MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2185 Send Pei Ye into the tower

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I turned into a turtle!

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a sky mark tore through nothingness, like lightning, disappeared in a flash, and submerged into Longhuang.

"The fourth sky mark enters the body!"

Ye Que exhaled.

For two years, he practiced non-stop all night, and then drank a large amount of Shenyuan liquid and the great medicine refined by the purple fairy doctor.

The progress of his communication with Skyline has become very fast.

Two years ago, there were only two sky marks entering his body. Two years later, he had four sky marks entering his body.

"You are a middle-level Yuanzun."

Gu Yuexi stood outside the formation, staring at Ye Que with bright eyes.

"Mere Yuan Zun, what's there to brag about?"

Xian'er resumed her usual laughing and mocking face.

Ye Que ignored her presence, nodded and said: "In a few days, when I enter the tower, I need your help."


Gu Yuexi raised her head and looked towards the sky, the sadness in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Since two years ago, all the source gods in the source **** world have suddenly evaporated, and until now, there is not even a single person."

She murmured, feeling the pressure.

She went out with Ye Que half a year ago, and found that not only Yuanshen, but also many powerful forces, such as Yintiandu, Taichu God Sect, Yuanyu Dynasty and other major forces, were gone.

They asked the relatives and friends of those strong men, but they also knew nothing about it.

This world became more and more silent, making people uneasy.

"When you enter the tower, the source gods who have quotas will appear, and you can get some information at that time."

When a cold voice came, Gu Yuexi knew the sound, and without even turning around, she nodded at Ye Kuang and disappeared on the spot.

"You came."

Ye Que smiled faintly.

You Zhibai nodded and said: "You want to enter the tower, so I left early."

buzz buzz —

Three terrifying star sea worms flitted across the sky, one streak of dark red and two streaks of dark gold.

Ye Que glanced at them, got up and walked out of the formation, and said, "It's time to relax for a few days, and it's not too late to practice for a few days."

He stepped on the void and slowly reached the sky.

You Zhibai thought for a while, followed, walked side by side with Ye Que, and asked softly, "A year ago, you went back to the Realm of the True Gods, to see your relatives?"

Ye Kuang nodded: "The main thing is to see the avatar of faith."

You Zhibai frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Who is the elder sister you always talk about?"

Ye Que paused, turned to stare at her and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Curious, want to meet her."

Seeing Ye Que so nervous, Young Zhibai asked a little discouraged.

"She just broke through to Void Immortality, which is incomparable to you."

Ye Que said.

"It's not a question of strength."

You Zhibai has seen through the world of mortals, she doesn't care what kind of realm it is.

"I fled all the way back then, and was chased and killed by all kinds of monsters and ghosts. She had the same experience as me, and she lived and died with me."

Ye Que squinted at You Zhibai, and found that she seemed to be absent-minded, but she was actually very concerned.

You Zhibai was silent for a long time, and before she knew it, she came to the sea of ​​clouds.

Ye Que didn't speak, just as if they were walking together, very quiet, tacitly silent, enjoying the tranquility before entering the pagoda.

"I should call her sister."

You Zhibai spoke suddenly, which startled Ye Que.

"What did you say?"

Ye Que asked again in disbelief, thinking of a supreme **** who called a Void Immortal as his sister...


What a crap!

But after thinking about it, he also called Di Xiwei "Sister Di", and he still licked his cheeks and called Di Xiwei in a shameless way.

Well, it's not surprising.

"It has nothing to do with strength, and I don't want to annoy you. If you want to blame, I blame you for being cheeky and pestering me, and I agreed to you in a daze."

You Zhibai's face was blushing, she spoke very reservedly, and ran away after speaking.

Ye Que chased after him: "Bold evildoer! What you said is not clear, come back to double cultivation, I want you to help me practice! This seat will make you speechless, sobbing, humming!"


The two fought, the divine light overflowed, and the sky shook.

After hitting each other, the two hit a certain big bed in the inner world, and a round of intense naked, hand-to-hand combat began.

One day, one night.

The next morning, Ye Que took a mandarin duck bath with her, and then flew out of his body refreshed.

You Zhibai didn't go far, and the Ice Empress Realm temporarily moved to Longhuang.

There are Nine Sangyuan Gods and Man Gods outside, and Ice Emperor is prone to accidents outside, so he moved to Longhuang.


Ye Que, You Zhibai, Gu Yuexi, and the werewolf, the four origin gods stood outside the house.

Inside the house, Master Pei's noisy voice came out, similar to Ababa Ababa.

Everyone has different attitudes towards this, but they are all silent.

It is embarrassing and desolate for a generation of strong men to fall to this point.

"Master Pei, take a good rest for a few days, we should enter the tower."

Ye Que sighed, opened the door and walked in.

Young Zhibai saw the sadness on Ye Que's face, even her own face was sad.

"Back then, Brother Ye was besieged by many source gods in the southern Tianlu in order to save Shuiyuejing, but is it true?"

The werewolf couldn't help asking.

You Zhibai ignored her.

Gu Yuexi nodded and said: "Yes, the relationship between the two is very good. I heard people say that Shuiyue Jing used to dig out his own memory and soul in order to protect Hao Chen and face eternity, and that's how he got to where he is now. "

The werewolf's eyes changed.

The experience between the two, so terrible?

No wonder, every time Ye Gushen talked about Mr. Pei, he always had a desolate expression on his face.

When Ye Gushen entered the door just now, there was even more sadness on his face.

At this moment, there was the sound of fists banging in the room, and then Master Pei fell completely silent.

Not long after, the three saw Ye Que clapping his hands and walking out with a relaxed expression, as if he had just finished handling the corpse.

"Okay, he finally calmed down, and when I send him into the tower, there is no need to toss too much."

Gu Yuexi: "..."

You Zhibai: "..."

Bone Cloud Sirius: "..."

A few days passed.

In the peaceful Nine Desolation, on a certain day, there were waves.

The ancient and vicissitudes of the Nine Desolation Pagoda erupted with dazzling white light, and then the white light was introverted, all flowing to the top of the tower, and finally converged into a beam of light, soaring into the sky, blasting out ripples.

Ye Que looked up, his face gradually serious.

Nine Desolation Pagoda, opened!

"Finally going into the tower."

You Zhibai came to his side and said calmly.

"Two years have passed in a hurry, and what should come has come."

Gu Yuexi raised her head and looked at the Nine Desolation Pagoda in the distance.

In a certain unknown void, a pair of eyes that made the rules tremble, slowly opened, and the sight fell to the source of the gods.

A certain Realm of God.

The barbarian, who was looking for the eternal relic of time and space, seemed to have sensed something, and turned to leave.

He flew to Yuanshen Realm.

At the same time, Luo Er, Di Xu, Shield Earth, Fa Yin, and several walking corpses of the source gods also flew out from various true **** realms and gathered with the barbarian gods.

"The eternal relic of time and space, have you found it?"

asked the barbarian.

"Found one."

Dixu said lightly.

The rest of the source gods shook their heads.

"Yes, that lord will remember your contribution."

The barbarian put away the space-time relic that Dixu handed over, and flew to the east, "Let's go."

The gods of all sources follow.


The Nine Mulberry Tree, rooted in the earth, turned into a height of one million meters, covering the sky and the sun, and the terrifying power of reincarnation surged from its leaves.

The sacred tree shook, and a large amount of samsara divine light poured down, blending into nothingness.

The Man God passed by, and seeing this scene, he was startled, and took people into hiding.

"The connection between the True God Realm and the Source God Realm has been severed."

Di Xuyuan said in shock.

He has studied the void and regular turbulence quite deeply, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"It wasn't caused by Yuanshen. She must have borrowed the power of eternity, but regardless of our business, don't provoke her, let's keep a low profile."

Man Shen shook his head solemnly, and led the people away quietly.

The Western Divine Realm, the Seventh Dragon Realm.

In the depths of the black earth, the hermitage of Eternal Mountain.

A humanoid creature, sitting cross-legged on a 100-meter giant shield, was suspended in the air.

The giant shield is carved with cumbersome patterns, containing a terrifying divinity.

The humanoid creature was motionless, with its eyes closed, as if it was resting with its eyes closed.

Suddenly, the nothingness in front of him was torn apart, and Gu Qingyi, the disciple of the Ancient Heaven Emperor, held a silver spear in his hand, frowned and said, "Senior, what are you doing here at Eternal Mountain?"

The humanoid remained silent and continued to close its eyes.

"Qing'er, come back, he's here to monitor my Eternal Mountain, it's useless to talk to him."

The voice of Yunhai came over.

Gu Qingyi hesitated to speak, and when he was about to return to Eternal Mountain, he seemed to think of something.

She looked up into the distance.

She vaguely remembered that today seemed to be the day when the Nine Desolation Pagoda was opened.

That Senior Brother Ye seems to be going into the pagoda.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

Read The Duke's Passion