MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 650 Showdown of God (2)

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Faced with the outbreak of Yuan Chenfei, Sisinati laughed wildly: "Very good, worthy of being the attention of the gods. But this is not enough!"

When Yuan Chenfei broke through, Sisinati also began to change.

His momentum began to soar, and the whole body was full of horrific killings, as if he could only be stared at, and could be killed by him.

At this moment, Sisinati is the true **** of killing.

The sword waved in his hand, the light of death cut the ground, and instantly plowed out a crack in the abyss, seeing Xia Ning and others stunned.

Damn, it's overdue, right?

Yuan Chenfei didn't raise any objection, instead he said longly: "Xia Ning, help Feiyu, I'll go to the Crimson Ruby Mine!"

"Understand!" Xia Ning and others turned around and ran to Teleportation Stone Formation.

At the same time, Yuan Chenfei has teleported again. There is no teleportation light. He has appeared directly in the Crimson Ruby Mine, but not in the teleportation stone formation, but directly in the transcendent beast.

It was a yak, and the entire mine site had been completely destroyed under its attack. Only some Cyclops remained.

When Yuan Chenfei and Sisinati appeared, the yak was already in the mine, and to it, the Cyclops was like a group of fleas, which didn't even deserve much attention.

But even if you don't pay attention, every time you spray the breath, you can take away a group of Cyclops with a light tail. The tall body and strong strength are the capital on which Cyclops reigns, but in the face of detached giants, it just makes the target bigger and easier to be attacked.

But when Sisinati and Yuan Chenfei appeared on its back, the guy started to be calm.

Because Yuan Chenfei's attack can always bring it.

In the weird realm, all attacks are range attacks. Yuan Chenfei didn't need to deliberately target the yak, but in the battle with Sisinati, he could hurt the yak by arrogantly spreading the sword air. It is interesting that he can unleashed his power unscrupulously, but Sisinati cannot. Because he didn't want to help Yuan Chenfei kill the escaping monster, he converged his attack instead.

This makes Yuan Chenfei even better in the fighting momentum.

At this moment, Yuan Chenfei fought with all his strength, shot wide, and fired with every attack.

When they were fighting on flat ground, the earth cracked, the rivers flowed back, the peaks collapsed, and the city fell, and when they fought on the back of the yak, all these injuries were taken by the yak.

It howled wildly, and a turbulent yellow air flow surged out.

Yuan Chenfei kept launching space jumps, and Sisinati followed closely. On the back of a cow that was as big as a mountain, they saw two people jumping vertically and horizontally.


A blade of light rubbed across Yuan Chenfei's body, and Yuan Chenfei's body was already splashing with blood.

Sisinati waved his sword wildly: "Your thoughts are still too much. The real battle should be focused and focus all your attention on the goal!"

Yuanchen Feilang laughed a long time: "The world is so big, there are a lot of things worth paying attention to. Just focus on one point, aren't you afraid to miss others?"

He had said it casually, but he did not expect that Sisinati was a stun, and all his shots were slowed down.

He whispered, "He said the same."


Yuan Chen is puzzled.

Daoguang re-emerged, as Changhong pointed at Yuan Chenfei.

Sisinati has said: "Maybe you are right. Concentration can make you strong, but you can never reach the peak of true meaning. But at least here, now, it is better to face me seriously!"

He was talking again.

This time, the blade was dark, but with a strong breath of death.

Yuan Chenfei had to teleport again: "Maybe, it seems my breakthrough has not yet met your requirements."

"You have to learn to become stronger, you have to learn to surpass yourself!" Sisinati growled.

Yeah, go beyond yourself, don't set yourself limits!

Yuan Chenfei never thought he would improve several times in a day.

But the duel of God is the only way to defeat God.

Need to explode, need promotion, and need more than once!

God is the limit!

To defeat God is to break through this limitation.

But even if you want to explode, you want to exceed the limit, Yuan Chenfei also has its own way.

He stared at Sisinati's knife light and murmured, "You have weaknesses. You used too much thought power, and your mortal body has begun to bear it."

"Is that the way the enemy will save? This is not the way to promote!" Sisinati shouted violently.

He was really a little angry.

He shouted, "Gods are watching you, looking forward to you! And you, you can only solve the problem that way? It's so disappointing to me!"

"You are wrong, God Sisinati. I am indeed improving myself and promoting myself." Yuan Chenfei replied: "It's just not the way you think."

"Huh?" Sisinati was puzzled.

Yuan Chenfei drew an arc in his hand and stabbed to Sisinati obliquely.

But this seemingly ordinary sword made Sisinati feel a strange sense of threat.


During the crash, Sisinati was repelled a step.

This was the first time since the battle that Sisinati was repelled head-on.

He wasn't shocked: "Are you evolving your hyperinduction?"

Strong sensing ability can predict opponents, but also has development potential. It has just been that Yuan Chen flew away from the hypnotic and domestication route, and did not further enhance the super induction.

But now he really started to improve.

The use of the power of Sense Touch has finally taken a big step in the long-stagnant super induction.

As Yuan Chenfei said, this is also evolution and promotion.

It's just that the promotion is not more powerful, but more subtle insights.

Everyone has their own characteristics, and the characteristics of Yuan Chenfei are not hard battles. His own combat power is only suitable for dealing with many small and small targets. When facing individual strong targets, he is better at using calculations, detecting enemies, and shooting against weak points, rather than relying solely on explosives and increasing strength to fight.

Since defeating God requires him to explode, then he explodes, and the explosive is still further faint.

At this moment in the eyes of Yuan Chenfei, Sisinati was transparent.

Yes, it is transparent.

In a four-dimensional space, all the space is folded, and the material is also folded. Looking at the four-dimensional field, you can even see through some of the material directly. Just folding has its own rules, Yuan Chenfei has not yet broken through this point.

But now, with the power of his super-induction, combined with the ability of new breakthrough space, he can finally see and feel it.

He could see that Sisinati in front of him was actually a body condensed by the essence of divine power, in which the divine power flowed in a special way.

He can even feel the law.

Mastering this law, he can know the weakness of Sisina's raised hand.

When he hit with a sword, it was when the opponent's old force was gone and the new force was not born.

This is interesting to say, it is actually consistent with the characteristics of the old school martial arts. However, things are like this, returning from simplicity to tediousness and endless tediousness to the original simplicity, except for the nature of power, everything else is the same.

So even if it is the incarnation of God, there are times when power is not available.

This connection is so short, subtle and hard to detect, but Yuan Chenfei felt it.

So he shot, each sword slammed at the weak link of Sisina's raised hand, and Sisinati was surprised to find that he was suppressed.

He wasn't angry, but he laughed, "Yes, yes! You did not let us down! This is a very good ability, let's continue to play."

"My main route is still hypnotism, but it is a pity that it is not useful to you." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Then make it useful. Now you can only be flat, all you have to do is beat me!" Sisinati shouted.

He is so desperate that his opponent can defeat himself.

"But you are not life, your mortal body is divine."

"Thinking is omnipotent! Beyond everything!" Sisinati shouted, "Let rationality go to irrationality, which is our pursuit, don't you understand?"

Let rationality go irrational?

Yuan Chenfei's pupils enlarged.

Yes, mindset kills people.

Maybe it was because he was used to using rules instead of breaking them.

But Sisinati reminded him again and again that under the influence of thought, everything was possible.

But the next moment, Yuan Chenfei shook his head again: "No, no! Everything in the universe has rules. Even if you touch, you also have your own limits, otherwise there cannot be so many gods!"

Sisinati was stuck again.

He did not deny Yuan Chenfei's statement, but just kept waving his sword and shouted, "This is the truth we have confirmed since thousands of years!"

"But it's not enough!" Yuan Chenfei shouted, "If that's the case, you don't need the omniscient, or even the gods game ... this is not just a game, what are you after?"

For the first time, Yuan Chenfei questioned the gods about the nature of the games.

Sisinati haha ​​laughed wildly: "It is pursuit, not pursuit. Even the gods themselves may not understand it, but you can realize this, it is good! Since you firmly believe that the touch of mind cannot solve everything ~ ~ Then go your own way. But now, you still need to rely on touch to defeat me! "

"It may not be so!" Yuan Chenfei suddenly held up his blade and cleaved: "I hate everything that is unreasonable. Everything has a theorem. If you rely too much on thought, you will lose the ability to see things. Thought is a means, but Not the only way! "

Talking about him drinking suddenly, his body skyrocketed.

Bang Bang Bang!

All pets except Phase Beetles burst simultaneously.

Death Circus!

Demons disintegrate!

Yuan Chenfei's power has soared to the extreme.

His face was bleak, and his strength was soaring: "Let me use the power in the system to challenge the power of thought. It is irrational to reason!"


The blade was split.

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