MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2184 The weird future, the uneasiness under the calm

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The Western God Realm, the second Red Valley God Realm.

The boundless land is surrounded by a circle of millions of mountains, and the circle is full of barren mountains and wild rocks, without any trees and weeds.

This place is like a territory, vast and boundless, but there is no sign of life.

Suddenly, a red glow accompanied by hot air gushed out from a certain ground and poured into the sky, lingering a strange vision.

"It turns out that the visions that frequently appear in the western region came from here."

You Zhibai stood on Xiaohan's back, stretched her tender white snow jade neck, and stared at the divine light with her eyes.

"This is a sign that the group of murderers is about to recover. This seat is the first to wake up, and the only one who can enter and exit from this place."

Ahead, a bird with dual origins of the sun, yin and sun spreads its wings like a Kunpeng, resolving doubts for the Ice Emperor.

Suddenly, the Shuangyuan Bird flew into the barren hills in the circle, and said: "There is a prohibition here that can't be stepped on forever. It mainly prevents outsiders from stepping in, and also guards against some eternal invasion. You don't have a group of beasts, so you can't come in."

Bingdi and Xiaohan fell outside the circle, Bingdi nodded: "Then I am a person in the domain of Bingdi?"

"Master Ice Emperor!"

Long Ying's voice came in surprise, she was wearing ice crystal light armor, and flew out from a building on the side.

Behind it, followed by many Ice Emperor guards.

The maidservants headed by Xueya were further behind, their little faces were flushed, and they were very excited to see the Bingdi.


The little lunar-sun dual-origin bird, the incarnation of a bird head and a human body, flew out from nowhere, soared in the air, howling wolves.

The face of the huge Lunar Sun Shuangyuan Bird turned black, and with a wave of its wings, it slapped the smaller Shuangyuan Bird on the ground like a slap.

"I can't speak human words yet, but I'm learning how to howl like a wolf!"

The big one snorted coldly.


The Tianyin ancient-eyed bird flew over distressedly, and arched the small dual-source bird with its bird's head.

She is one of the ten evil spirits of Yuanshen, her wings are made of pure silver and divine gold, and there is a silver light flowing on her body, and her ten eyes have become five eyes.

Legend has it that if the Tianyin Ancient-Eyed Bird opens the ten pupils of both eyes, it will be able to open the door to eternity with double pupils.

"Where's Ye Que?"

Looking around, Long Ying found that only Bingdi came alone, and there was a bug gnawing everywhere.

"Yeah, why isn't the new Ice Emperor guard here?"

One of the guards also asked curiously.

"He is in Longhuang."

After the Ice Emperor finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and said again: "He is no longer the Ice Emperor's guard."

Long Ying and the others were amazed, and at the same time keenly felt that Lord Bingdi was not as cold as before.

Although, the current Lord Bingdi still looks cold, but that is only in the senses.

The former Lord Bingdi was cold from the inside out, without the slightest emotion, making people feel frighteningly cold.

"It's not the Ice Emperor's guard..."

The other Ice Emperor guards murmured regretfully.

"From now on, if you want to call him Lord Ancient God, he has already become a partner with me!"

The Ice Empress turned around and looked into the distance, like an ice beauty with a cold and arrogant demeanor.

In fact, her heart was beating non-stop, and the redness on her face was also suppressed by her best efforts.

If it was her before, she would definitely not be able to say it.

But with the help of the Eternal Lover, she opened her heart knot and has transformed.

Therefore, when she said this sentence, she did not reject it.

Even, there is a little expectation.

" a mate?"

Long Ying murmured, her expression gradually became strange.

The eyes of the rest of the Ice Emperor's guards ranged from doubt, to bewilderment, to shrinking pupils, and finally to shock.

Gradually, gasping sounds sounded one after another.


Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at Bingdi in disbelief.

They knew who Ice Empress was.

In their hearts, with the character of Bingdi, it is estimated that they will be alone until the end of the years.

But, they never expected it!

Ye Gushen actually chased the Ice Emperor!

What's even more unbelievable is that the Bingdi himself said this matter!

"Let's go, go back."

The Bingdi said indifferently, but in fact his attention has already been lost.

Because the heartbeat was so fast, she only felt the sound of the heartbeat in her ears.


Long Ying and the others said respectfully.


Just as the little Shuangyuan Bird was about to howl, he felt an unkind look in his eyes, and he stopped immediately, but his wings were still fluttering, as if to say, I want to go too.

"Senior, we want to meet Brother Ye."

The Tianyin ancient-eyed bird turned into a girl with three eyes and double pupils, and spoke respectfully to the Bingdi.

"No, the outside world is dangerous. I have taken a huge risk to save you. The two of you stay here and wait for the arrival of the divine pillar of beasts!"

The huge double-source bird of the sun and the sun made a deep sound.

When he opened his mouth, divine light surged from his body, cutting off the distance between the little Shuangyuan bird, the Tianyin ancient-eyed bird and the ice emperor.

"Don't follow me, but I will tell him about you."

You Zhibai turned around and nodded to the little Shuangyuan bird and the Tianyin ancient eye bird.

She doesn't care about anyone now, only Ye Que.

She will pay attention to everything related to Ye Que.

"Xiaohan, let's go, stop chewing."

You Zhibai said coldly, the corners of her eyes twitching.

After not watching it for a while, this guy plowed the mountains, rivers and land outside the circle.

It's so delicious!

The key is not to pick your mouth!

This made her wonder, will Xiaohan start the eternity of gluttony or the eternity of eating in the future?

In the end, Bingdi left with his people, wanting to return to Ye's side.

And Ye Que, in Longhuang, continued to try to communicate with Skyline.

Gu Yuexi accompanied Longhuang, the werewolf continued to guard the gate, and Master Pei was still asleep.

After Yunhai returned to Eternal Mountain, Eternal Mountain fell into silence without any response.

Jiu Sangyuan God also disappeared without a trace after that battle.

Man Shen's group of old Yinbi organizations are not making trouble either.

Everything is peaceful.

But the calm is too weird.


"There used to be so many Yuanshen in Yuanshen Realm, but now, I can't perceive or see half of them."

Ye Que frowned, he would often fly to the top of the city, staring at the world outside, the world was peaceful, as if still, it seemed that some terrible power was coming to this world.

His uneasiness grew stronger.

It's so quiet!

It seems that all the powerful ones have disappeared from the Yuanshen Realm.

But in Ye Que's view, it was more like a powerful existence that summoned countless powerful people.

"Ye Gushen often waits and sees the outside world..."

The werewolf looked at the ancient **** in front of him, saw that his brows were frowning slightly, and his eyes were vicissitudes of life, and he had a bold guess in his heart.

"Could it be..."

The werewolf's eyes gradually brightened, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Could it be... I understand! I understand!"

He murmured, with great wisdom in his eyes.

"Forget it, make more preparations!"

Ye Que turned around and left. He wanted to forge formations, forge weapons, and save more means to prepare for entering the tower in two years.

It just so happened that his words were heard by the werewolf.

"Sure enough!"

There is great wisdom on the werewolf's face.

"The overall situation is in motion, and the world is about to appear! The general trend has come! Because those gangsters are coming, so the ancient gods must prepare!"

His breathing was short, and he felt trembling all over when he thought of the terrifying killing gods descending.

"No, I have to prepare too!"

He forced himself to calm down, thought for a while, and nodded with a sense of reason: "Those murderers are all rebellious. Once they come here, it will be easy for me to lose my position next to Brother Ye." stable!"

"No! This seat must give them a big blow, but with my strength, if I really get close, I'll be hiccupped if I kick one foot..."

The werewolf frowned, with great distress on his face.

Suddenly, his wolf body shook, and he said pleasantly: "I can't, but the ancient gods can! The ancient gods are so terrifying, not only powerful, but also able to plot against the heavens, aren't those gangsters also in the overall situation!"

Speaking of this, he smiled confidently, with great wisdom on his face: "When those gangsters come, I will be the representative of the ancient gods, publicize the power and mystery of the ancient gods, and step on their rebelliousness. Once here, my position will be stable!"

[Author's Digression]: And

Read The Duke's Passion