MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 111 Haya x Lin Weining

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Haya's legs and feet are inconvenient, and her assistant found an electric wheelchair for her. As an experienced assistant, how could she only prepare one.

In the corridor, a gust of wind "swished" past, Xu Heran wagged his tail and said with satisfaction: "This thing is really good."

"It's comfortable to sit, and you don't have to walk by yourself. Why didn't I think of it before?"

Jiang Qiong nodded in approval.

Haya drove over slowly, and said sincerely: "Just like you, no wonder people always say we are fools."

"Let them talk." Xu Heran turned the gear to the maximum, rushed out, and his cheerful voice fell to the ground, "I just want to be happy!"

"Target racecourse!" Jiang Xiaoqiong followed closely behind.

Haya immediately turned her head and asked Lin Weining, "Isn't Pearl Xu going to hold a concert abroad next month, so she can't be nervous? Isn't Xin Xiaonuo filming with Grandma Pearl in Languo?"

As an attractive pearl who shows off her ring all day, shouldn't she follow Xin Nuo back and forth in Languo? After all, that's her home field, too.

Lin Weining put her hands on the wheelchair and pushed Haya forward slowly.

"Then guess why she's here?"

Xu Heran had spent the previous two months preparing for the concert in Languo, and Xin Nuo had been driven back less than half a month after going to Languo.

Haya immediately replaced herself with Xu Heran, and Lin Weining with Xin Nuo, instantly understanding.

The woman in the wheelchair rubbed her chin, and heard Lin Weining laughing: "Nuo Nuo is very strict with shooting, Zhuzhu is here, so she is probably easy to play, you see Nuo Nuo and Zhuzhu are usually very gentle and happy. "

Haya paused when she touched her chin, then raised her head, looking at Lin Weining seriously with deep and sharp eyes. Lin Weining lowered her eyes in doubt, and smiled at Haya.

"What's the matter?"

"Xianbao, how old are you this year?" Haya asked knowingly.

Lin Weining put his hand behind her head, pushed her forward lightly, and said in a low voice, "It's not good, you clearly know that I'm one year older than you."

Haya "suddenly realized", "It's twenty-six, counting six years since we debuted, we immortals are still so simple."

Under her buttocks, the slowly moving wheelchair "Ka Chi" stopped in place, and the innocent Lin Xianxian stretched out her arms, circled around Haya's neck, and pushed back.

"You repeat?" Lin Weining bent down, put her lips next to Haya's ear, and threatened gently.

The tip of Haya's tongue was pressed against her teeth, and she deliberately approached Lin Weining's direction. Lin Weining's lips were caught off guard and stuck to Haya's ears. She froze and blushed suddenly.

Lin Weining stood up abruptly, stared at her triumphant back, bit her lip, and raised her hand.


Still gently patting Haya's head with his palm.

The person in the wheelchair seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer. He wailed, folded his head and bowed his body, "It hurts! I can't get up! I need a fairy's kiss to revive me!"

Lin Weining immediately shouted: "Qiong'er!"

Haya: "?"


The person in the wheelchair wanted to get up, but Lin Weining pressed his shoulders, "The injured person please calm down."

Haya didn't dare to be angry and didn't dare to speak. She watched a wheelchair fly out from the corner with a "swoosh". Jiang Qiong rushed over with excitement on her face.

"Your Qiong'er is reporting to you!" Jiang Xiaoqiong rubbed her hands together, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Lin Weining pressed her fingers hard, and a hint of malice flashed in her almond eyes. She put her arms around Haya's shoulders, deliberately leaned forward on Haya's body, and confronted the two of them. Jiang Qiong, who was in high spirits, said: "Haya said that she needs a fairy kiss."

Haya: "No uh-"

Lin Weining covered Haya's mouth, and said to Jiang Qiong who was showing disgust, "Only a fairy can do this task."

"Although you put me in the right position, I think this is the most difficult and dangerous task I have encountered in the past 26 years!" Jiang Qiong said politely, "I don't know if this fairy can say it."


Haya stretched out her hand, first compared her thumbs, and then pointed her thumbs down, revealing provocative eyes.

"Huh?" Jiang Qiong laughed angrily, and slapped the armrest angrily, "Zi Ya looks down on Ben Wang, since that's the case, I want to take her to meet more fairies, make all the fairies laugh at her crazily, and make Ha Daya dare not go out for a year !"

Lin Weining immediately raised her hand and agreed: "Let's go!"

Haya: "?"

The wide lawn can't be seen at a glance. In front of the lawn is a wooden floor, waterproof sofas, umbrellas and coffee tables, and a row of equipment facing the sofa.

Two girls are sitting on the sofa, communicating with everyone.

"That's right, this is the horse farm of Haya's family, and behind it is the golf course. Where did the others go? Xu Zhenzhu went to play golf in a wheelchair—don't ask me why anyone uses a wheelchair to play golf, Xu Zhenzhu's breed is everyone Understood—don’t ask me why Xu Zhenzhu has nothing to do with her health and needs to use a wheelchair, just ask me.” Laurel didn’t change his face, and he didn’t turn red or pant after finishing a series of words.

"Today's live broadcast is to cheer for FYU and visit the injured Haya, and also to cheer for Xu Heran's overseas concert in advance." Jian Yueyin laughed.

Laurel turned to look at her, "Your live broadcast has a lot of meaning."

Jian Yueyin took a sip of the fruit juice, and said naturally: "If everyone is not satisfied, I can increase the clock to warm up for Fenghua Nuonuo who is not here, and I don't know when the movie will be released. The advertising fee will be paid directly to my card, thank you."

"Will the live broadcast continue after the clock is added? Of course not, am I a hardworking person?" Jian Yueyin laughed.

Fans in the live broadcast shouted that Jian Yueyin was a profiteer.

"Pearl Xu is back." Laurel said, just as she finished speaking, Xu Heran rushed over and stopped in front of the camera, and the photographer immediately took a picture of her.

Xu Heran excitedly said: "This wheelchair is so easy to sit on, it can be used on grass! Do you need an endorsement? Find me!"

Pearl thumbs up.

"You can't advertise without confiscating the money!" Jian Yueyin was "pretentious", "Please pay the promotion fee just now, thank you."

Pearl immediately opened her palm to the camera, and then she grabbed the camera, took a picture on the wheelchair logo, and said with a smile: "The artificial intelligence wheelchair launched by Down's medical brand, Cheng's Institute of Biology and Universal Technology uses the latest materials. The latest technology, ergonomics, remote control, voice control, human vital signs monitoring, intelligent navigation, can also play music and make calls, more importantly, it has a long standby time, and can be charged at the city's smart power station, don't worry The pain of pushing home without electricity halfway.”

Laurel unpacked the snacks and said, "Is this a car?"

Xu Heran raised his hand and said in a low voice, "Sister Nian, sister-in-law, brother, thank you for the money."

There was a lot of laughter in the live broadcast room, and some people cooperated and said, "It's very delicious, order ten boxes", "Buy it once and eat it for a year", "My dog ​​can use it" and various joke barrages.

"Didn't Shiyi post a song not long ago? Why don't you sing in front of tens of millions of fans in the live broadcast room?" Xu Heran said while controlling the wheelchair and turning in circles.

"Hahaha poetic face green poetic!"

"Li Shiyi, you can't glare at your teammates! Be polite!"

"Poetic eyes fly to the sky hahaha."

"Since the poetic name was noticed by Xu Zhenzhu, things started to get out of hand."

"... Nuonuo fans, I just became a fan of this group that has been solo for four years, who is Shiyi?"

"Hahaha, of course it is His Majesty the Invincible Flower in the World!"


Jian Yueyin ate melon seeds, raised her chin to Laurel, "Come on, poetic."

Huaguo's top rapper, whose stage name is Laurel, aliased as Your Majesty Hua, and whose real name is Li Shiyi, threw away the snacks, stared at Xu Heran with dead fish eyes, and took out a golden microphone from her bag.

"I told you not to call me Li Shiyi!"

"Okay, Li Shiyi." Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong who hurried over from a distance shouted at the same time.

Jian Yueyin turned her head and waved at Haya.

Haya: "...You guys got up at 3:00 in the morning and took an hour-long flight just to have a party here?"

"Comrades, the protagonist of our party! Please, after a muscle strain, Ha Daya, who has not changed his mind after riding a horse and twisted his foot, makes a grand debut!" Xu Heran got up, and his slender body was seen from close to to in the camera Far, especially protruding in the live broadcast room.

Haya let out a long sigh.

She hid the news for more than a month.

"Please tell everyone, how did your waist hurt?" Lin Weining grabbed Haya's ear.

Haya whispered: "Just... I was on a global tour with the dance troupe. I was so tired that I didn't pay attention to rock climbing. I challenged the highest record. After I got off, I got... hurt."

Someone also wanted to understate it: "It's nothing serious, just take a good rest."

As soon as she finished speaking, the fingers pinching her ears became more intense. Haya's tone changed: "It's very dangerous for me to do this, and I am irresponsible to myself. Please pay attention to your health and rest when you are tired!"

Lin Weining twisted her earlobe.

"Let Poetry sing!" Haya changed the subject.

Laurel sneered and raised the mic: "My trip is over long ago, I can wait for you to solve the problem before performing for everyone."

She turned her head and asked the staff of the live broadcast, her tone was polite and kind: "Can there be **** behavior in the live broadcast room?"

"I support it!" Xu Heran raised his hand.

"I support Xianxian!" Jiang Qiong said.

"We Haya want to see fairies. Come on, there are so many fairies." Jiang Qiong said, "Ha Daya said he wants to be kissed by fairies."

The fairy fans in the live broadcast room are in high spirits, huh?

When and in what scene can Hadaya say such words? Who did you tell?

All cp fans are ready to move.

Haya swayed her uninjured leg on her knee, "I'm sure I'll get well soon with so many fairies, so let's listen to the poetic performance first."

His Majesty Hua smiled even colder.

"Everyone knows the name of my song," Laurel said.

Countless song titles and the same pattern suddenly appeared in the barrage.

"The Mouse Crossing the Street, thank you."

The staff played the music, first it was an upbeat music, then the music turned down and the voice was hoarse and sharp.

Sitting in a wheelchair, sitting on the sofa, the standing people and the barrage spoke with Laurel at the same time.

"The dark wind blows through the rotten boards in the corner and climbs out. A mob gathers friends and begins to cast spells. With red eyes, they shout that everything belongs to it. They raise their wine glasses and flick their crowns to celebrate. The slender and long tails of rats are exposed in the rotten leaves. !"

Xu Heran shouted: "Mouse tail!"

Laurel's voice was cold and cool: "The mouse grabs its brain and shakes off all the plots and tricks. Every hair of the mouse has sour and jealousy written on it. I have never met a mouse to blame you for breathing out the air. I never look at the earth. Flowers and trees grow in the north and south. Sorry, I shouldn't have explained how rats can hear human speech!"

Laurel stood in the middle, Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong stood behind her, facing each other from left to right, while Haya was leaning in the wheelchair, a group of people trembled with the music.

"The mouse's red eyes sparkled, the black fur fleas hissed, and the mouse yelled for a change."

Laurel raised his finger and pointed at the camera, "This world is it

the world belongs to it

The crown in the dream should be awarded to it

The self-righteous and self-righteous king will always be it

let me see who shows the mouse tail

The world is big, mice are not as good as frogs in a well

A mouse is a mouse it is not a melon"

"Street rats whisper in corners

see the sun rot and hoarse from head to toe

ohno, the rat's viscera, fur, and brain have long been tattered

Can it be expected to understand that species are different? It is with the shadows

no way

I wish it a life of crawling and rolling in the sewer

The sewer, your forever home"


Laurel opened his hands, raised his head in the warm applause of his teammates, looked towards the sky, raised the microphone after posing, and said in a low voice: "To all the red-eyed mice who slander behind their backs and play dirty and can't see the sun!"

"Okay!" Haya applauded, and clapped with Laurel, "It's indeed poetic!"

Shi Yuan immediately squeezed her hand hard.

Lin Weining leaned against the handle of Haya's wheelchair and smiled.

It is rare for SGS to have so many people live together. Fans are calling for friends, and the live broadcast room is becoming more and more popular in the morning. Haya asked everyone: "Don't you have a good rest during the holiday?"

A fan said: "I heard that you came here immediately for the live broadcast! Who hurt your foot! I want to watch you dance!"

Haya rubbed her nose in embarrassment.

"Jump up!" Xu Heran waved to everyone, and the six of them swayed wildly around Haya's wheelchair, and deliberately danced strange and irregular dances.

"In my body in my bones, Drop the beat and free my soul, When I heart that rock and roll

Oh my **** Ilose control. ①" Xu Heran danced to Haya, her voice fell, and the others bent down one after another, holding up the mic to Haya who could only sit in a wheelchair, twisting her waist, shaking her shoulders and shaking her hands.


I had to let it go


Haya: "..."

The dangling arm fell down, she couldn't help it, and put her fist in her pocket.

all waiting!

Lin Weining stood on Haya's right hand, raised her hand with a smile, and poked Haya's shoulder, "Let you mess around, and see if you change it in the future."

"I'll change it!" Haya said immediately.

"You're so **** gentle~" Jiang Qiong snorted immediately, and Dog Wangwang, who had received Haya's death gaze, immediately sought help from his teammates.

Xu Heran had already found the song, and in the morning, he was full of energy and enthusiasm, and followed the music "go round and round", and the other people who cooperated with him immediately stood in a row with Xu Heran, Lin Weining pushed Haya to the side of the team, let everyone Stand in a row and join your healthy teammates.

Jian Yueyin, who stood in the first place, opened the show. When she sang "Thisone, forthemhoodgirls, Themgoodgirls, Straightmasterpieces②", she immediately pointed to her teammates on the right. A group of girls immediately touched their faces, twisted their waists, and posed as models.

In the leg-shaking music, Haya supported her forehead and asked along with the barrage: "You guys rehearsed specially just to annoy me?"

Lin Weining came over and jumped up and down in front of Haya.

"You danced wrong, this song should be more sexy." Haya waved to the captain of FYU who has not yet soloed, and is known for her pure and gentle style. Lin Weining didn't think otherwise, and took another step in Haya's direction.

The successful Haya smiled slightly, "I'll teach you how to do this."

She put her hands on Lin Weining's waist, and when she was unprepared, she hugged Lin Weining's waist and pulled towards her.


Lin Weining was startled, remembering Haya's foot injury, she held Haya's shoulder. The person in front of him didn't care, took the opportunity to hook Lin Weining's knees, and easily hugged Lin Weining in his arms, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard of the wheelchair, and the sturdy wheelchair backed up with a "whoosh".

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Haya laughed loudly at the stunned teammates: "Goodbye, my friend, tonight I'm going on a long voyage!"

"Don't look for us, just elope if you ask!"

The author has something to say:

Sister Cui who got up early in the morning and stared at the live broadcast: "?"

Yes, I owe more (looking up at the sky) I will make it up~mua~

①LoseControl mentioned before: Hedley


Spread deep into the bone

Drop the beat and free my soul

let the horses come and free my soul

When I heart that rock and roll

when i hear rock and roll


oh my **** i'm losing my mind


na na na na oh oh oh

I had to let it go

i have to release


oh my **** i'm losing my mind

②Uptown Funk: Bruno Mars


Just these hoodie girls


all on time

Straight master pieces

Simply stunner

Read The Duke's Passion