MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 834 : Domination of Southern Border (60) is like floating sand

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After Ebuck's execution, some congressmen suggested that "Night Demon Slayer" Zhong Ming should also be arrested, since he was known to be an early advocate of the Unclothed Man.

However, this proposal was blocked by Ropierre, because although Zhong Ming was an advocate of the No-clothes Movement, he began to keep a distance from these people after Aybak entered the parliament, so he was not deeply involved. In addition, Ropierre respected Zhong Ming's contribution, so he only criticized and educated Zhong Ming in the end, so he escaped.

With the execution of Aibak, the clothesless man suddenly fell into a state without a leader, and Ropier took this opportunity to launch a further attack on the clothesless man.

On the 28th of the month (August), he passed the "Decree on the Rectification of the Unclothed", requiring residents to report whether the unclothed person has violated the law. The purpose is to target the existence of the unclothed. "The same thing.

Nearly 10,000 suspects in Quan Xibo were hanged in the name of the clothesless in the half month after the "Decree for Rectifying the Unclothed" was issued, but this time there was no "Second September Uprising". Under the fist attack, Wuyihan, a once famous organization, disappeared so quickly.

Excerpted from The Old Regime and the Revolution

"In the era of the Great Revolution, there was an iron law that as long as prices were stable, there would be no turmoil in the lower classes of Shibo. It sounds like a very simple law. Unfortunately, since the dragon fruit bubble burst in 2921 and before the improvement ended, There was only one period of real price stability, and that was the era of terror.”

"In the early days of the reform movement, the price problem was not serious, and the attention of the politicians at this time was focused on fighting with Celiti III and the old aristocracy, so the needs of the lower classes for change were buried in these political struggles. , despite the 'December storm' thing, is still not alerted."

"So the anger that has been repressed accumulates to the later stage, which is the famous 'Rager Movement', or the 'No Clothes' Movement as Hielle called it at the time. The reason why the 'No Clothes' movement is difficult is not that How powerful they are, but they represent the anger of the entire lower class at the turmoil of these years."

"However, after the split with the Civil Rights League, the No-clothes movement was easily suppressed by Ropier within half a month after Yuyue passed a simple "decree to rectify the No-clothes". Is Han himself a mob of rascals?"

"I don't think that's the case. The real reason is that the forces represented by the Unclothed Han in the two periods were different. Before and after the 'Second September Uprising', the Unclothed Han represented the vast and angry lower classes. However, during the Reign of Terror After that, the shirtless men, headed by Eback, split from the lower class."

"The era of the Reign of Terror was the only era after the middle and late period of the Great Revolution in which the number of executions was higher than that of other unnatural deaths. Mainly due to the stability of prices, the number of people who died of starvation and freezing was greatly reduced. The foundation of the campaign no longer exists, and the majority of the public are reluctant to act as Ebak's **** to cheer for him."

"This is the reason why Ropierre was able to suppress the No-clothes movement so easily, and this is also the reason why the No-clothes movement made a comeback after the death of Ropierre. 'Price' is the lifeblood of the whole revolution. All struggles in China are based on prices."

"...The reason why Eback was killed, I think, was because he didn't understand what he meant to Ropier. Eback was just a tool of Ropier, and when the tool was not working, it should be rebuilt. "

"However, with Ji Weiluo's betrayal and the departure of the unclothed man, Ropier destroyed the foundation of his own rule, and the day of his demise is coming."

As later stated in "The Old System and the Great Revolution", Ji Weiluo and Ai Bak were killed one after another, which almost paralyzed the National Salvation Alliance. Ropier destroyed the foundation of his own rule, and he was nowhere near the day of his own destruction. Not far.

And in addition to this, there is Siber from top to bottom, most people have been unable to endure Ropierre's reign of terror.

Business corporations and reformers naturally hate Reign of Terror, because the Reign of Terror prevents the business corporations from making their profits, while the Reformers think it goes against the idea they have been promoting, and to make matters worse, even the people are tired of the Reign of Terror.

Although it is said that prices were so stable during the reign of terror, as stable as a pool of stagnant water, but as more and more people hang on the gallows every day, the fear of the people is also growing, and they have forgotten the era of soaring prices last year. Begin to long for the end of horror.

More importantly, Ropierre greatly harmed the interests of the people on the issue of wages. The stable price that was promised at the beginning was to stabilize wages together. However, the Reign of Terror did stabilize prices. The implementation of the salary limit is soft, and the long queues for the wages that have fallen all the way have made the people very angry.

The last straw that broke Ropierre was the "National Salvation Judge Reorganization Decree" he was about to issue, that is, to rectify the position of the National Salvation Judge.

The criticism of the Reign of Terror by the people of Shiairie, not most, but all, is caused by the judges for saving the nation. Although Pierre had rectified it once a few months ago, he obviously felt that the strength was not enough.

From Ropier's point of view, the national salvation judge is a tool he uses to save the country, and justice and law-abiding should be taken for granted. Ropier is really qualified to criticize others. From what Leng Yi sees from the system, Xiebo currently has all the Among the MPs, only 3 did not accept bribes, and only Ropier was left without any other wrongdoing - except for political struggles.

As a person with a certain sense of moral cleanliness, Ropier tolerated the reckless actions of the national salvation judge in the early days, because he thought that the first thing to get rid of were those who were justifiably opposed to reform.

After half a year of killing people day and night, Ropierre believed that this group of people had been initially cleaned, or they did not dare to show their faces, and then they would enter the second stage to remove the incompetent.

And who are incompetent? One is incompetence and the other is dereliction of duty, which is very obvious in the group of national salvation judges, so Ropier first took the national salvation judge to operate, and cleaned this tool that was no longer easy to use, so that he became more It's easy to use, so that you can continue to kill people in line with Ropierre's wishes.

Ropier has always sneered at the way that people like Shiaire achieved improvement through love and peace, morality and preaching, which is why he never argued with them. The reformers of "minced meat" always have ridiculous illusions in some aspects, and it is obvious that they can only gain power through violent means.

Although Ropierre thought that the way the reformers tried to achieve their ideals was ridiculous, Ropierre recognized their ideal world, so they worked hard for it, but in different ways.

Ropier's method is very simple. There is only one point. Kill, kill the traitors who oppose reform, kill the traitors who are sluggish and violate the law, and kill all those who do not conform to the ideal world of the reformers, then The ideal world can come.

In fact, Ropierre often had a whim when he dreamed back at midnight, thinking that it would be great if he was a god. Ropierre wanted to become a god, not because of the immortality and strength of the gods, but because he would have the ability to realize his dreams. ability.

If he can become a god, Ropier will conduct doomsday judgment on the world, kill all the wicked, leave only the world of good people and babies, and then rebuild civilization from scratch. Only in this way can we create a perfect utopia. possible.

This is also the reason why Ropierre has always been extremely lacking in piety. He feels that the gods are not worthy of being gods. Rather than worship those imperfect gods, it is better to worship reason.

Leng Yi was very surprised and interesting about Ropier's idea, so he specially marked Ropier's soul. When he dies, he will be taken care of and reincarnated, and he will be given the power of a **** to see if he can Really realize this invaluable ambition in a certain area, and then what will be the For Ropierre's idea, as early as last year's "Replacement of Old Religious Worship Initiative with Reason Worship" It is reflected, but last year this was just an initiative, and the implementation was not very strong. The "Worship Act" promulgated on the 1st of the fruit month (September) was the beginning of Ropierre's attempt to officially replace the worship of gods with worship of reason.

So with Ropier's order, the remaining altars in various places were also converted into temples of reason, and the priests were forced to abandon the old gods and worship the new concept of "rationality" introduced by Ropier, violating the "Worship Act" will also be identified as suspects of obstructing the state.

This also means that after the old nobles, parliamentarians, business groups, the public and the national salvation judge, even the priests were offended by him, almost all the forces in the country were offended in one go. In this case, they want to count on Ropius If you continue to rule, is there any reason for heaven?

On the 27th of the fruit month (September), Ropierre went out as usual and went to the National Assembly to prepare for his day's work today. Ropierre was not greedy for enjoyment and did not like women. The only thing he liked was power, because power can Let him move towards his ideal world every day.

When entering the National Assembly, Ropierre found that all the members were already sitting on the seat. When he stepped on the ground and made a clear sound, all the members turned to look at Ropier.

Yes, all members, today's 27th is not a regular meeting. Logically speaking, not all members should be present, and since this happened, it means that something bad will happen.

Ropierre, who had experienced many strong winds and waves, subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so he took a step back, but was blocked by the icy iron armor. Ropierre looked back and saw that the guards stopped him resolutely, while showing gentleness. With a smile, he said, "Mr. President, the meeting is about to start, just waiting for you."

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