MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 653 Freedom day

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When the news came, the world finally began to understand.

Understand why Yuan Chenfei wanted to kill people, and understand what they are facing.

Many people used to resist the games of the gods from the heart.

They believed that the gods changed everything, allowing them to enter the **** and barbaric era from their peaceful lives.

But the so-called tragic reality is that no matter how your heart resists the struggle, the end will come.

From this day, the climax of the nationwide upgrade began in a real sense.

Eighteen days, the final preparation for eighteen days.

All of them are still nostalgic for the past, and are destined to be eliminated.

The once troubled world was united like never before at this moment, because they knew that only unity could survive.

Various high-level meetings were held again and again to discuss joint self-protection.

But all this has nothing to do with Yuan Chenfei.

He is enjoying his holiday.

He doesn't have a hundred.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the continued level improvement will not bring him much help, at least a little increase in attributes, no qualitative change, but rather careful sitting thoughts, which always allows him to gain something.

He started to like reading.

After returning the puppet to the clown, he plunged into the ocean of knowledge.

He read various books about the truth of the universe.

Physics, chemistry, astronomy, everything.

As a result, Li Zhanjun said that he was going to transfer his doctorate from the soldier.

But it doesn't matter, Yuan Chenfei has his own way.

He firmly believes that touch cannot represent everything, and truth is also a pursuit.

The omniscient may not be all right, but not all wrong. The ultimate truth of the universe still has its meaning, and it is time to explore it.

To this end, he not only read the technical books of the D ball, but also read other alien books, looking for common points and differences.

Yuan Chenfei therefore divides this knowledge into two parts, one part is the truth of the universe, that is, those that can be applied everywhere. One is world truth, which exists only in the corresponding world.

For example, gravity is different in different worlds, and the theories contained in it must also be different.

But there are similarities in this difference.

At that time, the omniscient family had been collecting the knowledge of various ethnic groups to calculate the ultimate truth of the universe. However, they only gained knowledge by plundering the knowledge, so they subtly affected the corresponding race.

The real knowledge capture should be observed without affecting until it is truly understood.

Perhaps this is why the omniscients are unable to grasp the ultimate truth-their method at the beginning was wrong.

Yuan Chenfei was therefore thrown into the vast sea of ​​books.

Fortunately, he has followed the mental line and the improvement of his life level, which has greatly improved his ability to understand, comprehend, read and remember. One day is worth the effort of another year.

Although it is only a few days, Yuan Chenfei can be regarded as an erudite scholar.

Today Chen Fei is still reading, Fang Libo came to him.


In the study, Yuan Chenfei reads his book intently: "If you have something, just let it go. I'm busy."

Fang Libo smiled bitterly: "They all say that you like reading books now, and you don't even bother to comprehend and transcendence. I don't believe it yet. I didn't expect you to read it. What book is this?"

"The alchemy theory of the Seikos."

"What's the use of learning? You don't have alchemy skills."

"The so-called transcendence is to transcend the limit. This limitation can exceed the ability that you have already mastered, or the ability that you have not mastered at all. The system is only a means for the gods to enhance everyone, just like school teaching, but There is a lot of knowledge outside of school that is not contradictory. So in theory, if I understand it deep enough, I can alchemy. "

He talked about drawing an alchemy array lightly on the table, and saw that the alchemy array released its brilliance, which turned out to be true.

"I fuck!" Fang Libo jumped in shock: "You jump a little bit hard, right?"

"Beyond the mindset, you will find that cross-border is not difficult at all. Since Xueba can get multiple degrees across the border and business can form a huge company group across borders, why can't professionals cross the border? Therefore, system skill rewards will be distributed through the arena, which is awake in itself, but the real breakthrough is that the arena is no longer needed, and even the book of omniscientness is no longer needed. "

"I still can't imagine." Fang Libo shook his head.

It ’s been less than a year since the game of the gods, and it was hard to adapt to this game. As a result, you started to jump out of the game system. What would happen? It used to require the arena and the book of omniscience, but now you do n’t even need this?

Fortunately, Yuan Chenfei comforted him: "Of course, it is also limited to alchemy. The skill of an alchemist is to technicalize knowledge. When you master the knowledge, you can combine it with existing abilities to achieve it directly. Others are not available for the time being."

"Then you are already a dual professional."

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "With Feiyu here, I'm not interested in being an alchemist. I just understand and can use it, but there is still a long way to go if I really do well. I'm not interested in going this way. So ... it's just drawing. "

"I regret it, but why am I relieved?"

Yuanchen Fei haha ​​laughed: "It shows that you are envious of envy."

"Stop, no hate, jealousy is true." Fang Libo quickly corrected.

"Well, what about you asking me?"

Fang Libo wanted to say that he would be able to see you if he was fine, but thought that he was fine without asking him, and had to change his mouth: "Remember our agreement with Hisa?"

"The Necropolis?"

"Well. Hisa asked us to fulfill the contract."

Freedom Day is about to begin, and everyone is panicking.

The main realm of the Necropolis is in the country of Rice. Although the country of God is no longer in elections after the games of the gods, President Hesa ​​has no pressure on elections, but other pressures remain. If you don't want the rust belt to become a dead domain, you have to ask for Huaxia.

His request method was also very simple: I didn't need anything else, just send Yuan Chenfei over.

In fact, Hua Xia would like to reply to him. You still have to ask for something else. We prefer to keep Yuan Chenfei.

However, Hisa also offered some favorable conditions, which forced Hua Xia to be tempted.

So in the end Fang Libo came to find Yuan Chenfei.

He didn't say he had to do it, but asked his own opinion.

After hearing this, Yuan Chenfei thought for a while and said, "The necropolis is indeed the most troublesome realm. This realm is for the purpose of killing. It is the same as the devil, but it has no demon power and is not so transcendent. If they are allowed to invade successfully, they can basically declare that D-ball has lost a large area. "

"It is true, but the problem is that your hypnosis is useless to the undead." Fang Libo said.

This is another reason for Huaxia's hesitation.

Yuan Chenfei's hypnosis has risen to a strategic level, covering a city at every turn, the power is not small.

But the necromancer doesn't eat this set.

They are not at all affected by mental and cursing powers.

Hearing Fang Libo's words at this moment, Yuan Chenfei was slightly immersed, and then said, "In this case, it is even more necessary."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Hypnosis is mental power, not touch." Yuan Chenfei replied lightly.

In fighting with Sisinati, Yuan Chenfei's greatest benefit is not to set limits on himself.

Thinking is omnipotent ~ ~ The dead spirit is not affected by the mind, but it does not mean that it is not affected by the thinking.

From a certain perspective, the undead is not affected by the mind, which is a limitation in itself.

When Sisinati, the incarnation of the divine power, can be affected by the hypnosis enhanced by his mind, why can't the necromancy be affected?

Don't set limits on yourself!

Yuan Chenfei's hypnosis now takes a large-scale influence route, and in order to affect the true strong, it must continue to break through.

And the Necropolis may be the opportunity for a breakthrough.

Realizing this, Yuan Chenfei naturally will not miss this opportunity.

"Go and tell them, I will go to the necromancy. Of course, the benefits are still necessary."

Fang Libo smiled and blossomed: "That's for sure."