"

Haya licked her lower lip, followed subconsciously with a "ha", raised her hand to cover her forehead, and the shadow of her palm covered her eyes. Under the high bridge of her nose, her beautiful lips were hooked, unable to stop her smile.

Everyone between Lin Weining and Haya immediately "Oh~".

Jian Yueyin smiled and sat back, folded her arms, "Of course, do you want Daya's wedding candy or your own?"

"Cough!" Xu Heran immediately pretended to be choking and patted his chest. As he patted, he drew a silver chain from his neck with the index finger of his left hand and dangled it in front of his chest.

The other people sitting beside her rolled their eyes, sneered sneer, and threw melon seeds.

Haya looked at the shiny ring on her fingertips and thought about it.

"It's October now."

"Three months, suppress Xiao Hei."

The author has something to say:

Pony walking on the meadow: ?