MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 833 : Domination of the Southern Border (59) Deeper Terror

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Ropierre didn't answer Chiari's question, and after a while, Chiari gave a wry smile: "At this time, I can better understand what you said to me last year. ', you have no way out, but your heart is still as hard as iron, you are the most determined person I have ever met."

At the end, Siere sighed: "I single-handedly promoted you, a madman or a fool, and I overturned the situation that the reformers worked so hard to create, so I refuse to submit to you now, and I am willing to pour my blood on it. Shibo's flower of freedom."

It was only at this time that Ropierre's eyes showed a few traces of human feelings again. In the end, without Chiaire's promotion against all opinions, Ropierre could not have reached today, but it was replaced by perseverance:

"I did not overturn the situation of the reformers, but you have been unable to deal with the intervening army, that is why my reign of terror, I am the result of your breeding! If I am overthrown by a despicable rebellion, that will truly mark reform. end."

"You and Troyes will be executed by me, and I will be killed by silverfish. Those who hold on to their dreams are no longer there. What Sibo still leaves behind are just a group of carrion-eating vultures with ambitious the wolf."

Judging from the cold game, what Ropierre said is very reasonable. The root of the reign of terror is not in Ropierre, but in the current situation of Xiebo itself, and although the reform did not end after the death of Ropierre, it …

After the conversation was over, Ropierre ordered guards to be summoned to take out Shiaire and the others. Afterwards, eight other members or former members requested the same treatment as Shiaire. Ropier gave them all, and some newspapers. Secretly call these people the nine gentlemen.

Ji Weiluo was not one of the nine gentlemen, but when he learned that Shiaire was about to be executed, he disregarded the guards' obstruction, and went to the execution ground to practice for Shiaire: "Shiailee, Shiaire, no Thinking that you were not killed by the old nobles, you were actually hanged by the 'second Ji Weiluo', and I, the 'first Ji Weiluo', actually came to give you a ride."

Shiaire didn't say much, just raised the wine in the glass and drank it. As the pioneers of reformers, these treatments were still available before the decapitation: "There is a warning in the realm of the gods," Brothers who have crossed all the robbery, meet each other with a smile, and let go of the grudges', the grudges between the two of us will be eliminated here, and I will wait for you below."

Ji Weiluo also looked at Shiaire who was next to the window, remembering that he was just an ordinary citizen in the past, full of envy and ideals, he went to the club as a handyman to listen to Shiaire's speech, listen to their imagination of the future, and then It is the disagreement and division after the reformation began.

On the 17th day of the Portuguese month (July), nine members or former members of parliament, including Chiaire, were hanged on the gallows in front of the palace, known as the "Nine Gentlemen Incident" in history.

On the 18th, Aybak accused the Civil Rights League of not learning from the previous split, but had become a place of filth, based on the events of the past month in the National Assembly, and therefore demanded the dissolution of the Civil Rights League.

Ropierre, on the other hand, went on the line and believed that it was not an individual alliance to be purged, but the entire alliance system. Ropierre claimed that with the development of the situation, the alliance system was no longer suitable for the current political situation in Xibe, so it should be abolished. This is the Dissolution of the Union Act.

The "Dissolution of the Alliance Act" was passed in the National Assembly on the same day, which marked the complete destruction of the alliance system by Ropierre in the seven years since the Great Revolution. The once-familiar terms such as the League of Order, the League of Civil Rights and the League of National Salvation no longer exist.

It should be said that Ropierre did not listen to a single word of the accusations against the reign of terror. For example, he believed that the national salvation judges were indeed full of dereliction of duty, so all the national salvation judges who were found to violate the rules should be the same as their prey. They were dragged to the execution ground together.

But the reason why Ropierre wants to increase the scrutiny of the national salvation judges is because he wants to raise the posts of the national salvation judges so that they can better save Sibo.

This is the "Moon Act" passed by Ropier on the 6th of the month (August).

The Terror Act has greatly strengthened the powers of the National Salvation Judge, who can now even interfere with the normal judicial process to examine the existence of treasonous interference in the regular courts.

And the most terrifying thing is that the core of the Terrorism Act is "suspected crime always exists". You must know that in the past, people who hanged people needed to find evidence, even if it was evidence fabricated by the national salvation judge. However, now there is always suspected crime, which means If there is no way to prove that the suspect did not treason, it will be regarded as treason.

The effect of the "Terrorism Act" was remarkable. Before it was promulgated, 7 people in Batiros would be hanged for treason every day, but after it was promulgated, the number of people who were hanged each day in Batiros soared to about 32, This is just the number of executions in one city.

Greater terror is coming.

These days, Aidan has been sleepless at night. On the one hand, he is happy and on the other hand, he is afraid. He is happy that both Aidan and Shiaire have been executed, and his authority is greater than before. The fear is that Ji Weiluo "betrayed himself" (Ai Bak thinks so) The traitor is not dead yet, and his prestige is still so great, he is afraid that Ji Weiluo will make a comeback one day.

Last night, Aidan woke up again frightened. He dreamed that on his way to the parliament, Ji Weiluo surrounded himself with the army, and then shouted, "Aibak! You have been treasonous!" Take yourself to the forest of the dead and hang yourself, just like Aidan and the others.

A day of insomnia finally strengthened Ai Bak's determination - Ji Weiluo must die.

Ji Weiluo must die, there is no doubt about this point for Eback, but the question is, will Ropierre agree to his action?

will it? Aibak said so, but without telling Ropier, he began to plan to murder Ji Weiluo.

Ai Bak's small abacus was playing with a bang. In his opinion, with Ji Weiluo's revolt, his faction in the alliance is no longer reliable, so in this case, his clothesless man is already at this time. The only faction that Ropier can rely on.

Based on this reality, I don't need to notify Ropierre, as long as I am caught off guard like killing Aidan, then even if Ropierre is unwilling, he is the only one who can rely on him. reveal all the details.

Ai Bak's plan only informed a few of his cronies. After several days of preparation, he led a shirtless man to launch a surprise attack on Ji Weiluo's mansion on the 21st of the month of the moon (August).

Although Ji Weiluo was caught off guard at first, he managed to temporarily resist the attack of the rabble-like crowd by summoning the servants.

For this kind of unauthorised matter, Ai Bak would not personally take action like the arrest of Aidan, but the person who personally led the team was a well-known Ai Bak cronie, so when Ji Weiluo saw that it was the other party, he knew who was behind it. It's Ebuck.

"Excuse me, what crime did I commit? Why did you attack my residence and kill my servant?" Ji Weiluo asked during the battle.

In this regard, Ai Bak's cronie said sternly: "You are already a suspect who endangers the country. I don't need to explain too much to you. You just need to know that being hanged is your only destiny. That's it."

At this moment, there was the sound of a cannon coming from a distance, and Ayback's cronies suddenly laughed and said, "Did you hear it? The cannon is coming! You, the suspect, will be captured soon."

As a result, Ji Weiluo's laughter was even louder than that of Aibak's cronies, which made him confused: "In the past, in order to overthrow Seliti III, I called out a cannon from the arsenal, but now someone uses it to kill me. With the cannon, it looks like I'm worth a Celiti III too!"

After all, Ji Weiluo no longer listened to Eback's cronies to persuade him to surrender, and burned his spiritual power with all his strength. However, under the volley of psionic cannons and flintlock guns, Ji Weiluo and his servants died together at the age of 42. , After Ji Weiluo died, his whole family was also killed by the clothesless man, and the bodies were all hanged on the forest of the dead.

In order to kill Ji Weiluo, Ai Bak even used a psionic cannon, and other people in the city naturally heard it, but just as Ai Bak planned, it happened suddenly, and before the others reacted, everything happened. It's all dusted off.

After learning the news of Ji Weiluo's death, Ai Bak went to Ropier's house, ready to "explain" it. To be honest, Ai Bak was still a little uneasy when he set off, but Ropier's weak response showed To Ai Bak's expectations, he actually accepted Ai Bak's explanation.

Ayback soon felt that he had found a reason. Ji Weiluo was already dead and could no longer die. Ropier still wanted to control the National Salvation Alliance, so he could only rely on himself, so he naturally had to treat himself preferentially. With a cheerful heart, he bid farewell to Ropierre.

The next few days were calm, but Eback felt something was wrong, so he warned his cronies to restrain himself a bit recently, fearing that he was about to face a counterattack from Ji Weiluo's remaining party. This was just the last peace before the storm.

It should be said that Ayback's sense of smell is extremely keen, but unfortunately his cronies did not listen to it all, such as Ayback's younger brother.

On the 25th of Guoyue (September), the Xiebo newspaper broke the news that Ai Bak's younger brother, as a national salvation judge, actually used his own privileges to rob a wife. The always slow National Guard responded very quickly this time. Arrest and imprison Albak's brother.

For Ai Bak's younger brother, this is actually a huge injustice. It is not that he has never done such a thing as forcibly robbing a civilian girl, but after being warned by Ai Bak, his younger brother has been very restrained. The next time is to find his mistress.

So when he was arrested by the National Guard, Ai Bak's younger brother said, "My brother is Ai Bak," and said, "I clearly paid him, and he was raised by me, how can it be considered a wall plug!"

Hearing these words, some of the National Guards couldn't help laughing, but this did not prevent them from escorting Ai Bak's younger brother to prison.

The news quickly spread throughout Batiros, and Eback naturally knew it. He immediately asserted: "It must be a good thing done by Ji Weiluo's henchmen. It's time to start another purge!" So he hurriedly prepared the carriage. Go to Ropier's house and prepare to discuss countermeasures with the other party.

However, the mastermind of this incident was actually Ropier, so when Eback entered Ropier, he was arrested by the guards who had been waiting for a long time, just like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

When Aybak was forced to kneel, Ropier came out to declare his crime, and the unbelievable Aybak roared angrily: "Ropier! You dare to kill me! You know what to do. Consequences!"

But Ropier didn't pay attention to Aibach's roar. In fact, from Aibach's **** to prison, to his execution, he never saw Ropier.

After being escorted to the prison, the Eback brothers were convicted in just one night. They were dragged to the forest of the dead on the 26th to be executed. After their death, they were reviled by thousands of people. The crowd rushed to the gallows, tearing Eback's body to shreds.

Ai Bak, a leader who started as a shirtless man, suffered the same fate after wanton purging of other parliamentarians, and finally ushered in a tragic ending. He was only 30 years old.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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