MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 651 Subdue

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When Yuan Chen Feiyu all the forces split the sword, even Sisinati sincerely had an unstoppable feeling.

But it is wrong to think that he cannot resist this sword.

The edge of the sword flicked, holding up the sword, and lifting the sword lightly, the sword was easily resolved.

He laughed: "Yes, it's interesting, but not enough!"

"Then come again!" Yuan Chenfei growled violently, a sword faster than a sword.

At this moment, he exerted all his powers to the extreme. Sisinati seemed to understate the resolution, but the power of actual thinking has also been used to the extreme-he can no longer defeat Yuan Chenfei by his own fighting power. Breaking the ground into attack.

Yuan Chenfei was madly raging in a violent combo. In the weird realm, the yak couldn't resist first.

Its back was blurred by Yuan Chenfei's flesh and blood, and his sword was flowing into the body, cutting everything madly.

It roared angrily, the yellow air stream continued to hit, but it was all penetrated and defeated by Yuan Chenfei's weird realm.

In this way, the two killed from the ox's head to the ox's tail, and then from the ox's tail to the ox's head.

It sighed sadly, but the two sides of the battle did not even look at it.

This powerful, detached beast that swept the 3,000 giants with his own strength could not even attract the attention of the belligerents, and was shocked to the ground by the aftermath of the battle.

Just as he was about to die, the yak uttered a strange cry.

Yuan Chenfei has been reminded.

This transgressive yak felt your power, and in order to survive, it decided to surrender to you.


Yuan Chenfei twitched slightly.

Why did you conquer a yak?

He did not use the duel ability, because he clearly knew that in the face of Sisinati's existence, he wanted to conquer the transcendence beast, which was obviously not shown.

However, this yak is actively surrendered. The rarest thing is that it is a transcendent existence beyond the system, so it does not need to be restricted.

Obviously it is also clear that if it is not surrendered, its result is death.

Yuan Chen fluttered with a smile: "Yes!"

A transcendental beast, which was not even dared to think by Yuan Fei before, but now he has become his pet.

The next moment Yuan Chenfei has taken the yak into a duel space. This ox has been seriously injured and will not be useful in a short time. The most important thing is that it is useless to deal with Sisinati.

While accepting the yak, Yuan Chenfei had jumped high, splitting with all his strength.

One minute was fast. His time had come, but the power that had been put on him had not faded.

That is to break through the limitations and let the imposed force continue to adhere.

"Yes! It's a little progress! You have an advantage now, but that's not a victory!" Sisinati shouted, "I look forward to you, you can give me a real surprise!"

"Then try this!" At the same time that Yuan Chen Fei battled the sword, he already started hypnosis.

He finally used hypnosis.

If it is a purely irrational outburst, the thought can be launched successfully without any reason.

But Yuan Chenfei is different.

Even with the use of thought, he still has to find rules.

The trajectory of Sisinati's divine power is the rule.

In his eyes, the movement of Sisinati's divine power is entering a delicate node-he is fully fighting against the attack from Yuan Chenfei.

Hypnosis was launched at this point, straight into the core.

That is a core area that even Chen Yuanfei's super-induction can't see through. Perhaps it is the area where the power of contemplation is concentrated.

Hypnosis is pointing directly at the core, start!

Sisinati's eyes were suddenly blank.

At that moment, he felt that his connection with this body was cut off!

The body that touches control is no longer in control.

The next moment Yuan Chenfei's grotesque blade was angered, and was beheading his head.

Sisinati's head flew high.

But the grotesque blade didn't stop attacking, but stabbed down the neck cavity and pierced the real core located on the chest and abdomen.


A piece of invisible energy erupted suddenly, and Yuan Chenfei suddenly flew up.

Flying in the air, he felt as if he had returned to his mother, surrounded by endless warmth.

Is this the power of thought?

Yuan Chenfei breathed and felt, and then he fisted hard: "Go!"

All perceptions dissipated instantly, Yuan Chenfei had fallen back to the ground.

Sisinati no longer exists.

The laughter of Sisinati resounded in the sky: "Very well, you have not disappointed our expectations. Your use of thought and touch has taken it to the next level. Continue to work hard, we are optimistic about you. This God vs. I think you passed. "


Yuan Chenfei was out of breath.


In order to defeat a god, the original Chen Fei who was forced to continue in space, induction, system strength and hypnotism can break through at the same time.

No wonder the clown warned him that it was extremely difficult.

However, only under such pressure can there be such a great improvement?

No, this is just the beginning.

There is no limit to thinking!

After the battle with Sisinati, Yuan Chenfei understood that his biggest problem was habitually setting limits on himself.

This may be useful at first, let him know what can be done but not what to do, but if you want to be a real strong man, you must learn to set no limits and break the ceiling.

Of course, this kind of non-limitation is not baseless and unlimited. Setting a goal casually, saying that I can slaughter God, and then break through to that step is nonsense.

Because of this, the irrationality of thought still contains reason.

How to really grasp this point still needs to feel carefully.

As for now, he has no time to think about it.

Launching the teleportation light, he has appeared in the first mining area.

Xia Ning Simba, they have reunited with Han Feiyu, using the giant city to attack the stegosaurus. But the stegosaurus had thick skin and strong vitality, and it was not dead.

Yuan Chenfei shook her head: "Not ready yet?"

Li Zhanjun didn't feel good: "We can solve it without you."

"OK?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"Be sure and sure!" Shouted Li Zhanjun.

"All right." Yuan Chenfei turned and left.

"Hey, where are you going?" Li Zhanjun was anxious.

When shouting the slogan, Yizheng resigned himself with full confidence. Once Yuan Chenfei was leaving, he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

"Go to the Qingkong clan and see if you have any trouble with them," Yuan Chenfei replied.

The detached beasts in the six major mining areas were blocked by Yuan Chenfei, and the Qingkong clan reinforcements could not enter, but they could at least reinforce the headquarters to ensure that the six mining areas formed a confrontation situation. In this way, even if the Cyclops succeeded in the founding of the country and took away hundreds of square kilometers of land, the Qingkong tribe could also obtain the abundant resources of six mining areas.

But Yuan Chenfei didn't want to give them these benefits.

Therefore, he launched the teleportation light again, and his space ability continued to break. Now he can be roughly positioned even without the teleportation stone array.

The figure appears directly in a mining area of ​​the Qingkong clan, where thousands of Qingkong clan are attacking a detached beast.

Due to the long-term preparations and the sending of reinforcements, there were more than 10,000 soldiers guarding the mining area. Among them, there were many strong clouds, and a large amount of space was drawn out. Even the detached beast gradually became unsupportable.

The appearance of Yuan Chenfei made all Qingkong clan stunned.

what's the situation? Why did he appear here?

Has the battle in the six mining areas been completed? impossible?

Forty minutes have passed since the beginning of the battle. At this time, the Qingkong clan did not even solve one surviving beast, let alone six.

Yuan Chenfei was not interested in explaining anything to them, and directly launched the boundless illusion.

The double breakthrough of space and hypnosis made his illusion effect stronger. After launching at this moment, those Qingkong clan lost their targets immediately, and they could no longer see where the out-of-class monster was.

Doing this well, Yuan Chenfei didn't stop and went directly to the next mining area.

The six mining areas walked in an instant, and the six major illusions were laid at the same time, directly leaving all Qingkong soldiers in a daze.

Yuan Chenfei didn't even need to take his own shots. He could easily kill all the soldiers here by relying on only six escaping beasts.

There is nothing easier than that.

"Easily." Yuan Chenfei smiled.

After the essence of life was promoted, Yuan Chenfei's affordability was greatly improved. The most important thing was that he broke the upper limit by himself, so that even if he continued to use his thoughts, there would be no discomfort.

No wonder everyone said that the battle of the strong was okay for a few days and nights. This breakthrough in the level of life, beyond the limits of the human body, has long been incredible.

At this moment, it hangs in the sky and looks at the sky.

What is clearly seen is a void, but what appears in the eyes is all existence in the entire four-dimensional space.

The six mining areas were folded into one and killed each other. Yuan Chenfei could send out his attack like Qingri's if he wanted to.

This feeling is really wonderful. After experiencing the battle with Sisinati, Yuan Chenfei felt that his strength had been surging like never before.

If you look at Li Zhanjun at this time ~ ~ the gap between the strengths of each other has reached an unimaginable level, which is a real qualitative transcendence.

If he enters the Xingluo fantasy now, then Yuan Chenfei should ask himself to challenge the top powers of the middle race such as the shadow clan and soul clan.

As he was about to enter the trial, a voice passed through space and reached his ears.

"Yuan Chenfei."

"Eh? Who?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"I'm empty."

Hearing this name, Yuan Chenfei frowned. "It turned out that the master of the blue sky arrived. Your space ability is good, I can't find you."

The next moment Yuan Chenfei had a person in front of him, but he was also a bald head. He didn't have any weapons and equipment, but just had empty fists.

If the other party does not say that he is Kong Yan, Yuan Chenfei cannot believe that he is the master of Qing Kong.

Read The Duke's Passion