MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 23

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The eighteen-faced bronze scorpion squats from the air, only the size of the fist, but the yin of the sky is not small. The child immediately released Zhao Jia’s wrist and stepped back three steps to escape the attack.

Incomparable Qing Li turned a corner in the air and returned to the hands of Ye Jing. Yi Jia still didn't understand what happened. The left hand was caught. He turned to look at it. Ye Jing's brow was close and he hurriedly asked, "Is it okay?"

Yi Jia took a moment: "Nothing."

Ye Jingzhi is relieved.

At this time, the sky has gradually dimmed, and the crowds on the side of the crew have already dispersed. On the street of Suzaku, the tall and upright young master grasped the hand of the young black-haired man and confirmed that there was nothing to do before turning to look at the strange man not far away.

In the film and television city, people who wear costumes can be seen everywhere, some are actors of the crew, and some are tourists who come to the film and television city to play. At the entrance of the film and television city, there is a small shop specializing in renting ancient costumes. Visitors can rent clothes and wear ancient costumes to come in and experience the addiction.

However, the cheap rental of film and television clothing, how can be comparable to the child.

When the sun sets, a moon rises in the sky in the east. Because the sun has not completely descended, the moon is dull, and when the faint moonlight is sprinkled on the baby's black robes, a layer of light gold slowly appears.

A golden dragon hovered from his hem, yelling straight into the sky.

Only in the moonlight can you see this pattern, which shows the legendary craft.

Ye Jing's natural yin and yang eyes, like Qian Jia, can directly see the yin. He looked at the strange man in front of him in silence, and could not see a little yin, as if this man was really just an ordinary person.

Yan Jia whispered: "Qin Sanshi, Yan Ziying."

Ye Jing's eyes shrank and looked at Zhao Jia.

Zhao Jia solemnly looked at him: "He said that he is a scorpion baby."

The next moment, Ye Jingzhi's hand was taken out of the Qing Li, the finger was shot, and the bronze scorpion was suspended in midair. Ye Jingzhi whispered a spell, and no one immediately turned around. One of the mirrors pointed to the high-speed rotation of the incomparable Qing Li, this little scorpion suddenly stopped, showing one side in front of the owner.

Ye Jingzhi looked up to Ziying, who had a long brocade and looked at them calmly.

"Donghua East Pole, Jiuyi Qing Palace. It is hidden, go!"

The hand of Ye Jingzhi was on one side of the innocent Qing Li. His voice landed, and the golden light was on the side. The fingers of the mirror were locked, and a glare from the side was pulled out. This tens of thousands of golden light quickly flew into the air, bang! boom! boom! A total of three landings, three golden swords from the air, inserted into the ground.

When the three swords are easily inserted into the bluestone floor, the sword is centered and connected to form a triangular enchantment. The three tribes are standing in the enchantment, and the rest of the film and television city is outside the enchantment. When Zhao Jia saw a middle-aged man rushing from the west side of the enchantment, when he was about to run into the enchantment, his body suddenly appeared on the east side of the enchantment.

It was straight through the enchantment!

The man was completely ignorant and still ran forward.

Ye Jing’s outstretched arm will cover Jia Jia behind him, solemnly saying: “Qin Sanshi did not enlighten for a few days, but still has a true dragon purple body. And he has been dead for more than two thousand years, and his yin is very heavy. The strength is not low."

As if responding to Ye Jingzhi's words, Yi Jia slowly saw that the purple scent of the singularity emerged from the feet of the baby, wrapped around him.

The sunset came from behind him, reflecting a faint golden glow. As the sun sets, the purple gas gradually grows stronger. When the moonlight completely covered the earth, the purple dragons flourished to the extreme, and the golden dragons on the black robes also roared a burst of dragons.

The mirror of the mirror quickly smashed the handcuffs, and the blues floated on the top of the head. He moved his finger and pointed to the baby.

In an instant, thousands of golden flying swords emerged from the incomparable Qing Li, like a heavy rain, squatting to the child. A **** long dragon roared and snarled from the **** jade of the child's waist. The long dragon rushed to the flying sword and made a loud noise.

The blood dragon collided with the flying sword, the blood dragon scattered, and the flying sword broke.

“Nothing to Qingli!”

Ye Jingzhi raised his hand and recruited a magic weapon, and pulled out a sword directly from Wu Xiangqing. He put the incomparable Qing Li into the hands of Zhao Jia and looked at his eyes seriously: "Be careful, it protects you."

Before Jia Jia had not had time to answer, he saw Master Ye holding a long sword and stabbing him.

The child was sideways and escaped a sharp sword.

Ye Jingzhi is a sword in the past, his body is strong and sturdy. Every sword of his sword stabbed directly to the flaws of the child, forcing the child to let it go, and could not resist. Finally, a sword smacked the baby's cheeks, and the child was able to let go, but his face was broken.

It is not the blood that flows out of the wound, but the yin. Dust sealed for more than two thousand years of yin from the mouth of the madness spilled out, Zhao Jiaying looked at, the first time I saw the yin that Qin III should have.

As long as it is a ghost, there must be yin. Even if there is a real dragon purple blocking the shadow, the yin can not disappear.

One of the mirrors of the mirror was tight, and the incomparable Qing Li trembled cheerfully in the hands of Yan Jia, as if applauding the master.

The top figures of the younger generation of the Xuanxue circles pushed the child to the point of retreat. The child was awkward and almost fell to the ground. He took a shot on the ground. The palm of the hand fell, and a layer of fly ash was swayed. The child and the baby sipped low and even pulled out a bronze dagger straight from the ground, and blocked the sword of Ye Jingzhi.


The mirror of Ye Jingzhi touched the bronze sword and was instantly split.

Wu Xiangqing immediately flew from the hands of Zhao Jia and flew to Ye Jing. It fell on the palm of Ye Jingzhi and eagerly attacked the bronze sword in the hands of the child.

Zhao Jiaxuan looked at the sword in the hands of the child, only to see that the sword was short and thin, but the wind was wiped from the blade and instantly split into two halves. Two small carcass characters were engraved on the sword, and Yi Jia carefully recognized them. They did not recognize what these two words were.

The look of Ye Jingjing stared at the bronze sword of the child, but he just looked at it for a while, then turned his eyes away, and his eyes fell on the **** jade on his waist.

The **** long dragon just flew out of this piece of jade, and after the face-to-face collision, the golden sword of Li Lili could not be directly broken.

In the faint wind, the sound of the child is like a low sigh: "Jun is the current national teacher?"

Qian Jia thought for a while before she understood the meaning of the child.

Emperor Qin Shihuang once reused the national teacher Xu Fu, according to Xu Fu, went to Taishan to seal the Zen, and ordered Xu Fu to bring two thousand boys and girls, east to the East China Sea, looking for the legendary Xianshan Penglai. Finally, Xu Fu did not return, but Xu Fu was the Daqin National Teacher.

It stands to reason that Xu Fu should also be a Tianshi, and it was the most powerful Tianshi of the Qin Dynasty. At that time, Ye Jingzhi was put into that era, and maybe it could be called the National Teacher. But the times have changed.

Yi Jia replied: "There is no national teacher and no emperor."

Zi Ying’s big eyes: “No... Emperor?”

Yi Jia nodded: "Yes, the current society is equal, there is no distinction between high and low, even if there are still some unfair phenomena, no one will dare to say that they are emperors." After a pause, he remembered a sentence. This explains that the child should understand: "Chen Sheng once said that the prince will have a kind of relationship. But now, there is no princely acquaintance, as long as you are willing to work hard, anyone has a chance to succeed."

Yan Jia will not speak the ancient Chinese, and he does not know that this sentence has been understood by the infant. In short, after he finished speaking, Ziying looked at him with sorrow. After a long time, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the rushing people outside the enchantment.

In the film and television city, tourists took pictures everywhere and the staff were busy. But behind them, no one is holding a whip, scolding them for what they have to do, and no one can take a leisurely break and watch others busy.

Everyone is doing their own thing, director, actor, no one will stop.

Coincidentally, in the crew that had two accidents, the director was roaring the staff of the prop group. The child’s line of sight stopped on them, slowly adding a hint of hope, as if they finally saw the world they were familiar with.

But in the next moment, the responsible person of the prop group got a sigh of clothes and shouted: "I don't do it! You know what it is, you know that it is forced, we have no problem with the props, there are no problems twice! Fucking Who knows how it will break, I don't want the ceiling to fall, but what do you do besides pressing it? If you don't do it, go find someone else and roll!"

Just now, as if the director of the master had suddenly stunned, I watched the prop group responsible for the popular departure from the crew.

The last hope in the eyes of the child is completely annihilated.

Wang Hou will be interested in Xiangning?

This sentence has been completely realized. There is no more nobles and untouchables in this world. They may have differences in their social status and have subordinate relationships with their work, but no one can dominate the fate of others and determine the life and death of others.

The child did not know what to say. Ye Jingzhi’s enchantment separated him from the outside world and was trapped in it. An invisible wall was already in front of him when he escaped from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

He swam in this world, but never integrated into the world.

This life is also impossible to integrate.

The child’s eyes were a little red, and he suddenly turned and lifted his sword. Ye Jingzhi had to go forward to block, but saw that the sword easily opened the enchantment under the Libu, and the child stepped out in one step, and disappeared in front of Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi.

Nothing Qing Li constantly vibrates, as if he can't believe his enchantment is actually so easy to open a mouth, it is angry and annoyed, grievously flew to the hands of Zhao Jia for comfort.

Ye Jingzhi turned to look at Zhao Jia, his fingers lifted, and the golden triangle enchantment broke.

Zhai Jia held the incomparable Qing Li and asked: "The sword in the hands of the child seems to be very powerful. Master Ye, do you recognize what sword is that? I saw two swords on the sword. It’s a slang word, but I don’t know the two words.”

Ye Jingzhi shook his head: "I don't know the body. But I have a friend who should know."

Said, Ye Jingzhi opened the phone, opened WeChat, and opened a name. He used pictures to draw the appearance of the two syllabic characters, and asked him to recognize it.

Yi Jia gently beheaded: "Yes, these two words are the graphics."

Ye Jingzhi sent the picture in the past.

Yan Jia looked at the name on Ye Jingzhi's WeChat: "...Metrics and Measures?!"

Ye Jingzhi said: "He is a great disciple of Tiangongzhai, called the weights and measures."

Yan Jia: "..."

After a moment of silence, he couldn't help but ask: "Although your pronunciation is the same as I thought, I am a bit curious to know that this measure... is the meaning of the weight measurement I think?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded: "Yes. He did not call this name, but because he always made mistakes in the fine size of the magic weapon when he was a child, he made a mistake in weights and measures. Since then, his master has given him a track number, called the weights and measures. ""

Yan Jia: "..." is really concise!

But for a long time, the weights and measures sent a message: [Tai Ah? How did you suddenly start learning the carcass? Ye Daoyou, you have a lot of interest recently. We all can't get away from the Tomb of the First Emperor. You still have time to learn the body. Xiaosheng admire, admire. 】

Yi Jia faintly thinks that the name "Tai A" is very familiar, but can't think of where it came from.

Ye Jingzhi did not reply to the weights and measures, but looked up at Zhao Jia. His look gradually became dignified: "It is the Tai Ajian among the top ten famous swords. Tai Ajian is the national treasure of Chu. There are rumors in the reunification of the Six Kingdoms. At that time, he was found by the Emperor, hidden in the treasure house of the Afang Palace, and later buried as a funerary with the Emperor."

Yi Jia finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

Because in the evening, she still has to make a movie. Yi Jia can only put things aside for a while and return to the crew to film. Ye Jingzhi and his crew entered the crew. The staff in the crew looked at Ye Jingzhi with curiosity. The arguments were passed to Zhao Jia’s ear. It was nothing more than saying that Ye Jing’s looks were handsome and he was also a star.

Zhao Jia took three scenes and secretly looked at Ye Master.

I have to admit that Master Ye really looks very handsome, but it is too cold, not ridiculous, he entered the crew for so long, no one in the crew who is joking to dare to talk to him.

After filming and unloading makeup, Yan Jia left the crew and walked in the film and television city with Ye Jingzhi. Ye Jingzhi is going to look for the traces of Qin III. Zhao Jia opened the phone and checked the news of "Tai Ajian".

Like Ye Jingzhi, the Tai Ajian was made by the famous sword-making master Ou Yezi and the cadre of the Warring States. It used to be the national treasure of Chu State and was called the sword of Weidao. Later, he was acquired by Emperor Qin Shihuang and buried in the Tomb of the First Emperor as a funerary.

Since the child is escaped from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, it is not impossible for him to get the Taijian sword.

After closing the webpage, Yan Jia said: "Since the sword can break your sword, you can also open the enchantment of the incomparable Qing Li, Master Ye, you must be careful."

Ye Jingzhi: "The sword is powerful, but it is not the most taboo."

Yi Jiayi, thought for a moment: "Is the child itself more powerful than the sword?" Although the child does not look like a ghost, it is estimated that he has not been eaten in the tomb for so many years, but how can he It has been said that it has been dead for more than two thousand years, and there is also the power of the emperor, which may indeed be quite powerful.

Ye Jingzhi said: "The piece of jade that he wears on his waist... I think it is He."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi did not notice the strange face of Zhao Jia and continued to say: "The piece of Hessian is even more dangerous than the sword."

Yi Jia finally couldn’t help but ask: “Isn’t He’s a big round jade?”

Ye Jingzhi looked at him strangely: "Why is it a big round jade?"

Yan Jiali said of course: "It’s all played on TV!"

Ye Jingzhi looked at Zhao Jia and looked at the expression of "You are not teasing me". He seems to be in a good mood, slowly picking up his lips and patiently saying: "The first emperor got the Hee. After that, he made He's 秦 秦 秦 秦 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦Yu Yu, there are other whereabouts."

Yan Jia: "..." The world view has been refreshed again, and the script on TV is not written like this at all! ! !

The two walked for a while and spent more than an hour visiting the entire movie studio, and found no trace of the child. Yan Jia suddenly remembered a question: "Master Ye, do you have anything to find a child, tell other people in the metaphysics?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia mouth corner pumped: ""

Ye Jingzhi picked up the phone and directly opened the "Ghost Know" and entered a sentence.

A minute later, I received a message on Yi Jia’s mobile phone.

[Ghosts know what I have experienced: Ye surnamed friends broke the news! In Qintang Film and Television City on the outskirts of Chang'an, I found the trace of Qin III! 】

The masters who just arrived in Xianyang by plane: "..."

I have already counted the entire two-day heavenly gates in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang: "..."

Qin and Tang Film and Television City? !

You are a ghost, how to say it is also a ghost emperor, you have nothing to do in the film city!

You shouldn't go to Xianyang, go to your country! Don't you still want to act? !

Under the announcement of "Ghosts Know", all the people in the Xuanxue community complained that they were accused of being a bad business. The good country did not go back to the situation, and the good devils did not go to the scene, actually went to the film city to act.

Do not! Business! positive! industry!

Ten minutes later, a group of black people flew over from a distance.

Qian Jia saw the group of people far away and was shocked to say to Ye Jingzhi: "They just flew like this, not afraid to be seen by the mortals below?!"

When the words were finished, someone really exclaimed: "I rely! A dark cloud!"

Ye Jing's hand smashed a golden light, and the masters in the air disappeared without a trace: "They may be too anxious, forgetting to hide their bodies."

Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi came out together in the film and television city and saw this group of anxious masters of metaphysics.

This is the first time that Zhao Jia has seen so many people in the metaphysical circles. This group of masters flying from the air, all ages are more than sixty, with white hair and white beard. Some people wear robes and robes, while others wear sportswear and exercise clothes directly, and even a female master wears square dance clothes. The back of the first dance group of Dalian Xinghai Square is written in rose red. ".

... I am afraid that others do not know that you are dancing in the square! ! !

Seeing Ye Jingzhi, headed by a white beard, he came forward with a look: "Ghost knows" Ye Daoyou said above, it really is Ye Xiaoyou. How Ye Xiaoyou will be in this film city, that Qin San is really hidden in Is this in the film city, can you play against him?"

Ye Jingzhi said that he had a fight against Qin Sanshi.

Yan Xiuzhenjun frowns tightly: "Tai Ajian? Determined that the sword is too Ajian? And that piece of jade, can actually block the Wanjian array of no Lili, it is indeed a treasure, just do not know Is it a Hess."

Ye Jingzhi said: "Zizi Ying is not in the film city now. I have already searched the entire film and television city."

The speaker who talked about this time, Jia Jia met, was a private residence, opened a hole in his door, and lost a million yuan to take care of the real person: "This film city is so big, how do you check it out. We Go check it again, maybe the Qin III is still inside."

The voice of Ye Jing is calm: "I spent an hour checking the entire film city."

The candlelight is really wide-eyed: "One hour? You found the baby boy an hour ago?!"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Storm | Dew it! Actually it is not an hour, it was two hours ago...

The strength of Ye Jingzhi is still obvious to all. Since he has carefully checked the film and television city, it means that Qin III is really fleeing. Things suddenly fell into a deadlock, and the place where Qin III lived gave the masters a headache.

When everyone was in a headache, the master did not wake up and rushed from Xianyang. When he arrived, he asked: "What about Qin Sanshi? Qin Sanshi?"

The Lushan Taoist also rushed to the scene: "Mom got a bite, and the old man was alive and standing in the eyes of the day. I was told that Qin San came out. The old man would give him a five-thunder, and he wouldn’t know him when he was his son. !"

Yan Xiuzhenjun said: "Those friends, things are not as simple. Although it is only Qin Sanshi who escaped, it is not Qin Shihuang, but according to Ye Xiaoyou, this Qin III actually took Tai Ajian and He Shi. The cockroaches are quite powerful, and they can strike the Wanjian array without any youth.

Lushan people suddenly stupid: "Ah? So powerful?"

嶒秀真君: "岐山道友?"

The Lushan Taoist said with a smile: "That... when the old man just said nothing, the old man said nothing."

Everyone: "..."

Yan Jia: "..."

The Lushan Taoist smiled awkwardly. He looked around and suddenly saw Zhao Jia standing next to Ye Jing. The Lushan Taoist immediately spoke and shifted the topic: "How has this little friend never seen it before? I don’t know where the teacher is from? The younger friend seems to have a good face. Has the husband seen you there?"

The people of Lushan Mountain mentioned this, and the sights of other masters were all concentrated on the body of Yi Jia. He didn't say it, and he said that the other people think that Jia Jia is very familiar. Yan Xiuzheng looked at Zhao Jia carefully and watched it for a long time. He couldn’t think of where he had seen him. The candlestick of the Tianmen Gate even started to calculate directly, and wanted to figure out where he had seen Yi Jia.

Only the candlelight is black with a face, and the glare of Zhao Jia and Ye Jing.

One million poor roads!

100,000 points for the poor road!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! The poor road and you are not the same! ! !

Zhao Jia is also full of black lines, can not wait to turn directly away now. But before he even had time to move, Candle Maple real people figured out the truth: "Ah! It turned out that this little friend was the original "Ghost Know" broke the news, Ye Xiaoyou's fiancee!"

As soon as this words landed, the rest of the masters responded.

"Yes! It is this face, the old man remembers, ‘Ghost knows’ said, he is Ye Xiaoyou’s fiancee.”

"The poor also remember, it is so right."

“It’s no wonder that I’m very familiar. I’ve seen the image of this little friend on ‘Ghost Know’.”

Yan Jia: "...!!!"

Ye Jingzhi never knew the false news that was deleted: "My fiancee?"

Lushan Taoist smiled: "That is all the past, Ye Xiaoyou doesn't have to care."

How can Ye Jingzhi not care: "Why does the ‘ghost know’ know that my fiancee is...”

"Right right, it is indeed a thing of the past." Yi Jia can not even lift his head, just want to find a hole to drill in. "Masters, the current focus should not be to find the Qin III, to catch him? Ye master's fiancee is not important, the important thing is to hurry to find Qin III."

The masters immediately nodded and responded, saying that they are still important, they are not at all gossip.

Zhao Jia stared at them silently, including the one who led the head and looked just as true.

Listening to Yu Yu said that the article "Ghosts Know" was only published for ten minutes, and it was deleted because it was false news. The masters who were there, where did you see his photos? Isn't it a "ghost know" update, can't you wait to see gossip?

The Lushan Taoist people said: "The matter is important, the old man never looks at the gossip."

... Does your conscience not hurt? !

For the time being, I don’t know if there is a reliable person in the metaphysical world. If you want to find Qin San, you can’t look blindly as before. Qin Sanshi did not go to Chang'an, nor did he go to Xianyang. Instead, he came to Qintang Film and Television City inexplicably. There must be a university question.

The Qinzhen real person who settled in Chang'an said: "I have a relationship with the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum for three hundred years. Today my brother has already checked why the three hundred-year-old devils can enter the First Emperor's Mausoleum. Three hundred years ago, I don't know you. Do you still remember why the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor suddenly appeared in the world?"

Candle Maple is a humane: "Three hundred and twenty-one years ago, in the spring of Bingzi, I sent a master to calculate Chang'an's big mess. Later, everyone in the metaphysics circle went to Chang'an to see that there were two tomb thieves excavating an ordinary. When I was in the grave, I accidentally dug the wrong way and knocked a mark on the gate of the First Emperor's Mausoleum."

Qin Qin real person nodded: "Yes. How can the two ordinary tomb thieves start to open the door of the Imperial Tomb, but they have alarmed the tomb. The first layer of the First Emperor Mausoleum suddenly opened, and the two tomb thieves were directly Among them, the devil killed, but we did not know, one of them actually escaped the Tomb of the First Emperor." Qin Qin real people look forward to the master, "not awake, the ghost you are tracking, it is 321 years One of the two tomb thieves who escaped from the Tomb of the First Emperor."

The master does not wake up with his hands together: "Amitabha, it is no wonder that the devil can enter the Tomb of the First Emperor, and his body is in it."

These masters are in the fog, and Zhao Jia is not a person in the metaphysical world. He can't understand it. He only curious: "How do you find Qin III?"

Qin Qinzheng was a face, saying: "Then we have to know what kind of person Qin San is."

Before the search for Tai Ajian, Yi Jia also searched for information on the baby. Encyclopedia said that the scorpion baby was in the forty-six days, initially called the emperor, and later came from the king of Qin. Before the Battle of Julu, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu agreed that whoever entered Guanzhong first would be the king. Liu Bang took the lead in rushing into Xianyang, and the child was wearing a white robe. He sent the jade to the ground and officially surrendered.

A month later, Xiang Yu rushed into Xianyang with anger, and he was angry with Liu Bang. He burned the Afang Palace and slaughtered Xianyang City.

There were rumors that the baby was carried out by the loyal old eunuch, and finally found a place to bury. Because there was an emergency, there were no tombs and no tombstones, and no one knew where he was hidden. In history, he gradually forgot the Qin III, which was only forty-six days.

Qin Zhenzhen said: "We have decided to investigate the First Emperor's Mausoleum for three hundred years, and also found a lot of secrets. The child is likely to be buried near the Tomb of the First Emperor. He has no mausoleum and is buried next to his father. most likely."

Yi Jia seized the key: "Father?"

Qin Qin really nodded gently: "Yes, Zi Ying is the son of Qin Shihuang, Fu Su's younger brother, Hu Hai's brother."

The encyclopedia of Yi Jia search said that there are only two doubts about the third generation of historians about Qin San: first, where is his mausoleum; second, what is his identity?

Xiang Yu Tucheng set fire to destroy many historical books. The child was only in her forty-six days, and did not leave much identity information. After a big fire burned the Afang Palace, his identity was also annihilated in the fire.

Some historians believe that Ziying is the son of Fusu, the grandson of the First Emperor; some historians believe that Ziying is the younger brother of the First Emperor; also historians believe that Ziying is the nephew of the First Emperor, the cousin of Huhai.

Others said that Zi Ying is the son of the First Emperor, because there is a sentence in the "Six Years of the Nation": "Gao Li II brothers and infants." Translation, that is to say, Li Qin II Hu Hai's brother and son are emperors.

The most common saying in the history of history is that the child is the son of Fusu. And Qin Zhenren said that Ziying is the son of the First Emperor and the younger brother of Fusu.

The real people in Qin are still talking, and Qi Jia’s stomach is not doubtful. A low male voice rang in his ear: “The historical materials are burned and burned, but the human memory will not disappear. The ghosts who died in the Xianyang fire know that Who are their Qin III? For the past three hundred years, Dinghai School has been searching for information about the Tomb of the First Emperor from the mouth of the ghost."

Yan Jia looked at Ye Jingzhi and nodded gently.

Also, the metaphysical community must have a unique way to explore the historical truth.

Both Qin Zhenren said: "He Shizhen, Tai Ajian, these are the funerary objects in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Since the child has these things, it means that he is not buried outside the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, but really Was buried in the Tomb of the First Emperor. When the emperor's tomb was built in ancient times, the tomb was indeed sealed, but there is also a saying that the Emperor wanted to live forever. He used mercury as a river to cast terracotta warriors as his own army. His favorite son, Fusu, left a passage to let Fusu enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor after a hundred years and continue to accompany him."

Ye Jingzhi asked: "I want Fusu to be buried with him?"

Qin Qinzheng said: "It can also be said. But Fusu did not ascend the throne, but instead succumbed to himself, died under the Great Wall, and was buried outside the fortress. This is probably not expected by the First Emperor." The real face is more serious: "So now we have to face the replacement of Fusu, the Qin Sanshi child who was buried in the Tomb of the First Emperor."

The people discussed it for a while and agreed that the child could not go far, and it must be near Qintang Film and Television City. They are divided into four directions, looking for them from four directions. At the same time, they let the juniors search for carpets in the vicinity of Qintang Film and Television City. Once there is news, they will be notified immediately.

Ye Jingzhi was arranged to look east, just as Chang'an City was also on the east side. He and Yi Jia went east.

Seeing that he was about to enter Chang'an City, Ye Jingzhi did not look around. Zhai Jia asked in confusion: "Master Ye, don't you have to go to the traces of Qin San?"

Ye Jingzhi did not feel that he was lazy, and he looked upright: "Send you back first."

Yan Jia: "..."

Along the way, Yi Jia did not speak any more. Until the two of them walked to the hotel, he couldn’t help but say: "The article on the ‘Ghost Know’...”

"I am not good." The cold voice interrupted the words of Yi Jia. Ye Jingzhi looked at him guiltfully. "In the future, the ghost knows that you will not disclose your information any more. After this, I will Go to their headquarters and talk to them."

Yan Jia: "..." exchange? Is it going to take the incomparable Qing Li, kill him three in and three out, take the knife on the neck, this kind of communication?

After thinking about it, Yi Jia still said: "The article has been deleted."

One of the mirrors: "Already deleted?"

Yi Jia nodded: "Well, I deleted it very early, you don't mind." Anyway, false news, "Ghost knows" that he also suffered a big loss and lost a lot of points.

Ye Jingzhi thought for a while: "Well, yes, it is time to delete." It should be that the exchange of the previous year has had an effect. "Ghosts know" don't dare to open up their own affairs.

The thoughts in the minds of the two men are completely in the middle of the night, but they can still be said together.

When entering the hotel, Zhai Jia asked: "Since the ghosts of Qin III can stay in the world, there is no reincarnation, then... Did the First Emperor not reincarnate?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "Qin Sanshi is because he is the prince of the country, he has guilty feelings and grievances, so he has no reincarnation. As for the first emperor, he also died in the journey back to the palace, and he has grievances. It was buried in the Tomb of the First Emperor. The Tomb of the First Emperor was a natural enchantment, and the yin was condensed. I am afraid that there was no reincarnation and it became an imperial ghost."

Zhai Jia frowned. "If the Emperor did not reincarnate, it was in the Tomb of the First Emperor. Didn't he see his son, the son of a baby?"

Ye Jingzhi’s footsteps paused: “Maybe.”

For a moment, Jia Jia thought that Zi Ying and Shi Huang should have seen it long ago. Otherwise, why did the child get Heshi and Tai Ajian? These are the funerary objects in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Ye Jingzhi laid three enchantments in the room of Zhao Jia and carefully checked it again before leaving Changan to find the whereabouts of the baby. Zhai Jia took a shower, opened the phone, and continued to inquire about some historical materials of the Qin Dynasty.

However, in these historical materials, there is a clear record of the information of the First Emperor, Fusu and Huhai. There are only a handful of information about the child. It seems that before the Fusu self-proclaimed, the Emperor did not have this son. Zhao Jia rummaged through the major historical databases, and did not find the specific date of birth of the child. His evaluation of him only had a few words of generosity and kindness. "If you can get into the house for a while, you may be able to reverse the situation."

"Since I was in the Tomb of the First Emperor, it really should have been seen with the First Emperor..."

"I have not seen the father."

The elegant voice rang from behind, and Qi Jia’s eyes tightened, and immediately punched up and was shunned by the child.

The handsome and thin black man stood in the dim light of the hotel and gently opened his lips to reveal a faint smile. This smile is not the same as that that Qian Jia has seen before. He seems to be laughing, but he has not laughed into his heart. There are no resentment and complaints in the clear eyes. Some are just peace and quiet.

"At that time, Xianyang City was broken. Asi carried my body and entered the tomb of the father from the secret road. Asi was shot by the father of the emperor. He did not drive me out of the tomb, but it was already open. For two thousand years, how could he allow me to enter his longevity hall and sleep with him on his longevity river."

The child was raised and looked at Zhao Jia, smiling and embarrassed.

"The father wants to see, it is never me."

The author has something to say: What made you happen, and the mirror thinks that Jia Jia does not know that they have the illusion of a marriage contract...

Then, this article is not a text of the text, about the life of the child, the history of the academic world has not yet concluded, everything is the author's private, do not care, what? =3=


Today, my body is not good, the update is late, and I am lying down.

Yes, I will attend the graduation ceremony tomorrow, I will be there at 6 in the morning, I have to wait in the field, so the update will be late.

Oh, what will you wait for tomorrow?


Thank you

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