MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 654 Great migration

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When time counts down, people feel that time is passing so fast.

Nowadays, people no longer scold the original arrogant and arrogant, and instead scold those **** who "pictured one's selfish mad promotion" because their selfishness led to disaster.

Yuan Chen flew to become a savior.

Yuan Chenfei is dismissive of this.

This is also a contradiction. Although on the one hand Yuan Chenfei is proud of being able to save the human race and taking the world as his duty, on the other hand he is disdainful, because most people are short-sighted and face short-sighted people. Neither dismissive of explanations, they will not care about their eyes, even if everyone praises now, Yuan Chenfei will not care, even feel tireless.

The door of the Wen'an Mutual Aid Society has now become a downtown area, and every day people from all walks of life are eager to meet.

But the more so, the more Yuan Yuanfei didn't want to bother.

Fortunately, there is no threat of fools to talk, and it is more of a variety of soft tricks. It is said that there are hundreds of pros per day alone-who is that Yuan Chenfei is not married yet? But Xia Ning and Liu Li, they rushed out.

If Yuan Chenfei wants to be accepted, then the application can be counted as a city.

By the way, now many places have begun to restore the wife and concubine system. Of course, it is not clear, but it is secret. It will not be recognized in law, but it will not be tried. The strong have more resources and have become the default rule for many people .

Once upon a time, there were still people who wanted to oppose this regulation, but when the notice of Freedom Day came, everyone suddenly discovered that if they wanted to survive the offensive of the eight thousand aliens, they would rely on these strong men.

This is also the most interesting part-some scolded 100-level professionals openly speak, although the day of freedom is brought by them, the day of freedom against freedom depends on them.

This is a little funny. Ten thousand strong people want to fight eight thousand aliens?

But drowning people can also use straw to save lives.

Those murmurs really disappeared a lot.

Now major news stations are also talking about this matter. The major media platforms are spreading the day of freedom every day, and they have given various response plans.

Fortunately, after the ban was lifted, Terrans can also release specific information about the day of freedom.

For example, aliens can only build territories with the gates of the other world as the center, and cannot be invaded by environmental influences for a long time. Therefore, the tide of relocation began.

The opening of the gate of the other world is mostly in densely populated places, and there are few other gates in the cold and remote areas.

Now the situation has changed greatly, so the once unpopular area has become popular, and the original bustling city has become deserted.

As a result, urban real estate prices have fallen sharply, and once the third- and fourth-tier cities, suburban wilderness, even grasslands, Gobi, deserts and other unsuitable areas have become popular relocation objects-anyway, everyone is a professional, and the environment Adaptability has been greatly improved. There are many wild biological resources, so self-sufficiency is not a problem.

This is also good to facilitate combat.

Residents withdrew, troops entered, and various countries levied troops, expanded their forces, and began to station troops near the gates of different realms.

Wen'an City is a rare place of comfort, because the elf world here has formed an alliance with the human race, and even the entire Huaxia alliance with a large number of aliens because of the Goblin War, so it can maintain the prosperity of some important cities.

Many places in other countries can suffer.

For example, in the Kangaroo Country, although the entire country is vast, there are only two cities with real population concentration, Melbourne and Sydney, and the Gates of the Other World are mainly concentrated in these two places.

After the Great Migration, the two cities became empty cities, taking refuge in suburban farms everywhere. Factories and enterprises are therefore deserted, and national GDP is completely unnecessary.

Fortunately, after a year of tossing, the financial field has long been almost tossing, and now the entire world's finance is centered on the system's high tower area.

Accompanying the Great Migration is the extreme chaos of public security.

This time is really a big mess.

Many thugs took to the streets, shouting that the end was coming, and they were smashed and robbed.

For these people, the country is welcome.

Yes, welcome.

To fight against aliens requires enough soldiers, not enough volunteers, and not enough resources to recruit. The cannon fodder battalion death squad is necessary, and the mob is the best source.

A large number of professional soldiers took to the streets under the leadership of the government, arrested thugs everywhere, all were included in the forward establishment, and once the war began, they were put on the battlefield. Anyway, once the aliens are killed, they are killed when they see people, and they do n’t have to worry about surrendering. There is no room for human **** in alien wars.

In addition to capturing a large number of thugs as forwards, the most important thing is to set up positions in the gates of the other worlds, including the placement of explosives.

However, on this issue, Terran also encountered trouble.

The trouble mainly comes from the destruction of spies of various ethnic groups.

Various ethnic groups sent a large number of spies long before the date of freedom, and after the delay period of the day of freedom, the gods made special exceptions to further open the number of allowed, so a large number of spies were mixed in, and the destruction of the company was used to detonate Realm of Explosives.

Of course, not every alien race can change into an adult. For example, the Lava race, who dominates with the power of steel and the invincible flames, cannot spy.

But they have their own way.

Direct attack.

Don't need much, aren't you going to bury a bomb under the gates of the other world? Just send one or two dead men out of the door of the other world to detonate.

In short, before the opening of the day of freedom, small-scale battles about the gates of the other world had already begun.

Because of this, small-scale fighting erupts every day around the world. There are explosions and fighting sounds everywhere, and casualties occur every day.

Most of the time, it's the human race that wins.

There are always exceptions.



The gate of the shadow world.

This is the gate to the otherworld of the shadow clan. During the Goblin War, the top human races sent people to discuss cooperation with the shadow clan, but the special envoy was killed directly-the shadow clan expressed them in this way. Attitude.

There is no peace, such as invasion.

Because of this, the gate of the shadow clan is the focus of China's defense.

But so far, no shadow clan has appeared in the shadow clan. Some human race professionals are still leveling in the shadow world until now. The military has sent some spies over there.

Because of this, it is generally peaceful here.

But while the soldiers were talking and chatting around the gate of the shadow world, a sudden light and shadow appeared from the gate of the shadow world.

This is the appearance of someone passing through the gate of the other world. Everyone stood up at the same time, but did not see anyone.

A captain immediately said: "Be careful, it may be hidden, turn on the hidden lights!"

The Hidden Light is an item developed by the Terran for the ability of hiding, but the level is not high, and it is only effective for ordinary hiding.

A soldier has said, "Opened, but found nothing."

"It's a high-level concealment!" The captain shouted. "Fuck, it might be a high-level film clan assassin, with a sly eye!"

The Terran got a delirious eye from the Goblin Empire, but because it has not yet broken through, it is temporarily unavailable for self-research. The delirious eye has a life span, so it can't be left open all the time, otherwise Yuan Chenfei would not be so happy.

Now it is said that the human race faces this situation.

The delirious eye rises and remains undiscovered.

A soldier said suddenly: "No, is it the top secret?"

"No, no." The captain looked around, his face slightly changed: "It's the other party that has left."

He shouted to the communicator: "Be careful, there are high-level shadow clan through the gate of the other world, may have left, may be to you."

"Ascend into delusion!"

In the distant artillery positions, one piercing eye rose.

"I saw him! He was heading to Xinlu City, and I **** him so fast!"

Go straight to Shinka?

Everyone was stunned.

The shadow clan did not choose to kill at the gate of the other world, but abandoned the place and went straight to the city after crossing.

"No, there are also here!"

There was another call.

The fluctuations in the gates of the other world will only tell you that someone is crossing, not how many.

In just a few seconds, they actually found the traces of seven or eight shadow clan. Due to the late start, the figures were fleeting.

"They are going to destroy the city!" The commander in charge has realized this.

The selection of the Shadow clan was unexpected. Instead of entangled in the door of the other world, they chose to take the soft belly of the human race directly.

Is this to reproduce what Yuan Chenfei did?

There are still many choices to make this choice.

On this day, after at least sixteen aliens chose to enter the D ball, they used a variety of methods to enter the hinterland without entanglement or fighting, but instead rushed into the human race and lurked down. The thing is, all of them who entered this time are strong!

As the Freedom Day approached, restrictions were gradually lifted, and those aliens who tried to get a cup of cricket in the D ball finally began their attempts.

You surround the gates of the other world, we will destroy in your hinterland, drag your hind legs, and kill a return carbine if necessary.

The eight thousand aliens are telling humans in their own way: the invasion from aliens is not so easy to solve.

"What now?" The soldier was blank.

The enemy did not fight with them at the gates of the other world, and entered the city, and they were helpless.

The commander thought for a while and replied, "The people who come in are not ordinary people, the strong ... still need the strong to fight."

So on this day, Fang Libo ushered in Mutual Aid Society again.

This time I'm here to invite Xia Ning.

Read The Duke's Passion