MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 460 Looking for dragon

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Although Jinlongmen did not like his father's youth, he still barely shook hands with him and sighed deeply.

The King Kong family is known as the Chinese meteorite, meaning that they are as tough and stubborn as a stone. The Golden Dragon Gate and the King Kong family are mad. They are purely unhappy. There is no example of apologizing to anyone in this ethnic history. At most, it is a sentence. Misunderstanding, or killing the wrong, the rest of the King Kong will never say.

Whoever does not accept the apology of the style of the King Kong family is very simple, so come and fight.

A group of people entered the camp, climbed the backbone of the giant star beast, set foot on the iron and steel city built on the back of the giant star, and came to the main hall in the center of the city.

Along the way, Han Lang and Jin Longmen, these people, continued to exclaim.

Their experience is equivalent to crossing, and they ran to the history of only history books. They saw the artifacts and styles of the ancients. If they were, they would feel excited.

The people of Longmen Feiyu are worthy of being a group of pirates. They are used to killing. They just want to die and want to take revenge. Now it seems that they have revenge, and they are concerned about the survival of the King Kong.

There are also some people with deep worries, such as Han Lang, who trusts Pluto. There is an unexplained natural intimacy between him and Pluto. Han Lang has already believed him when he saw his first sight. .

But now, Pluto is leading a very evil path to everyone. It’s too evil. Han Wave, who has never done a positive road since debut, feels that what happened today is incredible. He hopes that Pluto will give you an explanation as soon as possible. But Pluto is rushing all the way, and does not seem to explain anything.

Black Iron Fort.

On the opposite side of the Admiral’s general, the number of members of the two organizations headed by Han Lang and Jin Longmen was broken.

Yan Qing is not good at words, but he has a deputy, a small dwarf, a beard like a mole spread on the sides of his mouth, small eyes dripping, giving a shrewd impression.

His name is Didis, the most intelligent long-eared human being in ancient human beings. He is known for his huge and disproportionate ears and his resourcefulness. He has been a deputy of the King Kong family for generations. Anyway, Didis himself said this.

"We are going to the Valley of the Dragon." Pluto directly said his own intentions.

Backing his back, Didis pacing back and forth in the Black Iron Fort. He frowned and asked: "You came from the other side of the sad wall. Although we saved the youth, we are very grateful, but after all, they are also a group of strangers. ”

"Now, the battle between humans and Zerg has reached a stage of white heat, but you have to go to the Valley of the Dragons. The dragons have not participated in the war. It is already a fortunate human being. You must know that although the dragons are proud, they are still closer to the Zerg in the whole universe. And we are close to the human beings."

"So I want to know what your purpose is? If you break into the Dragon Valley, anger the Dragons and turn the Dragons into our human enemies, then the consequences will be very serious."

Pluto said: "We are going to enter the Valley of the Dragon, but not everyone, just him."

"He? Why is he?" Didis asked the mustache-like beard.

Pluto looked at Han Langdao: "Get up and let him look at you carefully."

Han Lang is inexplicable, but he has to do it.

Didis squinted his eyes and ran to Han Lang, carefully looking.

Suddenly, Didis slammed into the air and quickly bowed his head in front of Han Lang. Then he used a humble posture to squat and slowly retreat, as if he was afraid of angering Han Lang. This scene is to let Han Langzhang The monk can't figure it out.

Didis groaned a few words in his ear, his small eyes burst into a bright light, and when he spoke, the whole person was shaking.


Yan Qing jumped up and rushed to Han Wave, gave him an extremely warm bear hug, and then said seriously: "Welcome back, giant star beast, Dragon Valley, right away!"

Then Qing Qing ran out of the Black Iron Fort, shouted at his hand, in a very strange language, a bit like Xiaobao's language.


This black iron city built on the back of the giant star, tens of millions of King Kong warriors, completely boiled, their strange shouts, like the vent of the primordial triumph, deafening, so that the hall is shaking .


The giant beasts that had been lying on the ground also made unimaginable screams. They couldn’t sit in the trembling hall, and they were shaken from the chair by the trembling of the giant beast.


A small superstar beast seems to hear the summoning, flying from the stars, at first it is like a meteor, and then it becomes bigger and bigger. In the end, Han Lang finally saw the giant beast that is hundreds of miles long. He seems to be the child of the giant star beast carrying the black iron castle, the cheetah-like figure, the same wings, and the same load on the back of a steel city, but the size is much smaller.

The people of the King Kong family hugged Han Lang to board the small superstar beast. Everyone stretched their arms and wanted to take a shot of Han Lang’s shoulders. Their faces were so excited that they saw their own king.

From the beginning to the end, Pluto did not explain, so Han Lang was completely chaotic, and he was extremely uncomfortable with his sudden cheers.

When he stepped onto the spiral ladder leading to the giant star beast, he saw the dark shadows from the distance. From the starry sky, there were countless huge bugs, each of which was not hundreds of miles long, along the coastline, black. The huge waves rolled over.

No, that's not a huge amount, but a bug that is countless!

"The enemy is coming! The Zerg is coming!" Han Lang shouted.

Pluto pushed Han Lang behind, not letting him turn back, Shen Sheng said: "Time and space can be worn irreversibly, indigo, smashing ink, all the King Kong warriors, giant star beasts, they have already died, you can not save them. ”

Under the urging of Pluto, everyone, including the Golden Dragon Gate, inexplicably climbed the back of the giant star beast.

Then they witnessed the soldiers of the King Kong family, waved to themselves and rushed to the insects that covered the sky.

"Let's leave!"

Pluto screamed and smashed into the ground cast by black iron, hehe! Black Iron City swayed abruptly, feeling the giant star of the signal spread hundreds of miles of wings, with Han Lang and everyone rushed to the Milky Way.

From a height perspective, everything is clear, but the Zerg army almost covers the entire planet! The strong black, like the shadow in hell, is engulfing the planet and the humans on the planet.

Of course, the King Kong family is brave. They face thousands of times and tens of thousands of enemies. They are still fighting. From a height, they are only a small point on the black planet.

The fire of the stars can poke the original, but the King Kong family failed to ignite the last spark of life and was eventually engulfed by the darkness.

This tragic scene reminded Han Lang of his childhood when he saw the scene of ants devouring in the garden.

The green dragonfly was surrounded by tens of thousands of ants, bite bite, and was eventually killed, divided into bodies, and the body was dragged into the hole, which became the food reserved by the ants.

"Look!" Pluto points to the distant starry sky.

I saw the square pointed by Pluto, and suddenly there was a space crack. Such a huge crack, tearing the starry sky, was full of hundreds of suns.

From the crack in the space, a strange, ugly, worm's head was found. He opened his mouth and swallowed the star of the swearing father and son.

The gap between the levels is so bizarre, it is like a person, swallowing a millet, the star is so small in the eyes of this huge bug, not to mention the human beings living on the planet.


Unexpected shocks made everyone slammed, and the mood of exhilaration quickly fell, no one spoke, and the scene was dead.


The painful sorrow of the giant star beast at the foot was to pay homage to his father who had just died. His huge mouth ejected a beam of light, tore the space, and then took Han wave and they entered a dark and chaotic transition passage.

The behemoths are constantly sorrowful, and the voices of the people are broken, but this giant star beast has tears, and with Han wave they go to the Dragon Valley, because that is the task he must perform.

Pluto said: "In history, the giant star beast was once an ally of the human race, but the strength of the human race is too weak to protect the giant beasts and destroy their races."

Still no one is talking, this is an incredible day, everyone has suffered a huge and strong impact.

Everyone is thinking about one thing, what is the universe, what time is it, who are we?

Under the incomparably heavy atmosphere, Pluto said: "If we can't succeed, the time and space of our own life will repeat the scene."

"There was no dark universe in the world, and the Zerg created it."

"You should all know that what we call the dark net, the dark universe, is like a passage of blood vessels. Yes, those are indeed blood vessels, the blood vessels of a prehistoric giant."

"In the Nirvana battle, the Zerg created this terrible behemoth. He swallowed half of the universe and then fell into a trillions of years of sleep. The universe we are in now is the part that was swallowed up by the giant worm."

"Now, the giant worm is waking up again, because the Zerg's minions once again discovered the last spore in the universe, and the Zerg is constantly tracking the spore and trying to get it."

"Once the worms of these worms find spores, they will wake up the giant worms, and the giant worms will swallow up the rest of the universe. If so, there will be no real universe in the world, only the dark universe, life only Can breed in the body of the worm, everything is controlled by the Zerg."

"The swallowing worm you just saw is the giant worm that eventually swallowed half of the universe, his predecessor."

Assuming that Pluto said this a few hours ago, no one would believe it, but now everyone has to believe that there is really a presence of swallowing insects and giant stars in the universe.

"What are we doing here? We should stop those **** bugs!" Golden Dragon Gate shouted.

Pluto said very calmly: "We came here through time, just to find the dragon!"


Read The Duke's Passion