MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 24

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A fist fell, and Jia Jia decided to look at the child, and looked at it for a long time. He eventually took the fist and did not shoot again.

When I first met the Qin III, I couldn’t help but look at him. In places like the film and television city, everyone came and went in a hurry, and I couldn’t wait for one person to use it in three. Only this person, quietly walking in the crowd, is not in a hurry. When someone screamed at him to let go, his face flashed a horror, then quietly let go and apologize.

Modern people live freely, but they live too tired. Busy work like a giant mountain, pressed on everyone's shoulders; rich leisure activities like a kaleidoscope, can not see. Most modern people don't have time to rest, enjoy a moment of peace, even a rare break, there will be a phone that can't be brushed.

Therefore, when such a person who was simply walking suddenly appeared in the film and television city, he was incompatible with the world, and Yi Jia took him out at a glance.

Then the two looked at each other, staring, beheading, respectively.

When I met again, Yi Jia had already noticed something wrong and knew the identity of this person.

Before Ye Jingzhi left the hotel, he had laid down three layers of enchantments. Even so, he could not stop the intrusion of Qin III. He came to God without knowing it, and the true dragon purple gas hid his yin too well. If he didn't talk, he couldn't find it.

In recent years, Qian Jia has encountered such an opponent for the first time. Although he did not feel ashamed and fearful, he felt a long-lost tension.

However, I don't know how to describe this feeling. Zhai Jia always feels that this Qin III is not a bad person... the bad ghost, at least not a murderous evil spirit.

Thinking for a long time, Yi Jia looked up to the child, calmly asked: "How did you come in?"

Zi Ying saw that Jia Jia received his fist and was no longer prepared. He smiled softly: "Tai Ajian can cut off the enchantment of the Emperor."

It turned out to be so simple!

Ji Jia wrote down this point in his heart and confirmed that the sword was indeed a sword. He quietly asked: "Although I have two sides with you, but Qin San...His Royal Highness, I am just an ordinary person, not a national teacher in your cognition. I said, our current country, There is no national teacher, no emperor, what do you want to do when you come to me?"

The child did not answer.

His gentle face with a soft smile, quietly watching Zhao Jia.

He looked at Zhao Jia, and he also looked at him, and he did not fear, let the other side look at it. After a long time, Ziying went to the window of the hotel, raised her right hand and pulled the curtains. He pulled the curtains to the sides, and strangely, the curtain did not move.

Zhao Jia suddenly understood the idea of ​​the child: "Wait, this curtain is to..."

The child frowned and waved directly, and the hotel's thick blackout curtains were torn to the ground.

Yan Jia: "...!!!"

Where does the child know, the five-star hotel ordered by Ye Jing is quite advanced. When Jia Jia just entered the room a few days ago, he also wanted to pull the curtains at night. Who knows that the curtains could not be pulled. He pondered for a while before he found two buttons on the bed: press one of them, the curtains opened; and the other, the curtains closed automatically.

This thing is too advanced, and the modern man of Zhaojia did not figure it out for a while, let alone the child.

Looking at the curtains on the floor, 奚 Jia won the support. Ziying turned to look at him, and he was so sleepy that he could only shake his head: "No...nothing, you continue, continue."

The curtains were wide open, and Chang'an City under the night fell into view.

Located in the center of Chang'an, this five-star hotel is set in a pale yellow light on the 13-kilometer Chang'an ancient city wall, which surrounds the ancient city and is a safe barrier. Looking down from the height of the twenty-fourth floor, the lights are connected into a line to form a large network of stars, depicting the bright night scene of Chang'an.

Sucheng, where Suijia lived, because there are several lakes in the urban area, the night lights cannot be connected together, and it is difficult to see large urban night scenes. Looking down on Chang'an from the high-rise building, Zhao Jia also felt a bit novel. He stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and stood side by side with the child, watching the scenery.

"Your country has such a view."

Yi Jia turned to look at it.

In the eyes of the child, the bright lights reflected, and he said lowly: "The father has said that the sea is rising from the sea, and the mountains are falling; the four sides are harmonious, and the songs and dances are flat. This may be the father’s mouth. 'The Quartet and the hustle and bustle, singing and dancing,', the country of your country is more prosperous than Xianyang."

Yi Jia does not know how to explain, Chang'an City is a good provincial capital in China, but not the capital.

Zi Ying said: "I was very talented. I have been in this huge city for a long time."

Yi Jiasheng lived: "You are wearing this clothes in the urban area of ​​Chang'an, no one is watching you?"

Zi Ying blinked at him: "They can't see me." Suddenly, he continued: "You didn't seem to ask me, who the father wants to see."

Yan Jia remembered the sentence that the child had said before.

"The father wants to see, it is never me. 』

"who is it?"

"It is Fusu."

The name of the son of Fusu, I have heard of it, the entire Qin Dynasty, he heard the First Emperor, Fusu, Huhai, Li Si... Even Zhao Gao is famous in history, but he has never written in history books. One child, one word, most people do not know that there is a forty-six days of the existence of Qin III.

Ziying is far from Xianyang. His sight seems to cross several kilometers and he saw a thousand-year-old ancient capital covered by the splendid atmosphere of Chang'an.

Qian Jia asked: "What about you?"

Zi Yingdao: "I am only one of the dozen sons of the father."

The only child, Jia Jia, couldn't understand the problem. Zi Ying laughed: "I am looking for you after I separated from you in the city today. This... Xiongtai, have you thought about why?"

Qi Jia knows that the city in the mouth of the child refers to the film and television city. He said: "You are not looking at me because of the yin, thinking that I am also a ghost, so I came to me? My name is 奚嘉, I don't have to call my brother."

The child is gently beheaded: "Then you can call me a child. Indeed, I mistakenly thought you were a ghost, but this is not the only reason. In that city, there are many ghosts wandering."

Where the people of the film and television city come and go, the flow of people is large, and there will be ghosts and ghosts. Zhao Jia had seen a few devils, so he nodded and agreed with the child.

"I look back at you because you and I are a decent person...somewhat similar."

Yi Jiayi: "The old man? Who do I look like?"

Ziying sold a pass: "I will tell you later. It is because you are similar to the old man. After I finished this capital, I wanted to find you and say a few words to you. ”

"Do you have something to say to me?"

Zi Ying first shook his head and nodded again: "I just can't think of what these words can be said with."

Next, Yan Jia quietly listened to the child and said.

In 221 BC, Qin Wang swept the ** and built a great cause, but it was only 38 years old. The young emperor was a young man, unified weights and measures, and built the Great Wall. He has great talents and ambitions, but he has begun to think of longevity when he is over forty years old.

"The father is not afraid of death. He just wants to see my great Qin and the generations, and the generations prosper, and witnessed my great Qin."

Zi Ying briefly said some things when Qin Shihuang was alive, and soon skipped the First Emperor period, talking about Hu Hai’s position and helping himself.

This incident knows that when he searched for the encyclopedia of the baby, he first saw the name "child", which was Hu Hai’s position. According to the history books, Hu Hai’s false biography was said to mean that Qin Shihuang would give life to Fusu. At the time of Fusu, he was sent to the border because he was inconsistent with the first emperor. After receiving the secret, he thought that his father was very disgusted with himself, regardless of the obscurity of the obscured brothers.

The death of Fusu is a foregone conclusion, and Hu Hai will kill the Mengzi brothers.

At this time, Zi Ying appeared in the history books, he strongly discouraged Hu Hai and asked him to spare the life of the blind brothers.

A negligible scorpion baby could not shake the idea of ​​Hu Hai, so the Mengxi brothers still died, and Hu Hai still ascended the throne. Within a few years, Zhao Gao, who took the position of him, wanted to be an emperor himself, secretly murdered Hu Hai, and the child was enthroned at this time.

The child was only in forty-six days. In these forty-six days, he killed Zhao Gao and cleaned up the platform. He tried to save Daqin's decline with his own efforts, but it was impossible to succeed.

These, the child and the baby have all taken it with him. The most he said with Zhao Jia is the ambition of the Emperor, the vision of Fusu, and the end of Daqin that he saw.

In the eyes of the child, the most difficult thing to forget in his life is not to be worn by Xiang Yu, not to see the Xianyang fire, Xiang Yu Tucheng. On that day, Liu Bang rushed into Xianyang City. He took the harem of the harem and replaced the innocent people of Xianyang City and sent the hands of Daqin's jade.

From that day on, Daqin died.

He was in his hands.

"The father did not see me, but also had a reason. The father and the emperor have a vast majority, and there are mausoleums designed by Xu Fu and Li Si. I don't know how terrible the father is now, but he may have known the fact that Daqin was dead. Daqin died in my hands, and the father did not have a palm to beat me, and it was already under his mercy."

Yi Jia very disagrees: "The Qin Dynasty is not in your hands, he died in Hu Hai, Zhao Gao."

The child did not argue, he suddenly asked: "Do you know who you look like?"

Yan Jiawei: " who?"

Ziying chuckled: "You look a lot like me..."


A loud noise came from behind the child.

The small and delicate bronze scorpion pierced the hotel's thick glass floor-to-ceiling windows and slammed into the baby. Innocent Qing Li appeared too suddenly, the child did not have time to respond, he reluctantly stepped back half a step, no youth Qing Li rubbed his neck, broke the skin, a lot of black yin.

Ye Jingzhi suddenly appeared behind Zhao Jia, grabbed his waist and pulled him behind him, and took care of him.

The child coughed twice and the wound in the throat did not heal, and the yin continued to spread outward. A trace of blood rushed from the dragon's jade in his waist, gently stroking his wound, and finally, the wound gradually healed.

Ye Jingzhi turned to look at Zhao Jia: "I am late, is it okay?"

Yi Jia also said at the same time: "Are you coming so soon?"

The child coughed for a long time, and the wound on the neck was finally repaired by Yu Pei. He looked up at Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi and said: "I didn't see your usage to send a message to the master. How come back? Tai Ajian is the thinnest and sharpest sword in the world. It cuts the enchantment and will not be perceived by the owner."

Yan Jia took the phone out of his pajamas pocket: "I don't have the trick to vent my letter to Master Ye, but in the first time you appeared, I was in front of you and used this thing to send a WeChat to Master Ye. ”

Ziying looked at the mobile phone in the hands of Yi Jia.

Yi Jia felt that there was a bit of awkwardness and felt that he was bullying the ancients.

Ye Jingzhi saw that Jia Jia was not injured, and finally he was relieved, and the murderousness of his body also dissipated. He took the palm of his hand and took out the incomparable Qing Li. He looked coldly at the child. When he was planning to squat again, Zhao Jia grabbed his hand and said: "Master Ye, I feel that Qin III seems to be like this. Nothing malicious, or let us listen to him first, how do you feel?"

Ye Jingzhi suddenly stopped.

Yi Jia thought that he didn't believe in himself and said: "I just talked with my child for a while. He is very good. He has never hurt me." Of course, he may not be able to hurt me... The thought flashed in his mind, Yu Jia Continue to say: "Zi Ying said that after he died, he was carried into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor by the confidant eunuch. He did not harm anyone. He just came out a few days ago, and everyone in your metaphysics has rushed over, so much. When you come down, you also said that there have been no such incidents in the vicinity of Chang'an."

Ye Jingzhi still stared at Zhao Jia, not talking.

Zhao Jia looked at him like this and mistakenly thought that he was thinking of another thing: "Really, Zi Ying has broken the ceiling of a crew in the film and television twice, but he is not harmful. I believe if the ceiling When you kneel down, it is certain that someone will be injured. If no one is injured, it means that the child is intentionally controlled. Do you think it is right, Master Ye?"

Ye Jingzhi still stares seriously at Zhao Jia.

Yan Jia: "...Master Ye?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "...?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Zhao Jia lowered her head and saw that she was holding the hand of Ye Jing. He suddenly realized that he was too familiar with himself, and that the master Ye Ye felt uncomfortable, so he quickly let go.

Ye Jingzhi suddenly lost.

Jia Jiadao: "Master Ye, I think I should first listen to Zi Ying, why did he come out this time, and what he wants to do, let's make another plan."

The sound of the mirror is low: "Good."

Ziying has more than 2,000 years of experience, and has always been in the horrible place of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The people of the Xuanxue world see him as a beast, because if he really wants to harm, it will definitely cause a great disaster.

When the heavenly masters of the mysterious school knew that the child was still wearing a scorpion and a sword, it was even more enemies. It was a little polite to play this kind of behavior when they met each other. But it is extremely reasonable to put it on a fiercely powerful ghost.

Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it. If I don’t do my best, let the baby escape, and he will kill again. What can I do?

With the guarantee of Yi Jia, Ye Jingzhi’s collection of no-coming Qing Li began to listen to the child.

Zi Yingdao: "I have been sleeping and sleeping for most of the past two thousand years. When I wake up occasionally, I will walk in the tomb. The father's tomb has a total of seven floors. I can only go to the first three floors. I I remember that I should be sleeping, suddenly heard a sound, and woke up and found that it was a three-year-old devil. It was too **** and seemed to kill a lot of people, so I killed it. After a few days, I saw a monk. I didn't talk to him. He fainted. I don't know why, he used the beads to smack me before he passed out. I let the side beside, the buds hit the enchantment of the mausoleum. On the top, there was a small gap. The gap will soon be smashed. I haven’t seen the outside world for a long time. When I haven’t closed the gap, let’s take a look.”

Zhao Jia said: "Is that simple?"

Zi Ying nodded and smiled: "It's that simple."

Ye Jingzhi thought for a moment and said: "You can kill a person and occupy his body, so that you can live in the world like ordinary people. With your strength, plus Hess, Tai Ajian, we I am afraid I will never find you."

Ziying smiled lightly: "I am a scorpion baby, never someone else."

Wen Yan said that Zhao Jia looked at the child, and finally realized that the young man who looked close to him was actually an emperor. He has the arrogance and dignity of the emperor. Even if he is dead, he can't give up his identity and go to another person casually.

Yan Jia could not help but ask: "Then you plan to do it later..."

"Hey! Qin III, it’s coming... oh, why is the window gone? No matter what, let the old man come to life!!!"

An angry drink rang from the air, and Jia Jia looked back. I saw a white beard and the old road quickly flew in from the French window, holding a peach sword, and a sword poked on the child.

This old Taoist appearance is too cool, but also has to shout, not like the master of the leaves, not to mention the direct play. His behavior of shouting before the opening of the game gave the child a lot of preparation time. The child took a shot and pulled out the Tai Ajian, and immediately and clearly hit the mahogany sword of the old Taoist.


The mahogany sword was broken in half.

Lushan Taoist stupid eyes: "Old man... the old man's sword!!!"

Ye Jing's faint road: "The predecessors of Lushan, the younger generation once said that Qin San used Tai Ajian." The implication is that your shabby mahogany sword can only be cut in front of Tai Ajian. Cutting apples

Lushan Road people were anxious, and a shocking smashed out: "The old man's sword!!!"

Ye Jingzhi immediately reached out to cover the ears of Zhao Jia, and by the way laid an enchantment. The child raised the sword and blocked the sound waves that oscillated like the waves. This is too much a sword, the national treasure of Chu, the legendary sword of the prestige, and this kind of attack in the face of the real prestige sword is not worth mentioning.

Lushan Taoist: "..."

The next moment, Lushan Taoist jumped to the back of Ye Jing's body: "Ye Xiaoyou, the old man is old, and it is up to you to catch ghosts."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Child: "..."

However, for a long time, the large army of the Xuanxue circles also came in from the broken floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel.

Yan Jia watched as the white priests and white beards sneaked in from the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows. More than a dozen grandfathers and eight female celestials stood in the bedroom of Zhao Jia. The child was pushed to the corner.

Ye Jingzhi explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be the case. After you sent me a WeChat, I forwarded WeChat to the ‘Ghost Know’.”

Yi Jia quickly opened WeChat.

Sure enough, "Ghosts know" was quite responsible for the news that "Qin San is now at Changan XX Hotel".

This time, the masters of the metaphysical circles have arrived.

Senior masters can fly in the sky and go fast. Ye Jingzhi received the news of Zhao Jia in the middle of the road. He was anxious, so he speeded up and the first one rushed to the hotel. After him, the masters of the metaphysical circles also flew over. As for the juniors, they may have already walked to the gates of the ancient city of Chang'an.

The bedroom is only so big, so many masters are crowded here, and Zhao Jia, Ye Jingzhi and Zi Ying can only be squeezed into the corner. Zhao Jia looked at the child and said apologetically: "Sorry, they are a bit... not reliable."

The child was squeezed by the wall and smiled: "Nothing."

Obviously it is to catch ghosts. This is crowded into this way, and everyone is not good at it. Yi Jia struggled to reach out from the crowd, opened the door, and entered the living room one by one, which gave me ample space. Entering the living room, the masters have come up with magic weapons, facing the child.

"Qin Sanshi, surrender quickly!"

"Amitabha, the poor bead can not be long."

"The old man gave you a five-thunder!"

When I heard the familiar voice, Yi Jia immediately turned to look at it. I saw the Lushan Taoist grievances holding the mahogany sword that he had broken in half, hiding behind the singer Yu Xiuzhen, the fox screamed.

On the top of the mirror, he said: "You don't have to start first, he doesn't seem to be malicious."

Yan Xiuzhenjun frowned at him: "Is Ye Xiaoyou said really?"

The mirror of the behead.

Yan Xiuzheng asked again: "How to prove?"

The gentle sound of the child baby sounded: "I am willing to walk into the reincarnation."

Among the twenty old predecessors, four are dressed as monks. After the child said this sentence, the four masters glanced at each other and walked up to the front of the unconscious master to ask if the child was really willing to walk into the reincarnation and reincarnate.

Zi Yingfeng replied lightly: "There are no more things in my world, no one to remember me."

The master does not wake up and said: "Amitabha, the donor is willing to walk into the reincarnation, naturally it is a good thing. But you must know that a thousand-year-old ghost like you, if you are not willing, when poverty is excessive for you, you may be impure because of your mind. And the soul flies."

The child was fixed and looked at the master who was not awake. His eyes were clear: "Scorpion baby, willing to walk into the reincarnation."

Since Qin Sanshi is willing to reincarnate, it is naturally a joy.

The super-revolution is the work of the monk, led by the masters who are not awake, and the four masters sit cross-legged beside the baby, and whispered the "Tibetan." These four masters are the top Buddhist powers in the metaphysical world. With the passage of the scriptures, they spit out golden Buddhas and circled them around the child.

A total of nine hundred and eighty-one golden lotuses flew by the side of the child, and the master did not wake up to finish the last verse, and suddenly blinked. The other three masters also opened their eyes, and the four held the beads and used boxing to Jinlian.

In the blink of an eye, Jinlian people flocked to the body of the child. But when Jinlian hit his body, he did not enter the body. A strong **** yin gushed out from the jade of the baby's waist. He entangled the golden lotus and smashed the golden lotus.

The master is not horrified.

Eighty-one golden lotuses were all smashed by the yin of the dragon jade. At the moment when Jinlian disappeared, the master and others spurted a smear of blood, and the dragon jade also cracked a slit.

Yan Xiuzhen immediately pulled the sword and watched the child in a vigilant manner. Ye Jingzhi reached out and stopped him.

Ye Jingzhi carefully looked at the jade of the baby's waist and asked: "Does it stop you from reincarnation?"

The child's face was also pale. He had just been unable to enter the reincarnation, and the master and others were injured, but he himself was also countered. Ziying took the jade from the waist and looked at the crack on the top, his eyes complex.

After a long time, he gave a ceremony to the masters present, saying: "The father does not want me to reincarnate, he wants me to never live."

Yan Jiayu had a big eyes, and the child smiled and looked at him: "I died Daqin, and the father emperor hated me. It is justified."

This time, things are in a deadlock.

Qin Sanshi was not allowed to reincarnate, and the problem was greatly raised.

The ghosts of the two thousand years, it is absolutely impossible to say that the metaphysical circles can be seen as innocent, and that Qin San is so sloppy. Before they found a few days and nights, they didn't find the whereabouts of the baby. If they didn't want to show up, they might not find a baby in their lifetime.

What if they let go of the baby now and the child will hurt? It will definitely be a big mess in the world.

Although Zi Ying now said that he does not want to harm people, but who knows what he said is true or false, if he hurts later?

The masters lost their hair.

Lushan Taoist people look to Yuxiu Zhenjun: "Do you fight one?"

Yan Xiuzhen’s mouth is pumping a finger, pointing his finger at the waist of the child’s baby: “What is that?”

Lushan Taoist said: "He Shi."

Yan Xiuzhenjun points to the sword in the hands of the child: "What is that?"

When I saw this sword, the Lushan Taoist thought of the broken mahogany sword, and suddenly hurts: "Tai Ajian!"

Yan Xiuzheng sighed and sighed: "If you play it, you must have played it. But you are either playing in the dead, playing with his soul, or he can escape with Heshi and Tai Ajian. It will be difficult to find it later. Such as going to heaven."

Lushan people touched their heads.

If the child is really harmless, they can't beat the baby to the soul, it is too immoral.

After thinking for a long time, Yan Xiuzhen said: "Qin Sanshi, you have to know that if you can't reincarnate, then it is a lonely ghost. There are mausoleums, monuments, famous names, and can be reincarnation. Now we can't You are over-revolving, you can't go into the reincarnation, that is, the ghost of the wild ghost. Before you hid in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the First Emperor is your father, to the blood relatives, you can count as a surname, so you can be considered a grave. It’s not a ghost or a ghost. But now you have left the Tomb of the First Emperor, as a solitary ghost, you will experience a bitter heart every seven years."

Zi Ying looked at Yan Xiuzhen: "What is the pain of asking?"

Yan Xiuzhen said: "There are ghosts and ghosts in the world, but most of the ghosts and ghosts are unable to walk into the reincarnation because they have forgotten their identity or have no graves. Among them, there are graves and they directly enter the reincarnation. Ghosts who have never had a grave, every seven years, will be asked by Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao first asked, ask if you are dead. You can't answer it, Ling Xiao knows that you are forgotten that you have died and will give you a world. You have a chance to reincarnate."

Child: "Only ask if you die?"

Yan Xiuzhenjun shook his head: "This is the first question. Many lonely souls know that they are already dead, they can go straight into the reincarnation. Ling Xiao second asked, ask who you are. You can't answer, Ling Xiao knows you. It is because you forget your identity and swim in the world. It gives you the opportunity to think of your name once, which is equivalent to giving you a chance to reincarnate. All the ghosts without graves can reincarnate through these two questions. As for this last question..."

Yan Xiuzhen suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

On the top of the mirror, the sound is calm: "The third question of Ling Xiao is questioning. Since you know that you are dead, you know who you are, why not go back! This third question, you can't answer a reasonable one. The reason is that Ling Xiao will drop the punishment. You have the opportunity to reincarnate, but you don't cherish it. Ling Xiao is disgusted and gives you a bitter heart."

Yan Xiuzheng Jun said: "Yes. The first two questions, I can't answer, Ling Xiao understands that you are not intentional, will not lower the punishment. But the third question, you do not cherish life, do not want to reincarnation, think about returning Yang, Ling The squat will let the poor ghosts who have no reincarnation to bite your heart. The pain of suffering from the heart will not be said for the time being. The poor road has lived a hundred and three years old and has never seen a lonely ghost. Supported the pain of three times."

Zhai Jia asked: "What are the endings of the ghosts who can't support the pains of asking?"

Yan Xiuzhenjun sighed: "The soul flies."

Of course, the child knows that he is dead. He also knows who he is. But he simply couldn't answer why he didn't go back. He wants to reincarnate, but others stop him from reincarnation. Such a reason is not a cause in the eyes of fair and selfless, but it will only lower the punishment of a hundred ghosts.

Life is valuable and reincarnation is not easy.

How many people die, they don’t get the chance to reincarnate, and you have such an opportunity, but you don’t know how to cherish it!

After learning about Ling Xiao's three questions, Yan Zizhen did not show too special emotions. He was very calm. He went to the metaphysical circles and said: "Three times of pains, seven years, It’s twenty-one years. Before the soul flies, I want to see the world.”

Yan Xiuzhen is a faceless face.

Qin Sanshi is such a high-spirited ghost. If he walks in the world, he will not be assured.

Zi Ying said: "If it is convenient, you can arrange people and follow me. Or lead me directly, take me to see the world. I am grateful."

Yi Jia suddenly understood the meaning of the child.

Ziying knows that the people in the metaphysical circles cannot rest assured that he wanders around the world casually. Then he asks himself, and asks the Xuanxue community to arrange a person to guard him. This person is nominally accompanying him and guiding him, but actually monitoring his whereabouts.

Yan Xiuzhen thought about it and thought it was a good idea. However, he has not yet opened his mouth, but Zhai Jia has frowned and said: "Children, you can go back to the Imperial Tomb."

Everyone immediately went to Zhao Jia, and Zi Ying also looked at him in a wrong way.

Yan Jiadao: "Since the Mausoleum of the First Emperor can also be regarded as your mausoleum, then after you go back, it is not a ghost, you have your own grave, you will not be asked by Ling Xiao."

The words fell, and the masters of the metaphysical circles immediately talked about it.

"Yeah, can't you go back? Let's go back and rest assured that he won't be scattered."

"It makes sense, it should be like this!"

"The Tomb of the First Emperor is so dangerous, he must not come out, go back, it is best to go back!"

The child's lips were swaying, and there seemed to be something to say, but when he looked at his expression, he slowly licked his lips.

Qin Sanshi wants to return to the Mausoleum, which is definitely a big event for the metaphysical circles.

The younger generation of the celestials just ran downstairs to the hotel and was panting. They saw their master/grandfather coming out of the hotel and laughing at them: "Go, go to the Tomb of the First Emperor!"

young generation:"……"

Oh shit! Laozi just came over from the First Emperor's Mausoleum! ! !

The people went to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Daiyu saw Zhao Jia and hurried over. Ziying walked around Zhaojia and was silent all the way. Saitama does not know who he is, and talks about it all the way. The pilgrimage of the pilgrimage to the dynasty of the dynasty, the singer of the singer, said that he is a godsend, and he has long guessed that Qin III is definitely not in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, so he did not go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. I am eating and drinking in Chang'an City alone.

Yan Jia: "...How do you have a face to say that you are lazy?"

Yu Yuman didn't care: "I am lazy! I am now the seventh in the ink bucket. When I met the Qin III, I was the seventh eye of the Big Dipper. I couldn't find the Qin III!"

Yan Jia: "..."

After hesitating for a long while, Qian Jia asked: "Do you know what we want to do now to go to the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum?"

Yan Yu asked: "What?"

Yan Jia: "Send Qin III to the ancestors to return to the Mausoleum."

Saitama scared his legs and hid behind him: "I rely on? Qin San is nearby?"

Yi Jia pointed to the child next to him: "Hey, behind you."

Saitama: "!!!"

This time, the sacred stick finally closed his mouth, and he shivered and hid behind him, and did not dare to scream. He had already heard his own master said that Qin Sanshi had Tai Ajian and He Shi, not to mention that Qin III was a ghost of two thousand years. Even if he was an ordinary ghost, it would be too Ajian and Hessian. Cut the scorpion into a real stick.

In the middle of the night, I finally walked to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The masters of the metaphysical circles looked at Qin III nervously, for fear that he suddenly regretted and fled temporarily. But the child did not escape, he went to the front of Qian Jia, smiled and reached out.

Zhao Jia looked at him differently.

Zi Yingdao: "I see people in your country, it is a handshake."

Zhao Jia suddenly realized and reached out.

The child held his hand, and the cold hand touched the warm hand. He leaned over slightly: "Thank you."

Yan Jia suddenly felt that his palm was a little hot, and his brow was hot, but his hand was held by the baby, and he could not see what happened. Ziying smiled at him and looked at it for a long time and said: "I said earlier that you are somewhat similar to one of my old people. You Jia, do you know who you are similar to?"

Qian Jia asked: "... the first emperor?"

The child suddenly laughed and he shook his head.

Yi Jia also asked: "Fu Su?"

The child smiled more vigorously and shook again.

This Xia Jia can't think of it, Ziying said seriously: "The father is the favorite of Fusu, but the most favorite is Hu Hai. In fact, we are very fond of him. Huhai is very cute. When I grow up, I look forward to Yan Junxiu. Outstanding. You are similar to him...the nose."

Yan Jia: "..."

Zi Ying said: "I don't know if the father knows the fact that Daqin has already perished, and whether he knows that Fusu is dead in Hu Hai and Zhao Gao. If there is a chance, you must not appear in front of the father. Although you It is only a little similar to Hu Hai, but with the temper of the father, he knows the truth and sees that you are similar to Hu Hai, and will not spare you."

Jia Jiadao: "If the first emperor wants to kill me, you will stop it."

The child smiled and said: "I am afraid I can't wait that day."

Zhao Jia stayed for a while and did not understand the meaning of the child. Next, he saw Ziying walking in the wilderness. He probably walked ten meters away, suddenly stopped and stepped on the ground.

A loud bang, a majestic palace phantom, floated in the air.

The palace is just a shadow, but the child has stepped up the steps. He walked up the steps step by step and walked over to a magnificent tall bronze door.

Everyone in the metaphysical world held their breath.

Ye Jingzhi’s whispered to Zhai Jia: “The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor was underground, but this shadow is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor that appeared 321 years ago.”

This kind of ghost technique, Yi Jia looked impressed. He watched the baby go to the bronze door and reached out and tried to push the door.

At this time, the people of the Xuanxue circles did not react much, just prepared to see Qin San go home.

However, the door does not move.

The child extended two hands and pushed the door together.

The bronze gate is still unresponsive.

The people in the metaphysical circles were horrified and whispered. Daiyu shouted beside Zhao Jia: "Isn't that his family? How can he not open his own door?"

Zhao Jia did not listen to this sentence at all. He looked at the child and looked at a thin, lonely back standing in front of the magnificent hall. Under the tall palace, the child is like a humble mortal. He pushes the door hard, but this door is not moving for him, and he is always closed.

Pushing the door for a quarter of an hour, the child slowly lowered his hand and finally gave up.

He pulled the animal's first door button on the door and gently rang.


The dull knocking of the door echoed in the wilderness.

The child screamed and the voice was lonely and lonely. He stood in front of the tall and beautiful palace, as if he was a passenger.

When the child hit the ninety-ninth, the door was still closed. He raised his hand and tried to knock on the next hundred, but his hand lifted half and stopped in the air. After a long time, Ziying put down his hand. Bronze's beast's first door buckle was gently put back in place, and the baby stood in front of the door, bowing his head and making a sound.

The night wind blew, and for a long time, he slowly turned around, showing a smile to Zhao Jia, and stepped down the stairs.

Behind him, the shadow of the Tomb of the First Emperor slowly faded, and the cold door was still closed, not opening a gap to him.

"The father wants to see, it is never me. 』

Qin Shihuang loves Fusu most, and loves Huhai most.

In his eyes, he has never had a baby.

Yan Jia felt that her heart was a little bit painful. The evening wind blew the baby's black robe, the moonlight was sown, and the black robe showed a golden dragon. The golden dragon danced in the moonlight, but at the moment it seemed to be ironic. It was ironic that even if he became an emperor, it was not a proper name, and he was never seen by his father.

Yan Jia could not help but shouted: "Children!"

The child went down three steps and smiled at him.

Suddenly, Zhao Jia’s eyes widened and stared at the baby behind him.


An ancient voice of the vast sky broke through the millennium of time and space, and rang in the vast wilderness.

The child suddenly stopped, and the heavenly masters of the mysterious school each had wide eyes.

The bronze gate opened a gap a little bit, and the horrible breath of the vicissitudes slowly overflowed from the gradually opening door. The child's body trembled and stood in the same place, not dare to turn around and take a look. Behind him, a black figure slowly appeared in the crack of the bronze door.

The man’s face was hidden in the shadow of the Tomb of the First Emperor and could not be seen. The gorgeous black robes, the solemn temperament of not arrogant and self-defeating, when the figure of this person appeared in the wilderness, the murderous temperament began, and the wind stopped. In the sky, thousands of clouds are gathering in an instant. A **** red thick thunder fell from the air and slammed straight into the man. The baby immediately threw the Hessian at the waist.

The Hers and the Scarlet Thunder collide in the air and crush into a powder.

The next moment, the child quickly turned around, still dare not look up, to see this person.

The people of the Xuanxue world have already taken out their own pressure box magic weapon at this moment, the body is tight, and even the unreliable Saitama looks serious, staring coldly at the black man who suddenly appeared in the Tomb of the First Emperor.

One of the mirrors was hand-held by Zhao Jia, pulling him behind him.

Zhai Jiayan stared at the man without looking at it, and wanted to see the other person's appearance, but this person has been hiding in the darkness and can't see his face.

The dark clouds still condense in the air and remain for a long time. In the eyes of everyone, the man in black slowly reached out and reached out to the child. His hand just came out of the Tomb of the First Emperor, and he gave a sigh of relief. A smoldering scent seemed to be smashed and flew from his hand into the air.

The child looked at the hand incredulously, and finally he looked up and looked at the man hiding in the darkness.

"Father of the Emperor!!!"

Qin Shihuang took his son's hand and took the son in.

The author has something to say: Sorry, I attended the graduation ceremony today, came back late, and the update was late. Use a long chapter to forgive ~QAQ!

Yes, we really only have a pure father and son family...


Thank you

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